The Semi-Weekly Humboldt Headlight
   Saturday, November 27, 1869

Editor: Frank M. Holbrook

-"Humboldt Headlight, published every Wednesday"
-Located in the "Day Block" up stairs.

-Terms: $2.00 a year (always in advance)

-The following men are our authorized agents: Jas. A. McDearmon, Trenton,
TN; Rev. E.H. Osborne, Bells Station; A.B. Holbrook, Bells Station; W.W.
   McDowell, attorney at law, Court Street, Memphis

-We have this day associated J.W. Stilwell with us in the proprietorship of
the Headlight.  Our readers may expect us hereafter to be prompt in our
weekly visitations, and in the performance of all job work entrusted to us.
 Give ua a helping hand, subscribe, advertise, and your paper SHALL be a