Will of L.G.H. Pittman 1865
submitted by
My ggg-grandfather, L.G.H. Pittman was in Gibson Co. in the early 1830s. He is
shown in the 1840,1850 and 1860 census. His wife Leuvenia and children are in the
1870 census but he is not. My transcription of his will is copied below.
Bob Swindell
August term - 1865 - Gibson County Court Pg. 461
In the name of lord amen. I, L.G.H. Pittman do make and ordain, this my last will
an testament, revoking all others. 1st: My desire is that all my just debts be paid
as soon after my decease as practicable.
2nd I have given to my sons H. C. Pittman and J(I?) A. W. Pittman what I allow for
them in an education and property after they remained to themselves.
3rd As my daughter Mary E. Yeargin is left a widow with two small children, I give
to her and the heirs of her body 60 acres of land on the north end of my original
occupational tract of 205 acres where H. C. Pittman settled. As she has hogs to
make her meat for one year I give her twelve barrels of corn for the year following
after the year following after my decesased.
4th The balance I may own at my decease I give to my beloved wife during her
natural life or widowed in trust for the purposes hereafter named. (vis) that my
six youngest children, all boys, to wit, Lawrence W. Pittman, Finly B. Pittman,
John A. Pittman, Luther H. Pittman, Gilford M. H. Pittman, and Lunesford G. H.
Pittman may be well educated to the extent of a literal english education. And that
my will and desire may be carried out with some certainty I wish all my property
including lands as well as personal property sold on a credit of twelve months
having six percent interest from date as soon after my decease as my agents
hereafter named think can be sold for a fair price. And one hundred acres of land
or thereabout bought in the state of Illinois, Marien (Marion?) County convenient
to a public school house where my children can have easy access (accept?) to
school. I desire my beloved wife Louisanna (Louvenia?) M. Pittman to consent to and
carry out the last clause named and remove herself and children as above desired
taking nothing but their clothes as she can buy beds and household property cheaper
there than they will sell for here and save the freight.
5th At the deceased of my beloved wife my wish and desire is what may be left of my
estate may be sold and equally divided between my six youngest boys if living. If
dead without lawful heirs to be divided equally between that is living.
6th I do hereby appoint, constitute and desire Hardy H. Baird (sp?) and Joshua
Swindle my lawful agent without the concurrence of the County Court or any other
authority to assist my wife in selling my property and collecting all debts due me
now or may become due to her and also to select a tract of land and buy it for her
and children above named.
7th all money that my agents may collect and not need at the time for support and
education of my wife and children I desire to be deposited in (a) safe bank in
individual bearing interest subject to the (needs?) of my wife for support and for
support and education of my six youngest boys.
8th If I have not been clear and distinct in explaining my will and desire and
there should be a disagreement in the meaning of what I have said my will and
desire is that it should be left to three disinterested citizens, known for their
honesty and good judgement, the contesting parties choose one each and these two
choose the third. Whose judgement shall be conclusive and final as if given in the
Supreme Court of the United States this 17th day of April, 1865. Every word written
by my own hand and signed and sealed by the same.
L.G.H. Pittman (seal) Test F. G. Goodman </ J/ Travis