Robert Burgher Pirtle of Memphis, Shelby, TN who died in Memphis on September 25, 1961.

From Memphis Commercial Appeal, September 26, 1961
Spanish-American Veteran Dies of Heart Attack
    Robert Pirtle of 3156 Lamphier, retired Railway Express Agency employee,
died of a heart attack at 1:35 a.m. yesterday at St. Joseph's Hospital.  He
was 80.
    Born in Toone, Tenn., Mr. Pirtle moved to Memphis in the early 1900's.  
He was a Spanish-American War veteran.  He worked for Railway Express
Agency for about 40 years spending most of the period in Chattanooga.
He returned to Memphis in the late 1940's.  He was a member of Woodmen
of the World and the American Legion.
    Mr. Pirtle belonged to Highland Park Christian Church in Chattanooga.
    He leaves his wife, Mrs. Margaret Pirtle; a daughter, Mrs. Eva R. Dickson
of Memphis and St. Petersburg, Fla.; two sisters, Mrs. Joe Martin of Portland,
Miss., and Mrs. Sammons Marsh of Bolivar, Tenn.; two grandchildren and
five great-grandchildren.
    Services will be at 10 this morning at National Funeral Home.  Burial will
be in National Cemetery.


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