Transcribed by
Widow’s Indigent Pension for Annis H. Kilzer, wife of John W. Kilzer. John was
son of Elijah Kilzer who had been a resident of Gibson County since the late
Submitted by the great-great grandson of Elijah Kilzer, Bobby J. Williams.
Indigent Pension
Name: Annis H. Kilzer
Filed: April 21, 08
Widow of: John W. Kilzer
H, 12th Tenn Cav.
State of Tennessee.
Gibson County.
Annis Hawkins Kilzer of said State and County, desiring to avail herself of the
pension allowed to Indigent Widows of Soldiers, under Act of General Assembly,
approved April, 1905, being Chapter 202 of the Acts of 1905; Chapter 103, Acts
1907; Chapter 18, Acts of 1909; and Chapter 7, Acts of 1911, hereby submits her
proofs, and after being duly sworn true answers to make to the following
deposes and answers as follows:
1. What is you full name and where do you reside? (Give State, County and
Annis H. Kilzer, Humboldt, RFD # Gibson County, Tennessee.
2. How long and since when have you been a resident of this State?
I have lived in Gibson County, Tennessee since 1848 .
3. When and where were you born and what was your maiden name?
Born in Wake County, NC–Feb. 12, 1843, My maiden name was Annis H. Bailey.
4. When and where was your husband born–state his full name, and where were you
and he
married, and who performed the marriage ceremony?(Attach certified copy marriage
in every case.) My husband’s name was John W. Kilzer, born Sept. 2nd 1841 and
Sept 16– 1866, Esq. Hardin .
5. When and where and what Company and Regiment did you husband enlist or serve
during the
war between the States? Co-H– 12th Tenn. May 23–1861 and later he enlisted in
Battalion–in Co– G–afterwards–12th Tenn–Cavalry.
6. How long did you husband serve in said Company and Regiment? Blank
7. When and where did your husband’s Company and Regiment surrender? Blank
8. Was you husband present at the time and place when his Company and Regiment
9. If not with his command at surrender, state clearly and specifically where he
was, when he left
Command, for what cause, and by what authority? Was at home on furlough, on
account of
Wound – from Maj. G. W. Bennett.
10. When and where did your husband die? March 2– 1905
11. At the time of your husband’s death were you living with him as his lawful
wife? Yes
12. How many children did you have by your said husband? Give sex and age at
this time.
One Male, W. L. Kilzer, age 40 years.
13. What property, real or personal, or income do you have or possess, and the
gross value?
A live estate in 35 acres of land in 4th Civil District of Gibson County worth
14. What property, real or personal, did you possess at death of husband or he
left you and what
disposition, if any by sale or gift, have you made of the same? Tract of land
is all that he left and all that I have had since his death.
15. Have you a family? If so, who composes such family? Give their means of
support? Have
They any lands or other property? M-family, my son is living with me and has no
Except 50 acres of swamp land worth about $200 or $300 all the timber having
been cut and
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the
20 day of April 1908.
Her H. W. House Annis H. X Kilzer
Notary Public Mark
of Gibson County Tennessee
State of Tennessee
Gibson County.
I, G. W. Bennett , of said State and County, having been presented as a witness
support of the application of Mrs. Annis H. Kilzer for a Pension under Chapter
Acts of 1905, and after being duly sworn true answers to make to the following
questions, deposes and answers as follows:
1. What is you name and where do you reside? G. W. Bennett– Trenton, Tenn.
2. Are you acquainted with the applicant, Mrs. Annis H. Kilzer— , if so, how
long have you
known her? Yes—About 40 years.
3. Where does she reside, and how long and since when has she been a resident of
this state?
4 District–Gibson Co.-------- 50 years.
4. When and where was she born? Blank
5. Were you ever acquainted with her husband? Yes
6. When and to whom was he married? Blank
7. When and where was he born? Blank
8. How long have you known him? About 60 years
9. When and where did John W. Kilzer enlist in the war between the States, and
in what
Company and Regiment did he enlist, and how do you know this? I don’t know
10. Were you a member of the same Company and Regiment? No
11. How long did he perform regular military duty? Don’t know, but was with me
12. When and where was his Company and Regiment surrendered? Gainsville, Ala.
13. Were you with the command when it surrendered? No
14. Was John W. Kilzer the husband of applicant present? No–he was not able to
15. If not present, where was he? At home on furlough
16. When and where did he leave his command? Don’t recollect. For what cause?
Crippled by kick from horse. By whose authority he left? Mine How do you know
all this? State fully and clearly. I was in command
17. When and where did John W. Kilzer die? 4 Dist., Gibson Co., Tenn. March 2,
18. Where did he reside at his death and how long had he been a resident of
Tennessee at his
death? 4 Dist. Gibson Co. Tenn. All his life.
19. Do you of your own knowledge know that applicant is the lawful widow of John
W. Kilzer
20. Has she remained unmarried since her soldier husband’s death, and is now his
widow? Yes
21. What property, effects or income has the applicant, if any, and how do you
know this of your own knowledge? Blank
22. Has applicant conveyed any property in last two years or given any away, if
so, what was it and to whom? Blank
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 17th day of April 1908. G. W. Bennett
At Trenton, Tenn. Witnesses.
Zack Briggs Jr. N.P.
The Following Certificate of the County Trustee Must Be Filled Out. I, N. A.
Trustee of Gibson County, Tennessee hereby certify that the property assessed on
tax books of this County to Mrs. A. H. Kilzer the widow of John W. Kilzer
amounts to
$300.00 real estate and $ No personal.
N. A. Cresap Trustee
For Gibson County, Tenn.
Certificate of Clerk of Court or Notary Public
State of Tennessee,
Gibson County
I, Zack Briggs Jr. Notary Public, in and for said County, hereby certify that
applicant, Mrs. Annis H. Kilzer resides in said County, and has been a bona fide
resident of this State since the For many, many years , and that the witnesses,
G. W. Bennett, J. E. Clark and Jubel Bailey are of trustworthy character, and
their statements are entitled to full faith and credit. I do further certify
before answering the foregoing questions, the applicant and said witnesses took
oath herein prescribed, and the full text of the affidavits was read to the
and witnesses before the same was signed and subscribed. Witness my had and
seal this 17 day of April 1908.
Zack Briggs Jr. N.P.
Gibson County
Sworn Statements
Taylor, Caldwell & Taylor
Attorneys at Law
Trenton, Tenn.
I don’t know in what Company or Regiment he enlisted, but was at home on sick
leave &
when he got able for service his command was where he could not get to it. He
attached himself to my command & served with same until he was kicked by a horse
disabled for further service & remained so until the end of the war & in fact as
as he lived.
G. W. Bennett
Taylor, Caldwell, Taylor
Attorneys at Law
Trenton, Tenn.
State of Tenn. } Personally appeared before me Z. Briggs Jr. an active Notary
in and Gibson County} for said county and state. John E. Clark, who makes oath
in due
form of law that he was a member of Co. G of Bennett’s Battalion, of which Maj.
G. W.
Bennett was in command, afterwards Co. G 12th Tenn. Calvary, that John W. Kilzer
a member of said company and did actual service, that Annis H. Kilzer was his
wife and that said John W. Kilzer suffered with a crippled leg until his death.
J. E.
Clark Subscribed and sworn to before me this the 17th day of April, 1908. Zack
Jr. N.P.
State of Tennessee Gibson County Personally appeared before me W. W. Howse an
N.P. for said County. Dr. A. A. Donaldson who makes oath in due form of law that
is the family physician of W. L. Kilzer and that his family consists of his
Mrs. Annis H. Kilzer the widow of John W. Kilzer and that she is old and feeble
his wife and one small child and himself and that said W. L. Kilzer has a
hand and is unable to perform hard manual labor and that he is released from
work on
the public roads on account as above stated and he has only about 50 acres of
bottom land worth about $200 or $300. This April 20, 1908. A. A. Donaldson.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this April 20, 1908. W. W. Howse, Notary
Taylor, Caldwell & Taylor
Attorneys at Law
Trenton, Tenn.
State of Tennessee } Personally appeared before me Z. Briggs Jr. an active N. P.
said Gibson County } county and state. Juble Bailey, who makes oath in due form
law that he knew John W. Kilzer in his lifetime, that he lived in Gibson County
more than 60 years, that he enlisted in the 12th Tenn infantry in Co. H on May
1861 at Humboldt, Tenn., that Annis H. Kilzer is the widow of said John W.
that she has no property except a life interest in a small farm in Gibson
with no means of support, that she has not conveyed any land in many years she
is in
Juble Bailey
Subscribed and sworn to before me this the 17th day of April, 1908. Zack Briggs
Jr. N.P.
No. 1916 W 2
Tennessee Board of Pension Examiners.
Nashville, Tenn. April 21 1908
Gen. F. C. Ainsworth,
Military Secretary
Washington, D. C.
Dear Sir:
Mrs. Annis H. Kilzer who is an applicant for pension under the Tennessee Widows
Pension Law, claims that her husband John W. Kilzer was a member of Company H.
Regiment Tenn Infantry C.S.A., and was later a member of Co. G–Twelfth Regiment
Cav. C.S.A. Please give us the record of this soldier.
George B. Guild
War Department,
The Adjutant General’s Office
Washington. April 24, 1908.
Respectfully return to the President, Tennessee Board of Pension Examiners,
Nashville. The name John W. Kilzer has not been found on the rolls, on file in
office, of Company H, 12th Tennessee Infantry, C.S.A., or of Company G, 12th
Tennessee Cavalry, C.S.A.; nor has any record been found of the capture or
parole of
a man of this name and of either organization.
Name Unreadable
The Adjutant General
The last item in the file is a copy of John W. Kilzer and Annis H. Bailey
license. Transcribed by Bobby J. Williams