The Goodspeed Publishing Co., History of Tennessee, 1887
Biographical Sketches, Shelby County TN
Transcribed by Helen Rowland

    M Surnames

MALLORY, Crawford & Co., wholesale grocers, cotton factors and commission merchants, No. 254 Front Street, Memphis, began business in 1879, and is one of the strongest and most reliable firms in the city.  The firm is composed of Capt. W. B. Mallory and W. J. Crawford, men of high integrity and rare business qualifications.  The firm succeeded Harris, Mallory & Co. which did business from 1872 to 1879, and which in turn succeeded Harris, Cochran & Co.  The present firm transacts an annual business of about $1,500,000.  Capt. Mallory is a native of Virginia, and served during the war as captain of Company A, Nineteenth Virginia Confederate Infantry.  In 1869 he came to Memphis and engaged in the insurance business, continuing until the present company was formed.  He is a manager of the wholesale and commission trade, while Mr. Crawford has charge of the cotton business.  Mr. Mallory’s parents were Virginians, agriculturists, and are both deceased.  In 1859 he married Miss Harris, who bore him five children, of whom four are still living.  This lady died in 1871 and in 1873 he married Miss Newell, of Clarksville, who has presented her husband with five children, all now living.  W. J. Crawford is president of the Memphis Cotton Exchange and the Memphis Cotton Exchange Building Company, and is director in the Phoenix Insurance Company, and the Merchants Cotton-press and Storage Company.  He was born in Mississippi in 1844, and came to Memphis in 1859, and in 1869 began handling cotton, at which business he has since been mostly engaged.  He served three years in the Fourth Tennessee Confederate Regiment.  In 1874 he was joined in marriage with Miss Anna Thompson, a native of Mississippi, who has borne him three children, all living.  His father died in 1865, but his mother is still living.  Mr. Crawford is a member of the K. of P. and K. of H. orders.


Dr. Samuel MANSFIELD.  One of the oldest and most prominent business men of Memphis is Dr. Samuel Mansfield, of the firm of Mansfield & Co. (wholesale druggists).  He was born in 1821 in Kent County, Md., where he received his early education.  At the age of seventeen he removed to Knoxville, Tenn., to engage in the drug business as a salesman.  From that he arose to proprietorship, but in 1846 he came to Memphis that he might have a wider field in which to operate.  From that time to the present, with the exception of a short time during the war, he has been engaged in the drug business.  At one time the firm was changed but Mr. Mansfield was always the principal.  The other members of the present firm are E. L. Brown and J. M. Wood.  Within the last five years the business has been exclusively wholesale.  In 1855 Mr. Mansfield wedded Mary B. Robertson of Fayette County, Tenn., by whom he has five living children.  He is also extensively engaged in the manufacture of medicines and has by his own study and observation discovered several remedies, for different ailments, all of which he manufactures and sells.  Besides he is connected with other business interests, being one of the directors of the Bank of Commerce and also the Memphis City Fire & General Insurance Company.


A. J. MARTIN was born in Davidson County, Tenn., near the Hermitage, April 15, 1832, and on the maternal side is related to the Donelson family, one of the first families to settle in Nashville, and through them distantly connected with the family of Gen. Jackson.  He received a thorough education in one of the leading colleges in Nashville, and afterward graduated from the Law University of Virginia.  He was married September 27, 1869, to Mrs. Rosa A. Martin, daughter of Col. C. C. White.  Mary, A. J., Shelton W., and Rosadelle, were the children of this marriage.  The mother was born in Marshall County, Miss., January 13, 1841.  She had previously been married to Dr. John D. Martin, afterward a general in the Confederate Army, who was killed in the charge on the breastworks at the battle of Corinth, October 3, 1862.  One son was the issue of this union—John D., a member of the law firm of Young & Martin; he graduated from the State University, at Knoxville, Tenn., and at the Law University of Virginia.  Mrs. Martins’ father, Col. C. C. White, was born in Elbert County, Ga., April 20, 1813, and was of English descent.  He immigrated to Mississippi in 1838 and settled in Marshall County where he owned a large plantation; in 1868 he moved to Shelby County, Tenn., locating at Buntyn.  He was married in Marshall County, Miss., October 31, 1839, to Miss Mary E. Withers, daughter of Sterling Withers, a native of Virginia.  Three sons and two daughters were the result of this marriage: Albert T. (deceased); Alphonsus C., who was aid to Gen. Martin during the early part of the war, and afterward a member of Jackson’s escort, and died August 12, 1864; Shelton W., now a planter in Mississippi, and Rosa A., the co-subject of this sketch, and Emily E. (deceased).  The father died at his home in Buntyn, Tenn., January 17, 1886, and was buried in Elmwood Cemetery, at Memphis.  The mother was born in Sussex County, Va., December 22, 1823, and is still living at the old homestead in Buntyn.  A. J. Martin, our subject, resides at Buntyn, and deals in real estate.  He is a man of fine social standing and great stability of character, and has the esteem and confidence of all who know him.


E. D. MASSEY, a merchant carrying a stock of general merchandise at Bartlett, Shelby Co., Tenn., was born in Limestone County, Ala., and is a son of Reuben and Sallie (Wren) Massey, who were both natives of Virginia.  The father gave his time to farming and moved to Shelby County in 1836.  E. D. Massey was raised in Shelby County and educated in Memphis.  After finishing his education, he spent some time clerking in a dry goods store and then commenced business on his own responsibility, but in 1862 was compelled to close out on account of the war, and the capture of Memphis by the army.  Mr. Massey then went South and traveled constantly until the war closed, when he returned to Shelby County, and engaged in farming until 1879, when he established his present business at Bartlett.  Mr. Massey is a Democrat, and manifests a deep interest in the success of his party.  He has been quite successful in his business, and is upright in all his dealings.  He is well known in Shelby County and esteemed by all.


James Clare McDAVITT, attorney, manager of L. B. Eaton & Co.’s abstract office, was born in Shelby County, Ky., November 25, 1834, and is the son of George and Linnie (Nowlin) McDavitt, both natives of Kentucky, and members of old and distinguished families of that State.  James C. was reared in Kentucky, and was liberally educated, finishing at Asbury (now DePauw) University, of Indiana.  He studied law under Judge T. W. Brown, of Shelbyville, Ky., and in 1857 came to Memphis to practice his profession.  He became a member of the law firm of Kortrecht & McDavitt, and continued thus until the war.  He entered the Confederate service and became first lieutenant in Bankhead’s battery, light artillery, and served thus the first year of the war.  Later he became inspector and adjutant of artillery under Gens. Maury and Polk, and for a short time was in command of the iron-clad floating battery and Battery McIntosh, at Mobile.  After the war he resumed the practice of law and for a year was one of the firm with Lewis Bond, then until 1870 was one of the firm of Estes, Jackson & McDavitt, since which date he has given his entire time to the examination of real estate titles, in which important business he has become an expert.  He accepted his present position in 1882.  In politics Mr. McDavitt is a Democrat, but was formerly an old line Whig.  He is a member of the K. of H. and of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and is one of the substantial citizens of Memphis.  In April, 1866, he was joined in marriage with Miss Flora R. Dobyns, of Haywood County, Tenn., and to this union there is one daughter, Mattie.


Samuel Irwin McDOWELL, clerk and master of the chancery court of Shelby County, was born in Gibson Count, September 4, 1848, and is the son of John D. and Nancy (Irwin) McDowell, both parents being natives of North Carolina.  In 1832 the father came to Tennessee and located in Gibson County.  Here our subject was reared and educated, finishing his literary education at Andrew College, Trenton.  Upon becoming twenty-one years old he went to Arkansas, where he bought a plantation and conducted it until 1872, when he came to Memphis and a year later engaged in abstracting titles, continuing until 1880, when for three years and a half he served as deputy county trustee, assuming much of the responsibility of that office.  November 26, 1884, he was appointed clerk and master of the chancery court, in which position he is yet serving to the entire satisfaction of his constituents.  He is at present director of the Security Bank and of the Home Insurance Company, and is recognized as one of the most efficient officers of the city and one of the most useful citizens.  December 12, 1883, he was united in marriage with Miss Bessie McGowan of Memphis.  In politics Mr. McDowell is a stanch Democrat, and is a member of the K. of H. and the K. of P.


Niles MERIWETHER, taxing district engineer, Memphis, was born in Christian County, Ky., January 26, 1830, and is the son of Garrett M. and Mary (Miner) Meriwether, natives respectively of Orange and Louisa Counties, Va.  Our subject was reared and educated in his native State.  In 1850 he accepted an engagement on one of the original surveys of the Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad, with which road he worked for about four years.  He then engaged with the Alabama & Great Southern Railroad, and assisted in locating the line from McMinnville to Burksville, Ky., via Sparta, Tenn.  He also assisted in locating the road from Winchester, Tenn., to Huntsville, Ala.  In October, 1853, he came to Memphis and accepted a position as assistant engineer for the Mississippi & Tennessee Railroad, and from 1857 to 1867 was chief engineer of the road.  From 1867 to 1875 he was chief engineer of the Memphis & Charleston Railroad, and from 1875 to 1877 was chief engineer of the line of road from Cairo, Ill., to New Orleans.  This is now the Illinois Central Railroad.  During 1878 he was chief engineer of the Natchez, Jackson & Columbus Railroad.  In February, 1879, he became taxing district engineer of Memphis, and has filled this position until the present.  October 25, 1855, he was united in marriage with Miss Lide P. Smith, a native of Eastern Shore, Va.  They have two living daughters: Mrs. Mattie M. Betts, Huntersville, Ala., and Dr. Lucy Va Davis, New York City.


The Memphis Cider & Vinegar Works, located at 6 and 7 Howard Row, were completed by the present proprietors in August, 1886, with J. Wirlzinski, president; Sol. Morris, secretary, and H. Silverman, manager.  The building occupied by this company is 48x106, three stories high and has a cellar.  The boiler has a capacity of 110 horse-power, and has a copper-lined still with five departments, and capable of making 200 barrels of vinegar and ninety barrels of cider daily.  This firm manufactures for the jobbing trade exclusively.  Mr. Silverman, the manager of this business, is a native of Poland and came to the United States in 1870.  He is the son of B. and P. Silverman.  H. Silverman was engaged in business in Arkansas for thirteen years and came to Memphis in 1883.  In 1880 he married Esther Harris, of this city, and two children have blessed this union.


J. S. MENKEN.  In 1862 J. S. Menken established the foundation of the present mammoth dry goods establishment of Menken & Co., situated at 371 and 379 Main St.  In 1863 Messrs. Jules A. and N. D. Menken were admitted, and in 1878 Messrs. William and J. S. Andrews, all having been previously connected with the house, filling clerkships.  In 1883 the present company purchased the building at the corner of Main and Gayoso Streets and a palatial five-story building was erected, having a Main Street front of 117 feet, and extending 150 feet on Gayoso Street.  The entire Main Street front is of fine, heavy plate glass.  The business is divided into thirty different departments, the lower floor being devoted to dry goods, clothing, gents’ furnishing goods, queens and glass wares, boots, shoes, etc.; the second floor to cloaks, shawls, millinery, carpets, oil cloths, etc.  The business and private offices of the firm are also on this floor, and a ladies’ parlor, handsomely fitted up for the accommodation of customers.  The third and fourth floors are devoted to the wholesale dry goods and retail toy department.  The fifth floor is used as a millinery and dress manufacturing department.  There is also a basement or cellar under the whole structure, used as a storage and packing room.  Two splendid hydraulic elevators convey patrons from floor to floor.  The firm at present consists of J. S. Menken, William Horgan and J. S. Andrews, and gives employment to about 325 assistants, both male and female, being the first house in Memphis to employ salesladies.  J. S. Menken is a native of Cincinnati, Ohio, born in 1840, and at the commencement of the war was engaged in the general mercantile business with his father.  He then enlisted in the Twenty-seventh Ohio Infantry, but was soon after placed on the staff of Gen. Sturges, where he remained till the date of his connection with the business interests of Memphis.  He has visited Europe frequently, traveling with a different spirit from most Americans.  He does not rush through as if he had an irksome task to perform; but with that cosmopolitan breadth of vision that comes from looking without onesself, he goes among the people, dances with the French, drinks beer with the Germans, sings with the Italians, and dines on plum pudding in England.  In 1866 he married Miss Hart, of New York, the daughter of a wealthy merchant who had retired from business.  Since, as before, he is the active spirit—ever on the move, from New York to Memphis, back again, then off to Paris, always ready, never tired.  Of a cheerful, happy and impulsive disposition, gloom and melancholy vanish at his approach.  He is a member of the Merchants Exchange, the F. & A.M. and the K. of H.


David A. MERRELL, farmer and owner of a saw-mill, is a son of Frost and Barbara (Huffman) Merrell, both natives of North Carolina, where they grew up and were married.  In the family were nine children—five sons and four daughters.  In 1839 they came to Tipton County and afterward moved to Shelby where the father died.  The mother still lives with her son, Alex.  Our subject was born in Davidson County, N.C., in 1834, and received a very limited education.  At the age of twenty-one he began working for himself, and in 1856 he married Mary J. Miller, of Tipton County, by whom he had six children, four of whom are now living.  In 1862 Mr. Merrell went out in Company G, Fifty-first Confederate Tennessee Infantry.  During over three years’ service he was struck with six balls and once severely wounded, disabling him for life.  In 1866 he engaged in the saw-mill business as one of the firm of Willey & Merrell; this partnership lasted seventeen years.  Six mills and a hotel at Kerrville were the monuments of their labors.  In connection with this he carries on his agricultural pursuits, owning some 250 acres.  Mr. Merrell has done much to improve the stock of his county, raising fine horses, Durham cattle and Poland China hogs.  He is connected with Kerrville Agricultural Association, in which he takes an active part.


Dr. J. L. MEWBORN, a dentist of Memphis, was born in Madison County, Ala., in 1838 and is the second of a family of sixteen children, seven of them living.  The parents were Charlton A. Mewborn, who was the son of Joshua Mewborn, who was the son of Wilson Mewborn and Mary J. (Long) Mewborn.  The father was born in North Carolina in 1809, moved to Alabama when a young man and was for some time engaged in teaching; then devoted himself to farming.  He died in November, 1877.  The mother was born in Alabama in 1822, and now lives at the old homestead where her husband located in 1843.  Dr. J. L. Mewborn received his literary education at the Macon Masonic College and at the La Grange Synodical College.  In May, 1861, he enlisted in Company B, Thirteenth Tennessee Infantry, and after serving a year as private was promoted to the rank of lieutenant, and was engaged with his command in the battles of Belmont, Shiloh, Perryville, Richmond, Murfreesboro and Chickamauga.  He was captured on detached service in West Tennessee in November, 1863, and held a prisoner at Johnson’s Island until the close of the war.  While in prison he studied dentistry and after his release, in June, 1865, he returned home, resumed his studies and then engaged in the practice of his profession.  In 1870 and 1871 he attended the New York Dental College, where he graduated as valedictorian of his class.  In November, 1866, he married Mary, daughter of J. B. and Mary Matthews, who was born in Fayette County in 1849.  Eight children have been born to this marriage.  Dr. Mewborn moved to Memphis in the fall of 1871, where he has since been most successfully engaged in the practice of dentistry, and stands high in his profession.  He is a member of several dental associations and an occasional contributor to the dental journals.


Dr. J. P. McGEE, surgeon and physician of Memphis, Tenn., is a native of Henry County, Tenn., born in 1835, and is one of a family of six children—three sons and three daughters.  The father, Richard McGee, was born in Rockbridge County, Va., in 1775, and came to Tennessee when a young man.  He was married in Kentucky about 1803 to Elizabeth Gentry, a native of that State, born about 1787, and the daughter of a prominent farmer and stock-grower of Kentucky.  Richard McGee was a farmer by occupation, and located in Henry County in 1833.  Previous to this he had resided for some time in Giles County and had held some prominent political offices in that county.  From 1833 to 1851 he resided in Henry County, after which he removed to Gibson County, and here passed the remainder of his days.  He served in the war of 1812 as captain, and died in 1865.  Our subject received his literary education at Bethel College, McLemoresville, Tenn., taking the degree of B.A., and in 1881 was called upon by that institute to deliver the baccalaureate discourse.  He began the study of medicine under two of the prominent physicians of Trenton in 1856, and in 1861 graduated as M.D. from the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia.  In May, 1861, he joined Company F, Twelfth Regiment, Provisional Army of Tennessee, and when the company was organized as regular soldiers of the Confederate Army he was made assistant surgeon.  From that he was promoted by degrees to the highest ranks in that department.  He was once captured but remained in prison only a short time.  After the war he practiced medicine at Hickman, Ky., a short time, and in April, 1867, he located at Trenton, Tenn.  February 22, 1866, he married Jennie C. Elder, a native of Gibson County, and the daughter of Monroe B. and Lucy Elder.  This union resulted in the birth of four children—two sons and two daughters.  In September, 1883, the Doctor came to Memphis, and he is succeeding well in the practice of his profession.  He is prominently connected with the Tennessee Medical Association, and as he has given his special attention to surgery, is unexcelled in that branch of the profession.  He is an ardent Democrat in politics, and he and wife are members of the Presbyterian Church.


George W. McGINNIS, land commissioner for the L.N.O.&T. Railroad, was born in Woodford County, Ky., in 1828, and while growing up had good advantages for an education.  He is of Scotch-Irish descent.  His parents, E. G. and Mary H. (Young) McGinnis, were also natives of Kentucky, and after their marriage lived in Louisville where the father engaged in the wholesale mercantile business.  In their family were seven children, three of whom are now living—one son and two daughters.  Both parents were members of the Presbyterian Church.  Our subject came south in 1861 and five years later was united in marriage to Jane Wood, a native of Mississippi.  Both Mr. and Mrs. McGinnis are consistent members of the Presbyterian Church.  In 1870 Mr. McGinnis became identified with the railroad business where he has continued ever since.  In 1885 he assumed the duties of his present office.


W. N. MILLER, a prominent farmer of the Seventh District of Shelby County, was born in Bedford County, Va., August 7, 1817, and is a son of Simon and Martha (Rivers) Miller, who were both natives of Virginia.  The father was one of the prominent men of the county, owning large tracts of land there.  The grandfather, William Miller, held the rank of captain in the Revolutionary war.  Our subject was raised in Bedford County, Va., and educated in that county and in West Tennessee.  His father moved to Hardeman County when our subject was still young, and after completing his education he farmed with his father for several years, and in 1865 purchased a farm two miles north of Bartlett, that contained 2,000 acres.  February 8, 1859, he married Miss Lucy A. Whitmore, a daughter of Charles H. Whitmore, one of the prominent citizens and commission merchants of Memphis.  Six of the eight children born to them are living: William E; Lucy A., wife of C. H. Caldwell, a merchant, of Raleigh, Tenn.; Sallie D., wife of Fred J. Warner, a merchant at Bartlett, Tenn.; Willie J.; Simon A. and Elizabeth N.  Mrs. Miller is a member of the Methodist Church.  Mr. Miller is a Mason and in politics a Democrat.  He is a man of fine social standing and exceedingly popular in his neighborhood.


William E. MILLER was born in Germantown, Shelby County, Tenn., June 5, 1860.  His father, William E. Miller, was a native of Kentucky, and was brought to Shelby County by his parents when quite small, where he was raised and educated, and when of age he married Laura W. Thompson.  Two sons and a daughter, our subject being the second child, were born to this marriage, two still living.  The father was a farmer until he went into the drug business at Germantown and was postmaster there from 1872 to 1878.  Both parents and the grandmother died with yellow fever during the scourge of 1878, the father November 16, and the mother October 12.  The mother was born in Raleigh, N.C., in 1828.  Our subject was raised and educated in Germantown, then took a business course in Leddin’s Commercial College at Memphis, and after is father’s death he continued the drug business in the old firm name.  He married in Tate County, Miss., January 29, 1884, Miss Lulu Lipsey, daughter of Rev. J. W. Lipsey, formerly of Georgia, and a well known Baptist minister.  She was born in Mississippi in October, 1863.  Two sons—William E. and John L.—have been born to this union.  Mr. Miller is a Democrat and with his wife belongs to the Missionary Baptist Church.  He has been successful in business and is one of the active public-spirited citizens of his town, standing well in the community in both a social and business way.


Dr. J. L. MINOR, a skillful physician of Memphis, was born in Stafford County, Va., in 1854.  He is the son of Dr. John and Elizabeth (Scott) Minor, both natives of Virginia.  The father, who was born in 1822, was a physician of distinction; he received his literary and professional education at the University of Virginia, and practiced medicine for many years near Fredericksburg, Va., and served four years as surgeon in the Confederate Army.  He was a consistent member of the Presbyterian Church and died in 1881.  The mother was born in 1835, and now resides at Rapidan, Va.  Our subject received a common-school education at the institutions of learning in is native State, and at nineteen years of age commenced the study of medicine under the direction of his father.  He was graduated from the University of Virginia in 1876.  After this he went to New York to pursue his studies and remained there for nearly nine years, during which time he served as house surgeon of St. Peter’s Hospital, in Brooklyn, N.Y., then as house surgeon of the Brooklyn Eye and Ear Hospital; he was assistant attending surgeon to the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary for six years, and was attending surgeon to the New York City Hospital on Randall’s Island, and filled the same position in St. Joseph’s Industrial Home, of New York City, and for two years was pathologist to the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary.  He held the position of instructor in the school of ophthalmology, otology and laryngology of the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary and was secretary and treasurer of the New York Ophthalmological Society for two years.  Dr. Minor located in Memphis in October, 1885, and has met with great success in his practice, which is limited to diseases of the eye and ear.  He is a member of the various medical societies of the county and State, and of the American Ophthalmological and Otological Societies.  Few men of Dr. Minor’s age have acquired a more enviable reputation in their professions.


Hon. William Robert MOORE was born in Huntsville, Ala., March 28, 1830, and is the son of Robert Cleveland and Mary F. (Lingow) Moore, both parents being natives of the “Old Dominion,” and members of two of the oldest and most highly respected families of that State.  The father having died when our subject was six months old, the mother soon afterward located near Fosterville, in Rutherford County, and here William R. remained until his sixteenth year, when he went to Beech Grove; thence to Nashville and engaged in the wholesale dry goods business with Thomas and William S. Eakin, with whom he remained several years.  He then for four years connected himself in the same business with S. B. Chittenden, of New York City.  In 1859 he came to Memphis and established his present business under the firm name of Shepherd & Moore.  His partner dying during the war, Mr. Moore has since conducted the enterprise alone, confining himself exclusively to the wholesale dry goods trade.  His establishment is, perhaps, the largest of the kind in the South, and has a flooring extent of 74,500 square feet, the building being 115x325 feet.  A very large trade is enjoyed.  Mr. Moore is a Republican, but has no political ambition.  Being a native Southerner, his Union views during the war subjected him to much annoyance.  In 1880, without solicitation on his part, he was elected to the XLVII Congress and served with honor and distinction, and in 1882 was unanimously renominated by his party, but declined to serve.  In the political parlance of the State, he is what is known as a State credit man.  He is enterprising, progressive, charitable, and his name is above reproach.  February 14, 1878, he married Miss Lottie Heywood Blood, a native of Hamilton, Ontario, a lady distinguished for her personal beauty and her social graces.  It is the chief pride of Mr. Moore that throughout his business career of more than forty years no promise of his has ever been dishonored, and that although calamities of war, panics and pestilence have within that time caused many financial fabrics to totter and fall, his character and credit have stood impregnable and his contracts have ever been paid 100 cents to the dollar.


P. J. MORAN, a member of the firm of P. J. Moran & Co., coffee roasters, dealers in teas, coffee, spices, Japanese wares and baking powder, is a native of St. Louis, Mo., and the son of Dennis and Bridget (Conway) Moran, also natives of St. Louis, Mo., where they resided during life.  The father was a mechanic.  In 1869, prior to his coming to Memphis, our subject was connected with the firm of Matthew Hunt & Co., and this firm in the same year established a branch house in Memphis, being the first coffee roasters and spice grinders in Tennessee.  Mr. Moran conducted the business of the above firm in this city until 1872, after which he engaged in the merchant brokerage business for two years.  In 1870 the old firm, Matthew Hunt & Co., became W. F. Cavanaugh & Co., and in 1874 it was purchased by our subject and became C. H. Pomroy & Co.  In 1876 Mr. Moran withdrew, and the firm again became W. F. Cavanaugh & Co., and remained as such until July 1, 1885, when our subject purchased the whole interest and has since conducted the business alone.  He transacts a business of about $70,000 annually, and has a man employed soliciting wholesale trade in the city.  From 1876 to 1881, he served a clerkship for a wholesale grocery firm at Memphis, and was then admitted to the firm, where he remained until he established his present trade.  Mr. Moran wedded Tilda J. Chandler, a native of Memphis, who died in 1882.


Judge R. J. MORGAN, senior member of the law firm of Morgan & McFarland, was educated at the University of Georgia, graduating therefrom in 1848, and soon afterward began the study of law and was admitted to the bar in 1850.  He practiced his profession in Georgia until 1859, when he came to this city and continued the practice until the war broke out, when he raised and was made colonel of the Thirty-Sixth Tennessee Regiment, and continued in this position until 1863, when the regiment was consolidated with other commands, and Col. Morgan was transferred to the staff of Gen. Polk, where he served until the death of the latter in 1864, near Atlanta.  He was then assigned to the duty of auditing claims against the Confederate Government, and was thus engaged until the restoration of peace.  He then returned to Memphis and resumed the practice of law.  He was elected city attorney in 1867, re-elected in 1868, appointed chancellor in 1869, elected in 1870, and continued to hold the office until 1878, since which date he has been engaged in the practice.  Judge Morgan was born March 25, 1828, in Putnam County, Ga., but was taken to LaGrange, Ga., by his parents in infancy.  He is the son of John E. and Mary T. (Brown) Morgan, natives of Georgia, the father being a farmer, merchant and banker until his death in 1868.  During the war he was a commissioner under the Confederate Government.  The mother died in 1876.  September 19, 1854, our subject married Miss Martha Fort of Milledgeville, Ga., and to them the following children have been born: Mary Louisa (Mrs. J. A. Keightley), Tomlinson F. (deceased), and John E.  The mother of these children died in February, 1886.  Judge Morgan is a Democrat, a Methodist and a Mason.


Dr. S. J. MORRISON, of the firm of Drs. Frayser & Morrison, of Memphis, Tenn., was born in Virginia in 1834, and was one of a family of thirteen children, eight now living.  The parents, Dr. E. A. and Mary (Trumbull) Morrison, were both natives of Virginia.  Our subject’s grandfather was a native of Ireland, born in Dublin and an eminent physician.  Dr. E. A. Morrison, the father, received his medical education a the University of Pennsylvania, and was a physician of high standing for many years before his death, which occurred in 1879, at the age of seventy-five.  His mother was born in 1808, and died in 1845.  Dr. S. J. Morrison graduated at the University of Virginia in 1856, and soon after commenced the study of medicine, attending the New York University, afterward taking a course of lectures at Long Island Hospital Medical College, and graduated therefrom in 1860.  Until 1861 he practiced medicine at his home in Virginia, when he enlisted in the Confederate Army, joining the Brunswick Guards, and was made assistant surgeon, acting in that capacity until the close of the war.  In 1870 he moved to Memphis, and his extensive and lucrative practice testifies to his ability as a physician.


E. B. MOSELEY, proprietor of Moseley Cotton-gin, which has a capacity of twenty-five bales daily and forty bales in twenty-four hours, was born in the city of Memphis, and is a son of John B. and M. E. (Leake) Moseley.  In 1882 our subject married Rosa B. Kennedy, of this city, the daughter of W. H. Kennedy.  This union resulted in the birth of two children.  Mr. Moseley is the proprietor and manager of the above business, which was established in the summer of 1885, and is situated at 201 and 203 Madison Street.


McKEON & CROSS, real estate brokers and collecting agents, is one of the strong business partnerships of the city, and is composed of Tennie  McKeon and J. S. Cross.  The firm was established in December, 1886, and has been successful since the start.  J. F. McKeon is a native of Memphis, and was born September 21, 1857.  He is the son of Thomas McKeon, a prominent wholesale grocer and cotton factor of this city, who died about three years after the war.  Our subject grew to years of maturity in this city and was here educated.  He first clerked in the grocery business and then in the real estate business five years.  In 1881 he was appointed deputy sheriff for the criminal court, which position he occupied until he engaged in his present business.  June 28, 1886, he was united in marriage to Miss Mollie Shea, of this city.  Mr. McKeon is a Democrat and is a member of the Catholic Church and of the Catholic Knights of America.  John S. Cross was born in Walker County, Tex., June 29, 1864, and is the son of John and Lucy M. (Mosley) Cross, natives of Virginia.  His father died in Texas in 1864, after which his mother returned to Kentucky, taking with her our subject and his brother, and there they were reared and educated.  He began business life as clerk in a mercantile establishment, working thus at Hopkinsville, Ky., and at Cincinnati, Ohio.  In December, 1884, he came to Memphis and engaged with the Pullman Palace Car Company, and later entered a shoe house here; but left the same in May, 1886, and from that date until December, 1886, engaged in the real estate business for another person.  In December, 1886, he began in his present business.  He is unmarried, is a Democrat, a Baptist and a member of the K. of P.


Andrew J. MURRAY, first assistant city engineer of Memphis, is a native of Lanarkshire, Scotland, where he was born February 9, 1836, being the son of Andrew and Agnes (Jardine) Murray.  Both parents were natives of Scotland, the mother being of French descent.  Our subject came to the United States in 1845, and secured a fair education in the New York City schools.  He then returned to his native country and remained four years, making a trip while there to the Crimea.  In the spring of 1855 he returned to this country, and in 1856 went with an engineering party to Minnesota.  This was the commencement of his engineering career—carrying the chain.  After the financial crisis of 1857 he worked is way to St. Louis, his wild-cat money being worthless.  He soon went to Chillicothe, Ohio, and in the fall of 1858 came to Memphis and worked under City Engineer E. W. Rucker until the war broke out when he enlisted in the engineer corps of the Confederate Army.  In 1862 he became chief military store-keeper in the ordnance department, continuing until the winter of 1864 when he was captured at Collierville, Tenn., and was held prisoner by the Federals until the close of the war, part of the time under oath only.  In 1864 while on parole he accepted an assistant professorship in Hitchcock’s Commercial College of Wheeling, Va.  After the war he returned to Memphis, and has since been connected with the engineer’s department, having been chief assistant since 1865.  In 1871 he was united in marriage with Miss Ina Saxon, a native of Alabama.  They have two living sons.  Mr. Murray is a Democrat, is a Master Mason, and is a member of the Episcopal Church of this city.  While in the war he participated in the siege of Vicksburg.