Letter to Addie Jones Crisp June 19, 1860

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Memphis, Tenn - June 19, 1860

Dear Addy,

I recon you have given out looking for me by the time I wrote you a few lines by Mr. John Hunt that I could not come to your examination. I recon you will be disappointed but disappointment is our Lot in this country and you must Learn to bear them as well as you can. I have not been very well Lately and would like very well on that account to Leave Memphis for a few months if I could Leave my Business Long enough. Your Ma is quite unwell yet not improving as I can see. the Children are all up but not well. Babe is not well. Mr. Leonard and I. B. Sharp had a fight on Last SUnday in school. Have you any fighting men in your Sunday School. The most I Hate about it neither of them got whiped if it had been any wheres else they would have had a good time of it. They were up before the Reorder aand the Church on Friday and I expect the Grand Jury will take hold of the Case also. Bette Says She run Esther out of the House or behind the doors I don't remember which. They use three fish and a Steak in the conflict. They are both said to be very Sorry but cannot bear an insult from each other. I have never heard of such a case in my life. They were also dismissed from the Sunny School. Mr. I. B. Sharp was Superintendant and Mr. Leonard was a teacher. I have nothing more I recon that would interest you in the South. There is a good eal of sickness in the city at this Season of the year. I never can think to send you the Advocate. I will try and send it to you next lesson if I can think to do so. They are looked over and thus torn up before I can ever think to mail it to you. The best would be to send it to you from the office. Do you not take any magazines to read. Let me hear from you. Have you no reading room in the School. How is that. If you have none of these coming, I will send you some papers if they are allowed in School, not otherwise. Mr. Church is a good man and should have his rules obeyed by Parents and Children. I hope you are learning fast and try and Graduate in another Year. I will come up then if I am living and well enough. I am so anxious to see you I don't now what to do. I would Let you come Home during vacation but I am affraid for you to come home at this Season of the year and especially as it is So very Sickly this Season.I am very tired of Living in town and I am affraid I cannot stand it much longer. My Health is not at all good. I have the dispepsa and Sick Head Ache.These combined make me very low feeling. It ------

(Rest of letter missing)