Wednesday , November 4, 1936 edition of "The Daily Bulletin"  
Gibson County's only daily newspaper, published by The Herald-Democrat Publishing Co. Trenton, TN. 
Headline reads: Roosevelt Re-elected In Landslide Vote. Gibson County Goes Almost 6 to 1 for Pres. Roosevelt. Trenton Gives Roosevelt 495; Landon Only 75.
submitted by
Below are some of the articles:

Peabody P.T.A. Meeting Thursday
Mrs R.H.Harwood, president of the Parent-Teachers Association, especially urges a large attendance at the meeting of the P.T,A. Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in the Peabody auditorium.
At this time the report on the campaign for new members will be made. This campaign is in the form of a contest with Mrs B.Frank Jones and Mrs C.B. Singleton as captains of the two sides.
Members of Miss Hunt's Home Econimics Class will present a short play.

J.H.Becton of Dyer was a business visitor in Trenton Wednesday.

Kernodle Sale Postponed To Next Monday, Nov. 9
The public sale on the S.L.Kernodle farm which was to have been held November, 4, has been postponed until November 9, next Monday.
The Kernodle place is located three and a half miles north of Trenton and six miles southeast of Dyer in the Laneview community. The sale is being held to dispose of a quanity of farm machinery, some live stock, a quantity of corn and hay; also household goods, including a good organ.

Trenton Rotary Is 100 Percent In Attendance
Mrs Mozelle Harper Entertains Members With Musical Readings
The Trenton Rotary Club registered 100 per cent attendance and four guests at Tuesday's meeting in the private dining room of the Davy Crockett Hotel.
Mrs Mozelle Harper, teacher of expression and dancing at Peabody, entertained the Rotarians with a number of musical readings. Son Taylor led the singing and Miss Clara Collins presided at the piano.
W.C.Duncan of Memphis was the guest of P.D.Crim and other guests were Lieutenant Wilson of Camp Cole Foster, Bill Hardy and George Townsend of Jackson.
Hickory Grove
by Special Correspondent

Mr. Lofton Sanderford of Pope visited in the home of Mr and Mrs Allan and Mr and Mrs C.W. Harris Sunday.
Mr Joe Harris Moore of Newbern is at the bedside of his uncle, R.N. Harris, who was injured in an automobile accident at Wynne, Ark., last week.
Mr and Mrs Lexa Canada and son Billy, from St. Louis, are guests of Mrs Daisy Canada and other relatives in this community.
Mrs W.W. Wade and Mrs G.W. Wade from Trenton visited Mr and Mrs C.W. Harris Saturday.
Elder Thompson from Martin preached Sunday morning and afternoon to a large crowd at Bethany.
Mr and Mrs Robert Witt, Mr and Mrs B.B. Stultz from Brazil attended the services at Bethany Sunday.
Mr and Mrs Levi Lancaster, Paul Lancaster, Dan and Clyde Ragsdale were in Nashville recently.
Mr and Mrs F.H. Taylor, Jer Mac and Rosalind, visited Mr and Mrs Taylor Hall at Neboville Sunday.
Charles Harris is still improving rapidly at the Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville.
Mr and Mrs Bob Harris and Mrs Paul Harris of Jackson were guests in the home of Mr and Mrs C.W. Harris Sunday.
Miss Elizabeth Harwood of Paris spent the weekend with her parents, Mr and Mrs B.F. Harwood.

Classified Ads

For Sale--Two nice building lots on Church St. See R.E. Ross, Mrs Ross, or Mrs Grigsby.
For Rent--2 connecting rooms on First St., inquire of Mrs Luther Yates.
For Rent--One furnished room, newly decorated. D.O. Nowell 600 High St.
For Sale--Cedar and Chestnut fence posts, 7 ft. long. 10 cents for Chestnut, 15 cents for Cedar. Ph. 311-M, J.W. Mays, Trenton.
Farm For Sale--The Jessie Moore farm, consisting of 213 acres, 4 miles west of Trenton, Tenn. Good hard surface road. Good wells of lasting water, 2-story brick building. Can give possession the first of year. If interested write or see W.J. Ralls, Dover, Tenn.