John Gallagher’s date of birth is not known but he was born in Ireland. He died in probably March of 1891 in Humboldt, Gibson Co., TN.

The following transcriptions tells you a good bit more about John Gallagher.

State of Tennessee, Gibson County

To T. C. Abbott, a citizen of Davidson County:

Whereas, It appears to the Court, now in session, that John Gallagher has died, leaving no will, and the Court being satisfied as to your claim to the Administration, and you having made bond and qualified as directed by law, and the Court having ordered that Letters of Administration be issued to you:

These are, therefore, to authorize and empower you, the said T. C. Abbott, to take into your possession and control all the goods, chattels, claims and papers of the said intestate, and return a true and perfect inventory thereof to our next County Court, or within ninety days from the date hereof; to collect and pay all debts, and to do and transact all the duties in relation to said estate which lawfully devolve on you as Administrator; and after having settled up said estate, to deliver the residue thereof to those who have a right thereto by law. Herein fail not,

Witness, A. W. Foster Clerk of said Court, at office, this 9th day of March, 1891.


We, T. C. Abbott, D. Donovant and Hugh Gallagher are bound to the State of Tennessee, in the penalty of twenty-five hundred dollars ($2500.00).

Witness our hands and seals, this 9th day of March, 1891.

The condition of this obligation is such, that whereas the above bound T. C. Abbott has been appointed Administrator of the estate of John Gallagher, deceased.

Now if the said T. C. Abbott shall well and truly, as such Administrator, perform all the duties which are or may be required by lay, the obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue, approved by B. O. Carlton, Chairman.

Signed T. C. Abbott

D. Donovant

Hugh Gallagher

1st paid receipt: November 26, 1891

Received of Rev. T. C. Abbott, Administrator of John Gallagher, deceased

Two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) payment in full for rustic monument

Signed Gillen & Donovan

Letter from Inver Donegal, Ireland

To: Rev. T. C. Abbott, Nashville, Tenn., U.S.A.

Rev. Dear Sir; We, the undersigned, residents of Donegal, Ireland, brothers and sisters of John Gallagher late of Humboldt, Tennessee, and now deceased, do hereby authorize and request you as Administrator of the estate of the said John Gallagher, to pay over to our father, Hugh Gallagher, and also resident of Donegal, Ireland, any balance left in you hands after the payment of the debts and expenses of said estate as administrator, and which, under the law, would come or belong to us and this shall be a receipt, release and acquittance from us to you in full of our said share or interest in said personal estate of our said deceased brother, John Gallagher.

In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands this 19th day of September, 1892.

Signed: Bernard Gallagher

Madge Gallagher

Maggie Gallagher

Read and witnessed by: John Magee, Donegal

Justice of the Peace for County Donegal


Letter from Humboldt, Tenn. dated November 14th, 1892 (transcribed as written)

Dear father Abbitt

this is a late time to wright to you. Mrs. Gallagher told me you was here fore weeks ago to night I leaft the morning you was here. I would like too heve you seen you while here. I have in closed statement of goods that Brother John ought me. I want my shere out of Brother John Estatate. We are all well here at present. Hopeing to here from you soon.

I remain your sincerely,
signed Hugh Gallagher

enclosure: My sister is: 

Mrs. Mary Bollers
3200 Gilssen (Gilpen) St.
Denver, Co

Annie Gallagher
No 3333 Columbine St.
Denver Colorado

Brother’s address: Patrick Gallagher
Coffyvile, Kansas
c/o Dorrian & Doherty
215 Broadway
Paducah. Ken.

Yours Sincerly.

                 signed Hugh Gallagher (this is Hugh, Jr.)


Letter date 26th Dec 1892 from Drumnaherk (transcribed as written)

Dear Father T C Abbott

I recieved the order you sent me all right and I am veary thank full to your Reverance for being so kind and good. And I hope you will be kind enough to send us the rest of the money as soon as you can owing to bad times being in this country this preasant year. Wishing your Rev Father Abbott a happy New Year.

I remain your obedient Servant
                    signed Hugh Gallagher (This is Hugh, Sr.)

Mt Charles Post Office
Cobnegal Ireland

Itemized statement by Hugh Gallagher, Jr. of goods received by John Gallagher - Humboldt, TN

Table Cloth........................... 1.20 Collars ....................... .37 ½

Table Cloth............................. .90 P Shams .................. 1.82

1 " " ............................... ...........65 Shirts ........................ 2.50

   1 " " ............................... ...........75 Shirts ....................... 1.31 ½

1 " " ............................... ...........70 Hds .......................... 1.19

napkins ................................... .22 ½ Hds .........................90

   H K ...................................... .....12 ½ Hoes ....................1.22 ½

H K ...................................... .....75 underwear ............... 2.50

Colored Hds ........................ ...48 Spex ....................... .3.50

Hds ......................................... .97 ½ Spex .................... 2.00

Hds ........................................ .97 ½ Shawls ................. 1.50

H C Towels ............................ 1.15 Shawls ....................81 ½

Towels ................................... 1.00 Shawls ................... 2.00

Towels .................................. .70 Shawls ................... ...2.00

Lace ...................................... 1.60 Shawls ................... 2.50

Edg ....................................... .60 Skirts ........................ 1.65

garter .................................... .35 Skirts .......................... .80

Suspenders .......................... 1.25 Skirts ....................... .80

Combs ................................. .47 ½ Skirts ..................... 1.30

Combs ................................. .45 Skirts ......................... 1.00

Combs ................................. .17 ½ Dress goods ........... 2.50

Knives ................................. .96 ½ Dress goods ............ 9.25

Razors ................................. 2.70 Dress goods ............. 6.00.

Shears .................................. .95 Dress goods .............. 1.80

Shears .................................. .26 ½ Eng mole ................ 3.60

Pins ...................................... .35 Lappets ....................... 2.99

Needles ................................ .45 Dress goods .............. 8.80

Cloth ................................... 15.75 TOTAL ................. 105.93

Dear father Abbit

this is the amount of goods that John got from me. that I want pay for. one hundred and five Dollars and ninty three cents paid.* Signed Hugh Gallagher (this is Hugh, Jr.)

*This was paid on January 11th, 1893.

Letter addressed to: Rev T C Abbott, Paster of St. Patrick Church, Nashville Tennsee, U S America

Dated: Inver Donegal Apl 20 94 (transcribed as written)

Dear fr Abbot.

My address is Hugh Gallagher, Drumnaherk Letterbarrow P. Office Donegal, Ireland, or you can write to my priest Rev: James Gallagher Aom ^ Invss (not sure this is correct) Donegal Ireland who will forward your letter to me.

I am sorry you had such family trouble and I regret also that you had so much trouble in regard to my sons affairs - I hope God will reward you for the interest you took in John’s affairs.

I remain respectfully yrs,

signed Hugh Gallagher (this is Hugh, Sr.)



Letter from Mayfield Ky dated May 6th 1894 (transcribed as written)

To: Mr. Pat Gallagher

Dear Brother I resieved your letter yesterday and glad to here from you and that you was well as this leaves us all well at present I am goeing to texas in a few weeks wright to me to Itasee Texas Hill Co.

Times is Hard in Kentucky this spring I had a letter from Sister Annie and Sister Mary from Colaredo the are all well let me know when you wright how you like Kansas you derected your card in care of Pat Murry old man Murry is ded one year ago Well Dear Brother I have nothing new to wright to you this time Hoping to here from you soon again

from your Devoted Brother

signed Hugh Gallagher (this is Hugh, Jr.)

There are actually 2 letters mailed at the same time the below is the second of this mailing:

Dear Brother

you should wright to father T.C. Abbott for your money that is comming to you wright to him and tell him to send it to you I got my part of it and you should have yours Be shure and wright to hime for it when you derect your letter to him T.C. Abbott St. Patrick Church nashville Tenn.


I send you Dorean & Daherty address in this letter Pat the prest told me he would not send that money to you the time you wrote for it for he did not think you was the proper one you Should wright again to him for it you can that times is very hard here now I am goeing to Texas to see how things is out there no more at present from you sincerely Brother

signed Hugh Gallagher (this is Hugh, Jr.)


Letter from Coffyville, Kansas dated Monday, May 14th, 1894 (transcribed as written)

To: Reverent Father Abbett at St Patricks Church

Dear father I had a letter again from My Brother hugh at Mayfield KY he told me in it that I ought to send for my art of Poor Brother Johns Money I had father Murphy from Kribs I T (Indian Territory) to rite to you before. And he told me he got no Answer I rote to you before twice Myself. And I never got any answer I expected Dear father you was Busy. And had so much to do that you could not attend to it all. Reverent father if you send it I need it at Preasent very much Send it to this town to My Address

Patrick Gallagher

Coffyville Kansas

if you send it send it right away and keep five dollers of it for Masses for Poor Brother Johns soul

Enclosed you will find Brother Hughs letter from Mayfield KY he says times is hard and that he is comming to texas to see his Children and to see how times is there

Reverent father I will await an Answer at this place

Attached document:



Montgomery County

On this 14th day of May 1894 personaly appeared beofre me a notary public within and for the aforesaid county and state Patrick Gallagher aged 38 years who being by me duly sworn according to law declares as follows that he is a brother of John Gallagher who was killed at Humboldt West Tennessee and that he has never received his share of the money left by his brother with T.C. Abbott that he makes this statement under oath for the purpose of getting the said money that is held by the said Abbott as his father and brothers have received their share and further sayeth not Signed Patrick Gallagher

Witness: M.J. Gallagher

Subscribed to in my presence and sworn to before me this 14th day of May 1894

Signed T. C. Harbourt, notary public

Com exps Sept 8th 1895

Letter from St. Patricks Church, Nashville, Tenn. Dated May 16th/94

To: Mr. Patrick Gallagher, Coffeyville, Kansas

My dear Sir:

I read your letter yesterday and I enclose you herewith a check for Eighty five dollars ($85.11 ½ ) eleven & half cents the full amount of all that is coming to you from your brother Jno’s estate. I furthermore enclose a statement showing how much he had & what each one of you was entitled to after deducting the headstone and other expenses.

It will be necessary for you to be properly identified before the banker where this check will be cashed.

Hoping every thing will prove satisfactory and requesting a receipt and reply I got this letter, I am, etc.

Signed T.C. Abbott



Letter to Father Abbott from Patrick Gallagher: (transcribed as written)

Dear father Abbett

I had a letter from Sister Annie her Address is 3333 Columbine Street Denver Col. Me have another married sister out there too. She is married. Nine miles from the city of Denver. There is my father Hugh Gallagher Drimnaherk. Mount Charlis Post Office County Donegal Ireland. There is two sisters at home yet with father and one Brother his Name is Bernard Gallagher my father is getting purty old.

Dear Reverent Father Abbett Send what ever little is comming to Me to this town As I need it very much at Preasant signed Patrick Gallagher Coffyville Kansas

I will await an answer

Dear father I went before a Notary Public to day. To let you know that I was the right party

respectfully your friend signed Patrick Gallagher Coffyville Kansas


Indian Territory SS:

First Judicial Division

Patrick Gallagher being duly sworn on oath deposes and says my name is Patrick Gallagher that he is a brother to Jno. Gallagher who was killed by the R.R. in Humboldt Tennessee about 3 years ago. signed Patrick Gallagher

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th day of May 1894

My term expires Oct. 22nd, 1895 signed F. M. Smith, notary public


Indian Territory SS:

First Judicial Division

W. Campbell being duly sworn on oath says I know Patrick Gallagher the above named affiant and I know him to be a brother to John Gallagher who was killed by the railroad about 3 years ago at Humboldt Tennessee signed W. Campbell

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th day of May 1894

My term expires Oct. 22nd, 1895 signed F.M. Smith, notary public



Letter from Drumnaherk Letterbarrow Donegal dated 8 June 1894 (transscribed as written)

To: Revd T. C. Abbott, St Patricks Church, Nashville, Tenn America

Dear Sir:

I am much obliged for your letter of 9th mst (??) endorsing cheque $L10.1.3. I am sure the money would be of more use in poor Ireland and I will be greatly obliged if you succeed in sending the shares of Mary, Annie and Patrick. Thanking you for all your kindness. I am your obedient servant signed Hugh Gallagher (Hugh, Sr.)



Receipt on First National Bank of Vinita, Ind. Ter. Letterhead and dated June 11, 1894

Recd of Rev. T.C. Abbott Administrator of the estate of John Gallagher ($85.11) Eighty five & 11/100 dollars in full of my share of the estate of said John Gallagher deceased.

signed Patrick Gallagher

Notation at bottom of receipt: Merchants Bank

Nashville Tenn.


Will you kindly deliver the above receipt to Mr. Abbott

Respectfully, signed H.C. Cook,Cas.


2 Receipts from St. Patrick’s Church receipt book: This St. Patrick’s Church is located on South Market Street near Chestnut in Denver, Colo

Date: Oct. 10, 1894

Received of T.C. Abbott, Admr. ninety five Dollars, being the full amunt due me from my brother John’s estate

signed Annie Gallagher Mary Gallagher Bollers


Letter from Drumnaherk dated 1 Jan. 1896 (transcribed as written)

To: Revd T. C. Abbott, Pastor of St. Patrick Church, Nashville Tenn

Rev Sir, I received the last cheque of twenty pounds all I wrote to you when I got the money and I am astonished you did not get the letter I am veary sorry of your Reverence being annoyed for want of a letter from me

I thank your Reverence most kindly for your bother. I remain yours truly

signed Hugh Gallagher (Hugh, Sr.)

Write to me and let me know did you get this letter



Receipt to Rev. T. C. Abbott, Admtr. John Gallagher dec’d and not dated

We hereby request that you pay over to our father Hugh Gallagher any money or property in your hands after the payment of debts and costs of administration belonging to the estate of our deceased brother the said John Gallagher and this shall be a receipt to you for our share or interest in said estate.

signed Maggie Gallagher age 29 yrs

signed Madge Gallagher age 24 yrs

signed Bernard Gallagher age 22 yrs



To the County Court Clerk of Gibson County, Tenn:

The following is a correct statement of the receipts and expenditures, with vouchers attached, in each case, of the estate of John Gallagher, deceased.

signed T. C. Abbott


Trenton, Oct 22, 1896


Date Amount

In or about the

month of Jan. 1891 $1230.00


John Gallagher was killed by jumping from a moving train, at Humboldt, Tenn., and was possessed of cash amounting to the sum above stated, for which I qualified as administrator.

He was a young man unmarried, boarding with his brother at the time of the accident, and therefore, was possessed of nothing of value at the time, excepting the above amount.

He pursued the occupation of pedler, carrying his pack on foot, and selling through the country.

signed Admr.


Date of Payments Amount

March 9th/91 County Court Clerk for letter of administration

A.W. Foster, Clerk $ 3.00

Nov 26/91 Monument from Donovan & Gilliam $250.00

Sept 19/92 Consulting an attorney and drawing up release $ 10.00

papers. Rail Road fare to and from Humboldt,

Tenn, and to and from Trenton, Tenn. $ 75.25

Dec 26/92 Hugh Gallagher, Sr. $150.00

Jan 11/93 Hugh Gallagher, Jr. account $105.93

Jan 11/93 Hugh Gallagher, Jr. interest in the Estate $123.90

June 8/94 Hugh Gallagher, Sr. $ 50.31

June 11/94 Patrick Gallagher $ 85.11

Oct 10/94 Annie Gallagher $ 95.00

Oct 27/94 Mary Gallagher Bollers $ 95.00

Sept 4/95 Hugh Gallagher, Sr. $100.00

Masses requested by the Heirs $ 25.00

Administrator’s Fees $ 61.50

TOTAL $1230.00

The above act. was taken & stated by me Oct. 22, 1896 signed A.W. Foster, Clerk

Fee for settlement $1.00 Pd by administrator Oct.22, 1896

Filed in Gibson County Records: Book N page 431 and Book 4 page 20