There are three types of claims:
. The U.S. paid the claim, the only records that survive are the name of the claimant, place of residence, and amount paid.Barred
. Either claim was filed too late or the commissioners ruled the claimant a Confederate supporter. In this case, only the name, place, and description of loss are given.Disallowed
. Claim was not paid, but for reasons other than late filing or the fact that the claimant was a Confederate supporter. If the claim was disallowed, all documents filed were kept, including testimony of witnesses, etc.If your ancestor is not on this list, check for his/her neighbors' names from the 1850-1870 censuses. Upon finding your ancestor, or if your ancestor might have been in another county in Tennessee, go to and follow the instructions. Or, write to the General Reference Branch, National Archives, Washington, D.C. 20408. Be sure to specify your request is a Southern Claims Commission claim, give the name of the claimant, the state, and the claim number. Do not send money. The National Archives will reply with the number of pages and the cost for obtaining the claim file.
If you have Southern ancestors in other states, there is an index (on microfilm) from the National Archives titled "Consolidated Index of Claims Reported by the Commissioner of Claims Southern Claims Commission 1871-1880" (cabinet 48, drawer 8). There are two books by Dr. Gary B. Mills: Civil War Claims in the South, An Index of Civil War Damage Claims Filed Before the Southern Claims Commission, 1871-1880 (GEN 973.7 M657 USA) and Southern Loyalists in the Civil War (GEN 973.7 M657 USA).
Name |
Claim No. |
Status |
Akin, George A |
5506 |
Barred |
Allison, Wm A |
10376 |
Disallowed |
Andrews, Elbert |
10037 |
Barred |
Bailey, Clinton |
3417 |
Barred |
Barton, Henry M L |
2083 |
Allowed |
Barton, Robert A |
7732 |
Barred |
Belew, Giles |
1508 |
Barred |
Bell, Valentine |
5529 |
Allowed |
Blakemore, James L |
9470 |
see note |
Bryan, Wm H |
10036 |
Allowed |
Bryant, Zach |
1510 |
Disallowed |
Callann, Thomas |
9966 |
Barred |
Campbell, John M |
9968 |
Disallowed |
Clark, Saml P |
5532 |
Disallowed |
Clement, Caleb R |
3462 |
Allowed |
Crafton, Mary |
9399 |
Disallowed |
Crenshaw, Wm E |
1521 |
Barred |
Crews, James M |
2084 |
see note |
Dickens, Wm T |
10378 |
Disallowed |
Eaves, Dudley F |
10039 |
Barred |
Farr, Poleman |
1524 |
Allowed |
Fisher, George M |
9512 |
Disallowed |
Gill, John P |
9401 |
Allowed |
Greer, Thomas |
5542 |
Barred |
Hale, Stephen S |
1529 |
Barred |
Hamilton, David P |
9471 |
Allowed |
Harwood, Wm G |
5232 |
Disallowed |
Heathcock, Newton J |
7735 |
Barred |
Henley, R W |
2732 |
Disallowed |
Hill, John J |
9967 |
Disallowed |
Holt, Joseph B |
2086 |
Barred |
Hopkins, John H |
5508 |
Barred |
Hyde, Wesley H |
5544 |
Barred |
King, Henry A |
2087 |
Allowed |
Lee, John |
9473 |
Disallowed |
Love, Robert B |
1550 |
Barred |
Marcrum, Henry |
1551 |
Disallowed |
Martin, Martin B |
2082 |
see note |
McAfee, Wm J |
9513 |
Disallowed |
McKinna, Patrick |
11361 |
Disallowed |
McKnight, David M |
5359 |
Disallowed |
Mitchell, G G |
11279 |
Barred |
Mitchell, George T |
10380 |
Barred |
Mitchell, Moses C |
10678 |
Barred |
Morphus, T G |
9403 |
Barred |
Mullins, Rebecca |
2089 |
Barred |
Nelson, Elisha |
1205 |
Disallowed |
Newhouse, Thomas D, Heirs of |
1512 |
Barred |
Oliver, Thurston W |
1557 |
Barred |
Palmer, James L |
21259 |
Barred |
Park, Samuel |
9400 |
Allowed |
Parker, Jane M |
2090 |
Barred |
Parker, Nathan |
2091 |
Allowed |
Peek, Wm |
1559 |
Disallowed |
Perry, Wm F |
2093 |
Disallowed |
Phelan, James G |
1560 |
Disallowed |
Pickler, James W |
9402 |
Allowed |
Powell, John |
2092 |
Barred |
Ragan, Bennett W [Regen] |
10373 |
Disallowed |
Reiney, George S |
15407 |
see note |
Rivers, Elizabeth |
10038 |
Disallowed |
Roberts, Catherine A |
10669 |
Barred |
Roe, Benjamin F |
9514 |
Barred |
Roe, Jasper N |
9965 |
Disallowed |
Roe, John A |
371 |
Disallowed |
Rust, Alexander H |
9476 |
Barred |
Rust, George B |
5332 |
Disallowed |
Sims, George W |
18305 |
Disallowed |
Spellings, W J C |
1569 |
Disallowed |
Stephenson, A W |
14996 |
Barred |
Stewart, James |
1572 |
Allowed |
Talley, Benjamin F |
10677 |
Disallowed |
Taylor, Hugh B |
9477 |
Disallowed |
Utlers, Alexander |
9478 |
Disallowed |
Wade, Wm E |
2095 |
Barred |
Warren, John T & Peyton S |
9144 |
Disallowed |
Webb, James W |
2096 |
Barred |
Wheeler, J A |
1578 |
Disallowed |
Wood, J E |
3405 |
Disallowed |
Yates, Allcey |
1576 |
Allowed |
Note: found in geographical index but not in the book Southern Loyalists in the Civil War. |
Questions? Contact the Tennessee archives by e-mail at |
Last Updated on 9/30/98
By Cheryl D Walker