The Goodspeed Publishing Co., History of Tennessee, 1887
Biographical Sketches, Shelby County TN
Transcribed by Helen Rowland
Q Surnames
Peter J. QUIGLEY, clerk of the county court of Shelby County, is a native of Ireland where he was born March 10, 1845. He was reared and educated in his native country, and in the spring of 1864 came to the United States, locating in Philadelphia where he followed the saddler’s trade. In 1866 he came to Memphis where he continued his trade in the employ of others, but later engaged in the business for himself, continuing until 1875, when he was elected justice of the peace, and as such officer served in a faithful and efficient manner until August, 1886, when he was elected by the Democracy of the county to the office of county court clerk, and is yet discharging the duties of that office. He is a most popular officer and is highly respected. In 1873 his marriage with Miss Martina E. Trainor was solemnized. This lady is a native of this city. She is the mother of five living children—two sons and three daughters. Mr. Quigley is a member of the K. of H., K. of I., C.K. of A., K. of L., K. and L. of H., and A.O.U.W. Himself and wife are members of the Catholic Church.