Eugene J. Bettis, Memphian,
who died October 4, 1930.
Bettis----------At residence, 936 Jackson Avenue,
Saturday morning, October 4,
1930, at 8:15 o'clock, Eugene J., aged 50 years; husband of
Mrs. Jimetta Bettis,
father of Mrs. E. C. Winter, Arabelle, Sidney and Warren
Bettis, brother of
Mrs. Lea Scott of Ripley, Tenn., Mrs. Chas. Doran of
Milan, Tenn., Buron Bettis
of Dallas, Texas, and Mrs. Lela Montague of Ripley, Tenn.
Funeral will take place from residence this (Monday)
afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Friends invited. Interment in Forest Hill Cemetery.
Arrangement by Collins
Funeral Home.
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