1835 Gibson County TN Tax Lists Transcribed by Rick Tucker ======================================================================================== Rates of Taxation for the year A.D. 1835 ======================================================================================== On each 100 acres land State Tax is .18 3/4 On each 100 acres land Jury Tax is .18 3/4 On each 100 acres land Contingent Expenses is .12 1/2 On each 100 acres land Public Building Tax is .18 3/4 On each 100 acres land Pauper Tax is .06 1/4 Total of above is .75 On each white poll county tax is .25, State tax is .12 1/2 total .37 1/2 On each black poll, contingent expense tax is .43 3/4, pauper tax is .6 1/4, State tax .25 total .75 On each town lot County Tax is .62 1/2, State Tax is .37 1/2 total 1 On each Stud horse or Jack the price of the season of 1 m??? On each 4 wheel pleasure carriage, County Tax is 5.00, State Tax is 5.00 total 10.00 On each 2 wheel pleasure carriage, County Tax is 2.50, State Tax is 2.50 total 5.0 ======================================================================================================================================= Owners Name # of acres Title Entry/grant District Range Section White poll Black poll Town lots Pleas. carrStuds/Jacks ======================================================================================================================================== A Agee, J.D. 99 13 3 4 1 Aikin, G.A. 1 Aikin, William 200 13 2 1 1 Alford, Wm. 50 Allen, Jesse 1 Allison, Henry 75 77 13 3 1 1 Allison, Hugh H. 200 4 5 1 2 Allison, Joseph 37.5 13 3 1 1 Allison, Joseph 320 13 Alphin, Daniel 1 Alsabrook, Ralph G. 380 13 1 2 Anders, Bryant 1 Anderson, Francis 1 Anderson, Robert 1 Andrews, James 1 Andrews, Thomas P. 1 Arbuckle, Henry 1 Armour, Lake & Caruthe 22.9375 13 2 2 3.25 Armstrong, A.C. 150 1 3 Armstrong, Ezekiel 1 Armstrong, James L. 1 Armstrong, John B. 962 Armstrong, Martin 2492 263 13 2 1 Armstrong, Thomas T. 430 Arnold, Booker 1 Arnold, E.J. 466.33 13 1 Arnold, Ezekiel 1 Arnold, Noah 1 Aslyn, Samuel 1 Avery, Alexander 1 Avery, Alexander Sr. 274 13 1 5 5 Avery, Alexander Sr. 50 Avery, B.G.H.B. 62.5 13 1 4 1 1 B Babb, Green B. 175 13 1 5 1 1 Bailey, Ephraim 202 D 4 1 2 5 Bailey, Jonothan 56 Baker, B. 137 1 1 2 Baker, James 1 Baker, John 1 Baker, John 320 12 1 1 Baker, Robert 1 Baker, Samuel 80 D 1 1 Baker, Thomas 1 Baker, Wm. 120 1 Ballentine, C.H. 1 Ballentine, Wilson M. 100 1 1 Banister, Wm. 1 Barbour, James 640 13 2 3 Barbour, James 640 13 4 1 Barker, Gray B. 120 13 3 1 1 1 Barksdale, Nathaniel 1 Barret, David 40 13 2 2 1 1 Barton & Beazly 25 4 5 Barton, John H. 1 Barton, Thomas 179 1 Basinger, George 100 1 Baskin, Thomas M. 1 Bass, Wyatt 250 13 2 3 1 1 Bates, James 61 E 4 1 1 Bates, James 16 E 5 1 Baxter, J.W. 1 Baxter, Wm 1 Beard, Harvey 200 13 2 1 1 Beazley, John 300 13 7 Beazly, Samuel P. 1 Beckham, A.C. 1 Beckham, Benjamin 236 13 3 2 1 6 Becton, Frederick E. 397 13 2 2 14 Becton, George W. 274 13 2 1 Becton, John M. 252 13 2 1 1 2 Becton, Wm. J. 168.75 13 2 1 1 2 Belew, Samuel 1 Bell, Edw. R. 1 Bell, James 337 12 2 1 2 2 Bell, Thomas 25 1 Bell, Valoner 1 Bell, Voluntine 1 Bell, Wesley 1 Bell, Wm. A. 833.33 13 2 Bennet, J.E. 159 5 3 1 1 Benson, Harry P. 1 2 Benson, Joseph T. 1 2 Benton, Samuel 1503 13 3 3-4 Benton, Samuel 595 13 2 4 Benton, Thomas H. 1601.5 G 63 13 3 3-4 Benton, Thomas H. 465 13 2 4 Berry, Andrew 1 Biggs, Reuben 25 13 3 3 Biggs, Zachariah 100 13 1 Billingsley, Elijah 1 Billingsley, Elisha 32 13 2 1 1 Billingsley, Jeptha 325 13 3 2 1 Billingsly, Elijah Sr. 1 Bird, Bryant 1 Blackwell, Saml. B. 1 3 Blackwood, John 1 Blair, A. 80 D 5 4 Blair, Andrew 1 Blair, Andrew 1 Blair, D.D. 1 Blair, Ephraim 136 E 77 13 3 1 1 Blair, Ephraim 50 10 3 11 Blair, Thomas 1 Blakemore, James B. 86.5 13 1 2 2 Blakemore, Wm.D. 140 13 1 2 stud $8. Bland, John 1 Blankenship, H. 90 D 4 1 Blankenship, H. 66.3 13 Bledsoe, George W. 1 Bledsoe, Isaack 100 Bledsoe, John 194 Bledsoe, Madison 1 Bledsoe, Major 80 13 3 2 1 Blount, John G. 210 10 1 11 Blount, John G. 228 10 1 11 Blount, John G. 274 10 2 11 Blount, John G. 1000 E 268 13 4 5 Blount, John G. 1000 E 237 13 4 5 Blount, John G. 1000 E 254 13 4-5 5 Blount, John G. 500 E 256 13 4-5 5 Blount, John G. 500 E 274 13 4-5 5 Bobbitt, Henry 1 Bobbitt, James 595 13 4 1 5 Bodkin, James 1 Boone, Calvin J. 1 Boone, Leon 225 13 2 3 1 3 Boothe, George C. 16 13 1 2 1.1 Boothe, Samuel 195 13 2-3 3 1 2 Boren, Willis 1 Borwell, John 537 3 1 Boulding, James E. 350 Bowers, David 1 Bowers, J.N. 1 Bowers, Philomon 100 D 4 1 1 Bowers, Thomas 125 D 4 1 1 Bowling, John 1 Bowman, Wm. 1 Boyd, James M. 1 Boyle, Samuel 1 Boyt, B. 1 Boyt, Elijah 1 Boyt, Nathan 1 Bradberry, James J. 1 Bradford, Harris 146.3 13 3 1 7 Bradford, Harris 25 13 3 1 Bradford, Harris 20 13 3 1 Bradford, James C. 100 13 3 3-4 1 1 Bradshaw, William 1687.5 13 3 3 Bramlett, Lanford 1 Brasfield, W------ 512.5 13 1 4 Brent, Wm. 125 1 6 Brewer, James M. 827 E 77 13 3 1 1 8 1 4-wheel Brittenham, John 244 13 1 1 Brooks, James S.B. 66 1 Brooks, Neil 1 Brown, James R. 47 10 2 11 Brown, John P 250 5 4 Brown, Luther M. 1 1 Brumbelow, James 1 Brunston, Leonard E. 1 1 Bryan, Joseph H. 640 E 243 13 2 3 Bryant, Andrew 1 Bryant, Boyt F. 1 Bryant, John Jr. 1 1 Bryant, John Sr. 2 Bryant, Zachariah 372 12 2 1 1 3 Bullington, Benjamin 1 Bullington, Robert 1 Bullock, John 228 E 844 13 2 3 Burns, Solomon 1 Burrow, Banks 300 1 Burton, F.N.W. 840 13 Burton, Robert H. 883.5 13 Butler, Wm. E. 640 13 2 2 C Ca---ew, George 1 Cameron, John T. 1 2 3 Cameron, Limon 1 Campbell, James 100 13 2 2 Campbell, McClemore,Wi 1303 D 4-5 1 Campbell, Sydney 1 Cannon, John M. 1 Cannon, Thomas V. 700 13 Cantrell, Joseph F. 1 Capps, Henry 212.25 1 stud $4. Carnahan, John 1 Carnahan, Porter 1 Carr, Wm. F. 1 Carroll, John L. 1 Carroll, Solomon S. 1 Carrons, Moses 248 13 1 2 1 Caruthers, James 1400 13 1 1 Caruthers, James 114 13 4 2 Caruthers, Thos. J. 1 3 Casey, Charles B. 1 Cassels, Jesse 111 10 1 Cathell, Jas. M. 248 1 10 Cawley, Robert 470 D 5 4 1 2 Ca----y, Hardy 1 Ca----y, Patrick 82 5 5 1 Chamberlain, Thomas 82.5 13 1 1 1 Chambers, Green B. 100 Cherry, Daniel 623 E 153 12 1 2-3 Cherry, Daniel 75 10 Cherry, Daniel & Darli 320 Cherry, J.W. 1 Cherry, Lawrence 640 E 171 13 2 4 Cherry, Thomas 98 13 2 2 1 Childress, John 1 Claiborne, Alexander 1 Claiborne, Algernon L. 952 1 16 Claiborne, D.J. 1272.25 13 27 Claiborne, Hs.of Geo. 475 4 Claiborne, Thomas B. 373 13 1 5 4 wheel stud $5. Clarke, Archibald Jr. 125 D 4 1 1 1 Clarke, Archibald Sr. 125 D 5 1 2 Claybrook, John 1 Claybrook, Peter 200 13 2 1 1 Clement, Benjamin R. 100 10 1 11 1 Clement, Caleb R. 100 10 1 11 1 Clement, George B. 141 10 1 11 1 Clement, Wm. 901 10 1 11 1 2 Clemmons, Elias 1 Clingman, A.B. 150 13 13 2 1 1 Clingman, James 300 5 5 Coats, Armsted 140 13 1 2 1 Cole, Andrew 1 Cole, Edmund 1 Cole, Grigsby 470 13 2 2 Cole, Grigsby 3072 12 1 2-3 Cole, Grigsby 500 13 4 1 Cole, Grigsby 150 13 5 4 Cole, Grigsby 520 13 2 3 Cole, Hiram 75 3 1 1 Cole, N.O.K. 260 13 1 1 1 2 Cole, Samuel F. 1 Cole, Samuel H. 428 3 2 1 6 stud $6. Cole, Shadrack 1 Cole, Victor 1 Coleman, Robert S. 220 13 3 1 1 4 Collingsworth, B.F. 117 10 2 11 1 Conlee, Daniel 1000 13 2 3 Conlee, Daniel 50 13 3 3 Conlee, Orville 1 Connel, Henderson H. 1 Connel, James 1 Connel, Jonothan 1 Connel, William 1 Conner, F.S. 100 13 1 2 1 2 Conwell, Wm. B. 179 5 5 1 Cooke, James 1 Coop, Richard 74 13 2 5 Coop, Wm 1 Copeland, Dempsey 70 5 4 1 Cormack, Daniel 403.33 13 5 4 Cotton, Spencer D. 413 13 3 2 Cotton, Spencer D. 16.66 13 3 2 Cox, Moses 160 10 3 11 1 Crabtree, Anderson 60 Crafton, Daniel W. 100 10 2 11 1 1 Crafton, Daniel W. 50 13 3 1 Crafton, John B. 1 Crafton, Paul C. 241 1 1 Crafton, Richard S. 320 Crafton, Richard S. 50 Crafton, Samuel S. 1 stud $3. Crafton, Silas M. 1 Crafton, Wm. W. 1 Craig, James M. 1 Craigm Wm. W. 180 13 2 5 Crank, Thomas 1 Cravens, Thomas 709 12 1 1 3 Crawford, B. 50 13 1 1 2 Cribbs, William 1 stud $3. Crider, George 440 Crisp, John H. 240 13 1 9 36897 4 wheel Crisp, William 300 D 1 2 Crocker, Mark 1 1 Crockett, David B. 1 Crockett, John W. 1 Cross, John F. 210 13 1 Cummins, John 1 Cunningham, H.F. Curry, Isaac 1 Curtis, Sampson 144 13 1 2 D Dabney, Elizabeth 400 13 1 1 Dabney, Lucinda J. 750 13 1 1 Daugherty, George 354 E 44 13 5 1 Daugherty, George 700 E 89 13 3-4 2 Daulton, John 1 Davidson, A.S. 175 13 1 4 Davidson, Wm. J. 1 Davidson, Wm. R. 125 Davis & Knight 0.75 Davis, Anderson 1 Davis, Harmon H. 1 Davis, Hubbard 200 1 Davis, Isham F. 640 G 4 1 1 10 Davis, Isham F. 710 D 4 12 Davis, J.H. 50 G 5 2 Davis, Jesse J. 103.5 1 1 Davis, John L. 50 Davis, John L.. 210 1 1 Deacon, William 182 E 196 13 3-4 2 Dean, James 736 1 7 Dean, Samuel 106.66 13 1 Deavour, William 1000 13 4 4 Deveraux, T.P. 500 E 70 13 4 2 Dial, William 100 Dibrell, Joseph B. 175 1 1 Dickens, Samuel 160 13 1 3 Dickens, Samuel 170 13 Dickerson, Nathaniel 1 Dickey, George 1 Dickey, John 100 13 2 1 1 Dickins, Joseph 1 Dickins, Lunsford 1 Dickins, Richard 1 Dickins, Uriah 1 1 Dickson, David B. 125 4 5 1 Dickson, John Sr. 1 Dickson, Jourden 1 Dickson, Nat. 1 Dill, Zebulon 1 Dillard, Henry 640 Dillashmitt, Elijah 500 8 Dinwiddie, James 275 13 2 5 6 Doherty, Lewis 1 Dollins, Joseph A. 1 Donaldson, Ebenezer 228 D 4 1 1 4 Donaldson, Humphrey 100 4 2 1 Donaldson, John 640 13 1 5 Donaldson, Joshua 1 Dorch, Nancy 320 13 1 1 Dorch, Wilie B. 540 13 1 1 Dowell, C. 1 Dowell, Lewis 1 Dowland, David 1 Doxey, James 100 1 Dozier, Peter L. 118 4 5 1 1 Draper, Phillip 1 Drury, Richard 596 1 7 3 Drury, Richardson C. 1 Duffey, Henry 175 E 77 13 3 1 1 Duncan, Browning 1 Duncan, Stephen 1 Dunlap, Ebenezer 80 E 77 13 3 1 1 Dunlap, John 70 E 77 13 3 1 1 Durley, George W. 146 13 2 1 1 Durley, Harry 174 13 2 1 1 Durley, Wm. Sr. 178.5 1 Dyer, Joel H. 154 13 1 5 1 E Eason, Carter T. Eddings, Ausburn 1 Edmundson, Allen 1 Edmundson, John 1 Edmundson, Michael 1 Edmundson, Robert 1 $5. stud Edmunson, James A. 50 13 1 2 2.33 Edmuson, Robert 50 10 3 11 1 2 Edward, Charles 187 1 6 Edwards, John 1 Edwards, Luke M. 1 Edwards, Thomas 200 13 2 2 2 Elam, Jonothan 45 13 2 1 1 1 Elam, Robert 500 1 2 Elam, Thomas S. 190 12 1 1 1 1 Elder, Benjamin 1 Elliott, James 250 1 Elliott, Peter P. 1 Elstein, William 1 Emerson, J.H. 1 Epperson, B.B. 250 13 1 5 1 3 Erwin, John 60 E 77 13 3 1 1 Erwin, William 50 E 77 13 3 1 1 Estel, John W. 500 13 3 1 Ester, Richard S. 50 10 1 11 Ester, Wm. A. 1 Etheridge, John 100 1 Etheridge, Mark 50 1 Evans, Alexander 160.5 10 1 4 Evans, Richard 661 F Fa---, John 1 Faircloth, William 640 13 2 2 Farthing, Solesby 1 Ferguson, William 1 1 Fielder, S.S. 166.66 1 1 Fields, James 975 13 1 16 Fisher, George 100 1 Fite, Moses 120 13 3 2 Fite, Thomas 49 13 3 3 1 2 Fite, Thomas 340 E 10 1 11 Fleming, William O. 1 Fletcher, Henry 1 Fletcher, Josiah 100 1 Fletcher, Rueben 1 Fletcher, William 77.5 10 1 11 Fletcher, William 192 Flippin, Jesse 1 Flowers, A. 1 Flowers, Bi---- 225 4 4 Flowers, Briant 1 1 Flowers, Jacob 200 B 4 4 8 Flowers, Jacob Jr. 1 Flowers, Jesse 1 Flowers, John 1 Flowers, Stephen 1 Flowers, Waitmon 1 Floyd, John 1 Fly, Elisha 300 Ford, Edward 1 Ford, John 25 1 Foster, E.H. 1509 E 36 13 4 2 Fox, Allen 1 Fox, Peyton 1 Franklin, Robt. N. 15 5 3 1 Freeman, Alexander 120 13 1 1 Freeman, Shadrack 1 Friarson, John M. 269 H 1 3 Fullerton, Hugh 1 Fullerton, J.S. 1 Fullerton, Margaret 300 4 5 Fuqua, Joseph 1 Fuqua, William 1 $4. stud G Gant, William 226 1 4 Garwood, Joseph 1 2 Gay, Alfred 1 Gay, John 75 13 2 1 1 Gaylord, Thomas 1 Gee & Beckham 1 0.5 Gee, John P. 1 2 2 Gentry, Nicholas 180 10 4 11 6 George, Jesse 1 1 George, Reuben 1 Gibbs, T.R. 1 Gibson, Alexander 1 Gibson, Lavender 1 Gibson, William 1 Gilchrist & Tallifero 1000 13 1 2 Gilchrist, Allen W. 275 13 2 2 6 Gilchrist, Robt. J. 1 2 Gilleland, Joel 1 Gillespie, John C. 199 E 77 13 3 1 1 2 Gillespie, John D. 226 10 2 11 Gillespie, William 135 13 1 4 Gillespie, William 62.5 E 77 13 3 1 Gillispie, Robert's, h 226 10 2 11 Givins, James 150 13 2 5 Glass, Matthew 1 Glasscock, Peter 25 Glasscock, Presley D. 1 Glasscock, Scarlett 100 B 4 5 1 Glasscock, Spencer 1 Gleeson, Patrick 44 D 1 2 1 Goodall, Williams, hei 550 13 4 3 Goodlow, R.H. 111 5 3 1 Goodman, Dolly 100 13 3 1 Goodman, F.G. 1 Goodman, Overton 1 Goodman, William 50 1 3 Gorey, Mark 1 Graddy, ------- 30 D 4 5 1 Grady, Dawson 350 1 4 Graham, J. 229 D 5 4 Gray, John 1 Green, James 300 13 2 1 Greer, Elijah 1 Greer, Jacob 1 1 Greer, John 1 Greer, John M. 100 1 Grigsby & Howard 640 13 1 2-3 Grigsby, A.P. 115 13 1 2 2 Gunter, Isaac 152 13 2 1 H Haggard, George W. 1 Haggard, Washington 1 Hailey, Duncan R. 1 Hailey, Henry 1 Haley, David L. 1 Haley, Edward 1 Hall, James 1 Hall, John 100 5 4 1 2 Hall, Porter 1 Hamilton, David 100 10 12 11 6 $2. stud Hamilton, David P. 203 10 1 11 1 2 Hamilton, Elizabeth 244 10 1 11 1 1 Hamilton, George 245 10 12 11 1 Hamilton, James M. 4 1 Hancock, Dawson 1 Hannah, John D. 157 D 4 1 1 Hannah, John D. 106 D 4 2 Harbour, James 13.5 13 2 1 1 Hardy, George W. 1 Hardy, Wm. 1 Harland, Aaron 700 1 2 2 5 Harmon, Abram 625 13 Harmon, John K. 1 Harper, Blaney 1 Harper, Epperson W. 1 Harper, Frederick's Hr 640 13 1 5 Harpole, Adam 50 10 2 11 1 Harpole, Daniel 1 Harpole, Solomon 1 Harrington, Andrew 1 Harris, Wm. W. 150 10 1 11 1 2 Harrison, Gideon 1 Harrison, John B. 1 Harrison, Matthias 72.5 13 1 Harrison, Thomas R. 200 13 Hart, P------ 32 13 2 1 1 Hartsfield, Richard 160 D 1 2 Harvey, Benjamin R. 1 Harvey, E.A. 177 13 1 3 2 Harvey, Larkin 1 Harvey, Mary B. 97 13 Harvey, Richd. 3 Harwood, James A. 1 1 Haskins, Hiram 1 Hassell, John P. 50 1 2 Hassell, Jourden 55 13 2 2 1 1 Hatchet, Thomas 200 13 2 1 1 Hawkins, Moses B. 100 13 1 Haynes, George 436 12 1 1 5 Hays, James 1 Health, Henry 1 Heath, Richd. 40 D 4 1-2 1 Henderson, Ahira 1 Henderson, Ramsey 100 D 1 Henderson, Thomas 640 13 1 3 Henderson, Thomas 640 1 3 Henderson, Thomas 640 1 5 Hendricks, John 70 13 2 5 Herman, L.H. 1 Herndon, Benjamin R. 121 13 1 1 1 1 Heron, Wm. W. 400 13 1 1 Hess, James A.W. 100 13 3 1 1 Hess, Nelson I. 1 Hickman, Jabez 1 Hicks, James 500 E 5 1 Hicks, Micajah 328 1 2 Higgins, Voluntine 640 13 1 1 Higgins, Wm. 106.5 13 2 1 6 Hill, Asa 1 Hill, Joseph 1 Hill, Josh. D. 1 1 Hill, Richa. J. 100 13 Hill, Richard 100 13 1 5 Hillard, James 1 Hillermon, L.D. 1 Hite, William 1 Hobbs, Benjamin 1 Holder, Berry G. 1 Holland, Edmund 1 Holland, Needham 281 3 Holland, Needham 45 Hollimon, Lewis 1801 E 77 13 3 1 6 Holmes, Henry 22 13 3 2 Holmes, Jacob 1 Holmes, John 150 Holmes, John 1 Holmes, R. 181 5 4 1 Holmes, William 300 5 5 1 Holt, Alvis 1 Holt, Alvis 493 13 2 1 1 Holt, Herod 1 Holt, Preston 1 Hoozer, Jonas 1 Hopkins, Isaac 1 Hopkins, John 182.75 Hopkins, Sarah 39 D 4 1 Hopkins, Thomas 640 13 1 1 Hopkins, Thomas 208 13 2 1 Hopkins, Thomas 99 13 2 1 Hopkins, Thomas 60 13 2 1 Hopkins, Thomas 178 13 2 1 Hopkins, Thomas 100 13 2 1 Hopkins, Thomas 300 13 1 1 Hopkins, Thomas 3800 Hopkins, Thomas 4320 10 4 Horn, Henry H. 1 1 Horton, Thomas 100 10 10 11 1 Hoskins, S.C. 200 13 2 1 1 2 Houlder, Jacob 100 13 3 1 House, Moses 1 1 Howard, James 193 D 4 1 1 1 Howard, James J. 187 13 1 5 1 Howard, Thomas 1 1 Howell, Archibald 1 Howell, Caleb 300 D 4 Howell, Thomas C. 1 Hubbard, Woodson 1 Hudson, R. 147.5 5 4 1 Hughes, A.P. 1 5 Hughes, John 2480 13 2 1 Hughes, Samuel 1 3 Hughes, Wm. 1 4 Hunt, Hardy 512 13 2 2 2 Hunt, Henry 1 Hunt, James T. 50 13 2 2 1 Hunt, Wilson D. 1 Hurn, E. 265 5 4 Hutchinson, J.B. 244 5 4 Hutchinson, William 1 3 I & J Ing, Elizabeth 1 Ing, Joseph 50 13 2 2 1 Ingram, James 1 Int--, John 1 Jackson, Aaron 619 3-4 1 1 Jackson, Daniel 441 13 2 1 1 3 Jackson, Gardner 225 12 1 2 1 Jackson, Jason 160 1 3 1 Jackson, M.C. 100 13 2 1 1 James, Robert S. 320 13 2 1 1 2 James, Seven 107 10 3 11 1 Jarvis, Wm. 75 13 3 1 1 Jelks, John 228 D 4 1 1 Jetton, Isaac S. 285 13 1 2 Jetton, Robert 600 2 Johnson, John 1 Jones, Archibald 1 Jones, Edmund 12 13 2 1 Jones, James S. 50 13 2 2 1 Jones, Jesse 1 Jones, John E. 70 13 2 1 Jones, John W. 436 1 5 Jones, Thomas 1275 13 28 2 Jones, Thomas 150 Jones, Thomas B. 2 Jones, Wm. 1 Jones, Wm. B. 1 Jones, Wm. B. 1 Jones, Wm. J. 100 13 2-3 Jourden, Wm. 540 12 1 2 1 13 Jourden-Stephen's Hs. 460 1 K Keeting, Wm. 1 Keitly, Daniel 260 1 2 Kellingsworth, Wm. B.G. 1 5 Kelly, Daniel W. 160 13 2 2 1 Kelton, Wm. P. 102 1 Kennedy, David 1 Kennedy, Isaac 1 Kennelly, John 1 Keukendall, John C. 1 2 King, Drury 99 1 1 King, John L. 1 King, Reuben 200 13 2 1 King, Thomas W. 196.66 13 1 5 1 6 Knight, Wm. J. 1 Knox, Absolam 1 1 Knox, George M. 100 1 L Lacy, Bowling 1 Lamon, Isaac 130 1 Lamon, James 60 1 Lancaster, Wm. 1 Landrom, Robert 1 Latty, Harvey 50 1 Latty, James 1 Latty, Margaret 1 Latty, Mary 100 1 Lauder, Solomon 1 Launford, Nathan D. 200 13 2 1 1 6 Law, Absolem 170 13 2 1 Law, Micajah D. 1 1 Law, Wm. C. 50 13 2 2 1 Lea & Robbins 142 5 4 Lea, John H. 4 1 Lea, Wm. W. 675 13 1 3 4 Leonard, Wm. 80 5 5 1 Lett, Jonothan 135 1 1 Lewis, Ira 1 Lightacre, Peter 73 5 4 Limmons, Penny 245 9 Linch, James H. 1 Linch, John 1 Linch, Thomas M. 1 Linton, G.W. 1 Linton, John F. 1 1 Little, David 1 Little, Fair 1 Littlefield, Hugh 125 1 Locke, George 1000 5 5 1 7 Long, William 1 Love & Wilborn 1000 Love, Charles L. 1800 13 Love, Esther 2 Love, Robert 500 Love, Robert 500 Love, Thomas 500 Love, Thomas 500 Love, Thomas 204 Love, Thomas & Robert 500 Love, Thomas & Robert 300 Love, Thomas & Robert 300 Lowry, J.B. 1 Lowry, John G. 200 Lowry, William 1 Loyd, Thomas 640 1 2-3 Lundy, James H. 1 Lyon, John 280 9 1 1 9 M Mahon, George H. 1 Markum, Henry 72.75 1 Markum, Henry 72.75 1 Marshall, Thomas's Hrs 640 1 3 Martin, George 200 13 2 1 Mason, Abram 79 10 2 11 Mason, G.H. 133 10 2 11 1 Massey, Willie 25 13 1 Matthews, David 1 Matthews, Edwin 1 Matthews, Elisha 1 Matthews, Jackson 1 Matthews, Jacob 1 Matthews, Thomas 75 13 1 1 1 Matthews, Wm. 100 13 1 1 May, Benjamin 334 13 2 2 Mayfield, James 232 13 4 11 3 Mayfield, James 165 Maynor, Allin 1 Mayo, Peter 50 13 1 1 1 Mays, Drury 794 1 13 Mays, Reuben 148 1 2 McAlilly, John 1 McAlilly, Richd. Jr. 50 1 McAlister, John R. 100 1 2 1 1 McBride, James 1 1 McBride, James 50 1 4 McCaleb, James K. 1 1 McCall, Mary A. 947 McCartney, Isaac 1 1 McCaslin, Gre--- 1 McCaslin, William 1 McClairy, James 400 10 3 11 2 McClairy, Robert 1 McClary, Andrew 170 E 77 13 3 1 1 1 McClary, Prudence 300 E 77 13 3 1 3 McClary, S.A. 100 E 77 13 3 1 McDaniel, William 79 5 4 1 2 McDonald, Hugh 1 McDougald & Allen 190 D 4 1 5 McDougald, Danl. & Ale 200 4 1 2 McGwin, Willis 40 1 McIver, John 640 1 3 McKeown, Granberry Y. 25 McLaurine, Madison 1 1 McLemore, Abram 328 1 2 4 McLemore, John C. 300 13 5 1 McLemore, Vaulx, & Car 1000 10 3-4 11 McLemore, Young A. 202 D 1 2 1 2 McMahan, Elijah 1 McNight, James A. 40 E 77 13 3 1 1 McNight, John J. 1 McNight, Joseph 100 E 77 13 3 1 McNight, Silas M. 1 McNight, Thomas P. 131 13 1 4 McNight, Wm. F. 1 McWhorter, Geo.B. 1 McWhorter, Hauer 30 4 5 Meirs, Benjamin 1 Merit, Benjamin 288 2 Miers, David 213.33 1 3 Miller, Andrew 100 2 Miller, Caswell 1 1 Miller, Jacob's Hrs. 101 D 13 5 4 Miller, John A. 152 10 2 11 1 2 Miller, John A. 62 E 77 13 3 1 Milton, Willie 1 Minns, J.R. 1 1 Mitchell, Joel D. 50 13 5 1 Mitchell, Mark 200 13 5 1 Mitchell, Robt. H. 75 13 5 1 Mitts, Thomas 1 Monard, Edward 1 Moore, George 1 Moore, James 1 Moore, John 1 2 Moore, Jonothan J. 1 Moore, William 1171 13 1 17 Morgan, John 115 5 2 Morris, James 50 1 3 1 3 Morris, James 75 1 3 Morris, Joel 1 Morrow, Joshua 1 Morrow, Joshua 1 Morton, Samuel 400 13 Morton, Thomas 1 4 Morton, William 1 5 Mosely, William 1280 1 5 Murphy, John 50 1 Murphy, Thomas B. 1 Murray, R. Hs.of 600 13 5 1 Murray, Rayney 320 13 2 2 1 Murray, William 2620 13 5 1 Murray, Wm. 1616 13 5 1 Murray, Wm. 334 Musgrove, Everet 50 10 2 11 1 Musgrove, Joseph 1 N Nance, Thomas 1 Needham, John W. 750 D 13 1 5 Needham, Wesley F. 164 13 4 4 Neel, Anthony 1 1 Neilson, H.D. 300 E 35 10 1 11 Neilson, H.D. 320 13 3 3 Nelson, Garret 1 2 Nelson, H.D. 235 13 4 3 1 4 3 Nelson, H.D. 150 13 5 1 Nesbit, Robert 519 13 1 1 1 2 Nettles, Harvey 97.75 1 2 Nettles, Hezekiah 200 11 Newell, Dooson 1 Newell, Francis 1 Newhouse, Wm. W. 162 13 3 1 1 1 Newhouse, Wm. W. 50 13 3 Newman, James 1 Newman, Joseph 1 Nicholson, Joseph 50 1 1 Nobles, J. 1 Nobles, M. 25 E 5 5 Nobles, N. 1 Northcott, Wm. C. 100 13 3 1 1 Northon, John 1 1 Nunn, Hiram 1 Nunn, Joel 160 13 1 3 O Oglesby, Elisha 1 Oldham, John 1 Oldham, William 1 Oliver, Zenas 100 13 2 2 1 Ormer, Thomas 125 1 2 Overton, Polly G. 314.33 13 5 1 P Page, A.F. 1 Page, F.E. 1 Page, John 237.25 5 4 Page, Wm. C. 75 5 3 1 Palmer, Wm. 1 1 Parke, John M. 63 D 5 4 1 Parke, Robert 1 Parker, Felix Jr. 1 Parker, John 1 Partee, Hiram 1000 1 9 jack $4. Partee, Nash 600 Pate, Benjamin 1 Pate, Joseph 1 Patterson, Henry 1 Patterson, James 1 Patterson, John 1 Patterson, Samuel 1 Patton, Alexander 200 13 2 1 1 1 Patton, David 1 Patton, Samuel 300 D 5 4 Peavy, T.L. 103 1 Penn, George D. 66.75 13 3 1 1 1 stud $4. Penn, George D. 78 13 3 1 Penn, Jacob F. 100 1 1 Penn, Josiah 50 13 3 1 1 1 Pennington, Drury 130 1 Penny, William 297.5 6 Perry, Cyrus 102 1 Perry, Francis 1 Perry, Isaac 1 1 Persons, Thomas 640 13 5 1 Pettis, Samuel N. 1 8 Phifer, Wm. 1 Philby, Calvin 1 Phillips, Charles C. 134 13 2 1 1 3 Phillips, Elizabeth 161 10 1 11 3 Phillips, Zachariah B. 75 13 5 1 Pillman, S.G.H. 1 Pillow, William 149 13 3 3 Pinson, J. 107 13 2 1 Pinson, Obediah 490 5 5 Pipkin, John 1 Polk, Robert A. 50 1 2 Polk, William 3894 13 3 1 Polk, William 1928 Polk, Wm. H. 366 Pollard, Stephen 1 Porter, Charles 1 Porter, James 220 10 3 11 1 1 Porter, John 1 Pound, James M. 1 Prater, Geo. W. 500 1 3 Pratt, Wm. 320 1 3 Price, Isaac 1 Price, John 100 10 Priddy, Watson 1 Pride, Nathaniel J. 470 D Pruitt, Ansel 30.25 10 1 11 1 Pruitt, Crawford 40.75 10 1 11 Pruitt, John 1 Pucket, George 250 Pucket, Joseph 50 1 1 Pucket, Peter P. 1 Pulling, Gorge W. 1 Q Quinnby, Carnell K. 50 4 4 1 R Ragan, Bennet 1 5 Ragan, Wm. 200 1 3 Rager, Isaac 70 D 4 5 1 Ragsdale, Peter 1 Raines, Abel 1 Raines, Asa 1 Raines, Edmund W. 1 Rains, R.P. 2 1 Ramsey, N.P. 100 1 1 Ramsey, Nathaniel J. 150 1 1 Ramsey, Wm. F. 100 13 3 4 Randle, John 50 1 1 Ransom, H.D. 75 13 2 1 Ray, Nathan 138 1 Ray, William 121 1 Reach, John 1 Reed, Hugh Jr. 1 stud $3. Reed, Hugh Sr. 461 5 5 stud $3. Reed, James Jr. 1 Reed, James Sr. 1 2 Reed, Robert 350 5 4 1 Reed, Samuel 1 Reed, William 370 5 5 1 Reid, Claxton 1 Renfro, Joseph B. 1 Renor, James 1 Rew--, Peter 1 stud $4. Reynolds, Samuel 85 1 1 Reynolds, Wm.S. 1 Richardson, J.W. 1 3 Richardson, Samuel 337 13 2 1 2 Richardson, Wm. Jr. 1 Riddle, James G. 1 Riddle, John 1 Ridgway, Alexander 1 Ridgway, Wm. 75 D 4 5 1 Roach, Abner C. 50 1 Roach, Benjamin 1 Roach, Cincinattus 1 Roach, James 1 Roach, William 1 Robb, William 520 13 4 4 Robb, William 100 10 1 11 Robbins, Lewis 340 13 2 1 6 Roberts, Henry H. 174 10 1 11 1 Roberts, Skyler 1 Roberts, Zachariah 1 2 Robertson, Hugh A. 1 Robertson, James 1 Rodgers, Benjamin F. 1 Rolls, Jn. H.B. 1 2 Rooker, John 275 13 2 2 1 2 stud $5. Roundtree, William 623.25 12 2 3 15 Russell, John 1 Rust, George B. 1 Rust, George C. 1 Rust, John S. 1 1 Rutlege, Henry M. 4000 10 S S-----, A. 84.25 5 3 1 Sam, William 1 2 Sammon, James 1 Sandford, John 1 Sandford, Samuel 1 Sappington, Thos. S. 640 4 1 1 3 Saunders, John 1 Saunders, John 125 5 2 1 1 Sawyer, M.H. 150 5 3 1 Sawyer, W.R. 1 Scallions, John 1 Scott, James 70 1 1 Scott, James Jr. 200 4 5 1 3 Scott, John W. 1 Scott, Samuel 100 4 5 1 Scott, Smith 87.5 12 1 1 1 Scott, Thos.L.M. 50 1 Scott, William 250 13 3 1 Scott, Wm. D. 400 13 2 2 1 2 stud $4. Seat, Wm. P. 901 10 1 11 11 Seaward, Benjm. 1 Seay, Luke P. 1 See, A.B. 1 1 Self, Mark 1 Self, Willoby 1 Sellars, Robert 1 Serat, Walter 1 Shane, John 1 Shane, Robert 150 10 1 11 1 Shane, Samuel 1 Sharpe, Edwin 348 13 2 2 1 3 Sharpe, James 508 13 2 1 3 Sharpe, James M. 1 Sharpe, John P. 429 13 1 1 Shaw & Epperson 371 13 5 1 Shaw & Epperson 750 13 5 4 Shaw, A---- 85 13 3 2 Shaw, Jesse 1 Shaw, Simpson 640 5 2 14 Shaw, Solomon 250 13 4 1 1 3 Shaw, Solomon 10 13 4 1 Shaw, Solomon H. 75 12 2 1 1 3 Shaw, William 1 Shearon, Aaron 1 Shears, Keinored 1 Shelby, Jacob 1 Shelby, Joseph 1 Shelby, Thomas 1 Shepherd, Saml. 1 Sherod, Setatheel 1 2 Simons, C.D. 94 1 1 Simons, James M. 123 13 4 2 Simpson, Harmon 1 Sinclair, John 1 Sinclair, Peter 1 Singleton, Auswell 1 Slaton, Harvey 1 Sloane, John D. 100 13 2 1 1 Sloane, William 1 Smith, Absolem 1 Smith, Benjamin 1 1 Smith, Charles N. 1 3 Smith, Curtis 1 Smith, Ervine 1 Smith, Erwin 1 Smith, Jacob T. 1 2 36896 Smith, James H. 1 Smith, John A. 120 13 3 1 1 4 Smith, Owen 1 Smith, Richard 1 Smith, Saml. T. 135 1 Smith, Sherwood 1 Smith, William 1 Smith, Wm. 1 Smith, Zachariah 1 2 Spellings, Britain 120 13 2 1 1 Spencer, Isaac 1 Stafford, John 1 Stanly, Thos. D. 200 5 3 Stanly, Thos. D. 15 5 3 Staton, Harvey 1 2 Staton, Riley 100 13 1 1 1 Staton, Thomas 300 13 1 1 2 Stephens, Jonah 1 Stephens, Wm. G. 1 Stephenson, Benjamin F 100 1 Stewart, James Sr. 68 Stewart, James T. 104 13 1 Stewart, John B. 50 10 2 11 1 Stewart, William 77 Stile, Littleberry 200 Stockton, William 75 13 2 2 1 Stone, Asher 1 Stone, Cobern 1 Stone, William 100 1 3 1 2 Strother, Gideon 291 1 Sullivan, William 1 Sullivan, William 1 Sulvent, William 1 Sutton, John 1 2 Swanson & Johnson 181 10 2 11 T Talliaferro, John A. 40 1 3 Talliaferro, John A. 65 Talliaferro, Walker 1 Tally, William 308 1 3 Tarver, Milton S. 1 Tarver, Nelson 105 10 2 11 1 1 Tatum, John C. 90 10 1 Taylor, Hutson 1 Taylor, Wm. 58.5 13 2 2 1 Terrill, A.C. 113 13 3 3 1 Terrill, John 640 13 5 1 Terrill, Robert 175 4 5 1 Terrill, Wm. 1 Terry, Wm. 1 Thedford, Dennis 1 Thedford, Josias 1 Thedford, Simon 150 13 2 1 1 Thedford, Wm. 1 Thomas, Abner 1 1 Thomas, David L. 110 1 Thomas, James S. 200 1 3 Thomas, John P. 216.66 10 1 11 1 4 1.5 Thomas, John P. 50 Thomas, Parthena 50 Thomas, Samuel 200 1 Thomason, David 200 13 3 2 1 Thomason, Julius P. 1 Thompson, Achilles 1 Thompson, Jason 222 13 5 1 Thompson, William 40 1 1 Thorn, John 1 Tidwell, Isaiah 1 Tidwell, James 1 Tinkle, Daniel 50 5 2 1 Tinkle, L.K. 100 D 4.5 5 1 1 Tinkle, Robert 1 Tinkle, Wm. 1 Tisdell, Christopher 471 13 4 3 To----, ------ 448.25 Trimble,----- 250 75 4.5 4.5 Trosser, James 1 Trosser, Peter 1 Trout, John 136 5 5 1 2 Trout, Joseph 64 5 5 1 Turner, James 1 Turner, James 50 13 2 2 1 2 Turner, Margaret 201 2 Turner, Thomas G. 1 Turner, Thos. G. stud $4. Tyson, Berry P. 750 5 4.5 1 Tyson, R.B. 1 U & V Umsted, Ezekiel 50 10 1 11 1 Umsted, John 60 10 1 11 1 Umsted, Richd. 100 10 1 11 1 Umsted, Willie 100 10 1 11 1 Utley, Alexander 135 10 1 11 Vaden, S.R. 1 Vestel, Soloman A. 15 Vickor, James 1 W Wade, George 223 1 2 Wade, Hillery 221 1 3 Wade, Lewis 216 1 1 2 Wade, Wm. 100 13 4 2 Wade, Wm. E. 228 1 2 Wade,, Walter 200 Wadkins, Samuel 1 Waldrop, James 91 1 Waldrop, John 200 1 Walker & Browne 120 13 1 2 Walker, E.G. 1 1 Walker, J.O. 229 D 5 4 Walker, James 900 Walker, Jeremiah 1 Walker, Jesse 282 10 1 11 1 1 Walker, R.S. 242 D 5 4 Walker, Thomas 145 10 1 11 1 2 Walker, Wm.J. 96 13 1 2 Walling, John 640 13 2.3 1 Wallis, John E. 1 Walton, Thomas 57 1 1 Ward, McQuinny 267 5 5 1 Ward, Willis 408 Warren, Edmund 100 5 2 1 Watson, Thomas 1 Watts, Malachi 1 Webb, Asberry M. 1 Webb, Elijah 1 Webb, Henry R. 144 13 1 11 1 3 Webb, Julius 1 Webb, Robert 152.5 1 Webb, Wm. T. 369 13 3 3 1 3 Welch, John R. 1 1 Welch, Richard 450 1 4 Weldon, Michl. 50 13 5 1 9 West, John 20 1 Whichard, Reuben 33 1 Whitaker, C. guard. of 18.75 13 3 2 Whitaker, C. guard.of 320 13 3 2 Whitaker, W.C. 194 13 2 2 White, Absolam H. 1 White, Allen S. 1 White, Benjamin 162.5 13 1 White, Hannah 1 White, Rebecca 2 White, W. 640 1 3 Whithurst, Peter 241 1 1 Whitney, Josiah 1 Wilborn, Wm.W. 1 3 Wilborne, Silas 1 Wilborne, Thomas 1 Wilcox, Thomas 66.5 13 4 1 1 Wilkins, S. 1 2 Wilkins, S.J. 266 1 4 Wilkins, Samuel J. 1 2 stud $4. Williams, A.M. 496.5 13 2 2 1 9 1 Williams, Benjamin 110 13 2 2 1 Williams, Beverly 128 4 2 2 Williams, Charles 1 Williams, Edmund 541 13 2 2 1 4 Williams, James C. 1 Williams, Jeremiah 1 Williams, Jesse 240 13 2 1 1 2 Williams, John 1 Williams, Joseph 1 2 Williams, Stephen 404 13 1 1 1 4 Williams, Theophilus 140 Williams, Thomas 100 13 2 1 1 Williams, William 1 Williams, Wm. Jr. 1 Wilson, Gregory 245 13 3 2 1 Wilson, James M. 1 Wilson, Matthew 650 13 1 1 1 4 Wilson, Wm. 80 13 1 4 1 Wilson. Lewis D. 1000 13 5 4.5 Witherspoon, Joseph 1 Witherspoon, Wm. 1 Wood, Augustus 1 2 Wood, Edwin G. 1 3 Wood, Henry A. 1 1 Wood, Peyton 1 1 Woodart, Jonothan 1 Woodfin, John 2 1 1 2 Woodfin, Moses 400 13 2 3 1 1 3.75 Woodfin, Moses 55 13 2 3 Woodside, James 1 Woodson, Green 1 Woodson, James 175 13 2 1 1 3 Woodson, Thomas 204 13 2 1 3 Wormouth, Henry H. 50 10 1 11 1 Worsham, John 56 D 5 4 1 Worsley, E. 1 Wright, J.B. 1 Wright, James W. 560 D 4.5 4.5 4 1 1 Wright, Joseph M. 1 Wright, Levi 22 13 1 1 1 3 Wright, V.G.C. 1 Wright, William 139 D 5 4 4 Wyatt, Royal 1 Wynn, John 111 13 2 3 Wynn, Wilson 1 2 Y & Z Yancy, Charles L. 100 13 2 1 1 4 Yates, Jesse 300 York, Edwin 1 Young, Squire 1 Aggregate of the State Tax for the year 1835 205382 acres of land @ 18 3/4 cents per 100 is 385.09 869 white poles @12 1/2 cents each is 108.62 1/2 971 black polls@ 25 cents each is 242.75 71 1/4 town lots @ 37 1/2 cents each is 26.70 25 studs and jacks @ various prices is 106.00 3 and 4 wheel pleasure carriages @ $5. each is 15.00 total of above is 884.16 1/2 Test. Tho. Fite Clerk Account rendered to the treasurer & trustee 17th May 1835