Mrs. Emma  Gertrude Stevens Randolph, who died September 17, 1957

Heart Condition Claims Life at Age Of 78
    Mrs. Gertrude Stevens Randolph of 986 Decatur, widow of former city employee
William S. Randolph, died at 10:55 a.m. yesterday at Baptist Hospital.
    Mrs. Randolph, who was 78, had been ill with a heart condition.
    Her husband, former employee of the Public Works Department and assistant
city building inspector died in 1948.
    Born in Nashville, Tenn., Mrs. Randolph moved to Memphis as a child and had
lived here since.  She was a member of Chelsea Avenue Methodist Church for
more than 30 years and was recently honored there when she received a lifetime
membership in the Women's Society of Christian Service.
    She was also a member of the Northeast Memphis Civic Club, and had been
a member of the American War Mothers.
    Services will be held at 10 a.m. tomorrow at National Funeral Home.  The
Rev. Homer Johns will officiate and burial will be in Forest Hill. 
    She leaves two sons, James P. Randolph of Washington and Richard G.
Randolph of Cocoa, Fla.; six daughters, Mrs. George W. Sammons, Mrs. William A.
Seymour, Mrs. Hester Hooker and Mrs. J. B. Lampley, all of Memphis,
Mrs. William F. Hunt of Dallas and Mrs. A. W. Minardi of Milwaukee; three
sisters, Mrs. R. B. Pirtle, Mrs. E. J. Bettis and Mrs. T. G. Tucker, all of Memphis,
and nine grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren.

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