ABERNATHY – See Watson.
Married – On Friday the 18th inst., by the Rev. Jeptha HARRISON at the residence of Mr. A. KERNAHAN, Mr. W. G. ADAMS, merchant, to Miss Alison E. SCOTT, both of this city. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 1/25/1839.
Married, On the 5th May, by Woodson VADEN, Esq., Wm. C. ADAMS to Miss Eliz W. NEWLAND. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 6/12/1846.
ALEMANY - See Barry
We are authorized to announce Col. Adam R. ALEXANDER, a candidate for Brigadier General of the counties of McNairy, Hardeman, Fayette and Shelby. Memphis Enquirer, 3/21/1836.
Z. C. ALEXANDER, we are requested to state, is a Candidate for the Office of Sheriff of Shelby county at the ensuing March election. The Appeal, 8/25/1843.
ALLEN - See Deloach & various marriages
We are authorized to announce Alexander ALLEN, of Germantown, a candidate for the office of County Trustee for Shelby county. American Eagle Weekly, 9/12/1845.
Valuable Land For Sale – The subscriber would dispose of on accomodating
Terms his tract of land, containing 320 acres, in township 1, range 8, north
half of section
18. The above land is well watered and desirable in all respects, and lies in 6
miles of
the Mississippi River, and in three miles of Horn Lake. George G. ALLEN.
Enquirer, Sat., 7/21/1838.
ALSTON - See numerous marriages
Married – At “Carysbrook”, Miss., on Tuesday evening, 18th inst., by the Rev. Samuel G. LITTON, Rev. Philip W. ALSTON, of Memphis, to Miss Elizabeth CARY, of Desoto county, Miss. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 2/28/1840.
ANDERSON – See Barding & Dunn & Jennings & Jones, A.B.
ARMOUR – See Bowen.
House and Lot, For Sale. A comfortable frame dwelling with all the
necessary outhouses, on the corner of Poplar and Third streets, near the
Presbyterian Church, Memphis. Lem AUSTIN. The Appeal, 1/5/1844.
We are authorized to announce Wm. T. AVERY Esq., a candidate to represent Hardeman Fayette and Shelby, in the State Legislature. American Eagle, Friday, 4/21/1843.
AYRES - See Fowler
Married, on Saturday last, at the residence of Dr. E. F. WATKINS, by the Rev. P. ALSTON, Joseph AYRES Esq., late of New Orleans, to Miss Mary G. WYATT. Weekly American Eagle, Thurs., 8/14/1846.
BAIRD – See Joiner & Littlefield
(Married) In Shelby County on Thursday evening last, at the residence of Col. Edward WARD, by the Right Rev. Bishop OTEY, John W. BAKER Esq. of Virginia, to Miss Mary Lang Florida JONES, daughter of the late Col. Benjamin B. Jones, of Alabama. Randolph Recorder, Friday, 6/5/1835.
Married—On the 24th(?) December, ’45, by Rev. N. M. GAYLORD, Mr.
Peter BAKER to Miss Rebecca WILEY, all of Memphis, Tenn. Memphis Enquirer,
Thursday, 1/1/1846.
BARBEE – See Faucett.
Dr. J. M. BARCLAY, Having located permently in Memphis, respectfully offers his professional services to the public. Office near the Gayoso House. Weekly Appeal, 4/11/1845.
Petition for Divorce. James BARDING vs. Pamly V. Barding.
Docket, Circuit Court, February Term, 1844. On motion, and for
reasons shown to the Court, it is ordered that publication be made in some
public newspaper printed in the town of Memphis for three successive weeks,
the first insertion to be made two months before the next term of this court,
commanding the said Pamly Barding to cause her personal appearance in this
cause to be entered in this cause, on or before the first day of the next term
this court, and plead, answer, or demur to the said petition plea in this cause
divorce, or the same will be taken as confessed and set for hearing ex parte at
next ensuing term of this Court. Sam’l R. BROWN, Cl’k. The
petition charges a
willful and malicious desertion on the part of the defendant without any cause,
for two years previous to filing said petition, and prays that complainant may
divorced from the bonds of matrimony. R. A. ANDERSON, Sam F. MOSELEY,
Solicitors for comp’nt. The Appeal, Friday, 3/8/1844.
Married, In this city, at the Catholic church, on Saturday last, by the Rev. Joseph S. ALEMANY(?), Mr. Marshall J. MILLER, of Louisville, Ky., to Miss Eudora R., daughter of Judge BARRY of this city. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 8/21/1846.
Married – On Tuesday the 19th inst. by the Rev. Mr. JOHNSON, Mr. Robt. E. BEASELEY of Holmes county, Miss., to Miss Mary Jane, eldest daughter of Maj. BARTON of Shelby county, Tenn. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 2/22/1839.
Valuable real estate for sale. The subscriber offers for sale, his tract of land containing 300 acres, 75 of which are in cultivation and under good fence, with good comfortable buildings and every necessary out-house, first rate stables, etc. It is one of the best stands in the county for a tavern, having the advantage of the roads leading from Memphis to La Grange and to Holly Springs, also on the road leading from Somerville to Hernando……..T. C. BASS, Shelby county, Oct. 25, 1839. Memphis Enquirer.
BATTLE – See Turley.
Conrad BAUMGARTNER, Architect, Draftsman & Surveyor, Respectfully informs the public that he has opened an office at his residence at the corner of Second and Jackson streets, Fort Pickering. American Eagle, Friday, 4/21/1843.
BAXTER - See Rose
John Y. BAYLISS, Cotton Factor. American Eagle, 9/29/1843.
Married. In this city, at the Henrie House, on the 22d inst., by the Rev. Mr. DENNIS, Mr. Theophilus MUNFORD, of Munfordville, Ky., to Miss M. E. A. BAYLISS, of this city. Weekly American Eagle, Thurs., 12/24/1846.
Notice – Having sold out my entire stock of Medicines, etc. to Dr. Jas. BECK, I return my thanks to my former patrons and customers. S. T. TONCRAY. Oct. 11/1839. Memphis Enquirer.
I have a comfortable Dwelling House in South Memphis for rent, formerly occupied by W. S. BOLING, with all necessary conveniences. William C. BECK, Memphis Enquirer, 1/27/1846.
For Sale—A first rate Sulky and Harness, complete, for sale by the subscriber. J. BEHARRELL. Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, 4/21/1846.
BELL – See Williams
Married—on Wednesday, 2nd Sept. in the vicinity of “Lenow’s Springs,” by the Rev. Reuben BURROW, Mr. Brown BELOAT, to Miss Tennessee WILLIAMS. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 9/11/1846.
Taken up by David H. BENTLEY, living about five miles north east
of Raleigh, one clay bank horse…..The Appeal, 10/27/1843.
Taken up by Tilman BETTIS, living 3 miles east of Memphis, on the
State Line Road, one black Horse……..The Appeal, 10/27/1843.
Married, on the evening of the 22d inst., at Richland, in this county, by the Rev. Samuel HODGE, Cesario BIAS, Esq. of this city, to Mrs. Mary Jane KENNEDY, formerly of Bath county, Va. The Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Thurs., 6/25/1846. ALSO, see HENDERSON.
I wish to sell 320 acres of Land, lying immediately on the road leading from Memphis to Hernando, three or four miles from Memphis, a fine stand for a house of entertainment—about 100 acres improved; a good double log house……Any person wishing to purchase, can see me on the premises, and examine for themselves. Wesley BLACKMORE. Weekly Appeal, 12/4/1846.
We are authorized to announce Watts BLEDSOE, a candidate for the office of Constable of the District including Memphis. American Eagle, 2/21/1842.
BLOUNT – See Starks
Joseph BOHANNON, Memphis agent for The “American Eagle”. American Eagle, 2/21/1842.
BOLING - See Beck
Shelby County, Tenn. Circuit Court, October Term, 1844. Petition
For Divorce. George BOLISKY vs. Margaret Bolisky. It appearing to
the Circuit
Court at the last term, that the defendant resides beyond the limits of the
State of
Tennessee, and out of the jurisdiction of the said Court, it is ordered that
be made in the Memphis Appeal, for three successive months, for the defendant
to appear and plead, answer or demur, or that the said petition will be taken
confesso. The bill charges wilful abandonment and adultery. E. W. M.
KING, Sol.
The Appeal, Friday, 12/6/1844.
Trust Sale of Real Property, By virtue of a deed of Trust to me executed by William S. BOLLING, to secure a debt therein specified which the said Bolling owes to David WILLS, bearing date July the 22d, 1845, and registered in the county of Shelby, in book S, pages 263, 264 and 265, which said deed conveys to me in trust, to provide for the payment of the said debt, sundry town lots with the improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging and therein described, situated in South Memphis, near the Gayoso House……..I will, on Thursday, the 1st day of January, 1846, as Trustee, sell at public sale………J. E. TEMPLE, Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 1/3/1846.
Married, In this county, on the 28th ult., at the residence of E. S. GILES,
Esq. by the Rev. D. P. COFFEY, Mr. T. G. BOND, to Mrs. Margaret M. Giles.
Appeal, Friday, 4/5/1844.
Taken up by B. A. BONGUS, living 18 miles from Memphis, on the State Line road, one black horse……Memphis Enquirer, 1/14/1837.
BOOTH – See Rives.
BORLAND - See Hayden
Married – On Tuesday evening last by the Rev. Philip W. ALSTON, Dr. Solon BORLAND, editor of the “Western World”, to Miss Eliza B. HART – all of this place. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 7/26/1839.
Married – On the evening of the 30th ult. By Rev. Dr. EDGAR, Mr. Charles BOSLEY, Jr. to Miss Martha A., daughter of Mr. A. D. CARDEN, of Nashville. American Eagle, 4/21/1842.
Married, On Wednesday evening last, by Rev. P. W. ALSTON, Mr. John H. BOWEN, Merchant, to Miss Mary C., daughter of Mr. Wm. ARMOUR, all of this city. American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 5/2/1845.
Married, yesterday morning, at 8 o’clock by the Rev. Mr. STARK, Mr. Z. P. BOWLES of Randolph, to Miss Elvira W. MONTAGUE of this city. American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 2/28/1845.
Married.—On Thursday evening, in this county, by Rev. John H. GRAY, Mr. Wm. T. BRADLEY to Miss Susan S. FEATHERSTON. American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 7/4/1845.
McMackin House Restaurant – Silas BRAHAN & Co., would inform the public that they have opened a Restaurateur in the house recently known as the McMackin House…….American Eagle, 3/3/1843.
BRAMLET - See Leatherman
Married – In Vicksburg, Miss., on Thursday 27 ult., by Rev. Dr. WELLER, Mr. S. A. BRODHEAD of Memphis, to Miss Mary W. CLARK, late of Richmond, Va. Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 1/12/1839.
BROWN, Lucinda – See Rawlings.
BROWN, Mary – See Duncan
BROWN, Sam’l – See Barding & Elliott & Green/Greene
BROWN, Susan – See Hawley.
BROWN, Wm. T. – see Harris, Wm.
Married—On Monday the 1st inst. by the Rev. Wm. HYER, Mr.William W. BROWN,
to Miss Serelda FRAIM(?) all of this vicinity. The Appeal,
Friday, 1/5/1844.
BRYAN – See Garrison
Married, In this vicinity, this morning, by the Rev. Mr. HYER, Henry G. BUCKINGHAM (of the firm of G. N CANDEE & Co.) to Miss Eliza McINTOSH. American Eagle, Friday, 10/20/1843.
BUNTYN – See Titus.
BURNS – See Campbell.
BURROW - See Beloat
Mr. J. BUSSEY, of Collierville, in this county, was shot in this place on Wednesday last about 2 o’clock, by Albert G. MOON, who immediately made his escape. Mr. Bussey’s recovery is thought, by the physicians, to be extremely doubtful. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 5/1/1840.
Married, In this county, on Thursday evening, 22d inst., by the Rev. S. M. COWAN, Maj. William S. WILLIAMS, of Hernando, Miss., to Mrs. Nancy G. BUSTER, of this county. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 1/30/1846.
BYARS - See Walker
Dr. Joseph Norman BYBEE, Offers his services in the various branches of
The Medical profession to the people of Memphis…..The Appeal, 10/4/1844.
BYBEE - See Cross
Married, on Thursday evening, 13th inst., by Rev. Dr. WARNER, Mr. David G. CAMPBELL to Miss Levina BURNS, all of this city. The Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Sat., 8/15/1846.
CARDEN - See Bosley
CAREY - See Wheatly
Married – On Wednesday, 24th inst., at the residence of James WOODS, Esq., by the Rev. S. S. MOODY, Mr. Jesse D. CARR, merchant, of this place, to Miss Elizabeth WOODS, formerly of Philadelphia. American Eagle, Friday, 5/25/1843.
Jesse D. CARR, Receiving, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, and Dealer
in Groceries and Produce, Memphis, Ten. The Appeal, 7/7/1843.
CARY – See Alston & Small.
Married, on the 3rd inst. by the Rev. Jeptha HARRISON, Mr. William CHASE to Miss Mary Ann JOINER, both of Memphis. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 10/4/1839.
Tailoring, William CHASE. Weekly Appeal, 11/28/1845.
CHASE – See Roulhac.
CHEAIRS - See Lemuel Smith
Marshall’s Sale. By the virtue of an alias fi fa to me directed from the Circuit Court of the U.S., for the fifth district, in the State of Louisiana, I shall proceed to sell to the highest bidder, for cash, in front of the store of John K. CHESTER (Howard’s Row,) in the city of Memphis…….Robert I. CHESTER, Marshall of West Tenn. Weekly Appeal, 3/6/1846.
CHOATE – See Cole.
We are authorized to announce S. B. CHOTE a candidate for Lieut. Colonel of 128th Regiment of T. M. Memphis Enquirer, Tuesday, 4/12/1836.
Married—On Monday evening, 20th inst., by Rev. Mr. GRAY, Mr. John B. WELD, of New Orleans, to Miss Mary C., daughter of Wyatt CHRISTIAN, M.D., of this city. The Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Thurs., 7/23/1846. ALSO, see HENDERSON & PARK
CLACEY – See Magivney.
CLARK – See Brodhead & Lofland.
Married, In this vicinity, on the evening of Tuesday last, by the Rev. Mr. COONS, Mr. Richard G. CLARKE, to Miss Mary H., daughter of Dr. Jesse ISLER. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 7/4/1845.
CLEAVES - See Tuck
COCKE – See Henderson & Park
Married.—On Thursday the 1st inst. by Rev. L. D. MULLINS, Mr. Thomas W. COLE to Miss Eliza J. CHOATE, all of this County. Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Thursday, 10/8/1846.
COFFEY – See Bond & Ross
COLEMAN - See Ruffin
E. L. CONANT, Exchange Broker, Memphis, Tenn. Weekly Appeal, 4/11/1845.
COOK – See Wheatley.
COONS – See various marriages.
Married, At Bolivar on the 22d(?) ult. by the Rev. Daniel STEPHENS, E. C. COOPER Esq. of Shelbyville, to Miss Mary E. STEPHENS of the former place. The Appeal, Friday, 11/1/1844.
Thomas COULEHAN, Blacksmith, Main street, South Memphis. Weekly Appeal, 10/3/1845.
COWAN - See Buster
All those indebted to the firm of Wm. And Jos. COWAN for 1835 will please come forward immediately and make payment, as I am determined not to give longer indulgence. Wm. Cowan, Surviving partner of Wm. & Jos. Cowan. Memphis Enquirer, 1/7/1837.
COWGER – See Glover.
Taken up by E. COWGILL, living about 4 miles northwest of Raleigh, one small brown mare mule……..Weekly Appeal, 9/25/1846.
Married, on the 19th inst., by Rev. I. H. GRAY, Mr. Wm. CRANE, to Miss Rachel L. CRAWFORD, all of Memphis. The Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 3/21/1846.
CRAWFORD – See Crane.
CROCKETT - See McKibbin
CROOK - See Massey
Memphis Medical College. The first course of Lectures in this Institution will open on the first Monday in November next, in the city of Memphis, and continue four months. Faculty: James Conquist CROSS, M.D., Professor of Institutes and Medical Jurisprudence. Abner HOPTON, M.D., Professor of Chemistry and Pharmacy. Joseph Norman BYBEE, M.D., Professor of General and Special Anatomy. George R. GRANT, M.D., Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine. D.J.M. DOYLE, M.D., Professor of Surgery. H.V.M. MILLER, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. Francis A. RAMSEY, M.D., Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics……A. HOPTON, Dean of the Faculty. The Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, 7/9/1846.
CUMMINS - See Moarhead
Married—in this city on the 24th inst., by the Rev. W. WARREN, Mr. J. D. DANBURY to Miss Emma FRAIM. Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 10/31/1846.
Henry M. DANIEL, Receiving & Forwarding Merchant, Randolph, Tenn. Weekly Appeal, 7/11/1845.
Raleigh Hotel – The subscriber having purchased the hotel premises of Mr.
J. C. RUDISILL, in Raleigh, Tenn., informs the public and customers of the
stand, that he
is prepared to accommodate travellers with every convenience and fare possible
to be
attained. His rooms are pleasing, bedding excellent, and, in fact, every
furnished for the convenience of his guests. William D. DAVIS.
Memphis Enquirer,
Sat., 11/4/1837.
DELAFIELD – See Harris, Wm.
Married – Near Somerville on the 1st ult, by Rev. J. McFERRAN, Mr. Lloyd W. DELOACH of Tipton County, to Miss Harriet ALLEN, daughter of Col. Jesse Allen. We noticed the above marriage in our last, but unfortunately tied Mr. Deloach to a wrong lady. Memphis Enquirer, Tuesday, 4/5/1836. (the last edition mentioned here was 3/29/1836).
DENNIS – See Hawkins & Duncan.
DICKSON – See Toon.
Benjamin F. DILL has removed his law office to the house occupied by the editor of the Enquirer—where he may be found at all hours. Memphis Enquirer, 2/25/1837.
DOBYNS – See Wilson.
Married – In Marshall county, Miss., on the 13th inst., Mr. Wm. DOHERTY
of Collierville, Tenn., to Miss Elizabeth FOSTER. Memphis Enquirer, Sat.,
Married—In Eaton, Ohio, on Thursday the 10th inst., by Rev. Mr. MITCHELL, Mr. D. O. DOOLEY, of Memphis, to Mrs. Jane B. HALDERMAN. The Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Tues., 9/22/1846.
Married—On Tuesday the 16th inst., by Rev. W. D. F. SAWRIE, Mr. Felix G. DOOLEY, to Miss Mary Eliza WHITSITT, both of Memphis. Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 5/20/1837.
DOYLE – See Cross.
DRUMMOND - See Scales
Married, On Thursday evening 29th August by the Rev. Samuel DENNIS, Mr. Wm. R. DUNCAN to Miss Mary A. BROWN, daughter of S. R. Brown, Esq., all of Raleigh, Shelby county, Tenn. The Appeal, Friday, 9/6/1844.
DUNKIN – See Rembert.
DUNN - See Henderson & Geo. W. Smith
Married, On Wednesday evening the 17th inst. by the Rev. Wesley WARREN, Capt. A. J. DUNN to Miss Mary Ann, daughter of Bailey ANDERSON Esq. of this county. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 6/26/1846.
Married – On Tuesday evening, the 26th ult., by the Rev. H. S. MORGAN, Mr.
Samuel J. DUNN, of Shelby county, to Miss Mary M., daughter of Mr. William
VADEN, late of Chesterfield, Va. Memphis Enquirer, Sat., 1/6/1838.
EANES – See Williamson.
EDWARDS – See Rudisill.
Dr. W. H. ELDRIDGE, Having permanently settled in Memphis, respectfully offers his services to the inhabitants of the city and country. Residence at Fletcher’s Central Hotel. Office at Farnsworth’s Drug Store. Weekly Appeal, 10/9/1846.
Memphis Classical and Commercial Academy: Louis ELKIN, A. B.
Memphis Enquirer, 5/13/1837.
State of Tenn. Shelby County, Circuit Court, Sept. Term, 1846. William
ELLIOTT vs Abigail Elliott. On motion and it appearing to the court from
the return of the Sheriff on the subpoena issued in the premises, that the
defendant is not an inhabitant of this State, it is ordered that publication be
made three successive weeks, in some newspaper published in the city of Memphis,
requiring defendant to make her appearance at the next term of this court at the
court house in Raleigh on the 1st Monday in January next, and plead, answer or
demur to the complainant’s petition, filed for a divorce, or the same will be
taken for confessed, and heard ex parte. Sam. __ BROWN, Clerk.
Weekly American Eagle, 10/15/1846.
ELLIOTT - See Ruth
Married, on Sunday evening, 8th inst., by James ROSE, Esq., Benj. EMANUEL, to Miss Juliana MARKS, daughter of Alexander Marks, all of this place. Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Tuesday, 11/10/1846.
Married, On the 22d instant, by the Rev. Mr. McMAHAN, Gen. J. F. FARRINGTON of this city, to Miss Mary Pope, daughter of John S. McGEHEE, Esq. of Panola county, Miss. The Appeal, Friday, 11/1/1844.
John C. FARRINGTON, Attorney at Law, Memphis, Tenn.—Office on Main street, second door north of Washington. The Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, 6/18/1846.
Married in this county on the 7th inst., by the Rev. Isaac H. FOSTER, Mr. D. A. FAUCETT, of Memphis, to Miss Mary Ann Elizabeth, daughter of H. G. BARBEE, Esq. The Appeal, Friday, 11/15/1844.
FEATHERSTON – See Bradley & Wynne
Married – In Nashville, on Wednesday evening last, by the Rev. R. B. C. HOWELL, Mr. Robert PORTERFIELD to Miss Mary FIGUERS, daughter of Dr. M. Figuers of this place. American Eagle, 4/7/1842.
FINDLEY – See Welch.
Married, At Holly Springs, Miss., on Thursday 2__ th inst., by Rev. Dr. PAGE, Hon. J. J. FINLEY, Mayor of Memphis, to Miss Margaret H., daughter of Col. Jno. B. MARTIN, of Marshall county, Miss. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 11/28/1845.
Married, On Sunday the 2d inst., by the Rev. P. W. ALSTON, Maj. John B. FINLEY, attorney at law, of Osceola, Ark., to Miss Elizabeth LAMB, of this city. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 11/7/1845.
FINLEY – See Watkins.
Married – On the 17th inst. by the Rev. Jeptha HARRISON, Mr. Wm. P. FISHER, merchant of this place, to Mrs. Maria B. PEACOCK, late of Fredericksburgh, Va. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 4/19/1839.
New Music Store. P. FLAVIO has the honor to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Memphis, that he will open on the 14th inst., a Music Store on Madison street…..Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, 11/26/1846.
Married—On the 7th inst., by Rev. Geo. W. COONS, Mr. J. M. FLETCHER, to Mrs. Elizabeth HENDERSON, all of this place. Weekly American Eagle, Thurs., 10/15/1846.
The undersigned respectfully announces to the citizens of Memphis and vicinity, that he will on Monday next, open an English, Classical and Mathematical School on Court street, over S. SHAFNER, Tailor……He has in his possession recommendations from gentlemen of high standing at Somerville, at which place, for the last two months, he was the assistant of Mr. Blake……..Wm. S. FLIPPIN. Memphis Daily Eagle, 1/8/1846.
Married, On the 30th ult., by the Rev. Mr. BURNS, Mr. Shad R. FO_ERS of this city, to Miss Sarah A. W. SEAY, of Tippah county, Miss. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 8/28/1846.
Married, On Wednesday, the 18th ult., by the Rev. Robert PAYNE, Turner FOSTER, Esq., of Memphis to Ann Eliza, daughter of Col. John S. WILSON, of this county.—Florence Gax. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 3/13/1846.
FOSTER - See Doherty & Faucett
For Sale And No Mistake! I intend to move south; I therefore offer for sale that beautiful cottage residence on the Pigeon Roost Road, in the suburbs of Memphis, one mile from the Mississippi river. It contains eight and seven on hundreth acres, subdivided into five lots……Reference is made to T. S. AYRES, Esq., my near neighbor….Also one lot 70 by 165 feet, in South Memphis, on Shelby street, about two squares north of F. P. STANTON’s residence. J. W. FOWLER. American Eagle Weekly, 12/26/1845.
We are authorized to announce Mr. John W. FOWLER, as a candidate for Sheriff of Shelby county, at the ensuing election in March, 1844. American Eagle, 5/5/1843.
Married – On Tuesday evening last, by Rev. Philip ALSTON, John W. FOWLER, Esq., Sheriff of Shelby County, to Miss Caroline, daughter of W. J. OLDHAM Esq., of Coahoma county, Miss. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 5/17/1839.
FOWLER – See Outlaw
Married, In Davidson county, on the 24th ult., Dr. Jeptha FOWLKES of this city, to Mrs. Maria J. WARD. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 2/13/1846.
FRAIM – See Wm. Brown & Danbury.
FRANE - See Test
Drs. J. H. & J. W FRANKLIN, Having permanently located in Memphis, offer their professional services to the citizens thereof, and its vicinity. Office in Chase & Gibbs’ new building, South East corner of Exchange Square. Residence on Poplar street, near the Presbyterian Church. The Appeal, 7/7/1843.
J. A. FRANSIOLI & Co., Importers & General Dealers in China & Glass Ware, Memphis, Tenn. Weekly Appeal, 9/5/1845.
George C. FURBER, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Germantown, Tenn.
The Appeal, 10/4/1844.
GAILER - See Massey
We are authorized to announce P. G. GAINES, Esq. as a candidate for the office of Brigadier General, for the 23d Brigade of Tennessee Militia, composed of the counties of Shelby and Fayette. Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, 11/14/1846.
GALLAGHER – See Gallaher.
Married, In this city on the 1st December, inst. by the Rev. Michael McALEAR, P. C. GALLAHER, attorney at law, to Mary W., daughter of the late John GALLAGHER, Esq. of Moulton, Ala. The Appeal, Friday, 12/6/1844.
GAMEWELL - See Parker
Married – At Raleigh, Shelby County, on the second inst., by the Rev. William WHITSITT, Mr. B. S. GARRISON, to Miss Sarah C. BRYAN. Memphis Enquirer, 3/21/1836.
GAYLORD – See Baker & Oliver & Trader
The Post Master at Purdy writes us that J. E. GEORGE has left the State, and requests us to stop his paper. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 2/15/1839.
Married—On Wednesday evening last by Rev. M. GRAY, Mr. J. Y. GIBSON to Miss Catherine, daughter of H. VAN PELT, Esq. all of this city. The Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Sat., 6/13/1846.
GIBSON - See Gilbert
We are authorized to announce Jas. GIFT as a candidate for 2nd Major in the 128th Regiment Tennessee Militia. Memphis Enquirer, Wednesday, 4/20/1836.
Married—In Issaquena county, Miss., on the 20th inst. by the Rev. Dr. DUNN, Dr. Wm. P. GILBERT, of Memphis, to Miss Emily C., daughter of Ambrose GIBSON, Esq. Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 10/31/1846.
GILES – See Bond & Ross.
We are authorized to announce Wm. D. GILMORE as a candidate for the office of
Constable of the Memphis district. Mr. Gilmore being a Printer,
American Eagle, 2/21/1842.
Married – On Thursday evening, the 21st of March, Mr. Jess(?) M. GLOVER to Miss Casandra H. COWGER. American Eagle, 4/14/1842.
Taken up by M. W. GOLDESBEY, living about 8 miles north of Raleigh, one chestnut sorrel horse……..Weekly Appeal, 9/25/1846.
We are authorized to announce Captain E. W. GOODRICH, a candidate for Constable of the 5 th civil district. The Appeal, 2/16/1844.
P. H. GOODWYN, Has associated with him, from and after this date, his son, Wm. A. Goodwyn. The business of General Agents will be conducted by them under the firm of P. H. Goodwyn & Son. Office, Front Row, just above Adams street. Weekly American Eagle, 10/15/1846.
GRAHAM - See Park
As Trustees in a Deed of Trust, executed by John D. GRAHAM, bearing date the
fifth day of August 1843, and registered in the office of Shelby County, Tenn.,
in Book O, pages 280, 281 and 282, conveying to us the undersigned the following
described tract of land, to secure the payment of a sum of money therein
specified, we shall expose to public sale for cash to the highest bidder on
Saturday, the 26th day of September 1846, in front of the Exchange Hotel, in the
city of Memphis, said tract of land which is situated, described and bounded as
follows: to wit, situated in said County of Shelby, about 4 miles south,
of the south boundary line of the Corporation of Memphis, on the east bank of
the Mississippi river, containing about 60 acres, ……….
J. T. TREZEVANT, Chas. LOFLAND, Trustees. Weekly American Eagle,
GRANT – See Cross.
GRAY - See Bradley & other marriages
Married, In Randolph on the evening of the 4th inst. by the Rev. P. W. ALSTON, Mr. Joseph A. GREEN, to Miss Elizabeth Frances NEWMAN. American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 3/14/1845.
GREEN - See Luter
State of Tenn., Shelby County, Sep. Term, 1846. Joseph GREEN vs Mary W. GREENE. Petition for Divorce. On motion, and it appearing to the court from the return of the Sheriff on the subpeona issued in this State: It is ordered by the court that publication be made in some newspaper published in the city of Memphis for three successive weeks, requiring defendant to appear at the court house in the town of Raleigh before the Judge of our next circuit, on the 1st Monday in January next, plead, answer or demur to complainant's petition in this behalf, or the same will be taken for confessed and set for hearing ex parte. Sam. R. BROWN, Clerk. Weekly American Eagle, 10/15/1846.
Taken up by John O. GREENLAW, living two miles west of Raleigh, on the Stage Road, one Roan mare……..The Appeal, 10/27/1843.
GREER - See Worsham
GRIFFIN - See B. Johnson
Pontotoc House, Memphis, Tenn. This establishment, on the North-East corner of Maine and Winchester streets and opposite the City Hotel, is now open by the subscriber for the reception of travellers and boarders…….This establishment will be superintended by Gen. T. C. McMACKIN, so extensively and favorably known by the travelling community……..William HACK. The Appeal, 12/22/1843.
HALDERMAN - See Dooley
HALL – See Tod.
Married, on Saturday the 2d inst., by the Rev. Stephen HAMER, Henry HAMER Esq., to Miss Diana HARDISON, all of this county. The Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Sat., 5/9/1846.
HAMPTON - See B. Johnson
We are authorized to announce Lemuel P. HARDAWAY a candidate for re-election as Sheriff of Shelby county at the ensuing March election. American Eagle, Friday, 6/30/1843.
HARDISON – See Hamer.
HARE - See Ware
Wm. HARRIS, a preacher, dentist, etc., was convicted by our criminal court last evening for kidnapping a slave boy from Mr. BOWLES, and sentenced to the Penitentiary for five years--the jury recommending him to the mercy of the court--the only contingency by which we presume they were enabled to agree upon a verdict, after being out six days. The general opinion is that Harris deserves no further mercy than the jury awarded him in the leniency of their verdict. The defence set up was insanity--which unfurtunately for Harris, burst out all of a sudden after his arrest for the crime. We hear great praise awarded to Edwin YERGER(?) Esq., for the distinguished legal ability and eloquence displayed by him in the prosecution. Harris was defended by Judge Wm. T. BROWN and J. DELAFIELD Esq. We shall revert to this interesting and important trial again. Weekly American Eagle, 7/24/1846.
HARRISON, Jeptha – See numerous marriages.
HART – See Borland.
HARTWELL - See Snyder
Married, Near Colliersville, Shelby county, April 4th, by the Rev. Mr. HALLEY, Mr. Wilkinson HARTWELL to Miss Sarah SNOW. The Appeal, Friday, 4/19/1844.
Married – On Wednesday evening, 5th inst., by the Rev. Samuel DENNIS, Dr.
B. H. HAWKINS, of Raleigh, to Miss Lucy E. VAUGHAN, of this county.
Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 2/7/1840.
Married – On the 21st instant, by Rev. M. E________, Mr. Jas. L.
HAWKINS to Miss Sarah, daughter of Edm’d H. VAUGHAN, Esq. of Shelby county.
Memphis Enquirer, Sat., 12/30/1837.
Married, on Thursday evening last, by the Rev. Samuel WATSON, Mr. Joseph H.
HAWLEY to Miss Susan C. BROWN, all of Memphis. The Appeal, Friday,
HAY - See Nixon
Married. On Wednesday evening the 2d inst. by Esq. PARKER, Major J. HAYDEN, to Mrs. Elizabeth BORLAND, all of South Memphis. Weekly American Eagle, Thursday, 9/10/1846.
Memphis Wharf Company. A payment of Ten Dollars upon each share of the capital stock of this Company is required to be made on the 25th inst. By order. Jno. W. HAYNIE, Treas. Memphis Enquirer, 8/5/1837.
HENDERSON - See Fletcher
Married – On Tuesday evening Inst., by Rev. Jeptha HARRISON, at the residence of Dr. Wyatt CHRISTIAN, Mr. Joseph HENDERSON, Merchant of this place, to Miss Elizabeth COCKE. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 6/14/1839.
Land For Sale – As Trustees of the Presbyterian and Methodist Churches of Memphis, we offer the Camp Ground containing 14 acres. It has a good spring on it, and is situated about 4 miles from Memphis, near the stage road. For particulars, apply to either of us, or to C. BIAS, Memphis. Littleton HENDERSON, Dudly DUNN, Trustees. P.S. I have 10 acres adjoining the above land which is also offered for sale. Littleton Henderson. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 4/26/1839.
Married—On Wednesday evening, 9th inst., in this vicinity, by Rev. A. G. McNUTT, Mr. J. E. HENDRICKS to Miss Jane R. McMILLAN, all of this county. American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 7/11/1845.
Herron House, at the West end of Howard’s Row, Memphis, Tenn. – This
house is now open for the reception of travellers and boarders. Tho’s R.
Appeal, 9/22/1843.
HICKS - See Mills
Left His Mother—A lad of about 11 years of age named Edward HILL, son of a
widow lady of this place, secreted himself on the “Monarch” on her last trip
to New Orleans, and when the boat arrived there managed to elude the vigilance
of the officers. He is supposed to be at large in that city. Edward
has light, sandy hair, dark hazel, nearly black eyes, and is marked with a boil
on the right portion of his forehead in the edge of his hair. He is
sprightly and talkative and would probably be called a “bad” boy. The
only clothing he had on when he eloped, was blue cottonade pants, and a coarse
domestic shirt. By representing himself as an orphan, he won upon the kind
feelings of a French passenger whose little son was also on board. This
gentleman left the boat at night, on its arrival in the city, and it is supposed
that Edward slipped off about the same time with the purpose of rejoining him.
Any person who will give any information in regard to him, or place him in
charge of the officers of either of our Memphis packets, will confer a lasting
debt of gratitude upon a bereaved and distressed mother……Tri-Weekly Memphis
Enquirer, 10/8/1846.
Taken up by Wm. HILL, living 6 miles east of Raleigh, one bay filly……Memphis
Enquirer, 1/14/1837.
HILL - See Warren
Taken up by Ward H. HILTON, living 6 miles south of Raleigh, one grey mare…….Memphis Enquirer, 1/14/1837.
HODGE - See Bias
HOLCOMB – See Middleton.
We are pleased to quote the first sale of new Cotton, from the plantation of Findley HOLMES and Mr. SHACKLEWORTH, 8 bales, at 97-16 and 12 ½ cents. Sold at auction……..The Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, 9/8/1846.
Trust Sale. By virtue of a trust deed to me executed by Neil B. HOLT, on the 23d day of November, 1837, and recorded in the Register’s office at Raleigh, in book G, pages 54 and 55, I will, on Saturday the 18th inst., sell to the highest bidder for cash, all of the lots of ground in said deed described, owned by said Holt, and upon one of which he now resides. John T. TREZEVANT, Trustee, Jan. 3, 1840. Memphis Enquirer.
HOPTON – See Cross.
Married, On the 29th ult., by the Rev. Mr. DENNIS, Mr. Jno. HOUSTON of South Memphis, to Mrs. Isabella SPICKERNAGLE, consort of the late William Spickernagle. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 2/20/1846. ALSO, see LEWIS.
Married, On Tuesday, the 4th inst., by the Rev. F. A. OWEN, Mr. Jas. M. HOWARD, of the firm of F. H. Cossitt & Co., to Miss Roberta F., daughter of Mrs. Mary T. WILKINSON—all of this city. The Appeal, Friday, 2/7/1845.
Married, by Woodrow VADEN, Esq., on the 7th May, Tho’s. W. HUDSON to Mrs. E. C. McKENNIE. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 6/12/1846.
HUGHES – See McKeon.
Married—On the 1st July, by the Rev. Mr. CRAWFORD, Mr. Isaac T. HUMPHRIES, of Shelby, to Miss Jane TILSON, of the same county. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 7/18/1845.
Taken up by Thomas W. HUNT, living in Memphis, one chestnut sorrel
mare…… The Appeal, 10/27/1843.
HYER – See Wm. Brown & Buckingham
ISLER – See Clarke.
JACKSON - See Rembert
We are authorized to announce Col. Richard B. JARMON, of Fayette, a candidate for Brigadier General of 22nd Brigade of Tennessee Militia, composed of the counties of McNairy, Hardeman, Fayette and Shelby. Memphis Enquirer, 3/21/1836.
Red River Hotel. Corner of Main and Winchester Streets, F. JAUS, Proprietor. The Appeal, 12/13/1844.
Married, In Covington, Ky., June 26, by S. G. Arnold, Esq., Mr. James JENKINS, of the firm of Shaw & Co., Memphis, Tenn., to Miss Mary Louisa LITTLEFIELD, of the former place. American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 7/18/1845.
Married – On Thursday evening, by Rev. J. HARRISON, Mr. Robert J. JENNINGS to Miss Harriet, only daughter of Mr. John ANDERSON. American Eagle, Friday, 5/25/1843.
JOHNSON - See Stanton
Married—On the 25th of November, by O. GRIFFIN, Esq., Mr. B. JOHNSON to Miss Eliza B. HAMPTON, of Fayette county, Tenn. Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Thursday, 12/3/1846.
JOHNSON, C. - See Rembert
JOINER - See Chase
Married, On Tuesday evening the 15th inst., by the Rev. M. T. ALLEN, Rufus S. JOINER, Esq., to Miss Sarithina, daughter of P. H. BAIRD, Esq., of Shelby county. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 4/18/1845.
JONES – See Baker
Married – On Tuesday evening last, by Rev. Jeptha HARRISON, Mr. A. B. JONES to Miss Louisiana I. ANDERSON, both of this county. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 3/8/1839.
1,600 Acres of Land For Sale—The subscriber offers for sale the tract of
land, known as the Solitude tract, lying on the North Fork of Big Creek, in
Shelby county, Tenn. There are 700 acres of the land well cleared and in a
fine state of cultivation……
The improvements are a comfortable dwelling house, Gin house and Mill, Ice
house, negro cabbins, etc. Chamberlayne JONES. The Appeal,
JONES - See Pope
JONES, Eliza Ann – See Oliver
Married – On Wednesday last, by the Rev. P. W. ALSTON, Maj. Samuel ROSE, of Randolph, to Miss Prudence W., eldest daughter of Maj. Jno. W. JONES, of this county. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 9/7/1839.
KARR – See Lain.
Married, On Monday evening the 13th inst., by the Rev. Thos. G. DAVIDSON, Paul C. KAY, to Elenor F. S. PEACE, all of this city. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 7/24/1846.
Married, At Fort Pickering, on the 22nd inst., by the Rev. Michael McALEER,
Mr. Joseph KELLER, of Memphis, to Mrs. Elizabeth BAUMGARTNER, of the former
place. American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 5/30/1845.
KENNEDY - See Bias
KERNAHAN – See Adams & Robinson.
Married, By the Rev. J. H. GRAY, on the 3d inst., at the residence of Mrs. S. WARD, on Big Creek, in this county, the Rev. A. H. KERR to Miss M. J. C. WARD. The Weekly American Eagle, Friday, 3/6/1846.
Married – In this place, on Thursday the 11th inst., by the Rev. Mr. DAVIDSON, Mr. John KIMBLE, to Miss Nancy WHORTON. Memphis Enquirer, Thursday, 8/18/1836.
Married – On the 19th inst., by the Rev. A. DAVIDSON, Mr. Samuel H. WARREN, of Fayette county, to Miss Emily Ann KIMBROUGH, of Shelby. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 11/29/1839.
KING - See Bolisky
Taken up by C. F. KING, living two miles from Memphis on the State Line
road, one black mare……..The Appeal, 10/27/1843.
KNOX – See Montgomery.
Apple, Pear, & Almond Trees, Cultivated & For Sale at KOEN’s Nursery, Collierville, Tenn. Weekly Appeal, 1/16/1846.
Married, On the 17th inst., near Hickory Wythe, by the Rev. M. T. ALLEN, Mr. James M. LAIN to Miss Jane KARR. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 2/20/1846.
LAMB – See Finley
Taken up by Joseph B. LANE, living in the 10th district, one white horse……Weekly Appeal, 9/25/1846.
Married, On the 20th inst., by the Rev. Mr. McALEER, Michael LANGAN, Esq., to Mrs. Eliza MILLAR, both of this city. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 10/24/1845.
Married, On Tuesday evening, 15th inst., by Rev. J. H. GRAY, Mr. J. S. LANPHIER, Merchant, of this city, to Miss Virginia, daughter of Mr. E. WOODARD, of this county. American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 7/18/1845.
House and Lot for Sale – I offer a bargain in the House and Lots where I now reside. They were purchased cheap and will be sold at cost, on six, twelve and eighteen months credit. There are five rooms in the house, a good garden and outhouses, situated in the most pleasant and desirable part of Memphis, and is one of the most convenient and handsome places in the town. F. S. LATHAM, Nov. 8, 1839. Memphis Enquirer.
Married – At Covington, on Tuesday evening the 14th ult. Mr. Francis S. LATHAM, editor of this paper, to Miss Jane Catharine, daughter of James N. SMITH, Esq. of the above place. Memphis Enquirer, Sat., 12/2/1837.
LAW - See Smithwick
LAWRENCE - See Williams, John
We are authorized to announce James LAWRENCE of Memphis, a candidate for the office of Trustee of Shelby county, at the ensuing March election. American Eagle, 1/31/1842.
Robt. LAWRENCE, (Late of Memphis, Tenn.,) Has settled in New Orleans, and tenders his services as a General Agent, and Commission. Memphis Enquirer, 9/16/1837.
LEAKE - See Mosby & Mosely & Rash
Married, On the 26th ult., by the Rev. Mr. ALSTON, Dr. E. M. LEAKE, of
this county, to Miss Catherine T. WATKINS, daughter of Col. Joseph Watkins, of
Fayette county, Tenn. The Appeal, Friday, 4/5/1844.
Married, At Pulaski, on the 10th inst., D. M. LEATHERMAN, Esq., of Memphis, to Miss Eliza Jane, daughter of Hon. L. M. BRAMLET, of Pulaski. American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 7/18/1845.
Granville LEWIS, Attorney at Law. The Appeal, 10/4/1844.
Robert W. LEWIS, Hardin Lewis, and Benj. WILSON, having entered into co-partnership and established a Brick Yard on the Pigeon Roost road at the Bayou, and immediately upon the bounds of the Corporation of Memphis…….Robt. W. Lewis & Co. Memphis Enquirer, 9/2/1837.
Married, On Tuesday evening the 5th inst. by Rev. J. H. GRAY, Mr. S. S. LEWIS to Miss Laura Amaryllis, daughter of Jno. HOUSTON, Esq. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 5/15/1846.
Married, On Tuesday, 4th inst., by Rev. Sam’l. DENNIS, Mr. J. A. LITTLEFIELD, of this city, to Miss M. A. BAIRD, of Shelby county. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 8/14/1846.
LITTLEFIELD - See Jenkins & Newnan
LOCKE - See Warren, Williams
Married – On yesterday, Col. Gardner B. LOCKE of this place, to Miss Mary Jane, only daughter of Dr. J. B. PRESCOTT, of this place, and late of Louisiana………. Memphis Enquirer, Wednesday, 7/20/1836.
LOFLAND - See Graham
Married—on Thursday evening last, by Rev. Mr. COONS, in this city, Mr. William O. LOFLAND to Miss Emily J., daughter of William CLARK, formerly of East Tenn. Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 10/31/1846.
Married, on Tuesday evening last, at Fort Pickering, Col. D. LOONEY, to Miss Mary, only daughter of Hugh ROLAND, Esq. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 7/4/1845.
LOWREY - See Williams
LUNDAY – See Peebles.
Married – In Huntingdon, Carroll County, on Tuesday the 20th ult, Mr. Joseph LUTER to Miss Lucy GREEN. Memphis Enquirer, Tuesday, 4/5/1836.
Doctor J. C. MABRY, Having located himself in Memphis, offers his services
to the citizens and public generally, in all the branches of his profession.
He can at all
times be found at his office, on the South side of Winchester St., recently
occupied by
Dr. McCOULL, or at the Drug Store of E. H. Price & Co. Memphis
Enquirer, Sat., 1/23/1838.
Married – On Sunday 31st May, at his residence, by the Rev. W. L. CLACEY, Mr. Eugene MAGIVNEY, to Miss Mary SMITH, both of this place. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 6/5/1840.
Wine, Liquor, and Cigar Store. Wm. MAJOR & Co., (Court Street). Have just received and will keep constantly on hand, a fine assortment of Brandies, Gin, Rum, Monongahels and Irish Whiskey.……Weekly Appeal, 12/11/1846.
MAN - See Wm. F. Smith
MARKS – See Emanuel.
Married, On the 3d inst. at Collierville, Ten. By the Rev. Samuel WATSON, Dr. Jefferson H. MARSHALL to Miss Elizabeth D. WARE. The Appeal, Friday, 9/20/1844.
MARTIN - See Finley
Married, In this city, on Sunday evening, by Rev. Geo. W. COONS, Mr. Joseph T. MASON, to Miss Ann Maria, daughter of the late John McCOULL, Esq. of Spotsylvania county, Va. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 11/28/1845.
MASSEY - See Warren
Married, On the 23d inst., by the Rev. John GAILER, Dr. James A. MASSEY, of Shelby County, Tenn., to Miss Mary H. daughter of W. D. CROOK, Esq. of Marshall county, Miss. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 1/2/1846.
McALEER – See Gallaher, Keller & other marriages
Married – In Somerville, on the 24th inst., by the Rev. R. H. JONES, William B. McCLELLAN, Esq. Editor of the Granada Bulletin, Mississippi, to Miss Caroline RAWLINGS, of this county. Memphis Enquirer, Thursday, 9/1/1836.
McCOLLEM - See Thomas
Married, On Tuesday, 2d inst., at Middle Haddam Conn., by Rev. Sylvester NASH, Mr. Jas. M. McCOMBS, of this city, to Miss Elizabeth W. NASH, of the former place. American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 9/26/1845.
Jas. M. McCOMBS & Co., Dealers in Hard-ware and Iron. Sign of the Broad Axe, Front Row, just below the Railroad, Memphis, Tenn. The Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, 6/18/1846.
McCOULL – See Mason
Dr. J. M. McCOULL Tenders his professional services to the citizens of Memphis and its vicinity. Memphis Enquirer, 1/7/1837.
McFERRAN – See Deloach
McGEHEE - See Farrington
McINTOSH – See Buckingham.
McIVER – See Warner
McKAUGHAN – See Wade
McKENNIE – See Hudson
Married—On Thursday, 24th inst., by Rev. Mr. ALLIMANA(?), Mr. Thos. McKEON, to Miss Mary HUGHES, all of this city. Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 9/26/1846.
Married – On Monday evening last in this city, by the Rev. P. W. ALSTON, Mr. Joseph McKIBBIN of Memphis, to Miss Anna Maria, daughter of George M. CROCKETT of Gallatin, Tenn. The Appeal, Friday, 6/14/1844.
B. F. McKIERNAN, Attorney at Law, Will practice in the Circuit and County Courts of Shelby and the adjoining counties; and also in the Supreme and Chancery courts at Jackson. Office on Exchange street. The Appeal, 9/15/1843.
McMACKIN – See Hack & Upshaw
McMANUS – See Murphy & Townsend.
McMILLAN – See Hendricks
McNUTT – See Hendricks
James E. MERRIMAN, Watch-Maker, (From Wall Street, New York) North Side of Exchange Square, Memphis, Tenn. American Eagle, 2/7/1842.
Married – In New Haven, Conn., Oct. 4th, J. E. MERRIMAN, of the firm of Merriman & Clark, Memphis, to Miss Emeline S. WILCOX, of the former place. American Eagle, Friday, 10/20/1843.
We are authorized to announce Jefferson MESSICK Esq., a candidate for the office of Register of Shelby County. American Eagle, 10/6/1843.
Carriage Making – W. H. MIDDLETON has removed one mile from Memphis, on the State Line road, where he intends to carry on the above business in co-partnership with J. HOLCOMB. Memphis Enquirer, Sat., 10/27/1838.
MILLAR – See Langan
Married – In this place, on Wednesday evening last, by the Rev. Jeptha HARRISON, Mr. Albert L. MILLER, (of the firm of Miller & Cannon) to Miss Esther Amanda WALLACE, of Cabarrus county, North Carolina. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 4/17/1840.
Married, by the Rev. S. T. TONERAY, on Sunday 28th ult., Mr. Benjamin F. MILLER to Miss Eliza SMILEY. The Appeal, Friday, 8/2/1844.
Col. Wm. P. MILLER--We were gratified in again shaking hands a few days since, with Col. Miller, late from Texas. He has arrived at his home in Randolph, after many hardships and imprisonment in the cause of Texian liberty, and, as is not uncustomary, a victim of persecution and ingratitude of some who have been most benefitted by his services. Our citizens will remember the Colonel having visited our town a few months since, with a gallant band of martial heroes, volunteers in the Texian wars, who marshalled through our streets, under the waving folds of their silver star. Col. Miller has taken about 500 soldiers into Texas; and has been a most efficient and valuable officer in the early history and struggles of the infant republic. On his return thro' New Orleans, he was presented with a beautiful Texian banner, by the patriotic ladies of that city, as a testimony of regard for his services; whilst President Houston, in gratitude for the same services, took from him his sword. Col. Miller is popular with both the people and army of Texas, and a Committee of Congress, appointed for the purpose, shielded Col. M. from the persecution of the President, as unjust and arbitrary. President Houston is by no means popular with either the citizens or army. Memphis Enquirer, 9/9/1837.
Married, On the 20th inst. by the Rev. Philip ALSTON, Willie B. MILLER, of this city, to Miss Louisa E. POPE, daughter of John Pope, Esq., of Shelby county. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 5/23/1845.
MILLER – See Cross.
MILLS - See Starks
Married, in Helena, Ark., on Thursday, 19th inst. by Rev. Mr. HYER, Mr. Isaac C. MILLS, of this city, to Miss Mary F(or E.)., daughter of Allen W. HICKS, Esq. Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Tuesday, 11/24/1846.
Married – On the 25th inst., by the Rev. Mr. CROPPER, Mr. Wilson MISENHEIMER to Miss Hetty SLOUGH, all of this county. Memphis Enquirer, Sat., 12/29/1838.
Fellow Citizens – I offer myself as a Candidate for the Office of Justice of the Peace, of Civil District No. 13 in Shelby county, Ten., at the ensuing March election. My local residence (being at Fort Pickering)……..John MIXON. American Eagle, 2/21/1842.
Married, In Tipton county on the evening of the 19th July, by the Rev. David CUMMINS, Mr. John W. MOARHEAD to Miss Harriet A. RICE, late of Prince Edward Co., Va. American Eagle, Friday, 8/4/1843.
MONTAGUE – See Bowles.
Married – In this city, on the 2nd inst. by the Rev. Samuel WATSON, Mr. Stewart R. MONTGOMERY to Miss Thulina KNOX. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 1/3/1840.
MOODY - See Carr
MOON - See Bussey
Married—On Wednesday, the 2__th ult., by the Rev. Wm. HYER, Mr. J. N. MOON, of the firm of Miller & Moon of this city, to Miss Harriet, only daughter of Andrew REMBERT, Esq. of Shelby county. The Appeal, Friday, 3/1/1844.
MORGAN - See Dunn
Married, in Iowa City, I.T., on the 2d April, General Eastin MORRIS, late of this city, to Mrs. Eliza REAGAN. The Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Tuesday, 5/5/1846.
We are authorized to announce Maj. Walter B. MORRIS as a candidate for the office of Mayor of South Memphis; the election takes place 1st Saturday in January next. The Daily Eagle, 12/15/1846.
Married—On Tuesday morning last, by Rev. P. W. ALSTON, Mr. Samuel MOSBY, merchant of this place, to Miss Sarah Samuel, daughter of Col. Samuel LEAKE, of Shelby county. Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Thursday, 7/23/1846.
MOSELEY - See Barding
Accident—We regret to learn that the Sheriff of this county, J. B. MOSELEY, Esq., received quite a severe injury on Thursday last, by falling with his horse and buggy over the bridge on the Raleigh road just this side of the residence of Col. John POPE……Injury to one of his ancles, and pretty sore contusions in the region of the back and hip, were the only results……Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, 9/26/1846.
Married, On Thursday evening last, by the Rev. Geo. W. COONS, Maj. John B. MOSELY of this city, to Miss Martha E., daughter of Col. S. LEAKE, of this county. Weekly American Eagle, Thursday, 11/12/1846.
MULLINS - See Cole
Married, On Thursday, the 15th inst. by the Rev. Benedict J. SPALDING, Dr. Geo. W. MURPHY, of this city, to Miss Mary Ann McMANUS, of Bardstown, Ky., daughter of the late Charles McManus. Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 1/24/1846.
Married, on Thursday, 10th inst. by Rev. Mr. COONS, Mr. Thos. B. MYNATT, to Miss Martha Hill VAN PELT, all of this city. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 12/11/1846.
NASH – See McCombs & John W. Taylor.
NEWLAND – See Adams
NEWMAN – See Green.
Married—in Memphis, on the 13th inst., by Rev. P. W. ALSTON, Dr. J. C. NEWNAN to Miss Martha LITTLEFIELD, both of Mississippi. Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 8/15/1846.
Married, In Haywood county, on Tuesday the 4th inst. by the Rev. J. E. BRIGHT, Mr. Wm. C. NIXON, of Memphis, to Miss Margaret L., daughter of David HAY, Esq. American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 3/14/1845.
OLDHAM - See Fowler
Married, In South Memphis, by the Rev. N. M. GAYLORD of the Universalist church, on Tuesday evening 28th inst., Mr. Elijah OLIVER to Miss Eliza Ann JONES. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 8/7/1846.
Taken up by Jesse OSBURN, living 18 miles east of Raleigh, near the Covington road, one dark bay horse……Memphis Enquirer, 1/14/1837.
OTEY - See Baker
Rt. Rev. Bishop OTEY will preach in the Episcopal Chapel in this place on Sunday next. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 4/5/1839.
Doctor Joseph B. OUTLAW – Having removed to Memphis, offers his services to the inhabitants thereof and of the surrounding country. His residence and office are on Poplar street, directly fronting the Presbyterian Church. Dr. O. deems fit to say, that he liberally enjoyed the advantages of our best Eastern Colleges and Hospitals, and has been extensively engaged in practice for more than twenty years, the last three of which having been in this country. American Eagle, 3/3/1843.
State of Tennessee Shelby County, John W. FOWLER, plaintiff vs Joseph B. OUTLAW - Attachment for $32.50 before James ROSE an acting justice of the peace for said County of Shelby. The defendant, Joseph B. Outlaw is hereby notified that plaintiff will motion for judgement against him in this case before James Rose Esq., or some other acting justice of the peace for said County of Shelby at the office of the said James Rose in the city of Memphis on the 24th day of February next 1847, unless he, the defendant appear at that time and place and show cause why judgement shall not be rendered for plaintiff debts, damages and cost. Weekly American Eagle, 9/17/1846.
OWEN - See Howard
PAMPLIN - See Trader
Taken up by John PARK, living 10 miles east of Memphis, near the State Line
Road, one sorrel mare………The Appeal, 10/27/1843.
Married – On Thursday the 18th inst. by the Rev. Jeptha HARRISON, at the residence of Doct. Wyatt CHRISTIAN, Mr. Wm. PARK, to Miss Rebecca COCKE, both of this city. Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 10/20/1838.
The undersigned, citizens of Memphis, have associated themselves in business under the firm of Park & Graham, for the purpose of transacting a General Dry Goods and Grocery business; and possessing means and facilities to be enabled to transact business on terms the most liberal and extensive, hope by strict attention to business to merit and receive a share of public patronage. Wm. PARK, Barnett GRAHAM. Memphis Enquirer, 1/14/1837.
Dentistry – Geo. H. PARKER, M.D., offers his professional services to the citizens of this place and vicinity. The claims which he offers for their patronage are a very extensive experience in every branch of his profession, and a diploma from the University of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia. Ladies attended at their residence. Room at Dr. FRAYSER'S office. Memphis Enquirer, 4/5/1839.
Married, On Wednesday evening, 2d inst., by Rev. Mr. STARKS, Mr. Thomas W. GAMEWELL, of Jackson, Tenn., to Miss Mary Ann PARKER, of this city. American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 4/4/1845.
PATTERSON – See Robinson.
PAYNE - See Foster
PEACE – See Kay
PEACOCK – See Fisher.
Married, On Thursday, the 29th of January, by the Rev. Mr. COWIN, Mr. Burlin PEEBLES, formerly of Greensville county, Virginia, to Miss Mary E., daughter of Joshua C. LUNDAY, Esq., of Shelby County, Tenn. Memphis Enquirer, Tuesday, 2/3/1846.
J. L. PENN, Attorney at Law, Memphis, Tenn. Memphis Enquirer, 1/31/1846.
PERRY – See Wilson.
PEYTON - See George Y. Smith
PHUGH – See Trigg.
Married – On the 28th ult., by the Rev. Jeptha HARRISON, Mr. John WINTERS of Hernando, Miss., to Miss Catherine PILCHER, of this city, and late of Fredericksburg, Va. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 5/3/1839.
PITT – See Wosson.
POOL – See Root.
POPE - See Miller & Moseley
Married – At Snowdown, the residence of Hon. A. R. GOVAN, in Marshall Co., Miss., on Tuesday evening last, by Rev. S. M. WILLIAMSON, John POPE, Esq., of Shelby County, Tenn., to Miss Elizabeth Hemphill, daughter of the late Morgan JONES, Esq., of Wilmington, N. C. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 11/8/1839.
John POSTLETHWAITE, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, Randolph, Tenn. Memphis Enquirer, 9/2/1837.
PRESCOTT – See Locke
Married – By the Rev. Mr. GILLILAND of LaGrange, Mr. Edwin H. PRICE, of this place, to Miss Mahia A. RUFFIN, of Hardeman County, Tennessee. Memphis Enquirer, Wednesday, 5/11/1836.
Married—On Thursday evening, 15th inst., by Rev. Mr. DENNIS, Mr. J. M. PROVINE, Merchant, to Miss Sarah Ann WREN, all of this city. Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 10/17/1846.
Taken up by Rebecca PURCE, living about 3 miles south of Raleigh, on the Pigeon Roost road, one sorrel mare…….Memphis Enquirer, 1/14/1837.
The subscriber has prepared himself with stables and lots to Board Horses, by the week or month, and intends paying particular attention to that business. He will keep on hand a plentiful supply of corn and fodder. His residence is two and a half miles from Memphis on the Raleigh road. D. C. QUEEN. Memphis Enquirer, 2/15/1839.
I am very anxious to sell my residence, about half a mile from the Gayoso House, fronting the Hernando road; there is a large brick building with 8 rooms and 2 passages and portico in front,--also, a large brick kitchen, smokehouse and store room, with 13 acres of land, and as good a well of water and as fine a cistern as any in the State….Geo. O. RAGLAND. Weekly Appeal, 1/16/1846.
Nathaniel A. F. RAGLAND, Attorney At Law, Memphis, Tenn. The Appeal, 10/4/1844.
RAMSEY – See Cross.
Married. On Wednesday the 30th ult. by the Rev. W. D. F. SAWRIE, Mr. Thos. A. RASH of Germantown, to Miss Mariella J., daughter of Col. Richard LEAKE, of this county. Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 9/16/1837.
RAWLINGS - See McClellan
Married – On Tuesday, 10th inst., by the Rev. Mr. DENNIS, Mr. Jos. J. RAWLINGS, to Miss Lucinda BROWN, all of this county. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 3/13/1840.
REAGAN - See Morris
Taken up by David REDDTTE, living 10 miles east of Raleigh, on the old
Brownsville road, one black mare……Memphis Enquirer, 1/14/1837.
We are authorized to announce Wm. P. REEVES a candidate for re-election to the office of Register of Shelby County. American Eagle, 10/6/1843.
REID – See Smith, John P.
Married.—At Lebanon, Tenn., July 23, Mr. L. C. REMBERT, of this county, to Miss Mary Jane, youngest daughter of Thomas JACKSON, Esq. American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 8/1/1845.
Married – On the 9th instant, by the Rev. Jno. C. JOHNSON, Mr. S. S. REMBERT, to Miss Ann, daughter of Benj. DUNKIN, Esq., all of this county. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 2/21/1840.
REMBERT – See Moon.
RICE - See Moarhead
We are authorized and requested to announce Thomas RIVERS, of Sommerville, a candidate for the office of Brigadier General of the 23d Brigade of Tennessee Militia, vice Gen. Jos. R. WILLIAMS, resigned. Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, 11/14/1846.
Dr. William RIVES – Successor to John BOOTH – Winchester Street, Memphis, Tenn. – Offers to the public and to the friends of the late house, a large and general assortment of Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, Dye-Stuffs, Surgical Instruments, and every other article connected with his business. Sept. 13, 1839. Memphis Enquirer
Married—On Tuesday evening, by the Rev. P. W. ALSTON, at the Residence of Mr. A. KERNAHAN, Mr. Wm. ROBINSON to Miss Isabella PATTERSON. The Appeal, Friday, 6/14/1844.
ROLAND – See Looney
Married, In this county, on Tuesday, 26th ult., by the Rev. M. THREAT, Mr. E. H. ROOT to Miss Caroline POOL. The Appeal, Friday, 1/5/1844.
ROSE - See Emanuel & Jones & Outlaw
Married, On Thursday evening last, by Rev. P. W. ALSTON, Mr. Frederic BAXTER, of New Orleans, to Miss Mary E., daughter of James ROSE, Esq., of this city. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 8/8/1845.
Married, on the 28th ult., at the residence of E. S. GILES Esq. by the Rev.
D. P. COFFEY, Mr. Thomas J. ROSS, to Miss Ann Frances MICKILBERRY. The
Friday, 4/5/1844.
We are authorized to announce Thomas J. ROSS, as a candidate for Treasurer of Shelby county, the ensuing March election. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 9/5/1845.
Medical Card. The undersigned having formed a partnership respectfully announce to the citizens of the surrounding country, that they are prepared to attend punctually to the practice of the various branches of their profession…….Office on the Covington road, half a mile east of Pleasant Ridge Meeting House, Shelby county, Tenn. Dr. F. L. ROULHAC, Dr. J. M. CHASE. Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, 8/8/1846.
I am offering for sale a very valuable tract of land, 3 ½ miles east of Memphis, containing 590 acres, 200 in cultivation; the balance well timbered……For information apply to Solomon ROZELL adjoining said place. R. A. ROZELL. Weekly Appeal, 1/16/1846.
RUDISILL - See Davis
Married – On Thursday last, by the Rev. Mr. McNUTT, Mr. J. C. RUDISILL, to Miss Chloe Ann EDWARDS, all of this county. Memphis Enquirer, Sat., 11/24/1838.
RUFFIN - See Price
Married, on Sunday, 27th ult., at the Methodist Episcopal Church, in Memphis, by Rev. Wesley WARRETT, Dr. Jno. M. RUFFIN, of Panola County, Miss., to Miss Mary V. COLEMAN of DeSoto County, Miss. Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 10/3/1846.
Married—On Thursday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. McALEER, Capt. E. F. RUTH to Mrs. Mary A. ELLIOTT, both of this city. The Appeal, Friday, 5/17/1844.
SALE - See Thomas
SAWRIE - See Dooley & Rash
Married, At the Planters House in this City, on Sunday the 20th inst., by the Rev. Mr. HIER, Mr. Andrew DRUMMOND of Edinburg, Scotland, to Miss Jane C. SCALES, of Shelby county. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 4/25/1845.
SCOTT – See Adams.
SCRUGGS - See John W. Taylor
Plantation For Sale. The undersigned offers for sale the well known and most desirable tract of land situated within one mile of Germantown and fourteen of Memphis, belonging to the estate of Robert SCRUGGS dec'd; containing about 400 acres, rising 200 under cultivation – having good water, fine orchards, good buildings, new gin house, etc…….R. S. Scruggs, Executor, Maria Scruggs, Executrix. The Weekly American Eagle, 6/12/1846.
N. W. SEAT, M. D. – Memphis, Tenn. Office on Court Square, - - the
formerly occupied by Archibald WALKER. The Appeal, 7/7/1843.
SEAY - See Fo_ers
Stone Cutting. The subscriber has located himself in Memphis, and is prepared to furnish to order all kinds of work in his line…….Thomas SHELTON. The Appeal, 1/26/1844.
For Sale.—The subscriber being about to remove to New Orleans, offers for sale low and on time, 93 acres of choice Land, of the “Porterfield Tract,” in the bottom near to, and southeasterly of the town limits of Randolph. Also, 5 town lots, including his residence. I. De Blois SHERMAN. Randolph, 2/25/1842. American Eagle Weekly, 2/28/1842.
University of Memphis. The Literary Department of this Institution has been reorganized by the appointment of S. L. SLACK, A.M. and W.L. SLACK, A.M. to the chairs of Mathematics, Natural Science, etc……..By order of the Trustees, B. F. FARNSWORTH, President. Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, 11/5/1846.
SLOUGH – See Misenheimer.
Married—On Thursday, the 1st inst., at the Episcopal Church, by the Rev. P. W. ALSTON, Henry D. SMALL, Esq. to Miss Mary Jane CARY, all of this city. Memphis Enquirer, Tuesday, 1/6/1846.
SMILEY – See Miller.
SMITH – See Magivney
SMITH, Araminta – See Sterling.
SMITH, James N. - See Latham
Married – On Thursday evening last, by Rev. Mr. CROPPER, George W. SMITH, Attorney at Law, of this place, to Miss Mary DUNN, of this vicinity. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 4/19/1839.
Married, In this city, on 10th inst., by Rev. Mr. DENNIS, Mr. George Y. SMITH, to Miss Emily PEYTON. The Daily Eagle, Wednesday, 12/16/1846.
Henry G. SMITH, Attorney at Law. The Appeal, 12/13/1844.
Married, Near Germantown, on Thursday the 11th inst., Dr. John P. SMITH, to Mrs. M. C. REID. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 9/19/1845.
Married, In Marshall County, Miss., on Tuesday 23d ult., by Rev. N. R. JARRATT, Mr. Lemuel SMITH, jr. of Memphis to Miss Lively CHEAIRS, of Marshall County, Miss. Memphis Daily Eagle, Thursday, 1/3/1846.
Married—On the 18th of February, 1846, by the Rev’d. Mr. HARVELL, Dr. Wm. F. SMITH, to Miss Francis J. MAN, of Marshall County, Miss. Lynchburg Virginian will please copy. The Tri-Weekly Enquirer, Tuesday, 3/17/1846.
Alfred A. SMITHWICK, J. B. CARR’s Brick Building Front-Row, is now opening and prepared to exhibit a new, full and complete assortment of Fall And Winter Goods. The Appeal, 10/4/1844.
Married, on the morning of the 14th inst., in Columbia, Tenn., by the Rev. Mr. MACK(?), Alfred A. SMITHWICK, merchant of Memphis, to Miss Mary Louisa LAW, of the former place. Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Tuesday, 10/20/1846.
SNOW – See Hartwell.
Married, On Tuesday evening, the 30th ult., by the Rev. Mr. COTTINGHAM, Mr. P. M. SNYDER, of Memphis, Tenn., to Miss Mary Elizabeth HARTWELL, of Poinsett county, Ark. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 7/17/1846.
SPALDING - See Murphy
Houses and Lots to Lease. The subscriber will lease for a term of years
seven good building lots, situated between Howard’s Row and the Gayoso House.
Also, the tenement known as the old Hospital, at present occupied by Dr. Doyle;
possession given on the 1 st day of August next: Also, a House and Lot on
Market Square, at present occupied by Mr. Graham………Wm. SPICKERNAGLE.
The Appeal, 1/5/1844.
For Sale – On accommodating terms, the house and lot on Market Square, now occupied by me, as a residence. Fred P. STANTON. The Appeal, 9/15/1843.
Married, On Tuesday morning last, by the Rev. Mr. MOORE, William N. STANTON, Esq., of Memphis, Tenn., to Miss Sophia, daughter of Mr. Arthur JOHNSON of this place. Hagerstown Torchlight. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 8/21/1846.
STANTON – See Fowler
Notice. We take great pleasure in saying to the public, that a large majority of those who rented Pews in the New Methodist E. Church, in the city of Memphis, have very kindly proposed to open their pews for the better accomodation of the citizens, and at the same time pay the claims against them for said pew rent for twelve months. The free pews may be known by the doors being open---private pews, doors closed. Ladies and Gentlemen not setting in private pews, will please observe the following order on entering the Church: The Ladies will occupy the pews on the left hand of each side aisle, the Gentlemen those on the right side of the same. Messrs. J. A. STRANGE, J. C. MILLS and R. A. BLOUNT will wait on the congregation. S. G. STARKS, Preacher in charge. American Eagle Weekly, 5/30/1845.
STEPHENS - See Cooper
Molasses. BBLS Plantation Molasses….for sale by John H. STEPHENSON. American Eagle Weekly, 12/26/1845.
Married—On Tuesday, 4th inst., by Rev. Mr. DENNIS, Mr. John STERLING to Miss Araminta A. SMITH, all of this city. Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Thursday, 8/6/1846.
Married, On Wednesday evening, by the Rev. Mr. GRAY, Miss Lucy Jane, daughter of John TRIGG, Esq., to Mr. Charles A. STOCKLEY, all of this city. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 5/22/1846.
STRANGE – See Starks
W. F. TANNEHILL, Jefferson street, announces to his friends and the public, that he has commenced receiving a full and choice assortment of Books and Stationary…..Weekly Appeal, 12/18/1846.
TATE – See White.
TAYLOR - See Williams
Married – At Memphis, on Wednesday evening last, by the Rev. A. T. SCRUGGS, Mr. John W. TAYLOR to Mrs. Lucy M. NASH, all of that city. American Eagle, 4/7/1842.
TEMPLE - See Bolling
Married—On the 29th June, by Rev. Joseph FRANE, Mr. Henry TEST, of Memphis, to Miss Elmira, daughter of Thos. SMITH, of York, Pa. Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Thursday, 7/16/1846.
Married – On the 9th inst., by the Rev. Henry W. SALE, Mr. Malcolm McCOLLEM to Miss Mary A. THOMAS, daughter of John W. Thomas, Esq. of Shelby. Somerville Reporter, Sat., 12/14/1839.
THREAT - See Root
TILSON – See Humphries.
Married, In this vicinity on Wednesday evening by Rev. Mr. BETHELL, Mr. Robert E. TITUS of this place, to Miss Indiana, daughter of Geraldus BUNTYN, Esq. of this vicinity. American Eagle, Friday, 5/25/1843.
Married, on Tuesday, the 14th inst., by the Rev. Samuel WATSON, Edward S. TOD, of this city, to Miss Emma R., daughter of Joel HALL of Shelby county. Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Thursday, 4/23/1846.
TONCRAY – See Beck.
TONERAY - See Miller
Married, On Wednesday evening, 11th inst. by the Rev. Mr. COONS, Mr. J. A. TOON, to Miss Caroline H. DICKSON, both of this city. The Appeal, Friday, 12/13/1844.
Married.--At Nashville, on the evening of the 29th (?) April last, by the Rev. J. T. EDGAR, Robertson TOPP, Esq. of this place, to Miss Elizabeth VANCE, of that city. Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 5/13/1837.
Whig Electoral Ticket – Robertson TOPP, of Shelby. Memphis Enquirer, 3/13/1840.
Married, On Thursday the 5th inst. by Rev. P. W. ALSTON, Mr. David TOWNSEND, merchant, to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Sam’l McMANUS, Esq., all of this city. The Appeal, Friday, 12/13/1844.
Married, on the night of Sunday, 12th inst., by the Rev. N. M. GAYLORD, Mr. Wm. TRADER, of Memphis, Tenn., to Miss Mary Frances, eldest daughter of Mr. William S. PAMPLIN, of Henderson, Ky. Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, Tuesday, 7/14/1846.
TREZEVANT - See Graham & Holt
English & Classical School Near Germantown. The undersigned having purchased a small farm near Germantown, will, on the 12th October, open a school, near his residence, on the State line road one mile and a half above the village. Of the locality of the school, as it regards health, good morals, and intelligence of the community around, nothing need be said. Its advantages in these respects, are striking, and hold out great inducements to such as have youth to send from home. Board on very moderate terms, may be had in the best families in the neighborhood. Tuition for session of 5 months, will be $8, $12 1/2 and $20, according to the branches studied. B. R. TREZEVANT. Weekly American Eagle, 10/1/1846.
Attention Militia, The 154th Regiment, composed of the 5th, 12th and 13th civil districts, will parade on Tuesday the 10th inst. at 10 A.M., on the premises between the Gayouso House and Fort Pickering. As I have within my possession the names of every man in this regiment, subject to the military duty, I will enforce the law most rigidly, against all delinquents. Every man who stays home, instead of turning out on parade, shall pay his fine. J. T. TREZEVANT, C.C. 154th Reg, T.M. The Appeal, Friday, 10/6/1843.
TRIGG - See Stockley & Walner
At a meeting of the Directors of the City Exchange Company of Memphis, John TRIGG, Esq. was elected President, and H. R. PHUGH Esq. appointed Secretary. Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, 5/9/1846.
Dr. W. J. TUCK has removed his Office to Front Row, over the Book Store of C. C. CLEAVES. Memphis Daily Eagle, 1/6/1846.
Married, in this county, on Wednesday evening, T____ J. TURLEY, Esq., to Miss Flora C. BATTLE. American Eagle, Friday, 5/5/1843.
We are requested to announce Capt. M. T. B. UPSHAW, of Shelby County, as a candidate for Brigadier General, in place of Gen. T. C. McMACKIN Resigned. The Appeal, 10/27/1843.
VADEN - See Adams & Dunn & Hudson
We understand that Mr. Wm. P. VADEN is getting up a volunteer company at Germantown, and that some 30 men promptly enrolled their names.—They are marching to Green Bottom to-day, and thence to Col. LEAKE’s, to give our gallant young men in those districts an opportunity to join them. This will be a sterling company of our honest and intrepid young yeomanry—the best soldiers in the world. The Weekly American Eagle, 5/29/1846.
VANCE - See Topp
VAN PELT – See Gibson & Mynatt
VAUGHAN – See B. H. Hawkins & Jas. L. Hawkins
Married, on the 13th May, by the Rev. ________, Mr. J. WADE to Miss Frances C. McKAUGHAN. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 6/12/1846.
WALDRAN – See White.
Married, Last Friday, by Rev. M. GRAY, Henry C. WALKER (OR WALNER), Esq., Cashier of the Union Bank of Tenn., to Miss Margaret B., daughter of John TRIGG, Esq., all of this city. The Weekly American Eagle, Friday, 6/19/1846.
Married—At Brook Hall, by Rev. Mr. GLENN, on the evening of the 28th May, Mr. Robert L. WALKER, merchant, of the firm of Walker & Greer of this city, to Miss Sarah Ann, daughter of Col. Wm. BYARS, of Washington Co., Va. The Appeal, Friday, 6/14/1844.
WALKER – See Seat
WALLACE - See Miller
WARD - See Baker & Fowlkes & Kerr
Plantation For Sale – New Life, the residence of the late Col. Edward WARD, of Shelby county, Tennessee, lying on the waters of Big Creek, thirteen miles south of Randolph, and 23 north-east of Memphis, containing about 1000 acres of land, 400 of which are cleared and under good fence. The premises contain a good dwelling-house and necessary out-buildings for a large family, a gin-house, and mill, several fine grass lots, and an abundance of excellent water for house and stock purposes. Memphis Enquirer, Sat., 7/21/1838.
WARE - See Marshall
Married – In Shelby county, on the 19th inst., by the Rev. Mr. McFERRAN, Mr. Jno. A. HARE, of Fayette co., to Miss Mary B. WARE. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 1/10/1840.
WARNER - See Campbell
Married, Near Germantown, on Thursday the 11th inst. by Rev. J. H. GRAY, Mr. John G. WARNER to Miss A. M. McIVER. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 9/19/1845.
WARREN - See Kimbrough
To Undertakers – Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned until 1st April next, for furnishing materials and building a Methodist Church on Jas. WARREN'S land, 5 miles east of Raleigh. The house is to be framed 36 by 40 feet, and finished in a neat manner – to be completed by 1st Sept. next. For a more particular description of said house, persons wishing to bid, will call on James Warren. Joseph LOCKE, J. N. MASSEY, Thos. HILL, James Warren, Commissioners. Memphis Enquirer, 3/21/1836.
WARREN, W. - See Danbury
WARREN, Wesley – See Dunn
WARRETT - See Ruffin
WATKINS - See Ayres & Leake
The Mutual Assurance And Trust Company of Memphis. Joseph S. WATKINS, President, J. J. FINLEY, Secretary. Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, 12/1/1846.
WATSON - See Hawley & Marshall & Montgomery & Tod
Married, On Wednesday 29th ult. by Rev. S. G. STARKS, Mr. Wm. H. WATSON, (of the firm of Watson & Williams) to Miss Virginia I. ABERNATHY, both of this city. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 11/7/1845.
Married—On Tuesday, March 19th by the Rev. Mr. TONCRAY, Mr. Caswell WELCH to Mrs. Elizabeth FINDLEY all of this vicinity. The Appeal, Friday, 3/29/1844.
Taken up by Benjamin WESTE, living 13 miles east of Raleigh, on the Lagrange road, one bay mare…….Memphis Enquirer, 1/14/1837.
Married – On the 16th inst., by the Rev. Dr. EDGAR, Seth WHEATLEY, Esq. Attorney at Law, of Memphis, to Miss Mary, daughter of the Hon. William A. COOK of this city – Nashville Whig. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 4/26/1839.
Married – On Thursday the 3d of October, at the residence of Seth WHEATLY, Esq., by Rev. P. W. ALSTON, Col. Miles CAREY, of De Soto county, Miss., to Miss Susan C. WHEATLY, of Memphis. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 10/11/1839.
New Firm. John D. WHITE, Wm. B. WALDRAN & Jesse M. TATE, have this day associated themselves together under the firm and style of White, Waldran & Tate, for the purpose of conducting a Grocery and Comission Business…..The Appeal, 2/2/1844.
WHITSITT - See Dooley & Garrison
We are authorized and requested to announce Mr. William WHITSITT, Sen. (Whig) as a candidate to represent the people of Shelby county in the next session of our State Legislature. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 3/22/1839.
WHORTON – See Kimble
WILCOX - See Merriman
WILEY – See Baker.
WILKINSON – See Howard.
WILLIAMS – See Beloat & Rivers
Married, On the evening of Tuesday last, by the Rev. Mr. COONS, Mr. John S. WILLIAMS, to Miss Frances S. LAWRENCE—all of this city. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 4/17/1846.
Married, On the 12th May, by the Rev. M. B. LOWREY, at the residence of Mrs. E. M. O. TAYLOR, in Arkansas county, Ark., Gen. Jos. R. WILLIAMS, of Memphis, to Miss E. H. TAYLOR, daughter of Lewis C. Taylor, Esq., dec’d. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 6/6/1845.
Married – On the 24th inst. By Joseph LOCKE, Esq., Mr. Wm. Hacket BELL, late of Hide County, North Carolina, to Miss Susan WILLIAMS, of this county. Memphis Enquirer, Wednesday, 5/11/1836.
WILLIAMS, Wm. S. - See Buster
Married, On Thursday evening last, by Rev. Saml. DENNIS, Mr. Samuel B. WILLIAMSON, merchant of this city, to Miss Mary E., daughter of Mr. Wm. EANES, of this county. American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 5/9/1845.
Taken up by John WILLISON, living 13 miles east of Memphis, one grey filly……….Memphis Enquirer, 1/14/1837.
WILLS – See Bolling.
WILSON, Benj. - See Lewis
Married—In this city, by Rev. Mr. STARKS, on the 24th ult., Mr. Alfred WILSON to Miss C. L., daughter of Col. T. J. DOBYNS. Memphis Enquirer, Tuesday, 1/6/1846.
Married – On the 10th inst., by the Rev. Jeptha HARRISON in the Presbyterian Church Memphis, Tenn., Mr. Luther PERRY, of Boston, to Mrs. Harriet B. WILSON, widow of the late Dr. O.J.S. Wilson, of New Orleans. Memphis Enquirer, Friday, 11/15/1839.
WINTERS – See Pilcher.
Mansion House – Marshall M. WISE begs leave to inform his friends and the public, that he has taken the above establishment, situated on Mississippi Row, where he is ever ready to entertain them with the best fare the country will afford. His stables are large and commodious and ostlers attentive. Memphis Enquirer, Sat., 10/27/1838.
WOODARD - See Lanphier
New Store – James WOODS, formerly of Philadelphia and late of Nashville, having permanently located himself at this place, respectfully informs his friends and the public that he is receiving and now opening at the store formerly occupied by Dewitt & Sims, Druggists, Mississippi Row……..Memphis Enquirer, Sat., 11/3/1838. ALSO, See CARR
Married, On the 25th ult., by the Rev. Mr. WEATHERBY, Mr. J. J. WORSHAM (or WORTHAM), of Memphis, to Miss Martha A., daughter of James GREER, Sr., of Holly Springs, Miss. Weekly Appeal, Friday, 12/4/1846.
Married, In this city by the Rev. S. T. TONERAY, on Sunday evening 28th ult., Mr. William WOSSON to Miss Elizabeth PITT. The Appeal, Friday, 8/2/1844.
Married—On the 4th ins., at the 1st Presbyterian church, by Rev. G. W. COONS, Mr. J. Rich WRAY, to Miss Harriet C., daughter of Dr. C. E. REINHARDT, all of this city. Memphis Enquirer, Tuesday, 1/6/1846.
WREN – See Provine
WYATT - See Ayres
Married.—On Thursday evening, in this county, by Rev. John H. GRAY, Mr. Wm. G. WYNNE to Miss Harriet FEATHERSTON. American Eagle Weekly, Friday, 7/4/1845.
YERGER - See Harris, Wm.
Dr. James YOUNG, Having permanently located in Memphis, respectfully tenders
his professional services to the public. Office on Main Street, opposite
Court Square. Tri-Weekly Memphis Enquirer, 11/12/1846.