Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, 1789-1873
MONDAY, April 2, 1832.
Mr. Fitzgerald presented a petition of John C. Wilson, of the State of Tennessee, praying to be exonerated from the payment of a judgment obtained against him as the surety of a certain John Parker, deputy postmaster at Trenton, in said State, for reasons set forth in the said petition.


The following messages were received from the President of the United States, by Mr. Van Buren, his secretary:

I nominate to the Senate Joseph H. Talbot to be attorney of the United States for the district court of the United States established in the western district of Tennessee, for the counties of Benton, Carroll, Henry, Obion, Dyer, Gibson, Lauderdale, Haywood, Tipton, Shelby, Fayette, Hardeman, McNairy, Hardin, and Perry.



Washington, June 19th, 1838.

I nominate to the Senate Robert J. Chester to be marshal of the United States for the district court of the United States, established in the western district of Tennessee, for the counties of Benton, Carroll, Henry, Obion, Dyer, Gibson, Lauderdale, Haywood, Tipton, Shelby, Fayette, Hardeman, McNairy, Hardin, and Perry.


Washington, June --, 1838.


Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, 1789-1873
FRIDAY, February 5, 1836.

Mr. Huntsman, by leave, presented a petition of inhabitants of the county of Gibson, in the State of Tennessee, praying for the establishment of a post route; which petition was referred to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads.


Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, 1789-1873
MONDAY, January 20, 1834.

Mr. Bell, of Tennessee, presented a petition of Thomas Morton, a citizen of Gibson county, in the State of Tennessee; praying, respectively, that their names may be placed on the roll of invalid pensioners.

Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, 1789-1873
MONDAY, March 24, 1834.

Mr. Crockett presented a petition of Jesse Manly, of the State of Tennessee, praying remuneration for property destroyed in the year 1812 by a party of Creek Indians.


Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, 1789-1873
MONDAY, February 1, 1836.

On motion of Mr. Huntsman,

Resolved, That the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads be instructed to inquire into the expediency of establishing a post route from the town of Jackson, Madison county, by Trenton. Gibson county, to Troy, in Olean county, Tennessee, and to Mills' Point, in Kentucky.


Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, 1789-1873
WEDNESDAY, December 11, 1833

.Mr. Standifer presented a petition of Jacob Moore, of the State of Tennessee, praying to be indemnified for losses occasioned by the purchase certain Indian improvements on lands ceded by the Indians to the United States.

Ordered, That the said petitions be referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs.


Mr. (Horace)Maynard, by unanimous consent, presented joint resolutions of the legislature of the State of Tennessee, in favor of the passage of a law appropriating to each soldier of the war of 1812 with Great Britain, and all the Indian Wars of that date, who served as long as three months, six hundred and forty acres of land; which were laid on the table, and ordered to be printed.

H. R. C. C. 47. A bill for the relief of Ann Clark, of Madison county, Tennessee;

Nov. 4, 1814

 Mr. Humphreys presented a petition of the inhabitants of Dickson county, in the State of Tennessee, praying that the assessors within the State of Tennessee, appointed under the act to lay and collect a direct tax within the United States, maybe compelled to meet together and make a more equitable apportionment of said tax.

Oct 4, 1814

On motion of Mr. Humphreys,

Ordered, That the petition of sundry inhabitants of Dickson county, in Tennessee, presented on the 11th of January, 1814, be referred to the Committee on the Public Lands.



On motion of Mr. Weakley, and seconded,

Resolved, That the Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads be instructed to inquire into the expediency of establishing a post road leading from the town of Charlotte, in Dickson county, to the place of holding court in Hickman county, in the State of Tennessee.


Jan 23 1815:

Mr. Bowen presented a petition of Anne L. Moore, of Tennessee, widow of Lieutenant Robert Moore, who was killed in action with the enemies of the United States, praying that the provisions made for the relief of the widows and orphans of deceased officers, may be extended to her and the children of the deceased.


Apr 26, 1824

Mr. Reynolds presented a petition of sundry citizens of Dickson county, in the state of Tennessee, representing that James M'Cauley, of said county, performed a tour of duty of six months, during the Creek war, that his personal suffering during said period, has rendered him unable to labor, and recommending his case to the favorable consideration of Congress.



  • May 10, 1836


  • Mr. Cave Johnson presented a petition of citizens of Dickson county, in the State of Tennessee, praying for an extension of the mail route front Springfield to Charlotte, in said State; which petition was referred to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads.


    On motion of Mr. Cave Johnson, by leave,

    Resolved, That the Committee on the Post OfFice and Post Roads be instructed to inquire into the expediency of establishing a mail route from Franklin, in Williamson county, Tennessee, to Charlotte, in the county of Dickson; also of establishing Dickson; also, of establishing a route from Dover, Tennessee, by Tobacco Port, to Cadiz, Kentucky.



    Feb 21, 1811

    Resolved, That the Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads be instructed to inquire into the expediency of establishing a post road from Clarksville to Charlotte, Dickson county, all in the State of Tennessee.

    Mr. Weakley presented a petition of sundry inhabitants of Clarksville, aforesaid, praying the establishment of a post route from Hopkinsville, in Kentucky, by Blakesville, to Charlotte, in Tennessee.



    Feb 26, 1826

    Ordered, That the said petition be referred to the Committee on Roads and Canels

    Mr. Marable presented a petition of inhabitants of the counties of Dickson, Humphreys, Carroll, and Madison, in the State of Tennessee, praying that an appropriation may be made to improve the public post road in the vininity of Reynoldsburg, in said State.



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    To the Senate of the United States:

    I nominate A. D. Nicks, of Dickson Co., Tenn., to be assessor of internal revenue for the sixth collection district, State of Tennessee.


    Washington, May 21, 1866.



    To the Senate of the United States:

    I nominate William Scales, of Dyer Co., Tenn, to be assessor of internal revenue for the seventh collection district, State of Tennessee.


    Washington, May 21, 1866.



    July 4, 1842

    By Mr. Caruthers: A petition of Mary Etheridge of the county of Davidson, in the State of Tennessee, widow of John Etheridge, who was a revolutionary soldier, and at the time of his death a pensioner, praying for the rate of pension which her husband received in his lifetime; which petition was referred to the Committee on Revolutionary Pensions.



    Jan 13, 1871

    Mr. Stokes, from the same committee, reported a bill (H. R. 2709) for the relief of Joseph Anderson, a citizen of Davidson County, State of Tennessee; which was read a first and second time.(Committee on Military Affairs)

    Ordered, That it be engrossed and read a third time.

    Being engrossed, it was accordingly read the third time and passed



  • April 2, 1844

    By Mr. Peyton: A petition of Nancy Richardson, of Davidson county, State of Tennessee, widow of James Richardson, deceased, praying a pension in consideration of the services of her said husband in the revolutionary war: which was referred to the Committee on Revolutionary Pensions.

    Feb 1871

    H. R. 2709. An act for the relief of Joseph Anderson, a citizen of Davidson County, State of Tennessee

    Jan 18 1842

    Mr. Caruthers presented a petition of Edmund Edney, of the county of Davidson, and State of Tennessee, a soldier of the late war with Great Britain, praying for a pension.



    Jan 18 1842

    Mr. Caruthers presented the petition of 80 citizens of Davidson county, Tennessee, praying the repeal of the bankrupt law.

    Mr. Caruthers also presented the petition of sundry other citizens of the same county, for the same object.



    Nov 1, 1803

    A petition of sundry inhabitants of the counties of Sumner and Davidson, in the State of Tennessee, whose names are thereunto subscribed, was presented to the House and read, praying an alteration of the post road from Gallatin to Nashville; and that a post office may be established at Mansker's Lick, in the said State.

    Ordered, That the said petition be referred to the committee appointed, on the eighteenth ultimo, "to inquire whether any, and what, amendments are necessary to be made in the acts establishing a post office and post roads within the United States



    Mar 21, 1870

    By Mr. Prosser: A bill (H. R. 1572) to relieve John C. Ferriss and T. T. Smiley, of Davidson County; S. J. House, of Williamson County; and John Y. Hutchinson, of Robertson County, Tennessee, of their political disabilities, to the Committee on Reconstruction.



    March 5, 1824

    On motion of Mr. Alexander, of Tennessee,

    Resolved, That the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads be instructed to inquire into the expediency of establishing a post route from Jackson, Madison county, by way of Harrisburgh, to Dyer Court House, in Tennessee.



    Feb 12, 1827

    On motion of Mr. Alexander, of Tennessee,

    Resolved, That the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads be instructed to inquire into the expediency of establishing a post route from Brownsville and Covington to Dyer Courthouse, in Tennessee



    Jan 16, 1832

    Mr. Fitzgerald presented a petition of inhabitants of the counties of Gibson and Dyer, in the State of Tennessee;

    Mr. Fitzgerald presented a petition of inhabitants of the counties of Shelby, Fayette, and Hardeman, in the State of Tennessee

    Jan 27, 1834

    Mr. Crockett presented a petition of inhabitants of the southwest corner of Dyer county, in the State of Tennessee;



    May 28, 1828

    On motion of Mr. Crockett,

    Resolved, That the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads be instructed to inquire into the expediency of establishing a post route from Dresden, via Hunter and Pound's store, in Obion county, Winton, in Gibson county, and Ridley Jones's, in Dyer county, to Dyersburg, in the State of Tennessee


    Dec 20, 1828

    Mr. Crockett presented a memorial of Joel Henry Dyer, of the State of Tennessee, praying compensation for services as judge advocate in the Florida War.

    Ordered, That the said memorials be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs


    March 14, 1842

    By Mr. Milton Brown: A petition of citizens of Dyer county, in the State of Tennessee.


    Jan 20, 1846

    By Mr. Stanton: A petition of citizens of Dyer and Lauderdale counties, in the State of Tennessee, praying for the establishment of a mail route from Dyenburg to Hale's Point.

    Jan 4, 1850

    By Mr. Williams: The petition of the heirs of Robert Henry Dyer, deceased, late of Madison county, in the State of Tennessee, praying for a

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    pension on account of the long services of the said deceased, of the wounds and disabilities he received while in the service of the United States, during the late war with Great Britain, and other wars;

    Also, the petition of James Somers, of Weakly county, in the State of Tennessee, praying for arrears of pension.

    Ordered, That said petitions be referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions.



    Jan 24, 1851

    By Mr. Williams: The petition of citizens of Obion, Dyer, Weakley, and Gibson counties, in the State of Tennessee, praying for the establishment of a mail route from Dyersburgh to Troy, in said State.



    Jan 30, 1852

    Mr. Martin, from the same committee, made adverse reports upon the petitions of Clemons Eaton, Henry and Robert Blow, of Tennessee, Daniel Hager, jr., John Davenport, Robert Henry Dyer, of Tennessee, Hall Hutson, of Missouri, Brooksey Bell, Mrs. Lucy Morrison, David Troxell, of Tennessee, and Thomas Russell; which were severally laid on the table, and ordered to be printed.



    Jan 31, 1834

    By Mr. Etheridge: The petition of Joel Henry Dyer, of Tennessee, for compensation for services rendered the United States in the war with the Seminole Indians; which was referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs



    THURSDAY, June 8, 1854.Link to date related documents.

    The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's table, under the 24th rule of the House, to wit: