DIED AT MEDINA Oct. 10, 1905
submitted by
On Tuesday, October 10th, Mrs. S.C. MATHIS, of Medina, died at her home at that place. Mrs. MATHIS was 75 years of age. She had been ill a long time, but her sickness and death were due more to old
age than disease.
The funeral took place from her late residence on October 12th and was condusted by the Rev. Mr. Waters, of Humbolt, and she was buried at Hope Hill Cemetery.
Mrs. W. A. MYERS, of our city, her only daughter, was with her for some weeks before her death and remained until yesterday on account of the serious illness of her brother, Mr. J. H. MATHIS, who was
dangerously sick at the time of their mother's death, having had a severe congestive chill on the Sunday before.
Mrs. MATHIS was a life-long and devoted member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. She had lived for the greater part of her life in Medina where her death will be sadly felt. Her husband, the late
Jacob T. MATHIS died on June 12th, 1904 and she is survived by only her two children, Mrs. W. A . MYERS and Mr. J. H. MATHIS, the latter, since his father's death has almost constantly made his
home with her.