Lohner Dies: From Germany
submitted by
February 1954
Mrs. Maria Anna Lohner, formerly of Germany, who dreamed for long years of coming to U.S., died at 2:40 a.m. today at 2070 Jackson, where she lived with her son, Fred Lohner, and her daughter, Mrs. Mary Wells. She was 83.
Mrs. Lohner's husband, John Lohner, died in Germany in 1923. At the close of World War II efforts were begun to try to bring her to this country but her son said they were unavailing until four years ago. She loved the U.S., he said, and enjoyed its privileges and advantages until she became ill about seven weeks ago. She was a communicant of Little Flower Catholic Church.
Requiem mass at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow at Little Flower Catholic Church. Burial in Calvary. National Funeral Home in charge.