From Will Book H, Pages 97 and 98
Gibson County, TN, August 1890
H.A. King Will
In the name of God almighty in the County of
Gibson Civil District No. 7 – State of Tennessee I being of sound mind and
memory – blessed be almighty God for the same I make and publish this my last
Will and testament –
First I give and bequeath to my son – Luther P. King my horse and buggy and
one milk cow and also my interest in one molasses mill also my farming utensils
also my household furniture.
Second I give and bequeath to my daughter Cora Phelin (Phelan) my bureau and
five dollars in money.
Third I give and bequeath to my son – Thaddy King five dollars in money.
Fourth I give and bequeath to my daughter Lenora Bell five dollars in money.
Next I do hereby empower my son – Luther P. King to collect all claims due me
and pay all of my just debts. I also want my son Luther P. King to pay the above mention
and also make Lenie McCory and Manuel Johnson a deed to the land I sold them
when paid for – Also the above shall be void so long as I live This August 24th
1888 Whereto I set my Hand
H. A. King
W. F. Nesbitt
P. T. Walker
G. T. Hawkins
Submitted by