Died – In the 19th year of her age, of chronic affection of the stomach, in Fort Pickering, May the 21st (?), 1842, Mrs. Sarah Ann, consort of Andrew Jackson ACREE, who died in this place September 13th, 1841. She lived beloved and respected and died lamented, leaving an only infant son aged 4 months. American Eagle, Friday, 5/27/1842.
Died—In this city on Wednesday 2d inst., Josephine Frances, infant daughter of Frederic and Louisa ALBERT. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 9/4/1846.
Died—In this vicinity on the 21st (or 31st) Ann Carr, infant daughter of James W. and Mary Jane ALEXANDER, aged 9 months and 10 days. American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 8/1/1845.
Died, In this vicinity on the 13th instant, Mary Virginia, infant daughter of James W. and Mary Jane ALEXANDER, aged 3 months and 23 days. American Eagle, Friday, 10/20/1843.
Died, at the residence of R. A. Allen in this City, on the morning of the 24th inst., with inflamation of the lungs – after an illness of five days, Celeste C., daughter of R. A. & Maria D. ALLEN, aged two years and three months. The Appeal, Friday, 4/26/1844.
Died, in this city, on Monday night, the 24th August, Lewis ALLEN, in the 38 th year of his age. The deceased was born in Mason county, Eastern Virginia, and had recently moved to this place, together with an aged mother, who with all his acquaintances mourn her irreparable loss. The Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Tuesday, 9/1/1846.
Died—In this city on the 27th ult. Mrs. Maria Dudley ALLEN, consort of Capt. Robert A. Allen, in the twenty-fifth year of her age……Weekly Appeal, Friday, 4/4/1845.
Died, on the 8th inst., Mrs. Rebecca, wife of Charles ALLEN, in the 22d year
her age. The deceased formerly from Norwalk, Con., had resided among us
two or three
years, and by her amiable disposition, sincere friendship and kindness of heart,
she had
entwined around her the affections of her many friends and
calling to her bedside her afflicted companion and infant child, she bade them
affectionate farewell, charging him with the responsibility and care of the
little pledge
she was about to leave…….She was buried from the Presbyterian church, and
large concourse of citizens, together with the fraternity of Odd Fellows, who
her remains to their last resting place, testify the deep respect for the
departed, while
such spontaneous sympathy is well calculated to console the desolate husband and
distant relatives. The Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Tuesday, 3/10/1846.
Died – In Memphis on Saturday the 9th inst. of tetanus, William, infant son of W. F.(?) & M. C. ALLEN, aged 10 days. The Appeal, Friday, 11/17/1843.
Died—In this city on Saturday, 29th ultimo, William S., infant son of William F. and Mary C. ALLEN. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 9/4/1846.
ALLEN – See Deloach.
ALLIN – See Turner.
Died. In this city, on Tuesday the 15th inst., Mr. Thomas ALLISON, in the 68th year of his age. Mr. A. was a gentleman of great respectability and moral worth. He emigrated some years since from South Carolina to Alabama, and from thence to this place in 1844……..He had for many years been a professed follower of Christ and a member of the Presbyterian church, and at the time of his death was in communion with the 1st Presbyterian church in this city…….He has left an affectionate family who mourn his departure……..Weekly American Eagle, Thurs., 12/24/1846.
Died – On Wednesday evening last, at the residence of his father, in Memphis, after a short illness, William N. ANDERSON, of the firm of Anderson & Davis, of this town, in the 23d year of his age…….At a called meeting of the Members of the Memphis Fire Company, No. 7, the following preamble and resolutions, being offered by a member, were unanimously adopted: Whereas, the sad intelligence of the death of our much esteemed ex-member Mr. Wm. N. Anderson, having been received……American Eagle, 2/14/1842.
Died—In this city, on Monday evening, Capt. Samuel E. ANDREWS, aged 28 years. Capt. A. was a native of Philadelphia, and brother of our enterprising merchants, Messrs. Jos. I. and S. Andrews. Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Thursday, 11/26/1846.
Died, On Sunday morning, November 9th, Mrs. Eliza G. ARMOUR, wife of Mr. David Armour, of this vicinity. The deceased was proverbial for her many virtues, but for none was she more esteemed, than for those social and Christian virtues which adorn the family circle—make home the abode of peace and the joy of the husband, the child and the friend. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 11/14/1845.
Died—On the 6th inst. in this City, Dr. Nathan AVERY, 54 years of age.
The Tri-
Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Tuesday, 3/10/1846.
Died, At his residence near Raleigh, on the 21st inst., John K. BALCH, Esq., former Sheriff of this county, in the 31st year of his age. Memphis Enquirer, Sat., 3/25/1837.
Died—In this place on Sunday the 4th inst., after an illness of a few hours John Mortimer, son of Jesse and Margaret BANVARD/BANYARD(?), aged 10 years, 9 months and 2 days. Louisville and New York city papers please copy. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 10/9/1846.
Died—at Purdy on the 17th ult., after a protracted illness which she bore with Christian fortitude, Mrs. Frances A. BARRY, consort of Dr. Wm. Barry, in the 26th year of her age. For 13 years has the deceased been a worthy and exemplary member of the Presbyterian Church…..She was a most excellent and devoted wife, a kind mother and sincere friend……We would for the sake of a fond father and devoted husband, that our sad chronicle could end here; but on the 27th ult., it pleased an all wise Providence to visit again that afflicted circle, and restore to a lost mother’s arms her infant son, Wm. Henry Barry, aged 3 months and 18 days. Thus robbed of a partner and child, may the bereaved husband find consolation in the soothing balm, that his loss is their eternal gain. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 6/6/1845.
Departed this life, at Raleigh, on the 21st inst., Martha Ann, infant daughter of Henry A. and N. L. BARRY. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 6/26/1846.
…….This truth was painfully impressed upon our minds as we stood by the bedside of our friend, Mrs. Martha BASS, wife of Dr. Thomas C. Bass, and daughter of James WILLIAMS, formerly of Sumner county, Tenn……..Could the skill of her physicians, the attention of her friends, or the intense anxiety of her husband have prevailed, she would not now be numbered with the dead…….on Friday evening, between four and five o’clock, she breathed her last, in the 38th year of her age, having her husband and 3 small children to mourn her loss. Being affected with congestion of the brain, she spoke but few words during her illness, yet we have hope in her death. The Petersburg papers will please copy. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 11/6/1846.
BATTLE – See Scales
Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the Estate of Abraham BAYLISS, dec’d, that the unsolvency of said estate has been duly suggested to the Clerk of the county court of Shelby county, Ten;……..Memphis Enquirer, 5/13/1837.
Died – On the morning of Wednesday the 22d, in the eighth year of his age, James Marye, son of Thomas B. BEATTY, Esq. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 5/24/1839.
Died, in this vicinity, on the 25th inst., of a chronic affection of the liver, Thomas B. BEATTY, formerly of Boling Green, Caroline County, Va. He emigrated to this place in the fall of 1839……….American Eagle, Friday, 9/30/1842.
Died. In this city, on the 11th inst., George Coons, infant son of Arthur and Lucilla M. BEATY, aged 14 months. Weekly American Eagle, Thursday, 9/17/1846.
Died, In this vicinity on the 14th inst., Thomas Anderson, infant son and only child of Tilman C. and Elizabeth Jane BETTIS, aged 13 months. Weekly American Eagle, Thurs., 8/7/1846.
Died – July 28th, 1843, at Charlestown, Mass., William A., only child of W. A. and Louisa BICKFORD of this city, aged six months. American Eagle, Friday, 8/25/1843.
Departed this life suddenly on the evening of the 12th instant, Miss Jane C. BLAKE, in the 60th year of her age; and for the last 40 years a consistent member of the Presbyterian Church…..Weekly Appeal, Friday, 4/17/1846.
Died—At Olive Branch, Miss., on Saturday last, Mr. T. W. BLANKENSHIP. Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Tuesday, 12/1/1846.
BLYTHE – See Brick.
Dr. Joseph L. BOHANNAN departed this life on Tuesday evening the 6th inst.
The subject of this obituary emigrated from Richmond, Va., some eight years
since, and has resided in our town from the period of his emigration, with but a
short intermission…..Deeply as his loss will be deplored by his relations and
a widowed wife, with an only child, a lovely daughter…..
The “Memphis Blues” after paying the last tribute of respect to the memory
of their late fellow citizen, and honorary member, Dr. Joseph Bohannon…..The
Appeal, Friday, 8/16/1844.
Died – On Saturday evening the 27th ult., at 3 o’clock, in Randolph, Tenn., John BOLTON of Big Creek, Shelby county, Ten., after a short and painful illness of About 48 hours, occasioned by swallowing a fish bone, aged 56 years 4 months and 19 days. Mr. Bolton was one of the first settlers of this county; he emigrated as early as 1822, and settled on Big Creek to seek his fortune in agricultural pursuits……and left a widow and six children to bemoan his unfortunate death. Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 11/3/1838.
Died – In Somerville on the 29th ult., Edmund BOOKER, Jun’r. of Randolph, In the 26th year of his age……….Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 8/11/1838.
Died—At his residence near Covington, on Saturday last, of congestive fever, Robert G. BOON, aged 28 years, formerly of Johnston County, North Carolina.—An amiable and excellent man, his death is sincerely lamented by all who knew his virtues. Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 8/5/1837.
Died – At La Grange, at the residence of his brother, Dr. John BOOTH, formerly a resident of Memphis. American Eagle, Friday, 9/9/1842.
Died—At her residence in this county, on Friday the 24th inst., Mrs. Ann BOREN, consort of Col. James F. Boren, in the 21st year of her age; leaving a disconsolate husband and infant daughter to mourn their irreparable loss……..Mrs. Boren has been a consistent member of the Baptist church for many years…….Weekly Appeal, Friday, 7/31/1846.
Died—In this place on the 25th ult. in the 28th year of her age, Mrs. Huldah(?) G., late consort of Dr. Solon BORLAND, after an illness of several months. Mrs. B. with her husband, removed from Nansemond County, Va., to this place early last winter. Her health had been in a delicate state several months previous to her death, though she was not thought to be in danger until a short time before that event……..She had received an education superior to what falls to the lot of most females……She has left two interesting children to the care of their surviving parent. Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 9/2/1837.
From Our Volunteers.—Several of the Volunteers from this place have returned, under furlough, either sick themselves, or in attendance on the sick. They describe “sojering” on the Rio Grade as a slightly different piece of business from mustering for the “Halls of the Montezumas” in Memphis……..We learn from one of the returned volunteers that only four of these who went from this place have died, viz: Geo. W. P. MOORE and Dennis BRICK of Capt. Ruth's company; S. H. JOHNSON (of South Memphis) and P. A. BLYTHE of Capt. Cook’s; Wm. GOODRICH, _______ Massey, _______ Kelly and J. M. THEIRS, of Capt. Jones’ company, Madison county; E. CROWDER, A. WEBB and Yancy WICKS, of Capt. Murray’s company, Carroll county. The Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, 9/29/1846.
Died, At the residence of her husband, near Memphis, on the 31st May, Mrs. Ann C. BRINKLEY, in the 22d year of her age. …..American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 6/6/1845.
Departed this life on Friday night, 11th inst., at his residence on Big Creek, Mr. Lewis BROOKS, of Billous Pleurisy, after 11 days illness; his sufferings were very severe. His walk was always upright, and he was resigned to his death. Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 5/26/1838.
Died – In Raleigh, on Saturday last, of congestive fever, Miss Alethea BROWN, of Covington, aged 18 years. Memphis Enquirer, Thursday, 9/8/1836.
Departed this life on Thursday the 8th inst., after a protracted and painful illness, Charles Emmerson, infant son of Col. S. R. BROWN. Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 11/17/1838.
All persons indebted to the estate of Honor BROWN, deceased, will make immediate payment……Dan VAUGHT, Ex’r. Memphis Enquirer, 9/2/1837.
Died, on Tuesday the 24th February, Mrs. Jane B. BROWN, consort of Col. John L. Brown, formerly of Memphis.—Nash. Union. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 3/6/1846.
(Died) Near Raleigh, Ten. on Wednesday morning the 9th inst. Mrs. Nancy BROWN, consort of Col. S. R. Brown. Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 8/19/1837.
From the Eagle – Departed this life, yesterday morning, at the residence of W. W. HART, Miss Emily BUCK, sister of Mr. Silas Buck. This bereavement is peculiarly distressing and melancholy, and should call for the sympathies of the friends of this worthy gentleman, as it has pleased a Wise Providence to take from him, within a few weeks, a beloved wife, a mother, and sister. The Appeal, Friday, 11/10/1843.
It becomes our painful duty to record the death of our esteemed friend and fellow citizen: Abraham C. BUFORD, Esq., late of the firm of Woodward & Buford, Commission Merchants, New Orleans, who departed this life on the morning of the 27th ult., at the residence of James F. LAUDERDALE, Esq., near this place. Mr. Buford, with his family, was just returning from New Orleans, to spend the summer with their relations near Germantown…….Mr. Buford was in the 33d year of his age…..He has left a wife and child to mourn his untimely loss. Several years ago he became a member of the Presbyterian Church……He was buried near Germantown……American Eagle, 5/6/1842.
Died—In this city, of scarlet fever, at the residence of Mrs. Ann GRAHAM, on Friday evening the 28th ultimo, Margaret Madora, aged six years—also on the evening of Saturday, the 29th ult., Sarah E., aged 8 years, both little daughters of Mrs. Mary E. BULLARD, late of Fayette county. These little girls were the only children of their afflicted mother, who is now left along a disconsolated widow and mother…….Weekly Appeal, Friday, 12/12/1845.
Died, On 20th September last, John CAREY, a resident of Shelby co, Tenn. Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 3/25/1837.
Died, in this vicinity, on the 4th, Mrs. Mary CAREY, aged 57 years. American Eagle, Friday, 7/14/1843.
Died at his residence in Shelby county, on the 17th instant, Frederic CHRISTIAN, in the forty first year of his age, after a short and painful illness of five days. He was a native of Charles City county, Virginia, and was amongst the earliest settlers of this county, having emigrated to it twenty years ago. In the selection of a victim, the hand of death could not, perhaps, have fallen upon a citizen more universally respected, esteemed and beloved than was Frederic Christian. It was his unhappy lot more than ten years ago, to be left by the death of his most amiable and affectionate wife, with two infant children, the satisfaction of whose presence at his dying bedside was denied him, they being absent at distant schools……..American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 6/27/1845.
It is with the most poignant regret that we announce the death of our esteemed fellow-citizen, Dr. Waytt CHRISTIAN. He died on Tuesday evening last, at his residence in this city, after a short illness, and was interred yesterday…..The Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Thursday, 9/17/1846. Obituary………Dr. Christian was a native of Charles City county, Virginia and emigrated to this place in 1825. He was in his 48 th year at the period of his death. His long residence and eminent skill in the practice of medicine had put him at the head of his profession…….The Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 9/19/1846.
Died – In this town, on Thursday evening last Mr. James H. CLARK, late of Bolivar. Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 5/5/1838.
Died – In this City on Wednesday last, after an illness of only a few days, Mr. Peter CLARK, formerly of the firm of Messrs. John Williams & Co., Nashville. Mr. Clark removed to Nashville some few years since from Petersburg, Virginia, of which State he was a native. The Appeal, Friday, 5/2/1844.
Departed this life, on Friday morning, the 10th inst., Mrs. Mary E. COCKE, consort of Boler Cocke, in the 21 st year of her age……..The Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Thursday, 7/16/1846.
Died, In this vicinity on Monday last, Richard Swanson, oldest child of Marcus and Amelia COOK, in the ninth year of his age…..The Appeal, Friday, 12/13/1844.
COONS - See Jackson, Hugh
Died, At Macon on the 6th inst., Ida Clay, infant daughter of (N.W. and Isabella COPELAND). American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 10/31/1845.
Died—At Raleigh on the 26th September last, Isabella, wife of N. W. COPELAND. American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 10/31/1845.
Died—In this vicinity, yesterday morning, Newton W. COPELAND aged 34 years. Mr. Copeland was a native of Middle Tenn., and has resided in Raleigh, in this county, for the last several years, whence he removed to this city a few weeks since to engage in our employ as clerk and bookkeeper. His death was most sudden and unexpected…..He was a consistent member of the Presbyterian church……His remains were conveyed to Raleigh to be placed by the side of his consort, who departed on her pilgrimage to Heaven about a year ago……The Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Tuesday, 9/29/1846.
Died, at his plantation four miles east of Raleigh, on Wednesday last, of an inflamation of the lungs, Major Joseph COTTON, aged 50 years…….American Eagle, 1/31/1842.
Died. In Portersville, of congestive fever, Mrs. Sarah M. COWAN, consort of Mr. Wm. H. Cowan, aged 21 years…….Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 9/16/1837.
Died – Near Memphis, on the 1st inst., in the twentieth year of her age, Mrs. Euphemia Theresa, consort of Edward COX, and eldest daughter of Horace N. WARD, of Georgia. American Eagle, Friday, 4/7/1843.
Official Report of Deaths. From the 1 st August, to 11 o’clock on the 5 th, 2 deaths have occurred within the limits of the Corporation, - viz: Sarah CRABTREE, (transient) aged 24 years, died of chronic affection. John C. MINOTT, (arrived, sick, from Arkansas, some six or eight weeks since,) died of liver complaint. The Appeal, Friday, 8/9/1844.
Died—in this city on the 18th inst., Virginia M., daughter of Mrs. Maria A. CRAFT, aged 7 years and 11 months. American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 12/26/1845.
CROWDER – See Brick.
Died – At Spring Mill, Lauderdale county, Tenn., on the 5th inst., Francis Elisha CURRIN, son of Robert P. Currin, Esq., of this place, in the twenty-first year of his age…….The Appeal, Friday, 7/26/1844.
Official Report of Deaths. Four deaths have occurred within the limits of the Corporation during the past week – viz: Child of Zachius DANIELS, here but a short time from Arkansas, aged two years. John KELTNEY(?), a native of Ireland, of congestive chill. Child of Mr. LYLE, citizen, age 13 years. Negro man of Durant HATCH, citizen, of congestive chill. The Appeal, Friday, 9/6/1844.
DAVENPORT – See Runkle.
Died—In this city, of consumption, on Tuesday evening last, 14th inst., after a Lingering and painful illness, Miss Lucy M., daughter of the late Mr. ______ DAVIS, of Batavia, N.Y……….The Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Thursday, 3/19/1846.
Deaths – On the 18th inst. John D. Martin, aged 17 months – only son of Rufus K. DAWSON. Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 6/23/1838.
Died – On the first instant, at the residence of her father, Col. Jesse
ALLEN, near Memphis, Mrs. Harriet DELOACH, consort of L. W. Deloach aged 30
years. In all the endearing relations of life, as a wife, mother,
daughter, sister, she was a pattern worthy of imitation……
Memphis Enquirer, Tuesday, 7/15/1845.
The friends and acquaintances of Capt. James DODDS are respectfully invited to attend his Funeral, at 10 o’clock this morning, from his residence on Commerce street. The Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Tuesday, 4/28/1846.
Died – On the 4th instant, at the residence of John DONELSON of Shelby
county, his Wife, Laura M., daughter of Doctor William P. LAWRENCE of Nashville.
The Appeal, Friday,
Died – In this city on Monday the 14th inst., Mary Elizabeth, infant daughter of F. G. and Mary E. DOOLEY, aged 4 years….. The friends and acquaintances of the parents are invited to attend its funeral, at half past 10 o’clock this morning, from their residence on Exchange Street. Memphis Enquirer, Tuesday, 7/15/1845.
Died, on the 24th of July last, at Horne Lake, Miss., Edwin P. DRAPER, a native of Virginia. The Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Thursday, 8/13/1846.
Died, In Franklin, Tenn. On Saturday the 12th inst. Miss Helen DUDLEY. The Appeal, Friday, 8/25/1843.
DUNN – See Jones, Susan A.
Executor’s Notice. The undersigned having duly qualified as Executor of the last will of Samuel G. DUNN, dec’d, all persons having claims against the estate are hereby notified to present them duly authenticated for settlement……..W. M. Dunn. Weekly Appeal, 10/9/1846.
Died—At his residence, on the 14th inst., 18 miles east of Memphis, Mr. Howell D. EASON. Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 2/18/1837.
Died, In Shelby county, at the residence of Dr. John R. Evans – John Milton EVANS, of Congestive fever; aged 14 years 6 months. The Appeal, Friday, 9/27/1844.
Died – On Thursday 11th inst., of bilious pleurisy, Mrs. Mary Ann FAUCETT, aged 31(?) years, and consort of D. A. Faucett, Inn keeper near this City. This lady was a pious member of the Reformed Baptist Church…..The Appeal, Friday, 4/19/1844.
Died – At Greeneck, Ark., on the 16th ult., Mrs. Betsey FERGUSON, formerly of Fayetteville, Ten., aged 66 years. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 10/4/1839.
Died—In this city, on Wednesday, 29th inst., J.(?) N. FORD, of Louisville, Ky., a volunteer, private of Capt. Heady’s Company, Kentucky Calvary. Louisville papers please notice. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 8/7/1846.
Died – In this place on Friday evening last of billious fever, Mrs. Caroline FOWLER, consort of Jno. W. Fowler, Esq., and second daughter of Col. W. J. OLDHAM, of Coahoma county, Miss., - in the 18th year of her age. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 8/9/1839.
Died.—On Sunday morning, 9th inst., of congestive fever, Lawrence Decatur, aged seven years; only son of Austin and Amelia FOWLKES. American Eagle, Friday 11/14/1845.
Died – On Sunday the 5th inst., near Lagrange, Ten., Mr. James H. FRANKLIN, (son of Peachy Franklin, dec’d, formerly of New Glasgow, Va.) aged about 26 years. The Appeal, Friday, 5/24/1844.
Died, in this city, on Thursday, the 27th inst., Mr. Michael GALLAGHER, in the 77th year of his age. The deceased was born in the county of Tyrone, Ireland, but has been for a period of many years a citizen of the United States…….Uniformly an edifying member of the Catholic church, he died regretted by a large number of relations and friends, in the brightest hope of a happy immortality. The Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 8/29/1846.
Died—On the 29th(?) ult., William Loudon, infant son of W. B. S. and Sophia E. GARRISON. American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 7/4/1845.
Notice. In consequence of the death of Wm. T. GHOLSON, a member of the firm of Bayliss, Hart & Co., notice is hereby given that the firm of Bayliss, Hart & Co., is consequently dissolved. Memphis Enquirer, 8/26/1837.
Died in this city on the forenoon of Tuesday last, Mrs. Catharine J. GIBSON, late consort of Mr. Isaac Y. Gibson, and daughter of the senior editor of this paper—aged twenty three years. She had been slightly indisposed for several days, but no serious apprehensions were entertained either by her physicians or her friends, until a few hours before her dissolution. Less than half a year has passed since we took up our pen to record the demise of our eldest daughter, and now we are called up to discharge a like painful and heart-rending duty to our next. The bridal garments in which she was arrayed a little less than three brief months since, have been exchanged for the habitments of the grave. The fond anticipation of a devoted husband of many coming years of wedded happiness have been suddenly crushed, and his hearth made desolate; the young sisters feel that they have lost a second mother, and the fond father that he is almost left alone. Yes, of seven children presented us by a devoted and deeply lamented wife, there are now but two. Two were cut off in their infancy; then followed their angel-mother—a third was called away in the innocent and beautiful girlhood………--Appeal. The Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 9/5/1846.
GILBERT – See Wendell.
Died, In this city, on Tuesday Mr. Thomas GINN, merchant, after a short illness. The Appeal, Friday, 12/13/1844.
Murder—A young man named Wilston GOLDSBY, was killed at a Camp-meeting in the northern part of this county, by a man named FORBUS.—Goldsby was seated near the altar—at which the congregation were engaged in religious services—when Forbus is said to have approached and inflicted a fatal stab without giving notice of his purpose. Goldsby was the son of Miles Goldsby, a respectable citizen of this county, and was about 21 years old. It is said there was an old grudge between him and Forbus. The Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Thursday, 9/10/1846.
GOODRICH – See Brick.
Died—On Saturday the 7th inst., at the residence of her husband, in Shelby county, Mrs. Cleora(?) M., consort of Mr. T. W. GOODRICH.-—he dec'd was in the 18th year of her age……..Weekly Appeal, Friday, 2/20/1846.
GRAHAM – See Bullard
GRAY – See Hill
Died – In De Soto county, Miss., about three weeks since, Dr. Benjamin F. GRAY, after a few hours illness. American Eagle, 2/14/1842.
Died – In this city on Monday morning last, at the residence of his father-in-law, Samuel McMANUS, Esq., Mr. Fielding HACKNEY, a native of Todd county, Ky., in the 29th year of his age. While quite a youth the deceased settled in Lagrange, Ten., where he subsequently became actively engaged in merchantile operations, until the year 1839; when, in common with thousands of others, he fell a victim to those calamitous convulsions in commerce, the history of which is familiar to all…..his remains were attended to the grave by a large number of our citizens, and interred with masonic honors by the brethren of the masonic fraternity, of which he was an upright and honored member. Enquirer. The Appeal, Friday, 2/16/1844.
Died – In this place, at Johnson’s Hotel, on the 16th inst, Col. Thos.
of Jackson, and a native of Va. The deceased was returning home from N.
at which place he contracted the disease, billious fever, which terminated his
Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 5/19/1838.
Died – In this county on Monday last, Mrs. Martha C. HALL, wife of Joel Hall, late of Sussex Co., Va., aged 30 years. Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 12/2/1837.
Died – On the 26th April, in the 58th year of her age, Mrs. Nancy TOSER, at her son-in-law’s, Mr. Joel HALL, in Shelby county, Tenn. She came to this county about two years ago from Sussex county, Virginia………Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 5/11/1838.
P. C. HALLEY, having qualified as Executor of the estate of Francis HALLEY, dec’d., hereby notifies all persons indebted to the said estate, to come forward and make immediate payment…….Weekly Appeal, 12/25/1846.
Died—In this city on Monday evening, the 8th inst., Henry R. HAMPTON, a Printer, in his 19th year, and for some months past employed in this office……Weekly Appeal, Friday, 6/12/1846.
Died. On the 27th instant, in this city, at the residence of her brother Lemuel P., Miss Catharine J. HARDAWAY…..The Appeal, Friday, 1/31/1845.
Died—in this city on the morning of Thursday last, after a short illness, Mr. James P. HARDAWAY, aged about 5_ years. The deceased became a citizen of this place at an early period; and was much esteemed for the sterling integrity of his character. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 7/24/1846.
Died—On the 6th instant, Mrs. Martha HARDY, the amiable consort of Rufus S. Hardy, and daughter of the late Levi JOY, Esq. As a wife, mother and christian, Mrs. Hardy was all that her bereaved friends could have wished her. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 7/24/1846.
Died – Suddenly, in this county on the 22d ult., Mrs. Nancy HARRIS, aged 70 years, consort of Capt. Matthew Harris, dec’d, who emigrated from Nelson county, Va. She was enjoying her usual health at her dinner, and lay down to rest as she was in the habit of doing after dinner, and soon died without a struggle. The Appeal, Friday, 5/2/1844.
Died – On the 31st ult. Rebecca Thompson, aged nine months, daughter of the Rev. Jeptha HARRISON, of this city. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 9/7/1839.
Died—In this town, on Thursday morning last, Arthur, infant son of Col. Jas. A. HART. Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 7/1/1837.
Died—At Fort Pickering, on the 15th inst., Com__ Woolcott, only son of W. W. HART. American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 1/17/1845.
HART – See Buck.
Died – In Memphis, Tenn., on Tuesday morning the 22d inst., James HARTWELL, aged about 19 years. The Appeal, Friday, 8/25/1843.
Administrator’s Notice – Being duly qualified by the Honorable County Court of Shelby, administrator of the estate of Madison P. HARVEL, deceased, notice is hereby given to all those indebted to said estate to make payment and those having claims on said estate to present them within the time required by law, or they will be debarred of recovery. J. W. TYUS, Adm’r. Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 10/27/1838.
Died—In this place on Friday last, in the 21st year of his age, Robert Henry, eldest son of the late Durant HATCH. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 9/11/1846.
HATCH – See Daniels.
Died, At the Gayoso House on the 5th inst., Mrs. Elizabeth B. HAYDEN, wife of J. A. Hayden, Esq., of St. Louis, in the 20th year of her age. During the brief residence of the departed in this city, she had won the esteem of a large number of sincere friends, who deeply sympathise with her relatives abroad in the melancholy loss they have sustained in the untimely decease. The funeral will take place from the Gayoso House, this morning at 10 o’clock. American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 3/7/1845.
Departed this life on the 9th inst. Miss Eliza HENDERSON, daughter of Littleton Henderson, Esq. The deceased died from the effect of a fall from a horse…….Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 3/18/1847.
Died – In this city, at an early hour yesterday morning, Joseph HENDERSON, Esq. aged 32 years; a native of Donegall, Ireland, but for many years a resident of Memphis, and one among her early and enterprizing merchants…..Enquirer of the 2d. The Appeal, Friday, 2/9/1844.
Died – In this town on Sunday morning last, of congestive fever, Mr. Turner B. HENLEY, aged 37 years, formerly of McMinnville, this state. Memphis Enquirer, Thursday, 9/1/1836.
Died, in Marion, Ark., on the 2d instant, James A. HENRY, eldest son of Wm. Henry, of Shelby co., Tenn. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 2/21/1840.
Died, On the 22d inst., Evelina B., daughter of H. F. and E. C. HILL, aged 3 years and ten days; their friends are invited to attend the burial to-day at 9 o’clock A.M., at the Butler Cemetery—service by the Rev. J. L. GRAY. American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 5/23/1845.
Died – In this place, on Tuesday, the 7th inst., Jane M., aged about three years, and on Thursday the 9th , John M., aged about five years, children of Geo. B. and Lucy HOLLAND. American Eagle, Friday, 6/10/1842.
Died—on the 22d inst., at the residence of her husband, in South Memphis, Mrs. Eliza L. HOUSTON, after a severe illness of seven days…….was one of the little band that constituted the 2nd Presbyterian Church in this city on the last Sabbath in 1844. She has left a devoted, but disconsolate Husband—and three affectionate children…….Weekly Appeal, Friday, 4/25/1845.
Died – In this place on Wednesday night last, on board the wharf boat of W. W. HART & Co., of billious pneumonia, Capt. HUDSON of the steamboat Logansport. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 3/15/1839.
Died – On the 22nd, ult. Jesse M. ISBELL, Esq. aged 43 years, a highly respected citizen of this county, leaving an amiable wife and seven children to lament his death. He was for many years a professor of religion, and a consistent and worthy member of the Baptist Church. The Appeal, Friday, 10/6/1843.
The friends and acquaintances of Mr. Hugh JACKSON are invited to attend his funeral this morning at 10 o’clock from the 1st Presbyterian Church. Services by the Rev. Geo. W. COONS. The Daily Eagle, Mon., 11/9/1846. Odd Fellows Hall, Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 9, 1846 – Upon the return of the members of the Order to their Hall, from paying the last tribute of respect to the remains of brother Hugh Jackson, who departed this life on Sabbath the 8th inst., the following resolutions were unanimously adopted……The Daily Eagle, Tues., 11/10/1846.
Died – At his residence in this place on Wednesday morning, the 22d instant, after a short illness, John JACKSON, Esq., aged 47 years, formerly of Creine, County Monaghan, Ireland. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 5/24/1839.
Died – In the vicinity of Memphis, on Monday, the 11th (?) inst., Mr. Joshua T. JEFFERSON, aged about 26. Mr. Jefferson was a native of Delaware, but for the last five years has been engaged as a tradesman on the river…….American Eagle, 4/14/1842.
Died – On Saturday last, of a protracted diarrhoe__, Amanda Lenora, infant daughter and only child of Miles G. and Elizabeth F. JENNINGS. The Appeal, Friday, 6/21/1844.
Died—At Randolph on the 20th ult., Mrs. Malvina JOHNSON, wife of Dr. Wm. F. Johnson, in the 43 year of her age……..Mrs. J. spent the earlier portion of her life in Kentucky, where she married, and then removed with her husband to Brownsville in this State.—After spending a number of years in Brownsville, she removed to Randolph……Weekly Appeal, Friday, 10/10/1845.
JOHNSON, S. H. – See Brick.
Departed this life on Sunday evening, the 6th instant, at his residence in this county, of congestive fever, La Fayette JONES, aged about 38 years, leaving a wife and child and numerous relatives and friends……The Appeal, Friday, 9/15/1843.
Died—On Friday morning the 10th inst., at her residence near her father’s Mrs. Susan A. JONES, relect of Lafayette Jones dec’d., and daughter of Dr. Dudley DUNN in the 31st year of her age. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 7/17/1846.
JOY – See Hardy
Died, in this city, April 23d, Mrs. Mary E. JOYNER, in the 20th year of her age, consort of Mr. W. Joyner. In the death of this truly interesting lady, her friends, the church of Christ, and society at large, have sustained a very severe loss……..She was a consistent member of the First Presbyterian church in this city……May her affectionate and bereaved husband and mother and friends, in the midst of their affliction…….[Richmond, Va. papers please copy] The Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 5/30/1846.
KELTNEY(?) – See Daniels.
Died – Of congestive fever, on the 4th inst., at his residence, 10 miles from Memphis, Mr. Wm. H. KENNEDY, formerly of Stanton, Va., aged 29 years. Surrounded with the comforts and elegancies of life, blest with the love of an affectionate companion, possessing the esteem of a large circle of acquaintances, he was cut down and laid low in the grave in a most unexpected hour. His disease ran its course in three days. American Eagle, Friday, 9/9/1842.
Died, On the 11th inst., at the residence of Mr. A. TRIGG, Mrs. Lucy Jane KENT. American Eagle, Friday, 8/18/1843.
Died – At Greneck, Ark., on the 22d ult., Wm. D. KERR, aged 16 years. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 10/4/1839.
Departed this life on the fifteenth inst. At the residence of his mother, six miles east of Memphis, Nathaniel KIMBROUGH……..Memphis Enquirer, Wednesday, 4/20/1836.
Died, On the 17th inst., Virginia, daughter of John and Mary KIRK, aged 13 years. American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 5/23/1845.
Died, On the 19th ult., at the residence of her father, Geo. G. WARE, in Haywood county, Mrs. Margaret L., consort of Ira C. KNEELAND, of Randolph, in the 19th year of her age…….American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 10/3/1845.
LATHAM – See McLeary
Died, In Hernando, Miss., on Friday last, Francis, infant son of Francis S. and Jane C. LATHAM, of Memphis, aged 5 weeks. American Eagle, Friday, 7/28/1843.
Died—At his residence in this place, on the morning of Saturday last, the 13th inst., of pulmonary disease, James H. LAWRENCE, in the 44th year of his age……Tribute of Respect – The following resolutions were adopted by the Board of Mayor and Alderman of the City of Memphis, upon learning the decease of James H. Lawrence, late city Collector…….Weekly Appeal, Friday, 12/26/1845. During the period of nearly 25 years in which Mr. L. was a citizen of this place, few men have sustained a like character with him, as a man of integrity and uprightness……The deceased was a consistent member of and a ruling elder in the 1st Presbyterian church of this city…..Although he left behind him an interesting and afflicted family, he confidently committed them into the hands of a covenant-keeping God……American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 12/19/1845.
Died, in this city on the 5th inst., Mr. John B. LAWRENCE, in the 49th year of his age. American Eagle, Friday, 7/14/1843. Died – On the 5 th inst., at his residence in this city, Mr. John Lawrence; one of the earliest citizens of the place. The Appeal, Friday, 7/7/1843.
LEATH – See Murphy
Died – In this place on the 18th inst. Benjamin LEONARD, formerly of Pittsburg, Pa., but more recently of Marietta, Ohio, in the 50th year of his age. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 1/25/1839.
Died, at the residence of his brother, Patrick F. LEWIS, Clinton, Miss., on the 30th September, Chas. W. LEWIS, formerly of this city. Tri Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Thursday, 10/8/1846.
Died—In this city on Tuesday, the 28th instant, William LIGHTON, about 60 years of age. The deceased was born at Raspberry Hill, county Derry, Ireland. He resided in Kentucky for some years previous to his death, where he joined the volunteers in the present war with Mexico; came with them as far as this place, where he was taken sick. He was an honest man, and a true and genuine patriot to his adopted country. Louisville papers please copy. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 7/31/1846.
Died, On Saturday evening, 30th ult., Louisa Beckford, daughter of Gardner B. and Mary Jane LOCKE, aged 1 year, 8 months and 8 days. American Eagle, Friday, 10/13/1843.
Died – At North Mount Pleasant, on the 30th March, 1842, Elijah LUMSDEN, aged 80 years. He was at the siege of Ninety-six, under General Green. American Eagle, 4/14/1842.
LYLE – See Daniels.
Died In this city on 31st ult., of Bilious Pneumonia, Dr. Jno. C. MABRY, in the 33rd year of his age……Dr. Mabry was a native of Edgefield District, South Carolina, a State for which he ever expressed the warm affection of a devoted son…….After all, to have a son so loved and honored by strangers, and to be surprised with the news of his death before they heard of his sickness, must be a severe blow to the distant parents……he made a profession of religion about a week before his death, when he had the happiness of being received into the Catholic Church……Memphis, April 13th, 1845. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 4/18/1845.
Died, in Hernando about three weeks since, Mr. James MALLORY. American Eagle, 2/14/1842.
Died—On the 13th inst., in Shelbyville, Tenn., John Steele, youngest son of Dr. R. C. MALONE, of this place, aged 2 years. American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 9/26/1845.
Died—In this city, on Wednesday 24th inst., C. D. MARMON, aged 24 years. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 8/7/1846.
Died at the Central Hotel in Memphis, on Tuesday the 14th of January, after an illness of but one day of Cramp Cholic, in the 23d year of his age, Mr. John H. MASON, formerly of Holly Springs, Mississippi. He has left an aged mother, and kind and affectionate brothers…… The Appeal, & American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 1/17/1845.
Died, on the 11th inst. Newton M'CLEARY, jun., son of Mr. James A. M’Cleary of this place – aged about six years. Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 10/13/1838.
Died in this place, on the 20th inst. after a short illness of bilious spasmodic cholic, Frederic A. McCOULL, in the 18th year of his age. He was a native of Virginia, and had resided but a few months in our town. He was universally esteemed, and died much lamented. Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 7/29/1837.
Died – In this vicinity on the 23d ult., Alexander, son of Mr. A. A. McKAY, in the third year of his age. The Appeal, Friday, 1/5/1844.
Died, at the residence of his parents, near Memphis, on the 18th inst., William Thomas, infant son of Mr. A. McKAY, aged 10 months and 5 days. Weekly American Eagle, Friday, 7/3/1846.
Died – On Sunday evening the 18th instant, at the residence of his brother, William, of pulmonary consumption, Nicholas McKEON, Jr., aged 24 years – youngest son of Nicholas McKeon, of Street county, Westmeath, Ireland. His remains were taken to the Catholic Church…..American Eagle, Friday, 6/23/1843.
Died, In this city, on the 22d inst., P. McKEON, in the 31st year of his age. The deceased was a native of Street Parish of Street, County West meath, Ireland; and for the last eight years a resident of Memphis. Memphis, 2/24th. The Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Thursday, 2/26/1846.
Died – In this town, on the morning of the 2d inst., at the residence of Mr. F. S. LATHAM, after two days sickness of the Congestive Fever, Calvin Rush, son of James A. McLEARY, of Randolph, in the 15th year of his age. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 12/6/1839.
Died—In this city, on the 3d inst., of Consumption, Mr. Norman McLEOD, of Arkansas. The Appeal, Friday, 12/13/1844.
McMANUS – See Hackney.
Died—At his residence in Coffeeville, Mississippi, on Tuesday, the 3d
inst., Albert
T. McNEAL, Esqr., attorney at law. In the death of this amiable and
excellent man,……the
community in which he lived have to mourn the loss of one of their most valuable
an affectionate wife and child, a beloved husband and father. The deceased
was a native of
Maury county, Tenn., but resided from early youth to manhood in Bolivar; he
graduated in
the year 1832, at Cumberland College, Nashville, with the first honours of his
class, and
commenced the practice of law at Coffeeville, in the year 1834 where he resided
until his
death…..His body was, at his request, conveyed to Bolivar and there intered,
according to
the rites of the Protestant Episcopal Church…..The Appeal, Friday, 9/20/1844.
Died. At the residence of her husband, near Memphis, on the 20th inst. Mrs. Frances McNUTT, consort of the Rev. A. G. McNutt, in the 32d year of her age………Weekly American Eagle, Friday, 7/3/1846.
Departed this life, on Sunday evening last, of pulmonary consumption, David M. McPHERSON, aged 33 years. The deceased was a native of Pennsylvania, but for several years a resident of the Western District of Tennessee…..His remains were conducted to the Episcopal Church……American Eagle, Friday, 7/14/1843.
Departed this life on the 3d inst. Mary Moore, daughter of Thos. Moore MEANS, aged two years, one month, and twenty two days…….The Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 9/5/1846.
Died. On the 9th inst. in this city, Mrs. Rachel MEANS, wife of Maj. W. B. Means. The subject of this notice had been for many years a pious and consistent member of the Presbyterian church, and when she died was a communicant in the 1st. Presbyterian church in this city. She together with her husband emigrated some years since from South Carolina to this state. At the time of her death she had been a resident of this city about one year…….all the duties which devolved upon her as a church member, a friend, a wife and a mother……Weekly American Eagle, Thursday, 10/15/1846.
Died, On Saturday 3rd inst., Edward, son of James E. and Emeline(?) S. MERRIMAN, aged 10 months. American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 5/9/1845.
MINOTT – See Crabtree.
MOORE – See Brick.
Died. In this town on Sunday last, John H., infant son of John H. and Martha Ann MORGAN, aged 10 months. Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 9/16/1837.
Died, suddenly on the 11th inst., of scarlet fever, William Wellbourn, aged 17 months and 3 days, only child of Dr. W. N. MORGAN, of Germantown, Tenn. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 3/27/1846.
Miss Tennessee MORRIS, daughter of Mr. M. Morris was drowned on Tuesday last, by falling in a small branch, within about two miles of Memphis, on the Raleigh road, where she was found dead. She is supposed to have taken a fit and fallen in the creek. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 4/24/1846.
Died—In this town, on Monday last, Mrs. Martha MOSBY. Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 5/27/1837.
Died – On the morning of the 26th ult., after a very short illness, Mrs.
Susan H., consort of Mr. Sam’l MOSBY, Merchant of this city, in the 20 th year
of her age……The Appeal,
Friday, 7/5/1844.
Died, At Fort Pickering, on Friday last, after a few hours illness, Mrs. Sarah MOSELY, daughter of Hugh ROLAND, Esq. American Eagle, Friday, 9/22/1843.
Died, on the 31st ultimo, at the residence of Mr. Charles LEATH near this city, Captain Thomas B. MURPHY, late of Decatur, Ala., in the 49th year of his age……..As a husband, father, friend and brother, he sacrificed every selfish consideration in the punctilious discharge of the duties which devolved upon him…….Although a stranger, a large number of the masonic fraternity accompanied his remains to the grave, where the usual ceremonies were performed. His zeal and devotion for the order justly entitled him to such respect…..The Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Tuesday, 5/5/1846.
Pleasant Hill, Shelby Co., Ten. Departed this life, on the 23d ult., at half past 8 o’clock, A.M., Mrs. Eliza P. NELSON, consort of Charles I. Nelson, Esq., after a painfull illness of ten or fifteen days…..By this dispensation of Divine Providence her companion has lost a kind and affectionate wife; five lovely and interesting children, all of whom are daughters, are bereaved of a pious and affectionate mother, and the infant Christian Church, of which she was a devoted member,…….The Appeal, Friday, 8/16/1844.
The undersigned, Administratrix of the estate of John J. NELSON, dec’d., requests all indebted to said estate to settle the same……..Rachel NELSON, Adm’rix. Weekly Appeal, 10/9/1846.
NELSON – See Wooldridge.
Died—On the 21st inst., Margaret Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Richard and Sarah NORRIS, aged 4 years and 4 months and 17 days. Baltimore Republican and Argus please copy. The Appeal, Friday, 6/28/1844.
Died in this vicinity, on Friday last, 2d inst., at 20 minutes past 12 o’clock, Mrs. Margaret, consort of Col. William E. OWEN, in the 35 th year of her age. A native of Belfast, Ireland—the deceased removed in early life to the United States, and after passing some years in the Eastern States, removed in 1836 to Nashville, Tenn., where she resided until united in wedlock to Colonel Owen, in the fall of 1843……For many years an exemplary member of the Protestant Episcopal Chruch……Eagle. The Appeal, Friday, 8/9/1844.
Died—On Friday, 23d inst., William, second son of Mr. ________ and Martha A. OWEN. Tri Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 10/31/1846.
Died, in this city, on the 22d inst., of inflammation of the peritone_m, Andrew PARK, aged 32 years. The Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Thursday, 6/25/1846.
Died—On the morning of the 11th instant, James B., eldest son of David and Jane PARK, in the 22d year of his age. After 17 years of suffering, such as seldom falls to the lot of mortals, he has gone to his rest……Confined for six months prior to his death, to his bed and racked with incessant pain……Nashville papers will please copy.—Eagle. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 4/17/1846.
Died – At Hickory Grove, in Shelby county, on the 1st day of December, Julia Ann, daughter of Samuel H. and Condice PEAKE, aged 11 years, 1 month and 13 days. Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 12/8/1838.
Died—In this city, on Wednesday morning, the 19th inst. Walter Benjamin, son of Benjamin and Susan P. PEARCE, aged nine months and one day. The Appeal, Friday, 6/21/1844.
Died—on Tuesday, the 15th ult., at the residence of her brother, George W. PERKINS, Esq., in DeSoto county, Miss., Miss Elizabeth S., daughter of the late Nicholas PERKINS of Williamson co., Tenn., in the 19th year of her age. The Franklin Review will please copy. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 10/9/1846.
Died—On Monday the 21st September, Eliza Jane, wife of Col. J. W. A. PETTIT, of this City, in the 30th year of her age, after an illness of 4 months……The deceased was a native of Hancock county, Georgia, and previous to her removal to Memphis, had resided several years at Eufaula, Alabama……..In the death of this excellent lady, an affectionate husband and five dear children are left to mourn…….Weekly Appeal, Friday, 9/25/1846.
Died—In Bolivar, on the 14th instant, of scarlet fever, Mary Eliza, infant daughter and only child of Horace M. and Ophelia J. POLK; aged seven Months, wanting two days. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 4/25/1845.
Capt. Wm. N. PORTER Dead! It is with no ordinary feelings of pain that we announce the demise of our friend Capt. Wm. N. Porter, lately commander of the “Eagle Guards”, from this city, now on service in Mexico. We learn from the Picayune of Sunday that he arrived in New Orleans on the steamer McKim on Friday, on his way to Memphis, and died at the St. Charles Hotel on the evening following. His remains were brought here yesterday morning by the same boat which conveyed the melancholy intelligence to his bereaved family, and were deposited in the cenotaph of “Butler Cemetery,” from whence they will be conveyed to the tomb to-day at 10 o’clock. Capt. Porter’s disease was chronic diarrhea, from which he had been a sufferer for several months. He was trying to reach his family here, but the satisfaction of dying among his kindred has been denied him by an inscrutable Providence…..Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 12/5/1846. Obituary – The remains of Capt. Porter were removed from the cenotaph on Sunday afternoon, and interred with the rites of the Episcopal Church, and the usual honors of the Masonic Fraternity, of which he was a zealous and warm-hearted member……..Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Tuesday, 12/8/1846.
Departed this life on the 24th ultimo, at the residence of his father-in-law, Major James RUFFIN, of Panola, Miss., Edwin H. PRICE. The deceased was a native of Richmond, Va., and removed from that place to Memphis in the year 1834, where he has resided since, prosecuting his business as a druggist, with a fidelity which won for him the confidence of all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. Mr. Price fell a victim thus early in life, at the age of 31, to that insideous disease, consumption……..He has left behind him to mourn, his untimely loss a wife and three children…..Weekly Appeal, Friday, 5/9/1845.
Died—Of consumption, at the residence of his brother, in the vicinity of this city, on yesterday morning at 4 o’clock, William R. PRICE, formerly of Richmond, Va., and for many years a resident of this city, as one of the firm of Anderson, Walker & Co.—in the 27 th year of his age. The remains of the deceased were interred yesterday morning at 10 o’clock with military honors, by the “Memphis Blues”, of which company he was a member. The Appeal, Friday, 1/5/1844.
Died—At Hernando, Miss. 23d ult. James W. PUTNAM, Mayor of that place, and a most worthy and valuable citizen. The Appeal, Friday, 10/6/1843.
Departed this life on Wednesday, the 18th inst., of bilious pleurisy, Mr. Vivant QUENICHET, of this county, in the 52d year of his age, leaving a widow and 4 children to bemoan an irreparable loss. The deceased immigrated to this county in January, 1830, from Denwiddie county, Va. At a very early age he became a professor of religion, and attached himself to the Methodist Episcopal Church……Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 9/22/1838.
Died – In Memphis, on the night of the 10th inst, Mr. Isaac RAWLINGS, merchant, and one of the oldest and most respected citizens of Memphis. Somerville Reporter, Saturday, 9/28/1839.
Notice – All person indebted to the estate of Isaac RAWLINGS deceased, are required to come forward and make immediate payment. W. J. RAWLINGS, Administrator of the estate of Isaac Rawlings, de’d. Oct. 18, 1839. Memphis Enquirer.
Died—At her residence in Shelby County on the morning of the 20th inst., Mrs. Sarah Ann RAWLINGS, consort of Mr. Joseph Rawlings. Mrs. Rawlings has been cut off in the bloom of life, leaving behind her a deeply afflicted husband, an infant too young to be sensible of its irreparable loss, and warmly attached friends to lament her early leave of them. She was amiable in her disposition, kind and benevolent of heart, fascinating in her manners, with a well directed education. In the society of her immediate friends a vacuum produced by her death, which they will long and sincerely deplore. Memphis Enquirer, Sat., 6/24/1837.
Died, in this city, on Tuesday morning, the 14th inst., George Edward, youngest son of Geo. R. and Grace A. REDFORD. Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Thursday, 7/16/1846.
Died – At his residence in this town last evening, Mr. Thomas REID. Memphis Enquirer, Tuesday, 4/12/1836.
Died, In this county, on the 29th April, Andrew REMBERT, Esq., one of the early settlers of this county and a native of Georgia. Mr. Rembert was a truly benevolent and exemplary man and a worthy member of the Methodist Church; his loss will be severely felt, no by his relatives alone, but by all within the influence of his acquaintance, and especially the poor within the vicinity of his late residence. American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 5/23/1845.
Departed this life on the 26th ult., Mrs. Louisa REMBERT, consort of Samuel Rembert, Esq., of this county, in the 58th year of her age……..Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 5/5/1838.
RHEA – See Scales
Died—On the 29th inst., after a short illness, George D., son of Dr. Wm. RIVES, of this place, in the 12th year of his age…….Weekly Appeal, Friday, 6/6/1845.
(Died) In Randolph, on Saturday last, of congestive fever, Thomas ROBINSON, Esq., aged 50 years. One of the oldest residents of Randolph, his humane and generous virtues _______ him the esteem of his fellow men, who deeply lament the loss of his influence and usefulness. Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 8/19/1837.
Died—At Holly Springs, on the 5th inst. Mr. James RODGERS, of this county, aged 77 years—the father of Maj. John B. Rodgers of this vicinity. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 9/19/1845.
Died, At the residence of Dr. J. Y. CUMMINS in Holly Springs, Miss., on the 5th instant, Mr. James ROGERS, of Shelby county, Tenn., aged 77 years. American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 9/26/1845.
ROLAND – See Mosely.
Died, at the residence of his brother, (Capt. Alfred H. ROSE, of this
county,) on
the 3d inst., David E. ROSE, M.D., late of Pulaski, Giles Co., Tenn., in the
27th year of
his age. He had just commenced the practice of medicine with every
prospect of becoming
eminent and useful in his profession……..The Appeal, Friday, 9/27/1844.
Notice. Will be sold at the late residence of David ROYSTER, deceased, near Col. LEAKE'S on the Stage Road, on the 15th day of this Month, all the stock, consisting of horses, mules, cattle, hogs and sheep; two good wagons, corn, oats, fodder, hay, etc. Plantation utensils and many other things…..At the same time and place, will be rented the Plantation, containing 300 acres cleared land, having on it a good gin and horse mill, and a full supply of the finest water. J. W. ROYSTER R. W. ROYSTER. The Appeal, 1/5/1844.
Died—On Friday morning, 20th inst., Mr. Jno. RUDISIL; so extensively known as Auctioneer. He was an Odd Fellow and was buried with the ceremonies of that order; a large number of members attending. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 11/27/1846.
Died – At the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. John DAVENPORT, on Friday the 15th inst., Washington D. RUNKLE, aged about 26 years. American Eagle, 4/21/1842.
Died – On the 30th ult., Frances Susan, aged 13 month & 11 days, infant daughter of Thomas A. & Elizabeth Ann SANDERS, of Shelby County, Tennessee. Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 4/7/1838.
Died, in Nashville, on the 29th ultimo, Mrs. W. L., widow and relict of the late J. B. SANDERS, M.D., in the 43d year of her age, and for many years a resident of this place………She has left five children to mourn their irreparable loss. The Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Thursday, 4/9/1846.
Died—On the 15th instant, in this city, Florence, infant daughter of Dr. M. B. and Eliza A. SAPPINGTON—aged two years and ten months. The funeral service will be performed at the Episcopal Church at 10 o’clock, this morning by the Rev. Mr. ALSTON. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 9/19/1845.
Deaths – At the residence of her son, Dr. M. B. SAPPINGTON, on the evening
of the 19th inst., Mrs. Susannah SAPPINGTON, in the 59th year of her age.
She was the relict of Dr. Roger B. Sappington, of Nashville, Ten., but had lived
in this
place for the last ten years………Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 6/23/1838.
Valuable Lands for Sale In Shelby county, Ten. The undersigned will sell on liberal terms a valuable tract of land containing one thousand acres, situated in the north east part of Shelby county, Tenn., on the west fork of Beaver Dam creek, in the 11th district and ranges four and five, twenty-five miles from Memphis and fifteen from Randolph. There is about 40 acres cleared on the tract, comfortable cabin, etc. The land is known as the Williams tract, and upon application to Mr. Wm. BATTLE in the neighborhood, will be shown to any person who may wish to purchase. For particulars apply to Maj. James CONNER, Tuscumbia, Ala., or the undersigned at Decatur. John F. RHEA, Executor of Jos. SCALES, dec'd. Memphis Enquirer, 1/7/1837.
Died – In Randolph, on the 25th ult. Newman SEAWELL, son of Mrs. Seawell (widow) – aged about seven years. Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 10/13/1838.
Died, August 2d, Rebecca Jane, aged three years and ten months, youngest daughter of Dr. Lewis SHANKS. The Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Thursday, 8/6/1846.
Died – On the 8th inst. Rebecca Thompson, aged 18 months, daughter of Doctor Lewis SHANKS, of this town. Memphis Enquirer, Sat., 7/14/1838.
An Irish woman named SLAUGHTER, wife of a member of the Tennessee Cavalry, threw herself from the ferry boat, into the Mississippi, on Sunday evening last, and was drowned. She was going over to the camp to bid her husband farewell, and it is supposed that distraction at the thought of parting with him drove her to the desperate deed. She is represented as having sustained an exemplary character. Her body was rescued from the waves after life was extinct. Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Tuesday, 7/28/1846.
Died. On the 24th ult., William Henry, infant son of W. H. and E. SNEAD, aged 10 months and 22 days. Weekly American Eagle, Thursday, 10/1/1846.
Died—In this city, on the 13th, inst. after a protracted illness, Edward H., infant son of John and Mary SPICKERNAGLE. The Appeal, Friday, 10/20/1843.
Died—At his residence in South Memphis, on Saturday evening last, the 12th inst., Mr. William SPICKERNAGLE, an old and respectable citizen of this town. He was highly esteemed by all who knew him, for his honesty, kindness and liberality. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 7/18/1845.
Died—In this city on the 15th Inst., of apoplexy, Benjamin STANTON, of Memphis, Tenn., formerly a merchant of Mobile, Ala.—N.O. Bulletin of Wednesday. The Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Tuesday, 9/22/1846.
Died on Thursday, 10th inst., Hallowell, only son of Hon. F. P. STANTON, aged two years. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 12/11/1846.
Died—In this place, on Sunday night 30th ult., Jeptha Fowlkes, aged about one year and eight months, only child of Frederic P. STANTON, Esq. Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 8/19/1837.
Died, on Friday, 13th inst., Mr. Richard STANTON, formerly of Alexandria, Va., in the 57th year of his age. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 11/20/1846. ALSO, see below.
We recently copied from one of our city papers a bare annuniciation of the death of Mr. Richard STANTON, of this city, and formerly of Alexandria, District of Columbia. Mr. Stanton was the father of Hon. F. P. Stanton, member of Congress from this district and at the time of his death filled the office of principal clerk in the U.S. Navy establishment in this city……Weekly American Eagle, Thursday, 11/26/1846.
Died – At the residence of F. P. STANTON, Esq., Walter Scott, aged five months, his only child. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 5/31/1839.
Died.—At Fort Pickering, on the 25th ult., Mr. Edwin STREET, aged 31 years. In his death society has lost a worthy and estimable citizen. American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 7/4/1845.
Notice. The creditors of the late Edwin Street, are hereby notified to bring forward their claims, properly proven, and present them to the undersigned as Administrator……… Wm. H. STREET, Adm’r. Weekly Appeal, 7/11/1845.
Died.—At Fort Pickering on the 2d inst., Mrs. Eliza STREET, widow of the late Edwin Street, aged about 25 years. American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 7/4/1845.
Fatal Affray – We learn from the Memphis Enquirer that a murder was committed in that place on Saturday the 25th ult. The person killed was John SUPPLE, an Irish laborer; and the murderer’s name is John WILLIAMS, also a laborer. Williams has been committed to jail, being unable to procure bondmen to the amount of $1,000 for his appearance to trial. Somerville Reporter, Saturday, 2/1/1840.
The N.O. Tropic of Friday last contains the following: Jumped Overboard – J. S. SWEENEY, of Memphis, on the Memphis, down yesterday, jumped overboard on the night of the 19th. He left a note in his berth with these words—“I am on my way to Heaven.” Mr. Sweeney we understand was a generous and well educated native of Ireland and taught school in this vicinity…….American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 12/5/1845.
Died, in this city, on the 25th inst., Mr. Geo. TABOR, formerly of Mount Morris, Livingston County, New York. Mr. T. was a consistent member of the Baptist Church, and during his short residence in Memphis, his future home, he had won for himself the esteem and friendship of all who knew him. The Daily Eagle, Saturday, 11/28/1846.
Died—of congestive fever, on Friday the 30th of August, in the 37th year of her age, Mrs. Clarrisa TAYLOR, consort of A. Taylor, Esq. of Shelby county, Ten., and daughter of Mr. William POLK, of Arkansas. Mrs. Taylor….left behind five children ………The Appeal, Friday, 9/13/1844.
THEIRS – See Brick.
Died. On the 16th inst., in this city, Mrs. Frances A. THOMAS, wife of Mr. William Thomas, of the firm of Kirk and Thomas, of this place…….Weekly American Eagle, Thursday, 12/24/1846.
Died—At the residence of the Rev. M. W. WEBBER, on Wednesday the 17th inst., Dr. Fendel THURMAN, in the 42 year of his age, after a protracted and lingering disease of more than six months……The Appeal, Friday, 7/26/1844.
Died—At his residence in Red River county, Texas, on the __1st November last, Col. James TITUS, father of F. TITUS, of this city. The deceased was one of the oldest and most respectable residents of this county previous to his removal to Texas, and was well known both in this State and Alabama, where he had a large circle of warmly attached friends, to whom this intelligence will be a source of sincere sorrow. The Appeal, Friday, 1/12/1844.
Died, At Hernando, Miss., on Sunday afternoon, Mr. Robert TITUS, silversmith, recently of Memphis and formerly of Boston, Mass. American Eagle, Friday, 9/22/1843.
Departed this life at Bersheba Springs, Warren County, on Saturday, the 3d instant, Mr. Robert E. TITUS, of the firm of F. & R.E. Titus of this city, in the 28th year of his age. He visited the Springs for the benefit of his sadly bereaved consort, whose health was delicate, and was himself violently attacked with billious fever, which terminated his earthly career in something less than two weeks……The Appeal, Friday, 8/16/1844.
Died – Near Bolivar, on Sunday the 3d inst., Mrs. Emily TODD, consort of Maj. Wm. Todd, and daughter of J. J. WILLIAMS, Esq. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 5/8/1840.
Died, On Tuesday evening the 2d inst., of scarlet fever, Frank, the only son of Dr. T. H. TODD of this county, aged two years and nine months. The Weekly American Eagle, Friday, 6/12/1846.
TOSER – See Hall.
Died—On the 23d of July last, at the residence of Maj. John BELL, Henderson County, Ten., of the Bilious fever, Col. Joel(?) R. TOWNES, formerly of this county, but recently of White County, Arkansas. He has left many friends and relatives to mourn his untimely death……..Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 8/12/1837.
Mrs. Caroline A. TRADER, consort of William Trader, born in Hertford county, North Carolina, removed to Tennessee in 1835, and departed this life at Memphis, Tenn., on the 23d January, 1846, at 3 o’clock, A.M……… An exemplary member of the Presbyterian church…..Memphis Enquirer,Tuesday, 2/3/1846.
Died—Near La Grange, Tenn., on the fourth inst., Mrs. Margaret TRENT, wife of Dr. William H. Trent, in the 38th year of her age……..Exemplary in all her estates, as wife, mother, friend and mistress……..Weekly Appeal, Friday, 9/12/1845.
Departed this life on the evening of the 4th inst. Francis O. TREZEVANT, son of Lewis C. Trezevant of this place; aged six years and nine months. Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 7/8/1837.
Died—On the 25th ult. at his father’s residence, four miles east of Memphis, in the 14th year of his age, James E. son of Col. James TREZEVANT, formerly of Southampton county, Va. The Richmond Va. papers are respectfully requested to give the above an insertion. Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 9/2/1837.
Died—On the evening of the 19th Mary E., daughter of B. R. and Rachael TREZEVANT, aged 8 years. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 9/26/1845.
(Died) On the evening of the 17th inst., at Dr. W. W. TUCKER’s, Peter(?) P. son of Lewis C. TREZEVANT of this place, in his tenth year. Memphis Enquirer, Sat., 8/19/1837.
Died. In this town the 10th inst., Richard Augustus, infant son of Lewis C. and Rebecca D. TREZEVANT. This is the third affliction of the kind that has befallen the bereaved parents within a few weeks………Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 9/16/1837.
TRIGG – See Kent
Died—In Madison County, on Friday the 28th July last, Henry(?) TRIGG, formerly of this county, aged 21 years. He was highly esteemed by all who knew him, and died universally lamented. Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 8/12/1837.
Died—On Sunday, the 10th instant, after a severe and protracted illness, Mary Letitia W., infant daughter of Mr. & Mrs. John TRIGG, of this city. The Appeal, Friday, 9/15/1843.
Died – In this place on Sunday morning last, after an illness of only a few days, Capt. James W. TRUELOVE, Superintendent of the Memphis Foundry, aged 50 years……He was a kind father…….His remains were attended to their last resting place by a respectable concourse of our citizens, together with the resident brethren of the masonic fraternity – of which he was a zealous and worthy member. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 2/1/1839.
TUCKER – See Trezevant
Died—In this city, on Sunday evening, 12th inst., William Payne, only son of the Hon. Wm. B. TURLEY…….He was an only son! In him were centred his parents’ devoted affections and his sisters’ pure and holy love…….The Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Thursday, 7/23/1846.
Died—on the 29th of July, at the residence of her grandfather, Col. Jesse ALLIN, Martha W. TURNER, aged eight years and four months. The Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Thursday, 8/13/1846.
TYUS – See Harvel.
Died – In this county, on Tuesday morning last of bilious pleurisy, Jno. W. TYUS, in the 36th year of his age. The deceased was a native of Virginia – a kind father and husband, and one of the best of citizens…….Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 3/29/1839.
VAUGHT – See Brown, Honor
Died—On the morning of the 5th inst. of billious fever, in Crittenden county, Arkansas, Miss Ann, daughter of Amos and Mary VINCENT, in the 13th year of her age. The Appeal, Friday, 7/7/1843.
Departed this life, in Covington, on the 19th day of October, of pulmonary consumption, Mrs. Lucy W. VINCENT, consort of Wm. B. Vincent, in the 25th year of her age. By this seeming affliction of Providence, four sweet little daughters are left motherless, and their father to mourn the loss of an affectionate wife and mother. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 11/22/1839.
Died – Of congestive fever, on Saturday the 23d inst., at 8 o’clock P.M., Mrs. Ann WARD, consort of Col. Edward Ward of Shelby county. She was a native of Amelia County, Va., and at the time of her death was in the 61st year of her age; during the last 45 of which, she was the wife of the bereaved and afflicted husband………For twenty years she was an exemplary member of the Presbyterian Church……Memphis Enquirer, Sat., 9/30/1837.
WARE – See Kneeland
(Died) In Wesley, on the 9th inst., Henry C. WATKINS, aged 23 years. He died in the arms of Jesus. Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 8/19/1837.
WEBB – See Brick
Died – Of dropsy of the brain on Tuesday 29th Oct., Adelia Augusta, daughter of William and Harriet WEBB, recently of Cincinnati, Ohio, aged 4 years and 9 months. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 11/1/1839.
Died—On Saturday morning, 27th instant, about 2 o’clock, A.M. after an illness of 48 hours, with hoemorrhage of the lungs, Mr. Oran WEBB, partner in the house of Henry & Webb, of this place, and recently from Louisville. Mr. Webb had been a resident of Memphis about 4 months…..He leaves an interesting and sorrowing wife, with a tender child. His distant relatives may be consoled to know that every attention which skill or friendship could suggest was bestowed upon him in his last illness…….His wife left here on Sunday for Louisville, Ky., with the corpse, to bury among her relatives in that city her husband and her grief. The Appeal, Friday, 2/2/1844.
WEBBER – See Thurman.
Departed this life on the 10th instant, at Covington, Tenn. Mr. Cyrus WELLER, late editor of the Arkansas Times & Advocate, aged twenty-five years and ten months. He was a worthy member of the Presbyterian Church. He has left an affectionate wife and one son……The Appeal, Friday, 12/27/1844.
Died – At Fort Pickering, on the 1st instant, Mr. William WENDELL, aged 53 years. He was greatly afflicted with Cancer, and after trying the most approved remedies, from the medical faculty, about Nashville, where he has resided for many years, he sought the aid and skill of Doctor Gilbert, but so far had the disease advanced, that his case was considered hopeless by that gentleman from the date of his arrival here, about four months ago……The Appeal, Friday, 9/15/1843.
At a meeting of the citizens of Memphis, held at Johnson’s Hotel for the purpose of paying a tribute of respect to the memory of their lamented fellow citizen, Hugh WHEATLEY,--……..Whereas, it has been the will of Divine Providence to call from among us our highly esteemed friend and fellow townsman, Dr. Hugh Wheatley, who, less than four days ago was enjoying all the blessings of health…….Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 2/18/1837. Administrator’s Notice: The subscriber having qualified as administrator of the estate of the late Dr. Hugh Wheatley, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said estate……..Seth WHEATLEY. Memphis Enquirer, 3/11/1837.
Died—On Tuesday night about 10 o’clock, Sure (or Sere) Beckwith, son of Doctor S. M. and Sarah C. WHEATON, in the 17th year of his age……..The Raleigh (N.C.) Register will please copy the above. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 5/23/1845.
(Died) In this place, on the 30th ult., Mr. John H. WHITSETT, in the 27th year of his age. Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 9/2/1837.
Died, On Tuesday last, the 5th instant, at 5 o’clock, John Sanburn, infant
son of
W. W. and E. J. WHITSITT, aged 14 months and 15 days. American Eagle,
Friday, 9/8/1843.
Died – In this place on Thursday the 18th inst., George Cheatham, son of W. W. WHITSITT, aged five years. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 7/19/1839.
Died—Of congestive fever, on Sunday, 2_th inst., Sarah, daughter of Mrs. Sarah WHITSITT, of this place, aged 12 years. Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 8/26/1837.
WICKS – See Brick.
Died—On Sunday morning, Mrs. _______. WILDER, consort of Daniel S.(?) Wilder, Merchant of this city, after a long and painful illness. The Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Tuesday, 3/10/1846.
WILLIAMS – See Bass & Supple & Todd
Died—At the Central Hotel, in this city on the night of Sunday last, Mr. Samuel D. WILSON of Marshall county, Miss., and formerly of Williamson county, Tennessee. Mr. W. arrived here but three or four days before his dissolution, from New Orleans, being far from well at the time of leaving that city. The deceased left an interesting family…..The Appeal, Friday, 5/24/1844.
Died, In Somerville, Mr. Alsey WOODS, of Memphis, aged about 47 years. American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 9/26/1845.
Died—On Wednesday, 4th inst., on his way South, Mr. John WOODS, Merchant, of this city. The Appeal, Friday, 12/13/1844.
Editor of the Appeal: Sir, please publish in your paper the death of private Edmund WOOLDRIDGE, a member of the “Memphis Rifle Guards.”—He was accidentally drowned while bathing in the Rio Grande, 3d inst. The deceased was formerly from Illinois, and had by his good conduct endeared himself to the officers and men of the company. His loss is much deplored…….Respectfully, Fred B. NELSON, Jr., Lieut. Com’g, Memphis Rifle Guards, 2d Reg. Tenn. Volunteers. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 10/2/1846.