The Humboldt
Courier Chronicle
submitted by Sarah
Humboldt,Tennessee----------Friday----------August 25th,1916 LOCAL NEWS---Egbert
Freeman was here Tuesday to attend the funeral of his brother,Wiley Freeman. Miss
Nina Freeman,of Jackson,attended the funeral of her uncle,Wiley Freeman,Tuesday. The
remains of MR.W.E.FREEMAN,who was killed in a boiler explosion at the plant at the
Harlan-Morris Mfg.Co. in Jackson Monday,were brought here Tuesday and interred in
Oakland Cemetery. J.H.Dement of Dyer,attended the funeral of W.E.Freeman here
Tuesday. W.G.Sanderfer was struck by lightening Sunday evening and painfully injured.
He had gone to the barn to see about some stock when it happened. A small boy saw him
fall and called for help.He is still confined to his bed. RURAL ROUTE No.3---Mr.Ollie
Jones and family and Mr.& Mrs.Luther Duffey attended the burial of Col. Rosamon at
Gadsden Sunday.
BRAZIL BRIEFS---Mrs.George Lane of Jackson,died last Friday and was buried Saturday
at Zion.She was the mother of Hugh Lane of Jackson.The family once lived at Brazil.
Born to Mr.& Mrs.F.Stott,on August 18th,a fine boy.
Mr. Wiley Freeman, of Jackson, who was killed instantly in the explosion at the stave
mill at that place Monday morning, was a brother of Mr. Ham Freeman, of this place,
and once lived in Brazil.
Mr.& Mrs. Joe McClaran attended the funeral of Wiley Freeman, in Trenton,Tuesday.
Mr.& Mrs. J.A. Butler attended the funeral of Wiley Freeman in Trenton Tuesday.
Miss Margaret Freeman & Mr.Ham Freeman went to Trenton to attend the funeral of their
INTERESTING NEWS FROM GIBSON---Mr.& Mrs.Walter Sanders are the proud parents of a
fine baby girl. ROUTE 10,CROCKETT COUNTY---Henry ARNETT was buried at Cypress today.
CROCKETT COUNTY NEWS FROM ALAMO---One of the little twin boys of Mr.& Mrs.Oscar
Howell died Wednesday night.
Lightening killed several horses in the storm here Tuesday afternoon, including two
for Joe Nick Clark.
WEEKS' DOINGS OF MEDINA PEOPLE---Mr.& Mrs.James A.Futrell have issued invitations to
the approaching marriage of their dayghter,Grace Dennison,to Sidney Fletcher
Hall,Jr., of Porum,OKLA.The marriage will occur on Wednesday evening,September 6th at
their new country home "Oaklawn",west of Medina.
Mrs.James Wallace entertained several relatives and friends with an elaborate dinner
on Sunday in honor of her mother's (Mrs.Monroe House ) 80th birthday.
The funeral service of Mrs.J.L.HOLLOMON,was conducted by Rev.R.L.Drake at Centerville
Sunday afternoon.Mrs.Hollomon had been a sufferer for many months and her death came
not as a surprise to relatives and friends.She was 62 years of age,and a devoted
Christian from her childhood.She leaves her husband and several grown children.
Mr.James Madison Stone,of Denmark,has been a recent guest of his great-
neice,Mrs.Fannie Cates,on East Church Street.Mr.Stone bears the distinction of being
103 years old and is still hale,hearty and active.He was born in 1812 during
Madison's first administration as President and was named for him.
BELLS R.F.D.No.3---The many friends of Perry Casey will regret to hear of his death
in Union City last week.The remains were buried at Rose Hill Cemetery,Humboldt.Perry
was born and raised near Fruitvale. Arthur Casey was called to Union City last week
on account of the illness of his brother. Mrs.Sallie Ann Permen ter was thrown from
her buggy one day last week and had her back sprained.
One of Edgar Dungan's boys has malarial fever.
Tallie Emison & Miss Lucy Casey were married Sunday evening. Mr.Henry Arnett,a well-
known citizen of this section,died Monday at his home near Cypress Church of
paralysis.He leaves a wife and four children.Burial in Cypress Cemetery.
NEWS AMONG OUR NEIGHBORS---Mrs.Henry Conley died at her home in the 7th District of
Crockett County Sunday of last week.
Curtis McDaniel and Miss Helen Norman of the 23rd District were married at the home
of Esq.Couch in the 19th District a few days ago.
Basil Agee and Miss Nettie Lipper of the Friendship vicinity were married at the home
of Esq.Robertson,near the above named place on Wednesday of last week.
Miss Ruth Teague died at the home of her mother at Dyer on Wednesday of last week.She
was 14 years of age.The remains were buried in Good Hope Cemetery.
Jacob Fushs,a farmer of the Milan vicinity,died at his home on Tuesday of kast
week.He was a German by birth,but had lived in this country many years.He is survived
by his wife and two children.
The oldest house in Dyer was destroyed by fire one day last week the old building
belonged to Miss Callie Carroll.
Capt.,& Mrs.S.P.Reed had a family reunion at their home near Dyer last week in honor
of Capt.Reed's 75th birthday.
Clayton Mauldin Nunn & Miss Terra Goff were married at the home of the bride's
parents,Mr.& Mrs.A.L.Goff in Bells,on Tuesday of last week.The groom is the son of
Humboldt,Tennessee----------Friday----------August 25th,1916---
ANTIOCH & BAKER'S CHAPEL---Mr.& Mrs.Charlie Hyde of near Milan,attended the funeral
of their little nephew,the little son of Mrs.Norman Preston,at Antioch Saturday.
MR.ARTHUR WHITE died at the home of his step-father,Ed Martin,August 9th,and was
buried at Antioch on the 10th.He leaves his wife and two little children.
The Death Angel visited this vicinity last Thursday and took as its
victim,Mr.W.E.BOND,aged 73 years.He was a member of the Baptist Church at Antioch,and
was a good man.He leaves his wife and six children.Burial at Antioch.
KENNETH LOUIS PRESTON,the little three year old son of Mr.& Mrs.Norman Preston,died
last Friday morning at their home near Friendship.The remains were brought to Antioch
Saturday morning and buried.
LOCAL NEWS HAPPENINGS IN AND ABOUT TOWN---J.O.Love spent the first of the week at the
bedside of his brother,Oscar Love,at Dyersburg,during the last hours of his
life.Mr.Love died Tuesday.
MRS.NANCY WARMACK,mother of R.N.Warmack,formerly of this city,died at her home in
Jackson Monday.She was 73 years of age.
THE DEAD---Colonel John W.Rosamon--well-known throughout the state as a promoter of
better farming conditions and farm life,and one of the most useful citizens of this
section,died at his home near Gadsden last Saturday.He was 73 years of age.(very
lengthly story of his acheivements).The remains were buried in the Rosamon graveyard
near the Rosamon home Sunday.He is survived by his wife;three daughters and four
OSCAR M.LOVE---formerly of Humboldt,and a brother of Jenor O.Love ,of this city,died
at his home in Dyersburg Tuesday.Oscar was born in Trenton,the son of Dr.&,who died in Humboldt over 20 years ago.He was about 64 years,survived by
his wife;two daughters,Mrs.Maude Payne and Mrs.E.W.Tatum.
TENNESSEE NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD---William Grantham,a farmer,aged about 60 years,was
struck and killed by a south bound freight train at the depot in Covington at 8
o'clock last Friday.
SANDERS'BLUFF ITEMS---Will Logan & Miss Ala Kent were united in marriage last Sunday.
NEWS NOTES FROM SALEM---There was a wedding in this vicinity the 11th of
August,uniting Doss Thomas and Edgie Hopper.
SOCIETY---Mr.& Mrs.R.N.Warmack and daughter,Annie Laura,of St.Louis,were here
Wednesday,the guests of O.C.Sharp and daughter,Mrs.J.W.McGlathery.They were enroute
from Jackson,where thet attended the funeral of Mr.Warmack,s mother.
Humboldt,Tennessee----------Friday----------September 1st,1916 LOCAL NEWS---Mesdames
Grey & Fowler of Florence,Ala.,attended the funeral of their sister,Mrs.H.J.Conlee,on
Mrs.W.H.Clark of Union City,was a guest of Mrs.J.M.Moore Friday.
MRS.W.H.CONLEE,aged 65 years,died at her home on Church Street after several weeks
illness.The funeral was held at the Methodist Church Monday.
THE DEAD---Paul Joseph Schneider,the infant son of Mr.& Mrs.Leon Schneider, died at
the family home on South 17th Avenue Monday at 10 p.m.,after only only a feww days
illness.The remains were laid to rest in Rose Hill Cemetery.
INTERESTING NEWS FROM GIBSON---Mr.& Mrs.W.Z.Oliver are the proud parents of a fine
boy born Sunday morning.
Luster Gilly,12 year old son of Mr.& Mrs.Sam Fanning,died Wednesday after a short
illness of congestion.
DYERSBURG,TENN.,August 27th--A gruesome tragedy marred the Sabbath of the little
village of Roellan,when Charlie Green went home at midnight and found his mother-in-
law, Mrs.Callahan,60 years of age, with her throat cut from ear to ear with a bloody
razor beside her and her grandchild lying near by with it's throat also cut. Both
bodies were lying in the backyard.The young couple were planning to move to
Dyersburg,and this fact preyed upon Mrs.Callahan's mind,as she was fond of the 18
month-old child. She had said during the week that they would not take the little one
away from her.
LOCAL HAPPENINGS IN AND ABOUT TOWN---J.D.Mullins of near Atwood and Mrs.Dock Belew,of
the same community,were married Wednesday.
Hugh Bodkins,about 67 years old,died at his home at Cades, four miles north of Milan,
this week. He was a lifelong resident of Gibson County; survived by his wife;one
daughter,Mrs.Zoda Leach of Oakwood;one sister, Mrs.Jane Lowery of Crockett
County.Interment in Concord Cemetery, eight miles west of Milan.
AN APPRECIATION---Mrs.Georianna Oliphant Lane was born February 13th,1847;died in
full triumph of the Christian's faith August 17th, 1925, in Humboldt,Tennessee, in
the home of her daughter, Mrs.C.W.Jarrell.Mrs. Lane was buried in the Cemetery at
Brazil August 18th, Rev. Duckworth conducting funeral services. Thirty six years ago,
she was left a widow with two small children to fight life's battles. Nobly,she did
her part.As one who loved her,will say to Hugh and Evadene, her children,press
through life's battles as did your mother.--A Friend; Mrs.J.M. Bright of Gadsden.
NEWS AMONG OUR NEIGHBORS---Miss Lola Anderson died at her home near Kenton a few days
ago. She was about 30 years old.
Mrs.Maggie Morris,wife of W.T.,died at the family home in Bells on Tuesday of last
Humboldt, Tennessee----------Friday-----------September 1st,1916
NEWS AMONG OUR NEIGHBORS---L.P.Pickard,an old and well-known citizen of the Good Hope
Vicinity, died a few days ago,aged 70 years.His wife and three daughters survive him.
Marion Thorton, 11 year-old son of J.T. Thorton of near Trenton, died quite suddenly
on Tuesday of last week. The boy was only sick one day. The remains were buried at
Clyde Alexander of Bradford and Miss Annie B.Carter of Milan were married at the home
of the bride's parents,Mr.& Mrs.R.H.Carter,on Thursday,August 31st.He is the son of
Henrietta Mitchell,a colored woman,who lives near Kenton,was run over by a freight
train at Rives a few days ago and one of her arms cut off and her body badley
SOCIETY--- The following invitation has been received by A.Y.Simmons to the marriage
of John M.Fisher,an old Humboldt boy: "Mr.& Mrs.Alfred G.Williams request the honor
of your presence at the marriage of their daughter,Winifred Frances,to Mr.John
M.Fisher,on Monday evening,September 4th,at 8 p.m. at 9 Park
Street;Norwalk,Connencticut." Mr.Fisher is a son of Mrs.Callie Fisher,formerly of
Humboldt,but now of Washington,D.C.
RURAL ROUTE No.10---Bob Patterson of east Humboldt & Mrs.Peggy Thomas of Alamo,are at
present visiting in the home of their brothers,Zan,Berry,Kinch and their sister,Miss
Sack Patterson,of this place.The three former have been married and reared families,
all of whom are now married and gone. The others have remained in blissful
singleness."Old Father Time" while passing along, has been very kind in sparing these
good people so long,and pages could be written extolling their honesty;intergrity and
highstanding in the community.Their ages added together would be something near 500
years.They are the children of Captain Johnnie Patterson, deceased, of the Forked
River Flat Bottom farm.
Humboldt, Tennessee Friday January 9th, 1919
LOCALS---A son was born to Mr.& Mrs. Robert Dement last week. THE DEAD---Mrs. M.T.
Moore died at the family home about four miles west of Humboldt last Saturday. She
was about 69 years of age and had resided near and in Humboldt for most of her
life.Deceased is survived by her husband; three daughters, Mrs.Carl Castleman, Mrs.
Ewell Cates and Mrs. Edgar Yearwood, all of this vicinity. Burial in Rose Hill
INTERESTING NEWS FROM GIBSON---Fred Hazlewood and Miss Edna Pillow eloped to Jackson
last Saturday, where they were united in marriage.They will make their home with his
mother, Mrs.C.D. Hazelwood.She is the daughter of Mr.& Mrs. W.F.Pillow.
H.H Bass returned Wednesday from Jonesboro,AR.,where he attended the funeral of his
sister, Mrs.Mary Hinson.
Born to Mr.& Mrs.C.B. Payne on last Sunday, a girl.
Mrs. Sallie Rather,77 years old, died Wednesday at the home of her daughter,
Mrs.J.T.Thorn, after an illness of several weeks following a fall she had,suffering
injuries from which she never recovered.She also leaves three other daughters and
three sons. The body was forwarded to Holly Springd,MS.,where it was laid to rest
beside her late husband.
CROCKETT COUNTY NEWS FROM ALAMO---Mrs.S.E. Johnson went to Memphis last week to
attend the funeral of Mrs.Dainwood.
Mrs.Lillian Harber and daughter,Miss Ila Mai,of Chestnut Bluff attended the funeral
of their aunt,Mrs.T.N.Skelton,Friday.
Charles Kirk of Atlanta,Ga.,attended the funeral of his mother-in-law,
Mrs.T.N.Skelton Friday. Born to Mr.& Mrs.George Pigue on Jan,5th,a daughter.
Mrs.T.N.Skelton,after long months of intense suffering with a malignant
cancer,quietly breathed her last late Thursday afternoon at her home.Her
daughter,Mrs.Marie Kirk of Atlanta,was continually at her bedside and shared
attendence with her father,who is now heart broken over the passing away of his dear
life companion. Her remains were laid to rest in the Alamo Cemetery.
WEEKS DOINGS OF THE MEDINA PEOPLE---The Death Angel visited the home of Mr.& Mrs.
Charles Allen, December 25th, 1919,and took from them their oldest daughter, Lucille.
She had been sick about a week, her death being caused by pneumonia. She is survived
by her parents; four brothers; ne sister, many relatives and friends to mourn her
death.She was sixteen years, one month and sixteen days old. The remains were laid to
rest at Antioch Cemetery Friday afternoon.
Humboldt, Tennessee Friday January 9th, 1920
NASHVILLE,TENNESSEE,Jan.5th.--John Allison,f ormer Judge of the Chancery court of
this County,writer of historical subjects and friend of the late Theo. Roosevelt,
dropped dead at his front gate this morning.he was born in Jonesboro, TN., over 70
years ago. He became Secretary of State in 1884 and later served as Chancellor here
for 16 years,retiring in 1918.
IN MEMORY of Frankie Raines Craddock---On the evening of January 3rd,1920,while the
shades of night were gathered over the land,the Death Angel hovered over the home of
Mr.& Mrs.Jesse Craddock and claimed for its victim,the sweet spirit of their baby
girl.The little remains were laid to rest in Collinsworth Cemetery.
RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT---Whereas,on Saturday,December 27th,1919,it pleased our
heavenly Father to call home to her reward our beloved friend,sister,and co-
worker,Mrs.Eulalia Hamilton:--Adopted by the Woman's Auxiliary of the Presbyterian
Church, U.S.A. at it's regular meeting,Monday,January 5th,1920.
COMMITTE---Mrs. Jno.T.Harder;Mrs.B.S.Penn;Mrs.Claudia Keenan. SOCIETY---The home of
Mrs. Alice Key, near Brazil,was the scene of an unusually pretty wedding on Thursday
evening, when her daughter became the bride of Mr. Turney McCullough of Brazil.
BAD ROADS DENY DYING WOMAN MEDICAL AID---Newbern,TN.,Jan.7th.--Owing to the bad road
condition in the bottom district near Ayers,this county,it was impossible for a
physician to see a sick patient.Mrs.Addie Stanfield died in that section with
congestion.Burial was made at Fowkles.
Humboldt,Tennessee Friday January 16th,1920
VolumeXXII No.3
LOCAL NEWS---Henry Freed and wife ,of St.Louis,attended the burial of Mrs.J.Freed at
Jackson last Friday.Mr.& Mrs.Freed spent several days with Misses Katie & Helen
Freed,at this place.
Walter Burkett and Miss Lubie Sanderfer,of this city,were married in Humboldt last
Friday evening.He is the son of Mr.& Mrs.E.Burkett of Eaton.She is the daughter of
Mr.& Mrs.W.G.Sanderfer of this city.
Mrs.J.Freed died at her home on Eaton Street last Wednesday morning after a lingering
illness.Her remains were taken to Jackson Thursday,services were held Friday.She was
about 69 years of age,born in Germany,but for many years has been living in this
city.She was the mother of 13 children,11 of whom survive her:Henry of
St.Louis;Dr.Fred of New York;Edgar,anattorney of Portland,Oregan;Junie Freed and
Mrs.A.Touchfeldt,both of Jackson;Leo,Abe,Sylvane,and Misses Katie & Helen Freed,all
of this city.
PASSES TO REWARD---The sad news reached Humboldt Wednesday morning that Mr.Ernest
Coulter had died at his home in Monrovia,Calif.,and that the remains would be brought
to Humboldt for burial.He was married here to Miss Lela Fox,a number of years ago,and
made frequent visits to Humboldt.He is survived by his wife,who will accompany his
remains home.
INTERESTING NEWS FROM GIBSON---Mrs.J.T.Thorn returned Tuesday from Holly
Springs,Miss.,where she had accompanied the remains of her mother,Mrs.Sallie Rather
for burial.
Mrs.Lillie Copeland,wife of W.R.Copeland,died Monday of pneumonia.She leaves her
husband and six children.
IN MEMORY---of Mrs.Sallie A.Rather--On last Wednesday,just a few minutes before the
hour hand reached 2 o'clock,at the home of her son-in-law,John T.Thorn,she answered
the summons to appear before the Court of Glory.She lived for many years in Holly
Springs,Miss.,and she always looked upon it as her home,her remains were taken there
for burial.
Mrs.DAVIES, mother of Mrs.C.C.COOK,died in this city last Sunday afternoon.The
remains were taken to Cleveland,Ohio Tuesday morning for interment.She had made her
home here with her daughter for the past year. She also leaves a son.
On Monday,Mrs.Howard FOLTZ received a telegram informing her of the death of
Mrs.Julia HAWKINS,which occurred at the home of her daughter,Mrs.May L.MURRAY at
Commerce,Texas.The remains were brought to Brownsville and laid to rest there after
funeral services in the home of Miss Sallie BOND.
Mrs.HAWKINS was born in Brownsville in 1842 and lived at that place until 1900,when
she came to Humboldt to make her home with her daughter,Mrs.MURRAY.In 1908,they moved
to Memphis,after which they moved to Commerce,TX.
Mrs.Lala FOX COULTER arrived here from Montrovia,CA.,Wednesday morning with the
remains of her husband,Ernest COULTER.After a brief service at the home of Mrs.Willie
DUNGAN,the body was buried in Rose Hill Cemetery.Mrs.COULTER is a sister of
E.L.FOX,Mrs.Cors THWEATT and Mrs.Willie DUNGAN,of this city and was reared in
All the friends of Mrs.Jim THOMPSON deeply sympathize with her in the loss of her
sister, Mrs. STANLEY which sad event occurred at her home in Maury City Sunday night.
J.B.JONES,of Kingsland,Ark.,attended the funeral of his father-in-
law,Mr.T.WORRELL,here last Tuesday,returned home Friday.
Mr.& Mrs.Ike JETTON,of Maury City,celebrated their 50th anniversary last
Monday.W.A.JETTON of Okla.was here for the occasion.
Mr.& Mrs.E.S.MURPHY are rejoicing over the arrival of a sweet daughter,which happy
event occurred last week at Citronville,Ala.,where Mrs.MURPHY and the spending the
Robert HARGIS,aged 27,died last Saturday at his home north of town,after a short
illness of pneumonia.He leaves his wife;four small children;three brothers;and a
sister.The funeral was held at the Methodist church,after which the body was laid to
rest in White Rose Cemetery Sunday.
Mrs.BLACHSTOCK of Sharon,attended the funeral of her nephew,Bob HARGIS Sunday.
Born to Mr.& Mrs.R.T.DeBERRY,a fine girl,Friday,January 16th.
Born to Mr.& Mrs.W.W.POWELL,a fine girl.
Born to Mr.& Mrs.S.P.HAMILTON,a 13 - pound boy.
Mrs.Mary MORGAN fell last Saturday night as she walked off the porch and received
injuries from which her recovery is doubtful,owing to her advanced age.
James MOORE,of Texas,surprised his nephew,P.H.WEST,by paying him a visit.This was the
first day they had met in 23 years.
Robert JAMES left Tuesday for Huntsville,Ala.,where he has accepted a position with
the First National Bank.
Arthur CURRY left the first of the week for Rochester,Minn.,for treatment under Mayo
Brothers.He is suffering from a tubercular hip and expects to undergo an operation.
Dr.Raymond D.HENDERSON,after having received his discharge from the medical corps of
the Army,came up from Memphis and spent the weekend with his parents,Mr.&
A wedding was solemnized Sunday morning at Oak Grove Church,the parties being Miss
Florence Lee BLEDSOE,daughter of Mr.& Mrs.R.M.BLEDSOE to James Aubrey GORDON.
Mr.& Mrs.Homer C.HUNLEY & mother,Mrs.Mary L.MURRAY,spent Thursday in Humboldt,the
guests of Mesdames F.X.FOLTZ and H.J. FOLTZ,while enroute from Brownsville to
Commerce,TX.They had accompanied the remains of their grandmother and
mother,Mrs.Julia HAWKINS to Brownsville for interment.
Born to Mr.& Mrs.Leon JONES on Sunday,January 18th,a son.
Born to Mr.& Mrs.George Johnson on Thursday,January 22nd,a daughter.
Mr.John HARPOLE,who was reported ill last week,died and was buried in Hollywood
Cemetery,Jackson,TN on THURSDAY.
AN unusually sad accident occurred at Cross ROADS Church,in the 5th District of this
county,last Saturday,when Mrs.HART,with her little girl went to church nearby for the
purpose of cleaning the church,to make the room more comfortable kindled a fire,using
gasoline on the flames instead of oil.The flames flashed out,ignited their
clothing,death ended their suffering in a few hours.She leaves a heartbroken husband
and two small children.
-------------------------End of January 23rd issue--------------------------
Vernie B.JONES to Eva CARTER
Charley WHEELER to Claudine WILLIAMS
Earl Sylvester OTTINGER to Ora Lee RAMSEY
C.P.WHITE to Florence GREEN
Grady L.MALLARD to Lucy Belle CRAVER
---colored---Joe SANFORD to Mollie DELOCK
Muggins HOUSE to Bessie BALLENTINE
T.W.BACHELOR to J.F. SUMMERS; 1/2 acre in 7th District $50.
---CONDUCTOR MET DEATH AT MILAM--- Memphis,TN. January 28th--The body of Albert
PIERCE,48,who was instantly killed yesterday morning at Milam,TN,when he was crushed
under the wheels of the L.& N. freight train on which he was conductor will be laid
to rest, services from the residence,655 Leath Street,burial will be in Forest Hill
Cemetery. He met his death at 6:45 a.m. while directing the switching of a cattle car
attached to his train. Hanging onto the side of his train,he was knocked off when his
body struck a cattle chute which protruded toward the track. He was virtually
decapitated and his body otherwise mangled when the wheels of several cars past over
him. The victim had been in the employ of the L.& N. railroad for 25 years. Besides
his wife,Mrs.Pearl PIERCE;the deceased is survived by five
children;William,Robert,Thelma,Juanita and George PIERCE;his parents,Mr.& Mrs.T.M.
PIERCE of Paris,TN.; a sister,Mrs.Jim TERRY of Paris,TN.;and five
brothers,Herbert,Hubert,Lee and Campbell PIERCE,all of Paris and Paten PIERCE of
Miss Virginia AUSTIN,of Maury City,was with homefolks last weekend and attended the
funeral of her grandmother. Bro.BAKER,of Dyersburg was here Monday to conduct the
funeral of Mrs.M.A.AUSTIN.
Mrs.Ike WRAY,of Memphis,attended her father's funeral here Sunday.
Mrs.Arthur KELLY & twin children,of DYERSBURG,attended the funeral of their
grandmother,Mrs.M.A.AUSTIN Monday.
Raymond AUSTIN,of Nashville,was here to attend his grandmother's funeral.
Our Community is in deep sorrow this week on account of the passing away of two of
our oldest and best citizens; Mr. Al WAINWRIGHT and Mrs.M.A.AUSTIN. This makes four
deaths of old people here this month, Mrs.SKELTON,dying on the 1st; and
W.W.WORRELL,the 11th. One by one all are crossing over.
The infant son of Mr.& Mrs.S.P.HAMILTON died Sunday.The funeral services were held at
the residence Monday afternoon ,after which the body was laid to rest in White Rose
Mrs.Emma GRAY died at a hospital in Jonesboro,Ark.,last Sunday. Services were held at
the Baptist Church at Jonesboro Monday.Mrs.GRAY was formerly Mrs.Matt HUNT,and was an
aunt of H.N.THARP,of Humboldt.
Mrs.John Hale JACKSON is visiting a new neice in the home of her sister,Mrs.Hobart
JACOBS in Paris.
Uncle Serge DONALD,a respectable old negro,died at his home near here Thursday
Emile SNYDER,of Trenton,spent Monday evening here,the guest of his brother,Leon
SNYDER & family.
Miss Lillian WILLIAMS,15 years old,daughter of Mrs.Callie WILLIAMS,jumped from a
train running 15 miles an hour at Bledsoe,four miles above here,this 7 a.m.She was
badly hurt and was carried to Gallatin for medical attention.
Thomas HARDY, a prominent citizen of the 7th District of this county, attempted to
commit suicide a few days ago by drawing a razor across his throat, cutting two large
gashes almost to the jugular vein. His attempt did not prove fatal and he was later
found insane and has since been carried to Bolivar. He has a wife and several small
L.L.MILLS and his wife was shot and killed from ambush here last night, and their
daughter, Mrs. Tom PHILLIPS and one of her children barely escaped with their lives.
Tom PHILLIPS, the husband is being sought by a possee as the slayer.
Luncheon and shower given in honor of Miss Louise WARMATH,whose marriage to Dr.Thomas
A.NOONER occurred on November 19th,was given by the Sewing Club,Mrs.Harry
LOVE,hostess,at the home of Mrs.Clem HAMILTON.
On Thursday,Miss Elizabeth DONOVAN complimented Mrs.Mary Jane SALISBURY with a dinner
in honor of her 80th birthday.
Mr.& Mrs.Hal ADAIR returned Tuesday from Gates,TN,where they were called on account
of the death of her father,Mr.WELLS.
Born to Mr.& Mrs.John BUCKNER on Tuesday,January 20th,a son.
Born to Mr.& Mrs.W.L.BROOME on Wednesday,January 21st,a son.
---colored---Pearl RICHIE to Maggie ELLINGTON
Leslie HARRIS to Ivie D. BROWN
Mrs.Jno.W.LOWERY,of No.7,died Thursday,after several weeks' illness of bronchial
pneumonia following measles. Mrs.Alice BROWN,after being here three months during the
illness and death of her mother,Mrs.M.A.AUSTIN,returned to her home at
Tampa,Fla.,last week.
G.L.BENNETT was in Dyersburg last Thursday having his lame leg examined.The
physicians fear it will have to be taken off above the knee,if he gets any surcease
from the pain,as the bone has been diseased.
---THE DEAD---
Mrs.Jane HICKS,aged 70 years,died at the home of her neice,Mrs.JONES on 18th
Avenue,Wednesday at 5 p.m.,after a lingering illness.The remains were laid to rest in
Rose Hill Cemetery.
---LOCAL HAPPENINGS IN AND ABOUT TOWN---Walter WALSH,of Witchita Falls,Texas,is here
the guest of his brother,Hon.T.J.WALSH and family. Hugh D.NEILSON spent the
week,guest of his brother,Dave NEILSON at Nashville.
B.H.WHITLEY died at his home in Memphis Friday,January 30th,and the remains were
carried to Union City for interment Sunday.Mr.& Mrs.WHITLEY lived in Humboldt with
their daughter,Mrs.E.B.JOHNSON,until last September,when they moved to Memphis,where
Mr.WHITLEY was engaged in the grocery business.
3rd---Mrs.Henry MOCKBEE died Tuesday morning at Bolivar,and the remains were brought
to Bells and interred in Bellview Cemetery.She is survived by her husband and one
---WALNUT GROVE NEWS---Toy LOUDON and Miss Laurs STROUD had a quiet wedding ceremony
performed Sunday afternoon.
---CARD OF THANKS---We wish to thank our friends for the many acts of kindness during
the illness and death of our daughter and sister,Erma Lillian.---Mr.& Mrs. M.L.HUNT,
Ernest HUNT, W.R.McHANEY. GIBSON,TN Feb. 5th,1920.
The Death Angel has visited our community again and taken two of our neighbors and
loved ones.On Sunday morning,the spirit of Miss Irma HUNT took its flight to the
brighter world. She leaves her parents,Mr.& Mrs.Luther HUNT;brothers,Ernest, of Union
University,Jackson,TN ,and Hon.W.R.McHANEY,of Conway,Ark. The funeral services at the
Baptist Church,the remains taken to Elrad for burial, and en route another sad
procession joined them.
---Mrs.Eunice GOFF,the double first cousin of Irma,and wife of Murray GOFF,had Monday
evening of influenza. The double procession moved on to the home of Esq. J.H.HUNT,
who was unable to leave his room,and both bodies were taken in for him to see.They
then went to Elrad for burial in that cemetery.Mrs.GOFF was the daughter of the late
Mr.& Mrs.Brown HUNT.Besides her husband;she leaves a son,Gay;a daughter, Elizabeth;
two sisters,Mrs.Edward ATTICK,of Jackson; and Mrs.Mai FOUST; two brothers,Marion &
Grady HUNT. Mr.& Mrs.G.T.JACKSON have returned from Malesus,where they have visited
their daughter,Mrs.Flenoy HICKS,who is the proud mother of a fine baby girl.
Roy MILLER to Fannie McCULLY
Arthur FREEZE to Macy AREY
Fonzie MARTIN to Macy CARUTH
George BASS to Mary WILLIS
George HUTCHERSON to ADOLPH FUCHS,interests in 80 acres in the 13th District.
Mr.& Mrs.Jihn R.FOSTER announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their
daughter,Zora Loving FOSTER to Harry JONES of Memphis in March.
K.C.GORDON and Miss Annie HIGGINS were married in Nashville on Monday,Feb.2nd.
Mrs.W.E.SEAT entertained at her home last Monday being the celebration of
her husband's 69th birthday.
Earl RABALD,of Bowling Green,Ky., and Miss Ruth FULLER of this city were married at
the home of the bride Tuesday morning.
Mrs.Fred Estes is very sick with measles and pneumonia at the home of her
Finis & Herbert JONES attended the funeral of their sister,Mrs.Buren ORR at Dyer
The infant of Mr.& Mrs.Alpha DAVIDSON was buried in Davidson Chapel Cemetery Saturday
afternoon. Mrs.DAVIDSON, who has been very low is improving slowly.
Mr.& Mrs.MANNER,of Milan,was called to the bedside of their sister, Mrs.DAVIDSON
Saturday. Wade GRIGGS and Miss Ozie YARBROUGH were married Sunday afternoon.
Mr.& Mrs.S.L.COX are the proud parents of a fine girl.
---THE DEAD---
Another old ex-Confederate soldier has been called "across to rest under the shade of
the trees." At the home of his son in Memphis last Tuesday morning,the spirit of
William E.WRAY broke loose from its earthly casket of suffering and returned to his
good Father. Interment in Bellview Cemetery. William WRAY was a brother of Mack WRAY
of Humboldt.
Thomas LIPSCOMB of Gadsden,was buried at Center Church Cemetery Sunday.He had been in
poor health for some time and was found dead Saturday morning.
Eva ARMSTRONG,colored,aged two years, died of influenzia, Thursday morning.
Sam JONES,colored,age 23 years,died Thursday night of tuberculosis.
------------------------End of February 13th, 1920 issue----------------
Mr.and Mrs.J.A.BELL died at their home a few miles from this city Sunday,after a
short illness of pneuminia.Interment was in Davidson Cemetery.
Mrs.FOLLIS,mother of Lee FOLLIS,died at her home near Center last Friday and was
buried at Center graveyard Saturday morning.
On last Tuesday morning,just as the hour hand of the clock pointed to six,death
entered the home of Mr.& Mrs.A.N.BUTLER and took their darling son,Odie.He had first
measles,then pneumonia.
---GONE HOME---On Friday,February 13th,1920,the Death Angel visited the home of
Mr.A.LEWIS,and took away the beautiful wife and mother.She was born in the year of
1885 and married Mr.LEWIS in 1907.To this happy union were born three boys and one
girl. She leaves two loving sisters,Mrs.Jim FOLLIS and Mrs. Tom MAY, and one brother,
J.A.BROWN. Her funeral was held at her home Church,Oak Grove.
o'clock Saturday night,Feb.14th,at the family residence at Avondale cotton
mill,G.M.JOHNSON,husband of Esta JOHNSON,in the 33rd year of his age.Survived by his
wife and four children.Interment in Rose Hill.
ROWLETT--Sunday night,Feb.15th,at family home in Medina,John T.ROWLETT,Jr. He is
survived by his parents,his wife.four brothers and one sister.Interment in Mt.Zion
WALKER-colored-Saturday night at 11:30,Feb.14th,at her home on Mr.T.L.NELSON's
farm,Cora WALKER.Burial in Jones Grove.
RAGAN-colored-At his home 4 & 1/2 miles from Humboldt, Sunday,Feb.15th,at 12:30 p.m.
John RAGAN,86 years of age.Survived by four boys and three girls. Interment in Salem
---DAVIDSON CHAPEL NOTES---A dark cloud of sorrow casts its mantle of gloom over our
community Sunday, when the Death Angel visited us and claimed for its first
victim,Mr.Joe A. BELL.Just eleven hours and 20 minutes after his death,his
wife,Mrs.Mattie SKILES BELL, passed away.They were buried in the same grave in
Davidson Chapel Cemetery,Monday.They leave two children,six grandchildren.two
brothers and two sisters.
---THE DEAD---On Thursday,January 29th,the angel of death visited the home of Mr.&
Mrs. Walter FOUST and took away their baby girl,age one year, eight months and twelve
days, Donnelle.
---WALNUT GROVE NEWS--6th DISTRICT---Floyd,the fourteen year old son of Mr.& Mrs.
George WADE died Monday afternoon,after a brief illness of influenza and pneumonia.
---WEEKS DOINGS OF MEDINA PEOPLE--ROWLAND death already reported except cause of
death-a brief illness of pneumonia.
Mrs.Shady HOOPER of the Salem community,was buried in the Salem Cemetery Tuesday.
Mr.Joe BLACK,of near Salem,has been confined to his bed for a week or so,suffering
from a general breakdown.
---SOCIETY---A wedding on Sunday in St.Louis ,when Miss Esther McFARLAND and Coleman
L.NICHOLS were united in marriage.She is a daughter of Mrs.Esther G.McFARLAND of this
city.He is the son of Mrs.Sallie A.NICHOLS of Humboldt. Miss Meazy MARONEY and Eugene
JOHNSON of this city were married last Saturday evening.
Mr.& Mrs.W.S.DOLLAR of Friendship have been called here to the bedside of her
father,E.M.LAY,on Route 7,who is dangerously ill with pneumonia.
End of February 20th 1920 issue.
---REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS---F.D.MIDGETT to J.E.DOTY, 33 acres in 7th District; $2000.
---LOCAL NEWS---Born to Mr.& Mrs.Horace PHELAN on Tuesday,Feb.24th,a fine daughter.
Mrs.Mollie HARRIS,widow of John HARRIS,died at her home a few miles west of town
Monday evening,after a short illness of pneumonia.Interment in Oakwood Cemetery.
---CROCKETT COUNTY NEWS FROM ALAMO---Mr.& Mrs.Will FLY received a telegram this week
telling them of the safe arrival of a little grandson in the home of their
daughter,Mrs.Myra BLEDSOE,in Memphis.
Mr.& Mrs.R.L.THOMPSON attended the funeral of Champ BOLING at Bells Thursday. Dave
WILLIAMS,a wealthy colored man,one of our oldest,was buried last week.
---DEATHS OF THE WEEK BY BODKINS & SON,Funeral Directors---
CHATTEM--At 4:30 p.m. Feb.20th,Burnice Preston CHATTEM,son of Penn & Fannie CHATTEM,
13 years of age.This child has been an invalid many years,but an attack of influenza
was the cause of his death.Burial Feb.21st at Rose Hill Cem. He leaves his parents;
one brother and 2 sisters.
SENSING--At 4:50 p.m. Feb.26th at residence on 18th Avenue, Mrs.W.M.SENSING,formerly
of Jackson,age 53 years,died of influenza. Survived by five children,three
brothers,four sisters.The remains were shipped to Clarksville for burial.
BALDRIDGE--colored--At 10:30 p.m.,John BALDRIDGE,aged 72 years,died at his
home,Jerrell's Switch,after an illness of paralysis.Survived by 4 girls and 4
boys.Funeral from home,burial in Rose Hill Cemetery.
---NEWS HAPPENINGS IN AND ABOUT TOWN---Mr.& Mrs.R.L.DICKSON were in Dyer several days
last week and this ,at the bedside of sick relatives.His brother,Pro.Enoch DICKSON,is
very low,not expected to live and Mrs.G.F.RUSSELL is also very sick with the flu.
---BELLS, R FD #3---Mrs.Mollie PERMENTER returned home last week from an extended
visit to relatives in Texas and has been sick with the flu.
Jim BOYD received a telephone call Friday morning from his brother,Francis,near
Trimble,that his daughter had died that morning of pneumonia.
Chestman PERMENTER,of Chestnut Bluff,and Mrs.Alice MARKHAM,of District#1,are at the
bedside of their mother,Mrs.Mollie PERMENTER.
---COXVILLE ITEMS--RFD #10--CROCKETT COUNTY---Mr.& Mrs.Tom ROSS have a fine baby girl
since our last writing.
---INTERESTING NEWS FROM GIBSON---Miss Lillian JACKSON married James JONES,a member
of the faculty where she is teaching.
---SOCIETY---Mr.& Mrs.B.F.JARRELL received a message Thursday morning announcing the
birth of a daughter,to Mr.& Mrs.F.W.JACOBS in Charleston,SC Mr.& Mrs.J.M.BRIGHT
received a wire that their daughter,Annie,was married to Dr.Ray M. BALYEAT in
Born to Mr.& Mrs.Lon C.ROBINSON on Saturday Feb.21st,a daughter.
End of February 27th, 1920 issue.
.__________________________________________________________________. THE COURIER-
---LOCAL NEWS---J.Bayless JUDD died at the home of Miss Alice GLASS Sunday
morning,after a short illness of pneumonia.After funeral services at the residence
here.the remains were taken to Gallatin for interment.Mr.JUDD was a traveling
salesman,insurance:He was happily married to Miss Martha GLASS,of this city about 18
months ago,and soon after their marriage,they moved to Memohis.He also leaves his
mother and two brothers.
John HICKS died at his home south of town Saturday,interment in Oak Grove Cemetery.
Born to Mr.& Mrs.Robert HARWOOD on March 1st,a fine son.
---FORMER HUMBOLDT MAN PASSES AWAY---The sad news reached here early this week that
Mr. Robert P.LOWE,a former well known and much loved citizen died at his home in
Weatherford,TX.The following are excerpts from the Weatherford Democrat:"Robert
P.LOWE passed away at the family home on West Oak at 3:30 p.m. Feb.17th,aged 76
years"...He leaves his wife and two sons,R.S.& G.E.LOWE...
the pretty accomplished daughter of Mr.& Mrs.J.P.HAZELWOOD,were married last Sunday
evening at the Methodist Parsonage.
.Ernest BOMAR,a prominent young business man of Bolivar,Tennessee and Miss Arline
HALE,eldest daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Lonnie HALE,drove to Jackson last Saturday where
they were married.
---CROCKETT COUNTY NEWS FROM ALAMO---Mrs.Buchanan AVERY has been very low with uremic
poisoning,and her condition is reported no better this morning as we write this.All
her friends are praying her life may be spared for the sake of her two babies--LATER
news on Wednesday,Mrs.Buchanan AVERY died this morning,after 10 days of intense
suffering.She leaves two small children,her husband,mother and three sisters.
MILAN,Tenn.,Feb.27th-Mrs.Mary BELEW,83,died at her home near Cades,of infirmities of
age.She was a member of the Missionary Baptist Church and is survived by several sons
and daughters.Interment in Poplar Springs Cemetery. TRIMBLE,Tenn.,Feb.27th-
Mrs.NEWMAN,wife of West NEWMAN,cashier of the Mason Hall Bank of Mason Hall,is
dead.She leaves one child besides numerous relatives and friends.
Mrs.Will WEST,of Mason Hall died.She leaves a husband and relatives.
MILAN,Tenn.,Feb.27th-Mrs.Regina A.HOWE,aged 56,died at her home here Thursday evening
of influenza and pneumonia.She was a wife of C.E.HOWE,who survives her.Interment in
Oakwood Cemetery.
---THE DEAD---Nathaniel POWELL,aged 58 years,died at his home three miles north of
here last Saturday.He was a prosperous farmer,a good citizen, a member of the
Missionary Baptist Church and is survived by his wife;one sister;and three
brothers.Burial in Walnut Grove Cemetery.
---DEAD---Mr.Milton BOONE,one of the old well-known and highly respected farmers and
citizens of the Humboldt section,died at the family home in Humboldt,at 11 ;15 a.m.
on Tuesday,March 2nd,after a two weeks illness.Burial in Rose Hill Cemetery. He was
72 years of age,the father of 8 sons and 5 daughters.
---DEAD---Mr.John W.ALLEN died at the residence of R.S.ALLEN,east of Humboldt,on
Tuesday,March 2nd,after a brief illness.He was 64 years of age.Burial in Antioch
---Mr.& Mrs.John McKNIGHT have the tender sympathy of their friends and the community
in the loss of their precious baby,Albert Wilford,who died of pneumonia on
Feb.29th.He was three years, 9 months and five days old.He was laid to rest in Rose
Hill Cemetery.He was a brother of Flora Lee McKNIGHT.
---DEAD---mr.W.C.DANIELS,an aged and respected citizen of Avondale suburb,died at his
family home on Feb.29th,after a brief illness of influenza.He is survived by his
wife;three sons; and six daughters.He was 79 years of age.Burial in Rose Hill
---DAVIDSON CHAPEL NEWS---Born to Mr.& Mrs.John NEIL,a daughter.
---MORE ON MILTON A.BOONE DEATH---Husband of Mattie; father of Walter, Robert, Oscar,
Lonza, Mrs.Lula HAMILTON, Mrs.Floyd TODD, Mrs.Stella HUMPHREYS, all of Humboldt; also
Miss Virgie BOONE,of Humboldt; Charles,of Forney,Tx.; Fred, of Sapulpa,Okla.;Ted,of
Ark.; Homer BOONE & Mrs.Jessie LANE, of Jackson,Tenn.
---ENTERPRISE ITEMS---Vaudie REEVES of Fruitland,died of pneumonia and was buried at
Old Gibson Sunday.
---SOCIETY---Mrs.A.R.DODSON received a message on Monday announcing the death of her
neice,Mrs.Lillian Bell BEADLE,at Little Rock,Ark.She leaves her husband,an infant
son,and children,Ira Mai & Charlie SCOTT. MISS Elizabeth DONOVAN returned from
Birmingham,Ala.,where she was called on account of the death of her cousin,Father
BORN to Mr.& Mrs.Herbert J. BAUM, Crescent Court Apts., Birmingham, Ala., on
Saturday,Feb.28th,a daughter.
.___________________End of March 5th ISSUE.____________________
12th,1920.._____________________________________________________________________. ---
funeral Friday.
Miss Virginia AUSTIN attended the funeral of Mrs. AVERY Friday and returned to her
school in Maury City Monday.
Halster BAKER of Tigrett attended the funeral of his little neice,Bonnie Claire PIQUE
here Sunday afternoon.
Miss Ruby PORTER and Mr. BUCKINGHAM of District #7,were married Wednesday at the home
of the bride's uncle,Jim Neal McMILLAN.
Mr.BENNETT went to Memphis on Tuesday of last week to have his leg amputated.He stood
the operation fine.
The community is in deep sympathy with Mr.& Mrs, PIQUE over the death of their sweet
babe,Bonnie Claire,who died Saturday after several weeks suffering with whooping
cough. The community deeply sympathize with Mr.& Mrs.PATRICK in the loss of their
daughter,Mrs.CALDWELL of Milan,who died in Memphis Thursday.
Warren PATRICK was called from Mobile last week to attend the funeral of his
The announcement of the engagement and approaching marriage of Miss Rawlie YATES,of
Lexington,to Mr.John McCALL was made in Sunday's Commercial Appeal by her
parents,Mr.& Mrs.W.H.MONTGOMERY.The wedding will take place the 30th of March.Miss
YATES is a sister of Mrs.Herman CONYERS of this city.
---THE DEAD---Mrs.Sallie STROUD STEVENS died at the home of her brother,Mr.Joe STROUD
at 7 remains will be buried at Old Gibson Cemetery tomorrow.She was 30
years old and is survived by three children; Mary Lee, Martha, and Ruth; one
brother:Joe STROUD; sisters;Misses Mattie & Lou STROUD both of Memphis; Mrs.Elma
DESMOND & Mrs.D.McCONNELL,both of Brownsville.
---DIES IN FAR-AWAY KOREA---The sad news reached Humboldt last Saturday that Mrs.Anna
Belle MAJOR NISBET had died in Kunju,Korea,where she had been engaged with her
husband,Rev.J.S.NISBET,in missionary work for some years. News came some time ago
that she was suffering from cancer and her life was dispaired of.Mr.& Mrs.NESBIT were
residents for some time in Humboldt. (name spelled two ways)
---KILLED BY FALLING TREE---Clarence E.BRANSON, a young farmer of the 8th
District,died at his home,Wednesday morning following a serious accident on Tuesday.
He was engaged in felling a tree having three prongs. As it fell to the ground it
split in three ways, and he could not get from under the weight of one section. He
was crushed to the ground and his body entirely paralyzed from the neck down.He was
38 years of age,had been working in Caruthersville,MO.,for several months and had
only returned to his home the first of the year.
---DEATHS OF THE WEEK = COMPILED BY BODKIN & SON; Undertakers---OWENS.--AT residence
on 22nd Avenue,March 10th,1920,at 10:00 a.m.Dennis OWENS,husband of Sarah
E.OWENS,father of Jessie, Will, John, F.C., and Sid OWENS, and Mrs.SHOOK. Besides
these,he is survived by two brothers and one sister. Remains in Old Gibson Cemetery.
HUTCHINGS--At residence,Avondale Cotton Mill, March 5th,1920,at 12:50 p.m. Sarah
HUTCHINGS, mother of three sons and three daughters. Interment in Rose Hill Cemetery.
TURNER-colored-At residence,five miles north of Humboldt, Tuesday, March 9th,11:00
p.m. Annie May TURNER,age 5 years,daughter of Charles & Bettie TURNER. Interment in
Salem Cemetery.
M'KOSHIE-colored-At residence on 13th Avenue,Friday,March 5th, 1920,10:15 a.m. Tommie
M'KOSHIE, 4 weeks old. cause of death; influenza. Interment;Rose Hill.(name also
spelled M'KOSKIE.)
FLY-colored-At residence on farm of Mr.Logan HAWKS,Saturday,March 6th,1920,at 6
a.m.;Levarne,age 13 years,daughter of Dee FLY.Interment in Zion Cemetery.
---WEEKS DOINGS OF MEDINA PEOPLE---Rev.R.L.MOBLEY was called to Humboldt last week to
conduct the funeral service for Mr.Milton BOON.
Miss Mary CASH & Mr.Hurbert REPLOGLE were married Sunday at the Methodist parsonage.
The funeral service of Miss Nancy LINTON was conducted Sunday afternoon.She was 77
years of age.She is survived by one brother,who is 79 years old and in very feeble
health.Interment was made at Hopewell Cemetery.
Miss Cordelya J.TATUM,daughter of Mr.& Mrs.G.F.TATUM and John Andrew
MATTHEWS,Jr.,were married March 3rd,in Humboldt.They will make their home in
A wedding that will be of interest to a number of Humboldt people,occurred at
Houston,Texas last Tuesday,when Miss Mev INNIS of Houston,Texas and Mr.Vernie RUNNION
of Greenville,Texas were united in marriage at the home of Dr.& Mrs.H.R.McLEAN.
BORN to Mr.& Mrs.Marvin PURSELLE,on March 5th,a son,Marvin Tatum
PURSELLE.Mrs.PURSELLE is known here as Miss Posey TATUM.
George Elam TATUM,son of George E.TATUM & Mabel ELAM TATUM made his arrival on
February 23rd,1920.Mr.& Mrs.G.F.TATUM are the happy grandparents of two fine boys.
Mrs.O.E.MOBURG returned Wednesday from Lawrenceburg,TN.,where she was called on
account of the illness and death of her sister,Mrs.WILLIS.
Mrs.WILLIS' remains were carried to Newbern,TN.,for interment.
BORN to Mr.& Mrs.Lloyd GILMORE on Wednesday,March 10th,twin boys. BORN to Mr.&
Mrs.Eddie BOYERS on Sunday,March 7th, a son.
BORN to Mr.& Mrs.H.N.FEWELL on Saturday,March 6th, a son.
BORN to Mr.& Mrs.Jake STOBAUGH on Friday,March 11th,a son.
._______________end of March 12, 1920 issue________________________________.
---TRAGIC DEATH OF L.W. HASTE---At Troy, Ala.,on last Thursday
night,L.W.HASTE,traveling salesman of Nashville,was foully murdered. The car was
stuck up in the road about dark and the salesman was compelled to spend the night at
a near by farm house. The farmer, who it turned out was a moonshiner and desperate
character, mistook Mr.HASTE for a revenue man and struck him with a hammer while he
was sleeping,afterward shooting him through the side of the head with a derringer
pistol twice.
---THE REMAINS---of Mr.L.W.CHASE,whose death occurred last week at Troy.Ala.,were
brought here to this city Monday over the M.and O. road and taken to the home of
Dr.R.O. WILLIAMS.After services, interment was in Rose Hill Cemetery.He is survived
by his wife,formerly Miss Elizabeth HILL; daughter,Elizabeth; brother,
Dr.D.M.HASTE,of Memphis; sisters, Mrs.J.W.MEEK, Mrs.J.L.CAIL, Mrs.C.P.PYPASS,all of
Trenton; Mrs.Maude WILLIAMS and Mrs.C.A.DOUGLAS,both of this city.
---LIVE NOTES OF NEWS FROM FRUITLAND---Mrs.W.T.SCRUGGS was called Tuesday to the
bedside of her daughter, Miss Florence HUNT, who is ill at Eaton.
---CROCKETT COUNTY NEWS FROM ALAMO---Real Estate Transfer--J.H. PERMENTER and wife to
J.W.EVANS; 90 acres in 6th District;$325. BORN to Mr.& Mrs.Roger JERMAN on Monday,the
22nd,a fine girl. Mrs.Lena Mai WATSON,of Memphis,attended the funeral of her
uncle,Mr.Ed ROE, Monday. Grandma STRAUCHN,whose serious illness has been recorded
from week to week,quietly,peacefully--like a babe going to sleep on its mother's
breast--breathed her last,in the home of her daughter,Mrs.J.P.NEAL,last Wednesday
night, surrounded by her children and relatives. Services at the home was followed by
burial in Alamo Cemetery.
The community is sorrowing over the death of Mr.Ed ROE, which sad event occurred at
his home in north Alamo,after two weeks suffering with flu and bronchitis. He leaves a
sorrowing wife; two children; a mother and many relatives and friends to mourn him.
Mr.ROE's grave makes the 8th new grave since January 1st,when Mrs.SKELTON was buried.
Bro.U.S.McCASLIN was called back from Obion Thursday to preach the funeral of T.N.
LOWERY of District #7,whose serious illness of pneumonia was mentioned in last week's
---WEEK'S DOINGS OF MEDINA PEOPLE---The marriage of Miss Minnie HAWKES of this city
to Mr.Clyde SIMPSON,of St.Charles,Mo. on Wednesday evening at Jackson.
The funeral service of Ewell EVANS was conducted Tuesday at Hopewell.He was a son of
Mr.& Mrs.J.EVANS,living near Medina,and was in his 16th year.He was a victim of
influenzia,after which pneumonia developed.
-----------------------end of 26th March 1920 issue.----------------------.