Descendants of

Norman and Mary Whitney Norton
Compiled by  ©, Jacksonville, Florida)



     Norman Norton was born, 21 Jan 1775, in Prince George County, Maryland.  The parish records of  Piscataway Parish recorded that he was the son of William and Ellenor Norton.  Parents of William and Ellenor Norton have not been found, and research still continues to find those parents, and  their immigrant ancestors.  The strongest research centers on the area in the southern part of Maryland.

      A John Norton, Sr. and John Norton, Jr. came to America on the Ark and the Dove with Leonard Calvert, in 1634, when he came to claim  proprietory rights granted his brother, Cecilius Calvert, Lord Baltimore, by King Charles I, of England.  John Norton, Sr. and John Norton, Jr. are listed in the ship's list as 'transported'.  The settlers landed at St. Clement's Island on the Potomac River, 25 Mar 1634.  They began purchasing Indian lands and built a fort.  In earliest records, John Norton is listed in St. Marie's county, the first county organized, and afterwards he is listed in St. Michael's hundred.  The early records refer to him as John Norton, planter, however there was another John Norton, listed as John Norton, sawyer who was probably the son.

     Three Manors, Trinity, St. Gabriel and St. Michael, were laid out for the governor, Leonard Calvert, 13 Aug 1641.  A general discription given was, "bounding on the North with Trinity Bay, on the East with a right line drawn from the head of a Creek in the said Bay called Norton's Creek along by the heads of Cauthers Creek and James Creek and so forward due South East until it falls upon a Creek running into Chesapeake Bay called the Deep Creek then with the Said Deep Creek and Chesapeake Bay on the South and West with Potowmock (Potomac) River containing 3000 acres thereabouts."  St. Michael's Manor is described as bounding on the North with the said St. Gabriel's Mannor and including all the residue of Land between Potowmock River on the West, Chesapeake Bay on the East and St. Michael's point on the South, containing 1500 acres or thereabouts. 

     A grant issued to a William Osbeston, 1651, listed in a deed of sale, identifies the general location of the plantation of John Norton, Sr.  "Lying on the East side of St. Georges river and on the East side of a Creeke of the river called Trinity Creeke next adjoyning to the land late laid out within Trinty Mannor running North up the Creeke unto John Norton beginning at a marked oke standing by a branch called Nortons branch being the bound of the said Mannor running North up the Creeke for bredth fifty perches to a mked oke by a branch called Osbestons branch bounding on the North by a line Drawne East up the branch fifty perches for length to a mked oke & East from the said oke one hundred and Tenn perches into the woods to a marked oke on the East by a line drawne South fifty perches untill itt intersect a paralell drawne from Norton branch Conteyning and nor laid out for Fifty acres be itt mor or lesse."  The Norton's Creek mentioned above could only have been named for John Norton, Sr. and John Norton, Jr. who were the only Nortons  in the area at that time.  John Norton was a freeholder in St. Michael's Manor.  As a freeholder, he was given a vote in the affairs of the new government, and was required to pay a quit rent for each acre owned.

     Charles County was formed in 1658. It was bounded on the South and West by St. Mary's County and the Potomac River, on the east by Calvert County, and the north by the Maryland-Pennsylvania line.  Its boundaries included, "the river Wicomico to its head an from the mouth of that River up the Potomac as high as the settlements extend and thence to the head of Wicomico."  A discription of Piscataway Parish, the northernmost of the Charles County parishes, incompassed, "beginning at the mouth of the Mattawoman Creek and running up the said Creek and Branch thereof to the utmost limits of the County (Charles) and running North to the line of the Province and then West to the Potomac River and then down the said river to the mouth of the Mattawoman Creek.

     Prince George County,  where we find the William Norton family, of Piscataway or St. John's Parish, was formed from Calvert and Charles counties. This area is where we find the activities of the early Nortons of that area. A Tobias (Tobe) Norton is very active in the affairs of the government serving as a commissioner and in other various capacities.  He was in business with a John Little and court records list many transactions.  His relationship to John Norton is not known but the fact that they were acquainted is borne out by a common citizen they both knew named William Dorrington.  

     Prince George's Parish, also known as St. John's and Queen Anne Parish, records the birth of several of William and Ellenor Norton's children as follows:  Sarah, 20 Jan 1759; Alexander, 16 Mar 1760; Martha, 18 Apr 1762; Frances, bapt. 6 May 1764; James, 15 May 1768; Nathaniel, 18 Mar 1766; Mary, 5 Aug 1772;  and Norman, 21 Jan 1775.

     Prince George's Parish, by act of the Provincial Assembly, 1726, was erected out of Piscataway Parish and the chapel of Ease at Rock Creeke, built in 1719, became the parish church of Prince George's parish.  In 1742, the Assembly was again petitioned to divide the territory originally covered by Piscataway Parish and as a result "All Saints Parish" was erected at Frederick."

       William Norton is enumerated in the 1776 Census of Maryland in St. John's & Prince George Parish with six sons and four daughters.  Living in the same parish are the following:  William Norton, Jr.; Neamiah Norton; Henry Norton; Thomas Norton; John Norton; and Robert Norton.  William Norton, Sr's death date has not been determined, but it was prior to 1787, when we find his widow, Eleanor, listed in the 1787 Tax List of Pittsylvania County, Virginia. The last documented record of William Norton, Sr. is when he signed the Oath of Allegiance and Fidelity to America, 6 Jun 1778.

     After the death of William Norton, of Prince George County, the widow, Ellenor, moved the family to Pittsylvania County, Virginia.  She is found listed in the 1787 Tax List of Pittslyvania paying taxes on herself; 1 male 16-21; 1 horse; and 8 cattle.  The 1790 Census of Pittsylvania, Virginia lists Ellinor Norton with 8 whites and 5 other buildings.  Many of the related Norton families moved to Pittsylvania County, Virginia at the same time.  From that point, they spread out into North Carolina, South Carolina, Kentucky and Tennessee. 

    The 1800 Census of Rowan County, North Carolina, records Norman Norton as the head of his household with a wife and one child, a son.  An additional older female is found in his household, which is without a doubt, Ellinor Norton. Two sons of William and Ellinor Norton migrated to Rowan County, also.  Nicholas Norton remained in the area and Alexander migrated to eastern Tennessee.

    The 1810 and 1820 Census records of North Carolina do not record Norman Norton.  Records have not been found to indicate whether he was still in the county, or had moved to Tennessee.  Prior to 1806, Bedford county was in Rutherford County but no records were found there for Norman Norton. Records for the 1810 census of Bedford county have been lost.  It is possible that Norman Norton was in Bedford County, prior to the 1820 Census, but the only confirmed record is a transaction in 1823.  No record of his original land holdings have been found, but from subsequent tranactions, he seems to have had several hundred acres.  His land was on Garrison Fork a tributary of Duck River in Bedford County.  Norman Norton received an additional land grant in Bedford County for 100 acres in Mountain District in 1829.  When Coffee County was formed in 1836, most of his land fell in the new county.  It was located in the 1st Civil District, north of Beech Grove.  Beech Grove was located in the 2nd Civil District. Several related Nortons are listed in the 2nd District.         

     Goodspeed's History of Coffee County, published in 1887, lists the following early settlers of the 1st Civil District:  Norman Norton; Reuben George, Robert S. Rayburn; Adam Rayburn; William Hodge; William Cross; Thomas Douglas; Whitley Herald; and Robert McCreary

     On 7 Aug 1843, Norman Norton sold 24 acres to William Johnson, in Bedford County.  It was described as being part of a grant made to Norman Norton for one hundred acres on the 2nd day of May, 1826.  The sale price was one dollar and fifty cents, giving rise to the question whether this was a gift to a son-in-law.  However, I have found no daughter listed marrying a Johnson.  Witnesses were: James M. McGill, I. Walker and Heachiah Oaks.  August 16, 1847, Norman Norton purchased from Robert McCrary for eight hundred dollars, three negroes: one woman named Sarah Ann, twenty years old; boy, Jerry, age 2 years; and a girl, Harriet, age some four months. Witnesses were: William S. Matterson and William Norton. On 13 Sep 1847, Norman Norton sold to James Ashley, 100 acres, for $1,000. February 18, 1850, a survey was made for six acres of land for Gilbert Missick situated in Coffee County Civil District No. 1, on the Garrison fork of Duck River.  It is described as beginning at a large beech at the North west corner of Norman Norton's old tract of land, now the property of the heirs of Adam Rayburn, deceased. The description included a reference to Johnson's, now D. Ewell's, line.  Could a daughter of Norman Norton's have married Adam Rayburn. A survey made 8 May 1850 describes land adjoining Norman Norton's and William Sutton's land.  The Allison Land Deal, of 1823, was established to clear the title of many properties in the Three Forks area of Bedford County, Tennessee.  Settlers paid thirty cents an acre to clear the title and receive a deed to their land.  Henry W. Norton received his clearance for eighty acres on the waters of the Garrison Fork of Duck River where he lived.  He was a relation whose property was found later in the 2nd Civil District of Coffee County.  Henry W. Norton was listed in the 1850 census as a retired Methodist Minister.  This might indicate that most of the Nortons were Methodist. A James Gibson received a clearance for one hundred and fifty acres occupied by a tenant, Sely, adjoining the lands of Norman Norton and John Scott, Esquires. 

     In the 1830 Census of Bedford County, Tennessee, Norman is listed with seven sons and four daughters.  Some of these were undoubtedly children by his first wife.  He married for the second time Mary Whitney who was born in 1794 in South Carolina. Alexander Norton, b. 1823, in the 1880 Census of Gibson County, Tennessee lists his father's birthplace in Maryland and his mother's birthplace in South Carolina.  This would confirm that Norman Norton and Mary Whitney were married by 1822. The surname of Mary has been listed as Whitney in spite of the fact that there is no documented evidence to confirm it.  Some early researchers gave the surname, and after some entensive research of the Whitney line, I have not found anything to confirm, or deny, the claim.  I base the fact that it was probably Whitney strictly on the fact that Norman and Mary Norton had a son they named, John Whitney, and a daughter named Nowling who married a Whitney (indicating that there were Whitney's in the vicinity.)  The 1800 Census of South Carolina lists a John Whitney and a Jeremiah Whitney in Pendleton District.  John Whitney was the older of the two, so Jeremiah was probably his son.  By 1810, they had disappeared from the district.  Further research might prove that he had migrated to Georgia. The South Carolina Whitneys were descendants of the early Whitneys who were early settlers of Bermuda.  A Whitney Institute is still standing on the island.

     There was a W. O. Whitney family in Bedford County by 1810 who might prove to be a brother of Mary Whitney.  W. O Whitney had migrated from Georgia and bought land.  On this land he built a spacious log house for a tavern.  This tavern was sold in 1824, and became known as the Holland House.  It had many notable people of the day as guest, and a banquet and ball was held in 1824, in honor of General Andrew Jackson.  After he sold the tavern, W. O. Whitney owned the Whitney Stables in Shelbyville until his death in 1826.  He was killed by an ex-husband of his only daughter, Harriet.

     The Nortons moved to Dyer County sometime between 1850 and 1853 when we find marriages records indicating the children were marrying into the settled residents of the area.  Dyer County, Tennessee Chancery Court Minutes, page 96 and 97 records that heirs of Norman Norton had filed for division of his land, 1858, in 9th Civil District of Dyer County.  Heirs listed were: Alexander Norton; Wesley Norton; Aaron Norton; Josephus Norton; J. W. Norton; R. W. Norton; Esquire Keller; Wm. Keller; N. B. Norton; J. S. Norton, N. Norton, M.E. Norton; L. Norton; Willis Matthews (Mathis) and Caledonia, his wife; Elizabeth Norton; Isabella Norton; James N. Norton; Mary Bird; Louisa Tilghman; Sarah Canada; and the unknown heirs of Nowling Whitney, a daughter of Norman Norton, deceased.  They prove out to be:  Alexander; Wesley; Aaron; Josephus; John Whitney; Robert W.; Elizabeth Keller; Norman; Caledonia Mathis; James N.; Isabella Goodloe; Mary Bird; Louisa Tilghman; Sarah Canada and Nowling Whitney.  N. B.; J. S.; M.E.;  and L. have not been identified.  In the 1850 Census of Coffee County, a Mary Norton is living in the household adjoining Norman Norton, making a possibility of another son, but she has been tentatively identified with another Norton line, so I have not listed her. The following listing in the 1850 Census of Coffee County gives the proximity of some of Norman Norton's children:  Westly Norton, household #211; Norman Norton, household #214; Mary Norton, household #15; Brian Frizzell, household #216; Samuel Bird, household #217; and Franklin Keller, household #219. The Brian Frizzell household is of particular interest because of the given names of the children: Mary, age 16; Westly, age 13; Harriet, age 12; William, age 10; John, age 8; Abram, age 6; and Sarah, age 1.  Brian Frizzell's wife is listed as Jane, age 28.  She was evidently a second wife.  It is possible that Brian Frizzell's first wife was a daughter of Norman Norton and the family names of Mary, Westly, Harriet (possibility from Harriet Whitney); William and John tends to tilt in that direction.

     Several of Norman Norton's children preceded him to West Tennessee and are found in the early records there.  When he made the move to Dyer County, he was in his seventies.  The above suit indicates that he died prior to 1858.  Exact death date or place of buriel has not been established for either Norman or Mary Norton.  Since several of their children married into Gibson County families, his land probably was in the area south of Trimble in the vicinity of Cool Springs Branch.  When additional cemetery records in that area become available, it may be possible to locate their burial place.  (The following genealogy report is indexed.)


1. Norman1 Norton, born, 21 Jan 1775, in Prince George County, Maryland; died  in Dyer County, Tennessee; buried  in Dyer County, Tennessee. He married in Rowan County, North Carolina his first wife, name unknown.  Norman Norton married (2) Mary ((Whitney)) Norton, born, 1794, in South Carolina; died  in Dyer County, Tennessee; buried  in Dyer County, Tennessee.

            Children of Norman Norton and (Unknown) Norton were as follows:

+                            2    i           Elizabeth2 Norton, born, 22 Nov 1810, in

                                                Rowan County, Tennessee.  She married Francis

                                                Franklin Keller (Esq.) .

+                            3    ii           Wesley2 Norton, born, 1818, in Rowan County,

                                                North Carolina. He married Nancy Ann (Cass) Norton  .

+                            4    iii          Sarah2 Norton, born, 1820, in Rowan County,

                                                North Carolina.  She married A. Olworth Canada .

+                            5    iv          Norman2 Norton, born, 1820, in Rowan County,

                                                North Carolina. He married Elizabeth (Innis) Norton  .

+                            6    v          Mary2 Norton, born, 1818, in Rowan County,

                                                North Carolina. She married Samuel Bird .

       Children of Norman Norton and Mary (Whitney) Norton were as follows:

                              7    vi          Aaron2 Norton, born, 1823, in Bedford County,

                                                Tennessee. He married Sarah (Fentress) Norton. 

                                                According to the 1850 census of Coffee County,

                                                Tennessee, Aaron Norton was a twin to his brother,

                                                Alexander.  Nor further information has been

                                                confirmed on this couple.  There was an Aaron

                                                Norton found in Porter, Van Buren County,

                                                Michigan, 1862, who might prove to be this son

                                                of Norman Norton

                              8    vii         Alexander2 Norton, born, Sep 1823, in Bedford,

                                                County, Tennessee. He married Caroline (Canada)

                                                Norton. The 1880 Census of Gibson County,

                                                Tennessee shows Alexander Norton's mother's

                                                birthplace as South Carolina.

+                            9    viii        Josephus2 Norton, born ,1828, in Bedford County,

                                                Tennessee. He married Tennessee (Oaks) Norton

+                            10   ix          James M.2 Norton, born, 1834, in Bedford County,

                                                Tennessee. He married Mary E. (Lesinger) Norton  .

+                            11   x          Louisa2 Norton, born, 1835, in Bedford County,

                                                Tennessee. She married Pinkney S. Tilghman .

+                            12   xi          John Whitney2 Norton, born, 22 Mar 1838, in

                                                Coffee County, Tennessee. He married (1) Tollie E.

                                                (Norton) Norton  . He married (2) Tennessee (Berry)

                                                Norton  .

                              13   xii         William2 Norton, born, 1839, in Coffee County,

                                                Tennessee. Probably died young.

+                            14   xiii        Robert W.2 Norton, born, 1841, in Coffee County,

                                                Tennessee. He married Elizabeth ((---)) Norton .

+                            15   xiv        Caledonia J.2 Norton, born, 1844, in Coffee County,

                                                Tennessee. She married Willis J Mathis .

                              16   xv         Isabella W.2 Norton,  birthdate unknown, married,

                                                 9 Oct 1865, in Gibson, Tennessee, T. E. Goodlore.

                                                No further information has been found on this couple.

                                                Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois and Texas

                                                records have been checked for information.

                              17   xvi        Nowling2 Norton,  birthdate unknown, married  a

                                                Whitney.  This daughter of Norman Norton is based

                                                on the suit filed in Dyer County Court  concerning

                                                the heirs of Norman Norton. Her whereabouts seemed

                                                to have been unknown at the time. Since her birthdate

                                                is not known, she could have been an older daughter.


. Generation 2


2. Elizabeth2 Norton  (Norman1), born, 22 Nov 1810, Rowan County, North Carolina; died 22 Nov 1889 in Illinois; buried  in Hall Cemetery, Lick Creek, Illinois. She married, 2 Jun 1836, in Coffee, Tennessee, Francis Franklin Keller (Esq.), born, 25 Jan 1817, in Bedford, Tennessee; died, 11 Mar 1878, in Clay, Arkansas; buried  in Grove Hill Cemetery, Clay, Arkansas. Franklin Keller was a harness manufacturer.  Franklin and Elizabeth Norton Keller are listed in household #219 in the 1850 Census of Coffee County.  Norman Norton is listed in # 214. The couple moved to Union County, Illinois around the time Norman Norton moved, with his family, to Dyer County, Tennessee.

            Children of Elizabeth Norton and Francis Franklin Keller (Esq.) were as follows:

+                            18   i           Mary Ann3 Keller, born, Mar 1837, in Bedford County,

                                                Tennessee. She married John Wesley Oakes .

+                            19   ii           Elizabeth Jane3 Keller, born, 24 Mar 1838, in

                                                Bedford County, Tennessee. She married Richard Gunn .

                              20   iii          Aaron Model3 Keller, born, 1842, in Bedford County,

                                                Tennessee. No further information has been found.

                              21   iv          Henry Warren3 Keller, born, 7 Dec 1844, in Bedford

                                                County, Tennessee; died, 14 Feb 1897. He married 

                                                Nancy Emily

                                                (Corgan) Keller  .

                              22   v          Martha Elizabeth3 Keller, born  in Bedford,

                                                Tennessee. She married, 22 Dec 1861, in Jefferson, Illinois,

                                                James L. Skelton. This marriage is the only marriage in

                                                Illinois Marriages records for a Martha E. Keller.

                              23   vi          Sarah Laret3 Keller, born, 16 Dec 1846, in

                                                Bedford County, Tennessee; died, 14 Dec 1915, in Union,

                                                Illinoise; buried  in Hall Cemetery, Lick Creek, Union,

                                                Illinois. She married, 1 Oct 1868, in Union County, Illinois,

                                                Francis M. McGinnis .

                              24   vii         Robert Raymond3 Keller, born, 6 May 1849, in

                                                Bedford County, Tennessee; died in Rector, Arkansas. He

                                                married  Sallie (Morris) Keller  .

                              25   viii        Norman Alexander3 Keller, born, 11 Jul 1851, in

                                                Bedford County, Tennessee; died, 11 Mar 1918, in Jackson,

                                                Missouri. He married  Mattie (Calvin) Keller, born,

                                                10 Jul 1859, in Olmstead, Pulaski County, Illinois; died,

                                                26 May 1932, in Anna, Union County, Illinois.

                              26   ix          Thomas French3 Keller, born, 8 Apr 1854, in

                                                Bedford County, Tennessee; died, 17 Jun 1887, in Union

                                                County, Illinois; buried  in Hall Cemetery, Lick Creek,

                                                Union County, Illinois. He married, 25 Jan 1885, in

                                                Union County, Illinois, Martha A. (Miller) Keller  .

                              27   x          William3 Keller, born, c1856, in Union County,

                                                Illinois.  This child is listed based on his inclusion

                                                as an heir of Norman Norton in the suit filed in

                                                Dyer County, Tennessee.


3. Wesley2 Norton (Norman1), born, 1818, in Rowan County, North Carolina; died, 22 Dec 1879, in Gibson County, Tennessee; buried  in North Union Cumberland Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Gibson County, , Tennessee.  He married, 28 Oct 1846, in Gibson County, Tennessee, Nancy Ann (Cass) Norton, born, 5 Feb 1816, in Iredell County, North Carolina; died, 21 Oct 1857, in Gibson County, Tennessee.

            Children of Wesley Norton and Nancy Ann Cass were as follows:

                              28   i           Puss3 Norton, was born, 1845, in Coffee County, Tennessee.

                                                Proper given name for this child has not been found.

+                            29   ii           Elizabeth3 Norton, was born, 1848, in Coffee County,

                                                Tennessee. She married John R. Carrol .

                              30   iii          Martha3 Norton, born, 1850, in Coffee County, Tennessee.


4. Sarah2 Norton   (Norman1), born 1820 in Rowan County, North Carolina. She married  A. Olworth Canada, born 1829 in North Carolina.  Sarah Canada is listed in the suit in Dyer County, Tennessee, in 1858, concerning the heirs of Norman Norton.  No marriage date has been found, but given the close relationship of the Canada and Norton families, I have listed her as the wife of Olworth Canada.  Her brother, Alexander, married Caroline Canada, a sister of Olworth Canada.  Olworth Canada was a partner in the Tyson Store located on corner of Highway 106 and Madison Hall road in Gibson County.  

            Children of Sarah Norton and A. Olworth Canada were as follows:

                              31   i           Nancy3 Canada, born, 1850, in Gibson County,


                              32   ii           Eagleton3 Canady, born, 1854, in Gibson County,


                              33   iii          Mary3 Canada, born, 1858, in Gibson County,



5. Norman2 Norton  (Norman1), born, 1820, in Rowan County, North Carolina; died  in Gibson County, Tennessee. He married, Sep 1853, in Gibson County, Tennessee, Elizabeth (Innis) Norton, born, 1830, in Tennesee.  Norman Norton preceded his parents and siblings to the West Tennessee area.  Location of where he was living in the 1850 census of Tennessee has not been found.

            Children of Norman Norton and Elizabeth Innis were as follows:

                              34   i           Catherine3 Norton, born 1856 in Gibson County,



6. Mary2 Norton  (Norman1), born, 1818, in Rowan County, North Carolina.. She married  Samuel Bird, born, 1820, in Bedford, Tennessee. Mary Bird and husband, Samuel, were named in the 1858 suit in Dyer County, Tennessee as heirs of Norman Norton.

            Children of Mary Norton and Samuel Bird were as follows:

                              35   i           William H.3 Bird, born, 1851, in Bedford County,

                                                Tennessee; buried  in Rutherford Cemetery, Gibson,

                                                County, Tennessee. He married  Mary (Quincy) Bird,

                                                born, 13 May 1842, in Tennessee; died 3 Jun 1911 in

                                                Gibson County, Tennessee; buried  in Rutherford Cemetery,

                                                Gibson County, Tennessee.

+                            36   ii           Aaron Avery3 Bird, born, 1855, in Gibson County,

                                                Tennessee. He married (1) Demetra A. (Griffin) Bird.

                                                He married (2) Mary (Taylor) Bird  .

                              37   iii          John3 Bird, born, 1858, in Gibson County, Tennessee.


8. Alexander2 Norton  (Norman1), born, Sep 1823, in Bedford, Tennessee; died  in Gibson County, Tennessee; buried  in North Union Cumberland Presbyterian Cemetery, Gibson County, Tennessee. . He married, 15 Jan 1853, in Gibson County, Tennessee, Caroline (Canada) Norton, born, 1839, in Gibson County, Tennessee; died in Gibson, Tennessee; buried  in North Union Cumberland Presbyterian Cemetery, Gibson County, Tennessee.  According to the 1850 Census of Coffee County, Tennessee, Alexander Norton was a twin to Aaron Norton.  Alexander is listed in the 1858 suit in Dyer County, Tennessee as an heir of Norman Norton. The 1900 Census of Gibson County, Tennessee shows Alexander Norton living in the household of Tobe Norton in District #8..

            Children of Alexander Norton and Caroline Canada were as follows:

                              38   i           Alexander3 Norton, Jr.,  born, 1855, in Gibson County,

                                                Tennessee. Alexander Norton, Jr. migrated to California.

                                                A search of the current California records has not

                                                revealed where he settled or a family.  He returned to

                                                Gibson County, at least, one time after he migrated.

                                                A group picture taken of him and his living siblings

                                                is available.

+                            39   ii           Mary Elizabeth3 Norton, born, 1857, in Gibson County,

                                                Tennessee married Emerson E. Jetton .

+                            40   iii          Levy Elizabeth3 Norton, born, 20 Mar 1859, in Gibson

                                                County, Tennessee, married Hiram Parker Worrell .

                              41   iv          Charles3 Norton, born, 1864, in Gibson County, Tennessee.

                                                No additional information has been found on this son.

+                            42   v          Dora3 Norton, born, c1866, in Gibson County, Tennessee,

                                                married William R. King .

+                            43   vi          John Asa3 Norton, born, 31 Mar 1861, in Gibson County,

                                                Tennessee, married Nancy Ellen (Wiles) Norton  .

+                            44   vii         Henry Norman3 Norton, born, 24 Sep 1867, in Gibson

                                                County, Tennessee, married Mable Myrtle Geon

                                                (James) Norton  .

+                            45   viii        Tobe3 Norton, born, 10 Oct 1871, in Gibson County,

                                                Tennessee, married Annie Bell (Martin) Norton  .

                              46   ix          Thomas3 Norton, born, 1873, in Gibson County,

                                                Tennessee.  Thomas Norton is believed to have

                                                migrated to Washington State. A search of the

                                                available records of Washington State did not

                                                reveal any Thomas Norton that might fit this

                                                son of Alexander Norton.

+                            47   x          Robert Lee3 Norton, born, Sep 1874, in Gibson County,

                                                Tennessee, married Nancy J. (Whitley) Norton  .


9. Josephus2 Norton (Norman1), born, 1828, in Bedford, Tennessee; died, before Aug 1862 in Obion County, Tennessee. He married, 11 Sep 1853, in Obion County, Tennessee, Tennessee (Oaks) Norton, born. c1836,  in Obion, Tennessee. Tennessee Oaks was the daughter of Norton  and Jane Norton Oakes who had migrated to Obion County prior to 1830 where he is listed in the 1830 Census; Sheriff's list of Obion County; and Sheriff's list of Gibson County.  The 1850 Census of Obion County lists Josephus Norton living in the household.  Listed, also, is a child name Cordelea A. E. Norton and Tennessee Norton.  Cordelea Norton has been listed as the daughter of Norton Oakes by other researchers. Since the marriage of Josephus and Tennessee Norton was not solomonized until 1853, there seems to be a descrepancy as to who her parents are.

            Children of Josephus Norton and Tennessee Oaks were as follows:

                              48   i           Cordelea A. E.3 Norton, was born, 1849, in

                                                Obion County, Tennessee.


10. James M.2 Norton (Norman1), born 1834 in Bedford County, Tennessee; died 1864 in Dyer County, Tennessee; buried  in Fairview Cemetery, Dyersburg, Tennessee. He married  Mary E. (Lesinger) Norton, born, 1836, in Tennessee.

            Children of James M. Norton and Mary E. Lesinger were as follows:

+                            49   i           James A.3 Norton, was born, Sep 1860, in Dyer County,

                                                Tennessee, married Annie Lula (Fowlkes) Norton  .

+                            50   ii           Leonora3 Norton, was born, 22 Jan 1863, in Dyer County,

                                                Tennessee, married Charles C. Dawson .


11. Louisa2 Norton   (Norman1), born, 1835, in Bedford County, Tennessee; died in Gibson County, Tennessee. She married, 18 Jan 1853, in Gibson, Tennessee, Pinkney S. Tilghman, born, 1837, in North Carolina; died on Battlefield in Kentucky during Civil War; buried  in North Union Cumberland Presbyterian Cemetery, Gibson County, Tennessee. Pickney Tilghman was buried in a common grave with other casualties of the battle.  When word reached Gibson County of his death, Louisa Norton Tilghman hitched a wagon and, with a slave, is said to have gone to the place where the battle had been fought and removed his remains to bring back to his home church cemetery.  Legend is that she recognized his exposed foot with a sock she had knitted for him. 

            Children of Louisa Norton and Pinkney S. Tilghman were as follows:

                              51   i           Norois3 Tilghman, born, 1853, in Gibson County,


                              52   ii           Mary3 Tilghman, born, 1858, in Gibson County, Tennessee.


12. John Whitney2 Norton (Norman1), born, 22 Mar 1838, in Coffee, Tennessee; died, 1915, in Dunkin, Missouri. He married (1)  Tollie E. (Norton) Norton, born, 1850 in Tennessee. He married (2), 1873, in Gibson County, Tennessee, Tennessee (Berry) Norton, born in Tennessee.

            Children of John Whitney Norton and Tollie E. Norton were as follows:

+                            53   i           Walter L.3 Norton, born, 1867, in Obion County,

                                                Tennessee, married Fannie (Henderson) Norton  .

                              54   ii           Myrtle M.3 Norton, born, 1869, in Obion County,


                              55   iii          Norman C.3 Norton, born, 1875, in Obion County,


                              56   iv          Fannie3 Norton, born, May 1883, in Obion, County,


             Children of John Whitney Norton and Tennessee Berry were as follows:

+                            57   i           Tennessee3 Norton, born, c1880, in Obion, Tennessee,

                                                married Harry Douglass .


14. Robert W.2 Norton (Norman1), born, 1841, in Coffee County, Tennessee. He married  Elizabeth ((---)) Norton, born, 1849, in Tennessee. Robert W. Norton is listed in the 1850 Census of Coffee County, Tennessee as the youngest child of Norman Norton.  He is listed in the 1858 suit in Dyer County, Tennessee as an heir of Norman Norton. 

            Children of Robert W. Norton and Elizabeth (---) were as follows:

                              58   i           Azariah3 Norton, born, 1869, in Gibson County,



15. Caledonia J.2 Norton  (Norman1), born, 1844, in Coffee County, Tennessee. She married, 2 Feb 1860, in Gibson, Tennessee, Willis J Mathis, born, 1831, in North Carolina; died  in Gibson County, Tennessee. Caledonia and her husband, Willis Mathis, are listed in the suit of heirs, in 1858, in Dyer County.  This listing may be in doubt.  Her birthdate gives rise as to where she was in the 1850 Census of Coffee County, however I could not find a Caledonia Norton listed in the related Norton families.

            Children of Caledonia J. Norton and Willis J Mathis were as follows:

                              59   i           William3 Mathis, born, 1861, in Gibson County,


                              60   ii           Elizabeth3 Mathis, born, 1867, in Gibson County,

                                                Tennessee, married, 1903 in Gibson County,

                                                Tennessee, H. C. Nash .

                              61   iii          Nannie3 Mathis, born, 1870, in Gibson County,

                                                Tennessee, married, 1896, in Gibson County,

                                                Tennessee, J. C. McGill .

                              62   iv          Phillip3 Mathis, born, 1878, in Gibson County,

                                                Tennessee, married, 1898, in Gibson County,

                                                Tennessee, Thula (Halford) Mathis  .


Generation 3


18. Mary Ann3 Keller  (Elizabeth2 Norton, Norman1), born, Mar 1837, in Coffee County, Tennessee; died, 1906, in Holcomb, Dunklin County, Missouri; buried 1906 in Holcomb, Dunklin County, Missouri. She married, 1851, in Obion County, Tennessee, John Wesley Oakes, born, 1831, in Obion County, Tennessee; died, 1875, in Lake, Tennessee. John Wesley Oakes was the son of Norton and Jane Norton Oakes.  The Oakes lived around the Mason Hall area of Obion County near the Gibson County line..  Norton Oakes is buried in the Finch Cemetery on Hurt Road near Yarborough Road in Obion County..   

            Children of Mary Ann Keller and John Wesley Oakes were as follows:

+                            63   i           Alonzo D.4 Oakes, born, 27 Sep 1853, in Obion County,

                                                Tennessee, married Sarah Francis (New) Oakes  .

                              64   ii           Mary Elizabeth4 Oakes, born, 18 May 1855, in Obion

                                                County, Tennessee, married  James Buchanan New .

                              65   iii          Mary Ann Agnes4 Oakes, born, c1858, in Obion County,


+                            66   iv          Thomas Selden4 Oakes, born, 29 Aug 1859, in Obion

                                                County, Tennessee, married Josephine (Black) Oakes  .

                              67   v          Jesse Norton4 Oakes, born, 12 Nov 1862, in Obion

                                                County, Tennessee; died, 18 Jul 1899. He married,

                                                7 Sep 1885, in Lake County, Tennessee, Etta

                                                (Jackson) Oakes  .

                              68   vi          Oscar Bernard4 Oakes, born, 9 Sep 1863, in Lake

                                                County, Tennessee, married, 2 Dec 1885, in Lake

                                                County, Tennessee, Georgia (Hayes) Oakes  .

                              69   vii         Sarah V.4 Oakes, born, c1865, in Obion County,

                                                Tennessee, married  J. R. Roland .

                              70   viii        Henry Keller4 Oakes, born, 11 Jul 1867, in Obion

                                                County, Tennessee.

                              71   ix          Minnie Jane4 Oakes, born, c1870, in Lake County,

                                                Tennessee; died, 26 Jan 1917, in Sharum, Arkansas; buried 

                                                in Old Union Cemerter, Sharum, Arkansas. She married 

                                                William Elias Walker, born, 12 Nov 1867, in Humboldt,

                                                Gibson County, Tennessee.

                              72   x          John F.4 Oakes, born, c1874, in Obion County, Tennessee.

                              73   xi          Clyde James4 Oakes, born, Nov 1877, in Obion County,

                                                Tennessee; died 1939 in Holcomb, Dunklin County, Missouri.

                                                He married  Terah (Ward) Oakes, born, 1886; died, 20 Jun

                                                1931 in Dunklin County, Missouri.

                              74   xii         Richard4 Oakes 

                              75   xiii        Tennessee4 Oakes 

                              76   xiv        Virginia4 Oakes, born c1867.

                              77   xv         Willis J.4 Oakes, born, c1869, in Obion County, Tennessee.


19. Elizabeth Jane3 Keller  (Elizabeth2 Norton, Norman1), born, 24 Mar 1838, in Bedford County, Tennessee; died  in Union, Illinois. She married  Richard Gunn .

            Children of Elizabeth Jane Keller and Richard Gunn were as follows:

                              78   i           Thedosia4 Gunn 

                              79   ii           Martha4 Gunn 

                              80   iii          Frank4 Gunn 

                              81   iv          Bettie4 Gunn married  Henry Cox .

                              82   v          Myrtle4 Gunn married  Will Barnett .

                              83   vi          Henry4 Gunn married  Nancy ((---)) Gunn .


29. Elizabeth3 Norton  (Wesley2, Norman1), born, 1848, in Coffee, Tennessee. She married  John R. Carrol , born, 1835, in North Carolina.  Elizabeth Norton was the second wife of John Carroll who had children prior to the marriage.  Martha Norton (listed as sister) is found living in the household in the 1880 Census of Gibson County, Tennessee

            Children of Elizabeth Norton and John Carrol were as follows:

                              84   i           Iona4 Norton, born, 1876, in Gibson County, Tennessee.

                              85   ii           Trular4 Carrol, born, 1877, in Gibson County, Tennessee.

                              86   iii          Donna4 Carroll, born, 1880, in Gibson County, Tennessee.


36. Aaron Avery3 Bird (Mary2 Norton, Norman1), born, 1855, in Gibson County, Tennessee; died, 24 Dec 1915, in Crockett County, Tennessee; buried  in Salem Cemetery, Crockett, Tennessee. He married (1) 8 Dec 1877, in Crockett County, Tennessee, Demetra A. (Griffin) Bird, born, 1860, in Gibson County, Tennessee; died, 1882, in Crockett County, Tennessee; buried  in Raines Cemetery, Crockett County,  Tennessee.  He married (2) 5 Aug 1884, in Crockett County, Tennessee, Mary (Taylor) Bird, born, 8 Apr 1859, in Gibson County, Tennessee; died, 20 Nov 1946, in Crockett County, Tennessee; buried  in Salem Cemetery, Crockett County, Tennessee.

            Children of Aaron Avery Bird and Demetra A. Griffin were as follows:

+                            87   i           Wheeler4 Bird, born, Oct 1878, in Crockett County,

                                                Tennessee, married (1)  (Lovitt) Bird. He married

                                                (2) Ellen A. ((---)) Bird  .

+                            88   ii           Ozzie Freeman4 Bird, born, 25 Oct 1880, in Crockett

                                                County, Tennessee, married Mary (McLaughlin) Bird  .

+                            89   iii          Tollie4 Bird, born, Oct 1882, in Crockett County, Tennessee,

                                                married James Luther Evans .

             Children of Aaron Avery Bird and Mary Taylor were as follows:

+                            90   i           Paul R.4 Bird, born, 1888, in Crockett County, Tennessee,

                                                married Essie (Blurton) Bird  .

                              91   ii           Tensie4 Bird, born, 1892, in Crockett County, Tennessee,

                                                married, 18 Dec 1910, in Crockett County, Tennessee,

                                                J. O. Clark .

                              92   iii          Donnie4 Bird, born, 1894, in Crockett County, Tennessee.

                              93   iv          Joe B.4 Bird, born, 1890, in Crockett County, Tennessee,

                                                married on 23 Dec 1923 in Crockett County, Tennessee,

                                                Pennie (Boyd) Bird .


39. Mary Elizabeth3 Norton  (Alexander2, Norman1), born, 1857, in Gibson, Tennessee; died, 1945, in Neboville, Gibson, Tennessee; buried  in Yorkville Cemetery, Gibson, Tennessee. She married, 4 Aug 1881, in Gibson, Tennessee, Emerson Ethridge Jetton, born, 1862, in Tennessee.

            Children of Mary Elizabeth Norton and Emerson E. Jetton were as follows:

+                            94   i           Maude Amm4 Jetton, born, 29 May 1882, in Gibson

                                                County, Tennessee, married Jarrett Leroy McCage .

+                            95   ii           John Louis4 Jetton, born, 7 Sep 1888, in Gibson

                                                County, Tennessee, married Harlen (Couch) Jetton  .

+                            96   iii          Claude4 Jetton, born, 1889, in Gibson County, Tennessee,

                                                married Alfred Thomas Harris .

+                            97   iv          Emerson Ethridge4 Jetton, born, 5 Oct 1893, in Dyer

                                                County, Tennessee, married Gladys (Pierce) Jetton  .

+                            98   v          Willie4 Jetton, born, c1895, in Gibson County, Tennessee,

                                                married Clarence Branson .


40. Levy Elizabeth3 Norton  (Alexander2, Norman1), born, 20 Mar 1859, in Gibson County, Tennessee; died, 29 Jan 1943, in Alamo, Crockett County, Tennessee; buried, 1 Feb 1943, in Cypress Cemetery, Crockett County, Tennessee. She married, 8 Jan 1884, in Gibson County, Tennessee, Hiram Parker Worrell, born, 9 Jun 1854, in Gibson County, Tennessee; died, 8 Jan 1922, in Crockett County, Tennessee; buried, 10 Jan 1922, in Cypress Cemetery, Crockett County, Tennessee.

            Children of Levy Elizabeth Norton and Hiram Parker Worrell were as follows:

                              99   i           Amos Vernon4 Worrell, born, 20 Sep 1885, in Gibson

                                                County, Tennessee; died, 15 May 1960, in Crockett

                                                County, Tennessee; buried, 17 May 1960, in Cypress

                                                Cemetery, Crockett, Tennessee. Amos Vernon Worrell

                                                never married.

+                            100 ii           Herbert Emmett4 Worrell, born, 25 Mar 1887, in Gibson

                                                County, Tennessee, married Ethel (Bland) Worrell.

+                            101 iii          Abbie Augusta4 Worrell, born, 16 Jul 1889, in Gibson

                                                County, Tennessee, married Ira Alonza Webb .

+                            102 iv          Annie Elizabeth4 Worrell, born, 25 May 1891, in

                                                Gibson County, Tennessee, married Henry Horace

                                                Baldridge .

+                            103 v          Rayburn Allen4 Worrell, born, 21 Sep 1895, in Crockett

                                                County, Tennessee, married Gladys (Lewis) Worrell  .

+                            104 vi          Maude Myrtle4 Worrell, born, 26 Jul 1898, in Crockett

                                                County, Tennessee, married Jesse Pierce Nolen .

+                            105 vii         Mary Louise4 Worrell, born, 6 Jan 1901, in Alamo,

                                                Crockett County, Tennessee, married Tolbert William

                                                Cates .


42. Dora3 Norton  (Alexander2, Norman1), born, c1866, in Gibson County, Tennessee; buried  in Oakwood Cemetery, Dyer County, Tennessee. She married, 1887, in Gibson, Tennessee, William R. King, born, 19 Apr 1861, in Gibson County, Tennessee; died, 30 Apr 1918, in Gibson County, Tennessee.

            Children of Dora Norton and William R. King were as follows:

                              106 i           George Edward4 King, born, 10 Feb 1883, in Gibson

                                                County, Tennessee; died, Apr 1967, in Eaton, Gibson

                                                County, Tennessee. He married, 1901, in Gibson County,

                                                Tennessee, Elsie (Killough) King  .

                              107 ii           Willie Ester4 King, born, 12 Jan 1885, in Gibson County,

                                                Tennessee; died, 16 Dec 1930, in Shelby, Tennessee.

                                                She married, 1904, in Gibson County, Tennessee,

                                                E. T. Dennis, born, Nov 1879, in Gibson County,


                              108 iii          Callie D.4 King, born, 14 Oct 1887, in Gibson County,

                                                Tennessee; died, 12 Apr 1964, married, 1907,

                                                 in Gibson County, Tennessee, Lester Green Wright,

                                                born, 19 Apr 1881, in Tennessee.

                              109 iv          Charles Mike4 King, born, Aug 1889, in Gibson County,

                                                Tennessee; died, 24 Apr 1963, in Gibson County, Tennessee;

                                                buried  in Flowers Chapel Cemetery, Gibson, Tennessee.

                              110 v          Samuel H.4 King, born, 15 Sep 1897, in Gibson County,

                                                Tennessee; died, 9 Apr 1943, in Gibson County, Tennessee.

                                                He married  Bessie (Gilmore) King, died, 9 Apr 1943,

                                                in Gibson County, Tennessee.

                              111 vi          Berney4 King, born, Mar 1892, in Gibson County,

                                                Tennessee; died, 1928, in Gibson County, Tennessee.

                              112 vii         Mary4 King, born, Mar 1894, in Gibson County,

                                                Tennessee; died, 1948, in Gibson County, Tennessee.

                                                She married  Jack Cooper, born, 1893, in Gibson County,

                                                Tennessee; died 1938 in Gibson County, Tennessee.

                              113 viii        Lovie4 King, born, Jan 1895, in Gibson County, Tennessee,

                                                married, 1905, in Gibson, Tennessee, W. H. Jewel .


43. John Asa3 Norton  (Alexander2, Norman1), born, 31 Mar 1861 in Gibson, County, Tennessee; died, 3 Dec 1940, in Troy, Obion, Tennessee; buried, 4 Dec 1940, in Troy, Obion, Tennessee. He married  Nancy Ellen (Wiles) Norton, born, Oct 1865.

            Children of John Asa Norton and Nancy Ellen Wiles were as follows:

                              114 i           Arthur Lee4 Norton, born, 5 Feb 1886, in Gibson

                                                County, Tennessee; died, 11 Oct 1887.

+                            115 ii           Fannie Able4 Norton, born, 28 Apr 1887, in Gibson

                                                County, Tennessee, married Oma R. Priest .

+                            116 iii          Emmaline4 Norton, born, 7 Mar 1889, in Obion

                                                Country, Tennessee, married Henry Hurt Rochelle .

                              117 iv          Lexie B.4 Norton, born, 18 May 1891, in Gibson

                                                County, Tennessee; died, 29 Aug 1892.

                              118 v          Johnny May4 Norton, born, 8 Mar 1893, in Obion

                                                County, Tennessee; died, 5 Aug 1959, in Atlanta, Fulton

                                                County, Georgia. She married  Henry Barron , born,

                                                 20 Jul 1890.

+                            119 vi          Elsie4 Norton, born, 4 Jan 1896, in Obion County,

                                                Tennessee, married Marion Alexander Whitehorn .

                              120 vii         Florence Ellen4 Norton, born, 6 Feb 1897, in Gibson

                                                County, Tennessee; died ,16 Dec 1968, in Troy, Obion

                                                County, Tennessee; buried  in Troy Cemetery, Obion

                                                County, Tennessee. She married  Walker R. Caldwell,

                                                born, 16 Aug 1973, in Obion, Tennessee.

                              121 viii        Charley Caswell4 Norton, born, 29 Dec 1898, in Obion

                                                County, Tennessee; died, 12 Aug 1986, in Troy, Obion

                                                County, Tennessee; buried, 14 Aug 1986, in Troy Cemetery,

                                                Obion County, Tennessee. He married  Thelma (Taylor)

                                                Norton, born, c1906, in Obion County, Tennessee.

+                            122 ix          James Herman4 Norton, born, 27 Sep 1900, in Obion

                                                County, Tennessee, married Mary Clarinda Clara

                                                (Kersey) Norton  .

+                            123 x          Winnie Nanniebell Wincet4 Norton, born, 3 Jun 1903,

                                                 in Gibson County, Tennessee, married James Cecil

                                                Moss .

                              124 xi          Wiles4 Norton, born, 6 Mar 1906, in Gibson County,

                                                Tennessee; died, 10 Jun 1915.

+                            125 xii         Guy Gleeves4 Norton, born, 18 Feb 1909, in Obion

                                                County, Tennessee, married Lena Florence (Green)

                                                Norton  .


44. Henry Norman3 Norton (Alexander2, Norman1), born, 24 Sep 1867, in Gibson County, Tennessee; died, 24 Jul 1935, in Vernon, Walbarger County, Texas; buried  in Vernon, Walbarger County, Texas. He married  Mable Myrtle Geon (James) Norton, born, 1869; died, 8 Apr 1924, in Vernon, Walbarger County, Texas; buried  in Vernon, Walbarger County, Texas.

            Children of Henry Norman Norton and Mable Myrtle Geon James were as follows:

                              126 i           DeeWitt4 Norton, born  in Kemp, Henderson County,

                                                Texas, ,married  Bertha (Perdue) Norton  .

                              127 ii           Donnie4 Norton, born, 3 Feb 1896, in Kemp, Henderson

                                                County, Texas; died Dec ,1985, in Kemp, Henderson

                                                County , Texas.

                              128 iii          Robert Lee4 Norton, born. 18 May 1897. in Kemp,

                                                Henderson County, Texas; died, Nov 1969, in Houston,

                                                Harris County, Texas, married  Ruby (Martin) Norton  .

                              129 iv          Gussie4 Norton, born  in Kemp, Henderson County,

                                                Texas, married Lloyd Bell .

+                            130 v          Nellie4 Norton, born, 19 Sep 1912, in Vernon, Wallbarger

                                                County, Texas, married George Lee Daniels .

+                            131 vi          Geneva4 Norton, born, 21 Jul 1909, in Vernon, Walbarger

                                                County, Texas, married Norman Fowler .

+                            132 vii         Elizabeth4 Norton, born, 2 Dec 1910, in Vernon, Walbarger

                                                County, Texas, married Edward D. Gellner .

                              133 viii        Lillie Mae4 Norton, born  in Vernon, Walbarger County,



45. Tobe3 Norton  (Alexander2, Norman1), born, 10 Oct 1871, in Gibson County, Tennessee; died, 13 Feb 1915, in Gibson County, Tennessee; buried  in Bells Chapel Cemetery, Gibson County, Tennessee. He married in Gibson County, Tennessee, Annie Bell (Martin) Norton, born, 10 Oct 1865, in Gibson County, Tennessee; died, 22 Feb 1927, in Gibson County, Tennessee; buried  in Bell's Chapel Cumberland Presbyterian Cemetery, Gibson County, Tennessee.

            Children of Tobe Norton and Annie Bell Martin were as follows:

+                            134 i           William Buchanan4 Norton, born, 27 Jul 1889, in Gibson

                                                County, Tennessee, married Eula Maude (Clay) Norton  .

+                            135 ii           Beulah4 Norton, born, 6 Oct 1892, in Gibson County,

                                                Tennessee, married Milton Montgomery .

                              136 iii          Bessie4 Norton 

                              137 iv          Elbert4 Norton, born, 29 Jun 1896, in Gibson County,

                                                Tennessee; died, 2 May 1940, in Gibson County, Tennessee;

                                                buried  in Bells Chapel Cumberland Presbyterian Cemetery,

                                                Gibson County, Tennessee.

+                            138 v          Ellie4 Norton, born, 29 Jun 1896, in Gibson County,

                                                Tennessee. He married Gladys Otie (Wiley) Norton  .

+                            139 vi          Paris4 Norton, born, 31 Jan 1897, in Gibson County,

                                                Tennessee. He married Martha (Keathley) Norton  .

+                            140 vii         Robert Lee4 Norton, born, 10 Nov 1900, in Gibson

                                                County, Tennessee, married Velma Iola (Barner)

                                                Norton .


47. Robert Lee3 Norton (Alexander2, Norman1), born, Sep 1874, in Gibson County, Tennessee; died, 28 Feb 1925, in Gibson County, Tennessee; buried, 1 Mar 1925, in North Union Cumberland Presbyterian Cemetery, Gibson County, TN. He married, 24 Feb 1895, in Gibson County, Tennessee, Nancy J. (Whitley) Norton, born, Jan 1874; died, 1961, in Gibson County, Tennessee; buried in North Union Cumberland Presbyterian Cemetery, Gibson County, Tennessee.

            Children of Robert Lee Norton and Nancy J. Whitley were as follows:

                              141 i           Fred4 Norton, born, 9 Jan 1895, in Gibson County,

                                                Tennessee; died, 4 Jun 1974 in Kenton, Obion County,

                                                Tennessee; buried  in North Union Cumberland Presbyterian

                                                Church, Gibson County, Tennessee. He married (1), in 1924,

                                                 in Gibson County, Tennessee, Naomi (Tilghman) Norton,

                                                born, 22 Jul 1899; died, 10 Oct 1987, in Gibson County,

                                                Tennessee; buried  in North Union Cumberland Presbyterian

                                                Church, Gibson County, Tennessee. He married (2) in 1917,

                                                in Gibson County, Tennessee, Odell (Tulie) Norton  .

                              142 ii           Beauton4 Norton, born, 22 Nov 1898, in Gibson County,

                                                Tennessee; died, 2 Mar 1917, in Gibson County, Tennessee;

                                                buried  in North Union Cumberland Presbyterian  Church

                                                Cemetery, Gibson County, Tennessee. She married Pullen .

                              143 iii          Bobbie A.4 Norton, born 9, Mar 1899, in Gibson County,

                                                Tennessee; died, 11 Jun 1902, in Gibson County,,



49. James A.3 Norton  (James M.2, Norman1), born, Sep 1860, in Dyer County, Tennessee; died, 1915, in Dyer County, Tennessee; buried  in Fairview Cemetery, Dyersburg, Dyer County, Tennessee. He married  Annie Lula (Fowlkes) Norton, born, Feb 1863, in Dyer County, Tennessee; died, 1947, in Dyer County, Tennessee; buried in Fairview Cemetery, Dyer County, Tennessee.

            Children of James A. Norton and Annie Lula Fowlkes were as follows:

+                            144 i           Mary W.4 Norton, born, Aug 1887, in Dyer County,

                                                Tennessee, married Lester C. Pate .

+                            145 ii           Henry L.4 Norton, born, Mar 1889, in Dyer County,

                                                Tennessee, married Mattie (TIpton) Norton  .

+                            146 iii          Tom D.4 Norton, born, 25 Feb 1892, in Dyer County,

                                                Tennessee, married Myra (Kenly) Norton  .

+                            147 iv          Clara4 Norton, born, 12 Jul 1901, in Dyer County,

                                                Tennessee, married Larry Zimmerman .


50. Leonora3 Norton  (James M.2, Norman1), born, 22 Jan 1863, in Dyer County, Tennessee; died, 13 Jul 1922, in Dyer County, Tennessee; buried in Fairview Cemetery, Dyersburg, Dyer County, Tennessee. She married, 25 Dec 1883, in Dyer County, Tennesee, Charles C. Dawson, born, 24 Nov 1849, in Dyer County, Tennessee; died, 2 Jan 1959, in Dyer County, Tennessee; buried in Fairview Cemetery, Dyer County, Tennessee.

            Children of Leonora Norton and Charles C. Dawson were as follows:

                              148 i           Dixie4 Dawson 


53. Walter L.3 Norton  (John Whitney2, Norman1), born,  Dec 1866, in Obion County, Tennessee. He married  Fannie (Henderson) Norton, born, May 1870, in Tennessee. The 1900 Census of Lake County, Tennessee lists the family of Walter Norton, with three sons and two daughters.  J. W. Norton, age 62, and listed as father is listed in the household, along with Fannie Norton, age 17, listed as a sister.  Also, in the household was a Wilse Henderson, age 22, brother.  No doubt the brother of Fannie Henderson Norton. 

            Children of Walter L. Norton and Fannie Henderson were as follows:

                              149 i           Maud4 Norton, born, Feb 1888, in Tennessee.

                              150 ii           Toller4 Norton, born, Aug 1890, in Tennessee.

                              151 iii          Elmer4 Norton, born, Jun 1896, in Tennessee.

                              152 iv          John M.4 Norton, born, May 1898, in Tennessee.

                              153 v          Rebella Freda4 Norton, born, Apr 1900, in Tennessee.


57. Tennessee3 Norton   (John Whitney2, Norman1), born, c1880, in Obion County, Tennessee; died, 1963, in Flint, Michigan. She married  Harry Douglass, born in Dunklin County, Missouri; died, 1949, in Flint, Michigan.

            Children of Tennessee Norton and Harry Douglass were as follows:

                              154 i           Mary Elizabeth4 Douglas, born, c1898, in Missouri.

                                                She married a Cummings .


Generation 4


63. Alonzo D.4 Oakes  (Mary Ann3 Keller, Elizabeth2 Norton, Norman1), born, 27 Sep 1853, in Obion County, Tennessee; died, 9 Apr 1935, in Mississippi, Arkansas; buried, 11 Apr 1935, in Holcomb, Dunklin County, Missouri. He married, c1877, in Obion County, Tennessee, Sarah Francis (New) Oakes, born, 16 Apr 1853.

            Children of Alonzo D. Oakes and Sarah Francis New were as follows:

                              155 i           Wright5 Oaks, born, 22 Mar 1890, in Dunklin County,


                              156 ii           Kate Brown5 Oaks, born, c1896, in Dunklin County,


                              157 iii          Mary5 Oaks, born, Oct 1887, in Tennessee, married

                                                Jack Hargis .

                              158 iv          Leon M.5 Oaks, born, c1881, in Tennessee. He married

                                                (1)  Martha ((---)) Oaks. He married (2)  Gladys (Oaks) Oaks  .

                              159 v          Hattie5 Oaks, born, Sep 1885, in Tennessee.

                              160 vi          Pearl5 Oaks, born, 19 Nov 1892, in Tennessee.

                              161 vii         Angeletha5 Oaks, born, Mar 1893, in Tennessee.

                              162 viii        Alonzo M.5 Oaks, born, 8 Jun 1880, in Tennessee.

                              163 ix          Cora P.5 Oaks, born, Sep 1883, in Tennessee.

                              164 x          Mattie5 Oaks, born, Sep 1885, in Tennessee.


66. Thomas Selden4 Oakes (Mary Ann3 Keller, Elizabeth2 Norton, Norman1), born, 29 Aug 1859, Obion County, Tennessee; died, 1918, in Dunklin County, Missouri. He married, 22 Sep 1886, in Lake, Tennessee, Josephine (Black) Oakes, born, 13 Apr 1869, in Union City, Obion County, Tennessee; died, 25 Dec 1949, in Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee.

            Children of Thomas Selden Oakes and Josephine Black were as follows:

                              165 i           Molly5 Oakes 

                              166 ii           Ida May5 Oakes 

                              167 iii          G. Wesley5 Oakes, born, 31 Mar 1889.

                              168 iv          William Thomas5 Oakes, born, 12 Jul 1890.

                              169 v          Mary Lou Ellen5 Oaks, born, 2 Mar 1892, in Tiptonville,

                                                Lake County, Tennessee; died, 27 Oct 1946, in Holcomb,

                                                Dunklin County, Missouri; buried  in Holcomb, Dunklin

                                                County, Missouri. She married  Archibald Joseph Elbert

                                                Wilburn, born, 4 Sep 1892, in Dunklin, Missouri.

                              170 vi          Lexala Maggie Pearl5 Oakes, born, 11 Apr 1895.

                              171 vii         Delola Kate5 Oakes 

                              172 viii        Robert E. Lee5 Oakes, born, 11 Jul 1899.

+                            173 ix          Joseph Henry French5 Oakes, born, 18 Feb 1902, in

                                                Nodena, Mississippi County, Arkansas. He married

                                                (1) Maude Lola (Edwards) Oakes  . He married

                                                (2) Edna Maie (Couch) Oakes  .

                              174 x          George Bernard5 Oakes, born, 21 Aug 1904, in

                                                Tiptonville, Lake County, Tennessee; died, 27 Oct 1973,

                                                 in Salinas, Monterey County, California. He married 

                                                Lola Mae (Taylor) Oakes  .


87. Wheeler4 Bird  (Aaron Avery3, Mary2 Norton, Norman1), born, Oct 1878, in Crockett County, Tennessee. He married (1)   (Lovitt) Bird. He married (2)  Ellen A. ((---)) Bird, born, 1887, in Crockett County, Tennessee; died, 1968, in Crockett County, Tennessee; buried  in Salem Cemetery, Crockett County, Tennessee.

            Children of Wheeler Bird and  Lovitt were as follows:

                              175 i           Gladis Mai5 Bird, born, 1 Jan 1925, in Crockett

                                                County, Tennessee; died, 1 Feb 1925 in Crockett

                                                County, Tennessee; buried  in Salem Cemetery,

                                                Crockett County, Tennessee.

            Children of Wheeler Bird and Ellen A. (---) were as follows:

                              176 i           Lennie B5 Bird, born, 1908, in Crockett County,

                                                Tennessee. She married, 11 Mar 1924, in Crockett

                                                County, Tennessee, Null Hudgings .

                              177 ii           Mattie I5 Bird, born, 1912, in Crockett County,

                                                Tennessee. She married, 10 Dec 1928, in Crockett

                                                County, Tennessee, T. D. Arnold .

                              178 iii          Mack T.5 Bird, born, 1914, in Crockett County,


                              179 iv          Walter S.5 Bird, born, 1919, in Crockett County,


                              180 v          Ruby S.5 Bird, born, 1920, in Crockett County,



88. Ozzie Freeman4 Bird  (Aaron Avery3, Mary2 Norton, Norman1), born, 25 Oct 1880, in Crockett County, Tennessee; died 23 Jan 1965 in Crockett County, Tennessee; buried  in Salem Cemetery, Crockett County, Tennessee. He married, 7 Jul 1901, in Crockett County, Tennessee, Mary (McLaughlin) Bird, born, 11 Sep 1879, in Crockett County, Tennessee; died ,8 May 1968, in Crockett County, Tennessee; buried in Salem Cemetery, Crockett County, Tennessee.

            Children of Ozzie Freeman Bird and Mary McLaughlin were as follows:

+                            181 i           Raleigh A.5 Bird, born, 1903, in Crockett County,

                                                Tennessee. He married (1) Vivian (Boals) Bird.

                                                He married (2) Jettie ((---)) Bird  .

                              182 ii           Freddie5 Bird, born, 1905, in Crockett County,


                              183 iii          Chesley5 Bird, born, 1909, in Crockett County,

                                                Tennessee. He married, 6 Dec 1925, in Crockett County,

                                                Tennessee, Jennie (Hodge) Bird  .

                              184 iv          Sue5 Bird, born in Crockett County, Tennessee.


89. Tollie4 Bird   (Aaron Avery3, Mary2 Norton, Norman1), born, Oct 1882, in Crockett County, Tennessee. She married, 18 Jan 1900, in Crockett County, Tennessee, James Luther Evans, born, 1882, in Crockett County, Tennessee; died, 1959, in Crockett County, Tennessee; buried in Salem Cemetery, Crockett Crockett, Tennessee.

            Children of Tollie Bird and James Luther Evans were as follows:

                              185 i           Vollie B.5 Evans, born, 1918, in Crockett County,


                              186 ii           Sibyl M.5 Evans, born, 1922, in Crockett County,



90. Paul R.4 Bird  (Aaron Avery3, Mary2 Norton, Norman1), born, 1888, in Crockett County, Tennessee; died, 1938, in Crockett County, Tennessee; buried in Salem Cemetery, Crockett County, Tennessee. He married, 18 Jan 1909, in Crockett, Tennessee, Essie (Blurton) Bird, born, 1891, in Tennessee.

            Children of Paul R. Bird and Essie Blurton were as follows:

                              187 i           Addie May5 Bird, born, 1911, in Crockett County,         


                              188 ii           Emma Bell5 Bird, born, 1903, in Crockett County,


                              189 iii          Pauline5 Bird, born, 1906, in Crockett County,



94. Maude Amm4 Jetton   (Mary Elizabeth3 Norton, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 29 May 1882, in Gibson County, Tennessee; died, 27 Nov 1947, in Gibson County, Tennessee. She married, 28 Dec 1903, in Gibson County, Tennessee, Jarrett Leroy McCage, born, 26 Mar 1879, in Gibson County, Tennessee.

            Children of Maude Amm Jetton and Jarrett Leroy McCage were as follows:

                              190 i           Fay5 McCage 

                              191 ii           Willie Maude5 McCage 

                              192 iii          Herman E.5 McCage, born, 13 Mar 1907, in Gibson

                                                County, Tennessee.

                              193 iv          Clarence5 McCage, born, 14 Jun 1920, in Gibson

                                                County, Tennessee.

                              194 v          James Glen5 McCage, born, 30 Jun 1923, in Gibson

                                                County, Tennessee.


95. John Louis4 Jetton  (Mary Elizabeth3 Norton, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 7 Sep 1888, in Gibson County, Tennessee; died, Apr 1965, in Gibson County, Tennessee. He married Harlen (Couch) Jetton, born 1898, in Gibson County, Tennessee.

            Children of John Louis Jetton and Harlen Couch were as follows:

                              195 i           Mildred5 Jetton  married a Moore .

                              196 ii           Emerson Toney5 Jetton 

                              197 iii          Living5 (---) 

                              198 iv          Living5 (---) 


96. Claude4 Jetton   (Mary Elizabeth3 Norton, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 1889, in Gibson County, Tennessee; died, 1945, in Gibson County, Tennessee; buried in Yorkville Cemetery, Gibson County, Tennessee. She married Alfred Thomas Harris, born 1882.

            Children of Claude Jetton and Alfred Thomas Harris were as follows:

                              199 i           Mary Frances5 Harris 

                              200 ii           5 Harris 


97. Emerson Ethridge4 Jetton  (Mary Elizabeth3 Norton, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 5 Oct 1893, in Dyer County, Tennessee; died, Feb 1969, in Newbern, Dyer County, Tennessee. He married  Gladys (Pierce) Jetton, born, 27 Apr 1899, in Tennessee.

            Children of Emerson Ethridge Jetton and Gladys Pierce were as follows:

                              201 i           Marion Claire5 Jetton, born in Gibson County,

                                                Tennessee, married  Raymond C. Steward .

+                            202 ii           Harry Wilford5 Jetton, born in Gibson County,

                                                Tennessee, married Eugenia (Ellis) Jetton  .


98. Willie4 Jetton   (Mary Elizabeth3 Norton, Alexander2, Norman1), born, c1895, in Gibson County, Tennessee. She married  Clarence Branson .

            Children of Willie Jetton and Clarence Branson were as follows:

                              203 i           Paul5 Branson 

                              204 ii           Claire5 Branson 

                              205 iii          Wayne5 Branson 


100. Herbert Emmett4 Worrell  (Levy Elizabeth3 Norton, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 25 Mar 1887, in Gibson County, Tennessee; died, 11 Jun 1938, in Crockett County, Tennessee; buried, 13 Jun 1938, in Cypress Cemetery, Crockett County, Tennessee. He married, 18 Jul 1909  in Crockett County, Tennessee, Ethel (Bland) Worrell, born, 12 Apr 1891, in Crockett County, Tennessee; died, Jan 1969, in Alamo, Crockett County, Tennessee.

            Children of Herbert Emmett Worrell and Ethel Bland were as follows:

+                            206 i           John Malcolm5 Worrell, born, 1911, in Crockett

                                                County, Tennessee. He married (1) Robbie (Espy)

                                                Worrell. He married (2) Lucille (Williams) Worrell.

                                                He married (3) Nettie (Jones) Worrell  .

                              207 ii           Glendon Herbert5 Worrell, born, 19 Oct 1912, in

                                                Crockett County, Tennessee; died, 22 Jul 1991, in

                                                Crockett, Tennessee. He married (1)  Pauline

                                                (Barcroft) Worrell, born, 3 Mar 1920, in Tennessee;

                                                died, 6 Apr 1992, in Crockett County, Tennessee. He

                                                married (2) on 23 Jan 1971 in Crockett County,

                                                Tennessee, Flora Ann (Ferguson) Worrell, born in

                                                Crockett County, Tennessee.

                              208 iii          Arthur Lean5 Worrell, born, 30 Sep 1914, in Crockett

                                                County, Tennessee; died, Sep 1980, in Humboldt, Gibson

                                                County, Tennessee. He married  Ethel ((---)) Worrell,

                                                born, 16 Feb 1920, in Tennessee; died, Feb 1971, in

                                                Humboldt, Gibson County, Tennessee.

+                            209 iv          Elizabeth Levy5 Worrell, born, 25 Nov 1916, in Crockett

                                                County, Tennessee, married Ernest Sutton .

                              210 v          Living5 (---) 

+                            211 vi          Ruth Evelyn5 Worrell, born, 27 Jul 1921, in Crockett

                                                County, Tennessee, married DeWitt Conrad

                                                Colvett (Jr.) .

                              212 vii         Alfred Alexander5 Worrell, born, 23 Oct 1923, in

                                                Crockett County, Tennessee; died, 22 Dec 1958; buried 

                                                in Alamo City Cemetery, Alamo, Crockett County,

                                                Tennessee. He married  Willie Dee (Colburn) Worrell,

                                                born  in Tennessee.

+                            213 viii        Carl Wayne5 Worrell, born, c1925, in Crockett County,

                                                Tennessee, married Lillian (Burnett) Worrell  .

                              214 ix          Paul Bland5 Worrell, born, 3 Jan 1928, in Crockett

                                                County, Tennessee; died, 30 Aug 1963; buried  in Alamo

                                                City Cemetery, Crockett County, Tennessee. Unmarried.

+                            215 x          Jennie5 Worrell, born, 2 Aug 1931, in Crockett County,

                                                Tennessee. She married (1) Clemisheski . She married (

                                                2)  Judge .

                              216 xi          Betty Alice5 Worrell, born, c1933, in Crockett County,

                                                Tennessee, married  Ira Smith, born in Haywood

                                                County, Tenneseee.


101. Abbie Augusta4 Worrell  (Levy Elizabeth3 Norton, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 16 Jul 1889, in Gibson County, Tennessee; died, 13 Sep 1972, in Alamo, Crockett Crockett, Tennessee; buried, 15 Sep 1972, in Cypress Cemetery, Crockett County, Tennessee. She married, 4 Dec 1904, in Crockett County, Tennessee, Ira Alonza Webb, born, 2 Feb 1884, in Crockett County, Tennessee; died, 5 Jan 1963, in Crockett, Tennessee; buried  in Cypress Cemetery, Crockett County, Tennessee.

            Children of Abbie Augusta Worrell and Ira Alonza Webb were as follows:

+                            217 i           Gladys5 Webb, born, 23 May 1906, in Crockett

                                                County, Tennessee, married Clayton East .

+                            218 ii           Floyd Glendon5 Webb, born, 7 Jun 1908, in Crockett

                                                County, Tennessee, married Louise (Privett) Webb  .

                              219 iii          Ida Louise5 Webb, born, 1910, in Crockett County,

                                                Tennessee. She married, 31 Jul 1927, in Crockett

                                                County, Tennessee, George H. Winford, born, 24 Jul 1907,

                                                in Tennessee; died, 16 Jul 1997, in Gadsden, Crockett County,


+                            220 iv          Fay5 Webb, born, 12 Nov 1914, in Crockett County,

                                                Tennessee, married James Johnson .

                              221 v          Mildred5 Webb, born, 17 Apr 1921, in Crockett

                                                County, Tennessee; died, 28 Jul 1922, in Crocket County,


+                            222 vi          Doris5 Webb, born, 1922, in Crockett County, Tennessee,

                                                married David T. Spraggins .

+                            223 vii         Virginia Lee5 Webb, born, 24 Jan 1929, in Crockett County,

                                                Tennessee, married Billy Williams .

                              224 viii        Living


102. Annie Elizabeth4 Worrell   (Levy Elizabeth3 Norton, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 25 May 1891, in Gibson County, Tennessee; died, Jan 1987, in Ripley, Lauderdale County, Tennessee; buried  in Cypress Cemetery, Crockett County, Tennessee. She married, 30 Nov 1913, in Crockett County, Tennessee, Henry Horace Baldridge, born, 12 Aug 1889, in Crockett County, Tennessee; died, 25 Aug 1965, in Halls, Lauderdale County, Tennessee, buried in Cypress Cemetery, Crockett County, Tennessee.

            Children of Annie Elizabeth Worrell and Henry Horace Baldridge were as follows:

+                            225 i           Lloyd5 Baldridge, born, 15 Sep 1914, in Crockett County,

                                                Tennessee. He married (1) Edna (Piercy) Baldridge. He

                                                married (2) Gloria ((---)) Baldridge  .

                              226 ii           Floyd5 Baldridge, born, c1919, in Crockett County,


+                            227 iii          James Francis5 Baldridge, born, 1 Jul 1923, in Crockett

                                                County, Tennessee, married Anita (White) Baldridge  .


103. Rayburn Allen4 Worrell (Levy Elizabeth3 Norton, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 21 Sep 1895, in Crockett County, Tennessee; died ,24 Apr 1969, in Alamo, Crockett County, Tennesse; buried, 26 Apr 1968, in Alamo City Cemetery, Alamo, Crockett County, Tennessee. He married, 28 Dec 1922, in Crockett County, Tennessee, Gladys (Lewis) Worrell, born in Crockett County, Tennessee; died in Crockett County, Tennessee; buried  in Alamo Cemetery, Alamo, Crockett County, Tennessee.

            Children of Rayburn Allen Worrell and Gladys Lewis were as follows:

                              228 i           Living5 (---) 

+                            229 ii           Nancy Jane5 Worrell, born, 7 Oct 1927, in Crockett

                                                County, Tennessee. She married (1) Willard Harris

                                                Randolph. She married (2) Charles Gallina. She

                                                married (3) Albert Weinberg .

                              230 iii          Living5 (---) 

                              231 iv          Living5 (---) 


104. Maude Myrtle4 Worrell  (Levy Elizabeth3 Norton, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 26 Jul 1898, in Crockett County, Tennessee; died, 31 Jul 1983, in Jackson, Madison County, Tennessee; buried, 2 Aug 1983, in Alamo Memorial Cemetery, Cockett County, Tennessee. She married, 7 Sep 1919, in Crockett

County, Tennessee, Jesse Pierce Nolen, born, 15 Sep 1895, in Crockett County, Tennessee; died, 11 Nov 1960, in Crockett County, Tennessee; buried, 13 Nov 1960, in Alamo Memorial Cemetery, Crockett County, Tennessee.

            Children of Maude Myrtle Worrell and Jesse Pierce Nolen were as follows:

+                            232 i           Jesse Pierce5 Nolen (Jr.), born, 21 Sep 1920, in Crockett

                                                County, Tennessee, married Ernestine Park (O'Neil)

                                                Nolen  .

+                            233 ii           Catherine Rose5 Nolen, born, 16 Feb 1922, in Crockett

                                                County, Tennessee, married Jodie Thomas Young .

+                            234 iii          Margaret Neal5 Nolen, born, 1 May 1925, in Crockett

                                                County, Tennessee, married Harry Hite Nichol .

+                            235 iv          Tommy Gene5 Nolen, born, 4 Aug 1927, in Alamo,

                                                Crockett County, Tennessee. He married (1) Anna Sue

                                                (Prince) Nolen. He married (2) Marguerite (Brannon)

                                                Nolen  .

+                            236 v          Dora Lee5 Nolen, born, 15 Dec 1929, in Alamo, Crockett

                                                County, Tennessee, married James Wayne Davis .

+                            237 vi          Bobby Joe5 Nolen, born, 28 Apr 1931, in Crockett

                                                County, Tennessee, married Patricia (Williams) Nolen  .


105. Mary Louise4 Worrell  (Levy Elizabeth3 Norton, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 6 Jan 1901, in Alamo, Crockett County, Tennessee; died, 4 Oct 1987, in Covington, Tipton County, Tennessee; buried  in Alamo Cemetery, Crockett County, Tennessee. She married, 1 Sep 1919, in Alamo, Crockett County, Tennessee1, Tolbert William Cates, born, 10 Apr 1898, in Crockett County, Tennessee; died, 12 Aug 1964, in Alamo, Crockett County, Tennessee; buried, 14 Aug 1964, in Alamo Cemetery, Crockett County, Tennessee.

            Children of Mary Louise Worrell and Tolbert William Cates were as follows:

                              238 i           Fredrick William5 Cates, born, 18 Apr 1922, in Crockett

                                                County, Tennessee; died, 10 Dec 1990, in Veterans Hospital,

                                                Memphis, Shelby, Tennessee; buried  in Alamo Cemetery,

                                                Crockett County, Tennessee. He married, Feb 1952,

                                                Shirley (Williams) Cates, born in Bells, Crockett County,


+                            239 ii           Dorothy Jean5 Cates, born, 18 Jul 1926, in Crockett County,

                                                Tennessee, married James Morphis .

+                            240 iii          Annie Faye5 Cates, born, 5 Oct 1928, in Crockett

                                                County, Tennessee, married Lloyd Gene Kail .

+                            241 iv          Tolbert Fanning5 Cates, born, 22 Mar 1934, in Crockett

                                                Country, Tennessee, married Mary Helen (Phillips)

                                                Cates  .


115. Fannie Able4 Norton   (John Asa3, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 28 Apr 1887, in Gibson County, Tennessee; died, 10 Feb 1960, in Obion County, Tennessee; buried in Terrace Hill Cemetery, Obion County, Tennessee. She married Oma R. Priest, born, Oct 1879, in Tennessee.

            Children of Fannie Able Norton and Oma R. Priest were as follows:

                              242 i           Helen Francis5 Priest, born in Troy, Obion County,


                              243 ii           Oma5 Priest (Jr.), born, Apr 1918, in Troy, Obion

                                                County, Tennessee.

                              244 iii          Charles R.5 Priest, born, 3 Sep 1919, in Troy, Obion

                                                County, Tennessee.

                              245 iv          William E.5 Priest, born, 29 Jul 1922, in Troy, Obion

                                                County, Tennessee.

                              246 v          Living5 (---) 


116. Emmaline4 Norton   (John Asa3, Alexander2, Norman1), born ,7 Mar 1889, in Obion County, Tennessee; died, 9 Jan 1968, in Atlanta, Dekalb County, Georgia. She married  Henry Hurt Rochelle , born, Apr 1891, in Tennessee.

            Children of Emmaline Norton and Henry Hurt Rochelle were as follows:

                              247 i           Pauline Judson5 Rochelle, born, 29 Sep 1911,

                                                in Tennessee.

                              248 ii           John Hurt5 Rochelle, born, 15 Jan 1914, in



119. Elsie4 Norton   (John Asa3, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 4 Jan 1896, in Obion County, Tennessee; died ,28 Jul 1967, in Oak Ridge, Anderson County, Tennessee. She married  Marion Alexander Whitehorn, born, c1884, in Tennessee.

            Children of Elsie Norton and Marion Alexander Whitehorn were as follows:

                              249 i           Living5 (---) 

                              250 ii           Living5 (---) 

                              251 iii          Ray Norton5 Whitehorn, born, 20 Oct 1924, in



122. James Herman4 Norton  (John Asa3, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 27 Sep 1900, in Obion County, Tennessee; died, 25 Sep 1930, in Obion County, Tennessee; buried  in Troy Cemetery, Obion County, Tennessee. He married, 6 Oct 1928, in South Fulton, , Tennessee, Mary Clarinda Clara (Kersey) Norton, born, 16 Jun 1904, in Obion County, Tennessee.

            Children of James Herman Norton and Mary Clarinda Clara Kersey were as follows:

                              252 i           Living5 (---) 


123. Winnie Nanniebell Wincet4 Norton  (John Asa3, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 3 Jun 1903, in Gibson County, Tennessee; died, 21 Sep 1982, in Troy, Obion County, Tennessee; buried, 22 Sep 1982, in Terrace Hill Cemetery, Obion County, Tennessee. She married  James Cecil Moss, born, 15 Oct 1897.

            Children of Winnie Nanniebell Wincet Norton and James Cecil Moss were as follows:

                              253 i           Living5 (---) 

                              254 ii           Mary Ann5 Moss, born, 4 Oct 1927, in Obion County,



125. Guy Gleeves4 Norton (John Asa3, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 18 Feb 1909, in Obion County, Tennessee; died, 28 Aug 1980, in Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee; buried, 30 Aug 1980, in Troy, Obion County, Tennessee. He married  Lena Florence (Green) Norton, born, 21 May 1912, in Obion County, Tennessee.

            Children of Guy Gleeves Norton and Lena Florence Green were as follows:

                              255 i           Living5 (---) 


130. Nellie4 Norton  (Henry Norman3, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 19 Sep 1912, in Vernon, Wallbarger County, Texas; died, 17 Dec 1991, in Harris County, Texas. She married, 16 Nov 1927, in Texas, George Lee Daniels, born, 15 Mar 1907; died, 18 Jan 1979, in Harris County, Texas.

            Children of Nellie Norton and George Lee Daniels were as follows:

                              256 i           Living5 (---) 


131. Geneva4 Norton  (Henry Norman3, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 21 Jul 1909, in Vernon, Walbarger County, Texas; died, 10 Mar 1990, in Texas. She married  Norman Fowler .

            Children of Geneva Norton and Norman Fowler were as follows:

                              257 i           Living5 (---) 

                              258 ii           Living5 (---) 

                              259 iii          Living5 (---) 

                              260 iv          Living5 (---) 

                              261 v          Living5 (---) 

                              262 vi          Living5 (---) 


132. Elizabeth4 Norton  (Henry Norman3, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 2 Dec 1910, in Vernon, Walbarger County, Texas. She married, 15 Jul 1930, in Texas, Edward D. Gellner .

            Children of Elizabeth Norton and Edward D. Gellner were as follows:

                              263 i           Virginia Elizabeth5 Gellner 

                              264 ii           Judy Edna5 Gellner 

                              265 iii          Frank Edward5 Gellner 

                              266 iv          Sharon Elaine5 Gellner 


134. William Buchanan4 Norton  (Tobe3, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 27 Jul 1889, in Gibson County, Tennessee; died, 22 Oct 1959, in Gibson County, Tennessee; buried  in Bells Chapel Cumberland Presbyterian Cemetery, Gibson County, Tennessee.  He married  Eula Maude (Clay) Norton, born, 6 Nov 1889; died, 5 Feb 1973, in Gibson County, Tennessee; buried  in Bells Chapel Cumberland Presbyterian Cemetery, Gibson County, Tennessee

            Children of William Buchanan Norton and Eula Maude Clay were as follows:

+                            267 i           Annie Katherine5 Norton, born, 3 Dec 1916, in Gibson

                                                County, Tennessee, married Alvin Arnold Smith .

+                            268 ii           Freda Virginia5 Norton, born in Gibson County,,

                                                Tennessee, married Hamilton Parks .


135. Beulah4 Norton   (Tobe3, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 6 Oct 1892, in Gibson County, Tennessee; died, Mar 1980, in Rutherford, Gibson County, Tennessee; buried  in Rutherford City Cemetery, Gibson County, Tennessee. She married  Milton Montgomery, born, 9 Oct 1894, in Gibson County, Tennessee; died, Jan 1983, in Rutherford, Gibson County, Tennessee; buried in Rutherford City Cemetery, Gibson County, Tennessee.

            Children of Beulah Norton and Milton Montgomery were as follows:

+                            269 i           Ralph Martin5 Montgomery married Vivian Louis

                                                (Richardson) Montgomery .

                              270 ii           Harry5 Montgomery, born, 7 May 1914, in Gibson

                                                County, Tennessee; died, Jan 1984, in Eaton, Gibson

                                                County, Tennessee.


138. Ellie4 Norton  (Tobe3, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 29 Jun 1896, in Gibson County, Tennessee; died, 20 Jun 1969, in Eaton, Gibson County, Tennessee; buried in North Union Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Gibson County, Tennessee. He married Gladys Otie (Wiley) Norton, born, 11 Mar 1902; died, 23 Aug 1983, in Gibson County, Tennessee; buried  in North Union Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Gibson County, Tennessee.

            Children of Ellie Norton and Gladys Otie Wiley were as follows:

+                            271 i           J. T.5 Norton, born, 1927, married Margaret

                                                Marie (Cardwell) Norton  .


139. Paris4 Norton  (Tobe3, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 31 Jan 1897, in Gibson County, Tennessee; died, 5 Sep 1970, in Gibson County, Tennessee; buried  in North Union Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Gibson County, Tennessee. He married  Martha (Keathley) Norton, born, 14 Aug 1911; died, 8 Jan 1992, in Gibson County, Tennessee; buried  in North Union Cumberland Presbyterian Cemetery, Gibson County, Tennessee.

            Children of Paris Norton and Martha Keathley were as follows:

                              272 i           Living5 (---) 

                              273 ii           Living5 (---) 

140. Robert Lee4 Norton  (Tobe3, Alexander2, Norman1), born,10 Nov 1900, in Gibson County, Tennessee; died, 8 Jun 1973, in Gibson County, Tennessee; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Gibson County, Tennessee. He married  Velma Iola (Barner) Norton, born, 30 May 1905; died, 22 Nov 1992, in Gibson County, Tennessee; buried  in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Gibson County, Tennessee.

            Children of Robert Lee Norton and Velma Iola Barner were as follows:

+                            274 i           Praton Lee5 Norton, born, 1926, in Gibson County,

                                                Tennessee, married Mildred T. (Juliand) Norton .

+                            275 ii           Curd Barnet5 Norton, born, 1930, in Gibson County,

                                                Tennessee, married Opal Louise (Jackson) Norton.

                              276 iii          Iola Jean5 Norton, born, 1935, in Gibson County,

                                                Tennessee, married  George Lenard Motyka,

                                                born 1928.


144. Mary W.4 Norton   (James A.3, James M.2, Norman1), born, Aug 1887, in Dyer County, Tennessee; died, 27 Aug 1887, in Dyer County, Tennessee. She married Lester C. Pate, born, 23 Oct 1883, in Dyer County, Tennessee; died, 9 Oct 1957, in Dyer County, Tennessee; buried  in Fairview Cemetery, Dyer County, Tennessee.

            Children of Mary W. Norton and Lester C. Pate were as follows:

                              277 i           Living5 (---) 

                              278 ii           Living5 (---) 


145. Henry L.4 Norton  (James A.3, James M.2, Norman1), born, Mar 1889, in Dyer County, Tennessee. He married  Mattie (TIpton) Norton, born, 28 Sep 1890, in Dyer County, Tennessee; died, 26 Feb 1970, in Dyer County, Tennessee; buried  in Fairview Cemetery, Dyersburg,  Dyer County, Tennessee.

            Children of Henry L. Norton and Mattie TIpton were as follows:

                              279 i           James5 Norton, born in Dyer County, Tennessee.


146. Tom D.4 Norton  (James A.3, James M.2, Norman1), born, 25 Feb 1892, in Dyer County, Tennessee; died, 21 Oct 1958, in Dyer County, Tennessee; buried  in Fairview Cemetery, Dyersburg, Dyer County, Tennessee. He married  Myra (Kenly) Norton, born, 5 Mar 1900, in Dyer County, Tennessee; died in Dyer County, Tennessee; buried, 20 Sep 1982, in Fairview Cemetery, Dyersburg, Dyer County, Tennessee.

            Children of Tom D. Norton and Myra Kenly were as follows:

+                            280 i           Myra Jane5 Norton, born, 5 Mar 1900, in Dyer County,

                                                Tennessee, married a Poore .


147. Clara4 Norton  (James A.3, James M.2, Norman1), born, 12 Jul 1901, in Dyer County, Tennessee; died, 7 Nov 1988, in Dyer County, Tennessee; buried  in Fairview Cemetery, Dyersburg,

Dyer County, Tennessee. She married  Larry Zimmerman, born, 21 Sep 1895, in Tennessee; died, 30 Jan 1940, in Dyer County, Tennessee; buried in Fairview Cemetery, Dyersburg, Dyer County, Tennessee.

            Children of Clara Norton and Larry Zimmerman were as follows:

                              281 i           Living5 (---) 


Generation 5


173. Joseph Henry French5 Oakes  (Thomas Selden4, Mary Ann3 Keller, Elizabeth2 Norton, Norman1), born, 18 Feb 1902, in Nodena, Mississippi County, Arkansas; died, Nov 1973, in New Orleans County, Louisiana; buried, Nov 1973, in New Orleans County, Louisiana. He married (1)  Maude Lola (Edwards) Oakes, born, c1907. He married (2) c1940, in Oakland, Alameda County, Calkifornia, Edna Maie (Couch) Oakes, born, 6 Aug 1911, in Peoria, Fulton County, Illinois.

            Children of Joseph Henry French Oakes and Maude Lola Edwards were as follows:

                              282 i           Leona May Belle6 Oaks 

                              283 ii           Richard Roy6 Oaks, born, 31 Dec 1927, in Oakland,

                                                Alameda County, California.


181. Raleigh A.5 Bird  (Ozzie Freeman4, Aaron Avery3, Mary2 Norton, Norman1), born, 1903, in Crockett County, Tennessee. He married (1), 14 Sep 1919, in Crockett County, Tennessee, Vivian (Boals) Bird, born, 1895, in Crockett County, Tennessee. He married (2)  Jettie ((---)) Bird  .

            Children of Raleigh A. Bird and Vivian Boals were as follows:

                              284 i           Agnes D.6 Bird, born. 1922. in Crockett County,


                              285 ii           Richard V.6 Bird, born, 1923, in Crockett County,

                                                Tennessee; died, 26 Oct 1992, in Crockett County,


                              286 iii          Wayne R.6 Bird, born, 29 Mar 1925, in Crockett

                                                County, Tennessee; died, Aug 1992, in Crockett

                                                County, Tennessee.


              Children of Raleigh A. Bird and Jettie (---) were as follows:

                              287 i           David L.6 Bird, born, 6 Jun 1943, in Crockett County,

                                                Tennessee; died, 19 May 1995, in Crockett County,


                              288 ii           Mary Florence6 Bird, born in Crockett County,


                              289 iii          Living6 (---) 


202. Harry Wilford5 Jetton  (Emerson Ethridge4, Mary Elizabeth3 Norton, Alexander2, Norman1), born in Gibson County, Tennessee. He married  Eugenia (Ellis) Jetton  .


            Children of Harry Wilford Jetton and Eugenia Ellis were as follows:

                              290 i           Jeffrey Lynn6 Jetton  married  Mary (Emery) Jetton  .

                              291 ii           Janna Eileene6 Jetton 

                              292 iii          Jason Eric6 Jetton 


206. John Malcolm5 Worrell  (Herbert Emmett4, Levy Elizabeth3 Norton, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 1911, in Crockett County, Tennessee. He married (1), 30 Dec 1930, in Crockett County, Tennessee, Robbie (Espy) Worrell, born  in Tennessee. He married (2) Lucille (Williams) Worrell  . He married (3) on 7 Jul 1934, in Crockett County, Tennessee, Nettie (Jones) Worrell  .

            Children of John Malcolm Worrell and Robbie Espy were as follows:

                              293 i           Kenneth6 Worrell, born in Crockett County,



209. Elizabeth Levy5 Worrell   (Herbert Emmett4, Levy Elizabeth3 Norton, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 25 Nov 1916, in Crockett County, Tennessee; died, May 1985; buried  in Alamo City Cemetery, Alamo, Crockett County, Tennessee. She married  Ernest Sutton, born, 23 Oct 1911, in Baxter, Cumberland Counter, Tennessee; died, 9 Sep 1965; buried in Alamo City Cemetery, Alamo, Crockett, Tennessee.

            Children of Elizabeth Levy Worrell and Ernest Sutton were as follows:

                              294 i           Living6 (---) 

                              295 ii           Living6 (---) 

                              296 iii          Living6 (---) 


211. Ruth Evelyn5 Worrell  (Herbert Emmett4, Levy Elizabeth3 Norton, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 27 Jul 1921, in Crockett County, Tennessee; died, Apr 1987, in Brownsville, Haywood County, Tennessee. She married, 16 Jul 1945, in Crockett County, Tennessee, DeWitt Conrad Colvett (Jr.) , born, 24 Jan 1920, in Crockett County, Tennessee; died, 27 Apr 1973, in Crockett County, Tennessee.

            Children of Ruth Evelyn Worrell and DeWitt Conrad Colvett (Jr.) were as follows:

                              297 i           Living6 (---) 

                              298 ii           Living6 (---) 


213. Carl Wayne5 Worrell  (Herbert Emmett4, Levy Elizabeth3 Norton, Alexander2, Norman1), born, c1925, in Crockett County, Tennessee. He married  Lillian (Burnett) Worrell, born  in Crockett County, Tennessee.

            Children of Carl Wayne Worrell and Lillian Burnett were as follows:

                              299 i           Living6 (---) 

                              300 ii           Living6 (---) 

                              301 iii          Living6 (---) 


215. Jennie5 Worrell    (Herbert Emmett4, Levy Elizabeth3 Norton, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 2 Aug 1931, in Crockett, Tennessee; died, 6 Aug 1971; buried  in Alamo City Cemetery,  Alamo, Crockett County, Tennessee. She married (1)   Clemisheski . She married (2)   Judge .

            Children of Jennie Worrell and  Clemisheski were as follows:

                              302 i           Living6 (---) 


217. Gladys5 Webb   (Abbie Augusta4 Worrell, Levy Elizabeth3 Norton, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 23 May 1906, in Crockett County, Tennessee; died, Mar 1990, in Bells, Crockett County, Tennessee; buried in Cypress Cemetery, Crockett County, Tennessee. She married, 25 Dec 1923, in Crockett County, Tennessee, Clayton East, born, 6 Oct 1902, in Crockett County, Tennessee; died, 17 Apr 1998, in Bells, Crockett County, Tennessee; buried in Cypress Cemetery, Crockett County, Tennessee.

            Children of Gladys Webb and Clayton East were as follows:

                              303 i           Living6 (---) 


218. Floyd Glendon5 Webb  (Abbie Augusta4 Worrell, Levy Elizabeth3 Norton, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 7 Jun 1908, in Crockett County, Tennessee; died, 26 Sep 1993, in Crockett County, Tennessee. He married, 16 Jan 1937, in Crockett County, Tennessee, Louise (Privett) Webb, born in Crockett County, Tennessee; died, 1996, in Crockett County, Tennessee.

            Children of Floyd Glendon Webb and Louise Privett were as follows:

                              304 i           Living6 (---) 

                              305 ii           Living6 (---) 

                              306 iii          Living6 (---) 


220. Fay5 Webb   (Abbie Augusta4 Worrell, Levy Elizabeth3 Norton, Alexander2, Norman1), born 12 Nov 1914 in Crockett, Tennessee; died 20 Dec 1959 in Crockett, Tennessee; buried  in Cypress Cemetery, Crockett, Tennessee. She married  James Johnson , born 20 Sep 1911; died Jul 1972 in Crockett, Tennessee; buried  in Cypress Cemetery, Crockett, Tennessee.


            Children of Fay Webb and James Johnson were as follows:

                              307 i           Living6 (---) 


222. Doris5 Webb   (Abbie Augusta4 Worrell, Levy Elizabeth3 Norton, Alexander2, Norman1), born 1922 in Crockett, Tennessee; died 1 Mar 2002 in Crockett, Tennessee; buried 3 Mar 2002 in Cypress Cemetery, Crockett, Tennessee. She married on 26 Sep 1938, David T. Spraggins , born 1920 in Crockett, Tennessee; died 1982 in Crockett, Tennessee; buried  in Cypress United Methodist Church Cemetery, Crockett, TN.


            Children of Doris Webb and David T. Spraggins were as follows:

                              308 i           Living6 (---) 

                              309 ii           Living6 (---) 


223. Virginia Lee5 Webb   (Abbie Augusta4 Worrell, Levy Elizabeth3 Norton, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 24 Jan 1929, in Crockett County, Tennessee; died, Oct 1995, in Crockett County, Tennessee. She married  Billy Williams, born, 28 Jan 1927, in Crockett County, Tennessee; died, Sep 1979, in Crockett, County Tennessee.

            Children of Virginia Lee Webb and Billy Williams were as follows:

                              310 i           Living6 (---) 

                              311 ii           Living6 (---) 

                              312 iii          Living6 (---) 

                              313 iv          Living6 (---) 


224.  Living


225. Lloyd5 Baldridge  (Annie Elizabeth4 Worrell, Levy Elizabeth3 Norton, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 15 Sep 1914, in Crockett County, Tennessee; died, 16 May 1962, in Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee; buried  in Alamo City Cemetery, Crockett County, Tennessee. He married (1)  Edna (Piercy) Baldridge, born in Crockett Country, Tennessee. He married (2) Gloria ((---)) Baldridge  .

            Children of Lloyd Baldridge and Edna Piercy were as follows:

                              315 i           Elizabeth Ann6 Baldridge 

            Children of Lloyd Baldridge and Gloria (---) were as follows:

                              316 i           Michael6 Baldridge, born, 11 Feb 1951, in Memphis,

                                                Shelby County, Tennessee; died, Nov 1984.


227. James Francis5 Baldridge  (Annie Elizabeth4 Worrell, Levy Elizabeth3 Norton, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 1 Jul 1923, in Crockett County, Tennessee; died, 12 Feb 1997, in Halls, Lauderdale County, Tennessee. He married  Anita (White) Baldridge, born  in Lauderdale County, Tennessee.

            Children of James Francis Baldridge and Anita White were as follows:

                              317 i           Living6 (---) 

                              318 ii           Living6 (---) 


229. Nancy Jane5 Worrell   (Rayburn Allen4, Levy Elizabeth3 Norton, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 7 Oct 1927, in Crockett County, Tennessee; died  in Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee. She married (1) 27 Jan 1946, in Crockett County, Tennessee, Willard Harris Randolph, born, 19 Apr 1925, in Crockett, Tennessee; died, Jul 1980, in Waco, McLennan County, Texas. She married (2)  Charles Gallina, born, 23 Mar 1920, in Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee; died, Aug 1973, in Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee. She married (3) Albert Weinberg .

            Children of Nancy Jane Worrell and Charles Gallina were as follows:

                              319 i           Living6 (---) 

                              320 ii           Living6 (---) 


232. Jesse Pierce5 Nolen (Jr.)  (Maude Myrtle4 Worrell, Levy Elizabeth3 Norton, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 21 Sep 1920, in Crockett County, Tennessee; died, 23 Jul 1989, in Veterans Hospital, Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee; buried, 25 Jul 1989, in Oak View Memorial Cemetery, Alamo, Crockett County, Tennessee. He married, 23 Feb 1958, in Alamo, Crockett County, Tennessee, Ernestine Park (O'Neil) Nolen, born, 19 Aug 1922, in Maury City, Crockett County, Tennessee; died, 10 Jul 1998, in Jackson, Madison County, Tennessee; buried, 12 Jul 1998, in Oak View Memorial Park Cemetery, Crockett County, Tennessee.

            Children of Jesse Pierce Nolen (Jr.) and Ernestine Park O'Neil were as follows:

                              321 i           Living6 (---) 

                              322 ii           Living6 (---) 


233. Catherine Rose5 Nolen   (Maude Myrtle4 Worrell, Levy Elizabeth3 Norton, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 16 Feb 1922, in Crockett County, Tennessee. She married, 12 Oct 1947, at First Methodist Church, Alamo, Crockett County, Tennessee, Jodie Thomas Young, born, 7 Apr 1918, in Maury City, Crockett County, Tennessee.

            Children of Catherine Rose Nolen and Jodie Thomas Young were as follows:

                              323 i           Living6 (---) 

                              324 ii           Living6 (---) 

                              325 iii          Living6 (---) 


234. Margaret Neal5 Nolen   (Maude Myrtle4 Worrell, Levy Elizabeth3 Norton, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 1 May 1925, in Crockett County, Tennessee. She married, 30 Mar 1947, at Chapel-on-the Hill Church, in Oak Ridge, Anderson County, Tennessee, Harry Hite Nichol,  born, 19 Nov 1921, in Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee; died, 18 Feb 1980, in Harriman, Roane County, Tennessee; buried Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee.

            Children of Margaret Neal Nolen and Harry Hite Nichol were as follows:

                              326 i           Living6 (---) 

                              327 ii           Living6 (---) 

                              328 iii          Living6 (---) 

                              329 iv          Living6 (---) 


235. Tommy Gene5 Nolen  (Maude Myrtle4 Worrell, Levy Elizabeth3 Norton, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 4 Aug 1927, in Alamo, Crockett County, Tennessee. He married (1) 15 Sep 1944, in First Baptist Church, Alamo, Cockett County, Tennessee, Anna Sue (Prince) Nolen, born, 14 Aug 1927, in Tennesee; died, 19 Jan 1989, in Alamo, Crockett County, Tennessee. He married (2)  Marguerite (Brannon) Nolen, born, 27 Jan 1927, in Weakley County, Tennessee.

            Children of Tommy Gene Nolen and Anna Sue Prince were as follows:

                              330 i           Living6 (---) 

                              331 ii           Living6 (---) 

                              332 iii          Living6 (---) 

                              333 iv          Living6 (---) 


236. Dora Lee5 Nolen   (Maude Myrtle4 Worrell, Levy Elizabeth3 Norton, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 15 Dec 1929, in Alamo, Crockett County, Tennessee. She married, 31 Jul 1948, in Corinth, Alcorn County, Mississippi, James Wayne Davis, born, 23 Sep 1928, in Bells, Crockett County, Tennessee; died, 30 May 1985, in Oak View Memorial Park, Alamo, Crockett County, Tennessee.

            Children of Dora Lee Nolen and James Wayne Davis were as follows:

+                            334 i           James Michael6 Davis, born, 14 Jun 1949, in Alamo,

                                                Crockett County, Tennessee. He married (1) Linda (Petty)

                                                Davis. He married (2) Patricia Virginia (Weston) Davis.

                              335 ii           Living6 (---) 

                              336 iii          Living6 (---) 

                              337 iv          Living6 (---) 


237. Bobby Joe5 Nolen  (Maude Myrtle4 Worrell, Levy Elizabeth3 Norton, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 28 Apr 1931, in Crockett County, Tennessee. He married, 31 Oct 1958, in Alamo, Crockett County, Tennessee, Patricia (Williams) Nolen, born, 16 Oct 1939, in Crockett County, Tennessee.

            Children of Bobby Joe Nolen and Patricia Williams were as follows:

                              338 i           Living6 (---) 

                              339 ii           Living6 (---) 


239. Dorothy Jean5 Cates   (Mary Louise4 Worrell, Levy Elizabeth3 Norton, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 18 Jul 1926, in Crockett County, Tennessee. She married, 9 Nov 1946, James Morphis, born, 28 Jul 1923, in Bells, Crockett County, Tennessee.

            Children of Dorothy Jean Cates and James Morphis were as follows:

                              340 i           Living6 (---) 

                              341 ii           Living6 (---) 


240. Annie Faye5 Cates   (Mary Louise4 Worrell, Levy Elizabeth3 Norton, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 5 Oct 1928, in Crockett County, Tennessee; died, 21 May 1973, in Crockett County, Tennessee; buried  in Robertson Cemetery, Johnson Grove, Crockett County, Tennessee. She married  Lloyd Gene Kail, born in Alamo, Crockett County, Tennessee.

            Children of Annie Faye Cates and Lloyd Gene Kail were as follows:

                              342 i           Living6 (---) 

                              343 ii           Living6 (---) 


241. Tolbert Fanning5 Cates  (Mary Louise4 Worrell, Levy Elizabeth3 Norton, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 22 Mar 1934, in Crockett County, Tennessee; died, 3 Jul 1974, in Mississippi; buried in Alamo Cemetery, Crockett County, Tennessee. He married  Mary Helen (Phillips) Cates, born, 18 Nov 1933, in Crockett County, Tennessee.

            Children of Tolbert Fanning Cates and Mary Helen Phillips were as follows:

+                            344 i           Living

+                            345 ii           Living

                              346 iii          Living

+                            347 iv          Living


267. Annie Katherine5 Norton   (William Buchanan4, Tobe3, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 3 Dec 1916, in Gibson County, Tennessee; died, 16 Aug 1998, in Gibson County, Tennessee; buried in North Union Cumberland Presbyterian Cemetery, Gibson County, Tennessee. She married, 29 Aug 1942, in Gibson County, Tennessee,  Alvin Arnold Smith, born, 5 Jan 1916, in Gibson County, Tennessee; died, 1 Mar 1981, in Gibson County, Tennessee; buried in North Union Cumberland Presbyterian Cemetery, Gibson County, Tennessee.

            Children of Annie Katherine Norton and Alvin Arnold Smith were as follows:

                              348 i           Living6 (---) 

                              349 ii           Living6 (---) 


268. Freda Virginia5 Norton   (William Buchanan4, Tobe3, Alexander2, Norman1), born  in Gibson County, Tennessee. She married  Hamilton Parks .

            Children of Freda Virginia Norton and Hamilton Parks were as follows:

                              350 i           Living6 (---) 

                              351 ii           Living6 (---) 

                              352 iii          Living6 (---) 


269. Ralph Martin5 Montgomery  (Beulah4 Norton, Tobe3, Alexander2, Norman1) married  Vivian Louis (Richardson) Montgomery .

            Children of Ralph Martin Montgomery and Vivian Louis Richardson were as follows:

                              353 i           Living6 (---) 


271. J. T.5 Norton  (Ellie4, Tobe3, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 1927; died 1973. He married  Margaret Marie (Cardwell) Norton  .

            Children of J. T. Norton and Margaret Marie Cardwell were as follows:

                              354 i           Living6 (---) 

                              355 ii           Living6 (---) 

                              356 iii          Living6 (---) 


274. Praton Lee5 Norton  (Robert Lee4, Tobe3, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 1926, in Gibson County, Tennessee; died, 1977, in Gibson County, Tennessee; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Gibson County, Tennessee. He married  Mildred T. (Juliand) Norton, born 1927.

            Children of Praton Lee Norton and Mildred T. Juliand were as follows:

                              357 i           Living6 (---) 

                              358 ii           Living6 (---) 


275. Curd Barnet5 Norton  (Robert Lee4, Tobe3, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 1930, in Gibson County, Tennessee. He married Opal Louise (Jackson) Norton, born in 1919.

            Children of Curd Barnet Norton and Opal Louise Jackson were as follows:

                              359 i           Living6 (---) 

                              360 ii           Living6 (---) 


280. Myra Jane5 Norton   (Tom D.4, James A.3, James M.2, Norman1), born, 5 Mar 1900, in Dyer County, Tennessee; died, 20 Sep 1982, in Dyer County, Tennessee. She married   Poore .

            Children of Myra Jane Norton and  Poore were as follows:

                              361 i           Living6 (---) 

                              362 ii           Living6 (---) 


Generation 6


334. James Michael6 Davis (Dora Lee5 Nolen, Maude Myrtle4 Worrell, Levy Elizabeth3 Norton, Alexander2, Norman1), born, 14 Jun 1949, in Alamo, Crockett County, Tennessee. He married (1) 30 Mar 1969, in Alamo, Crockett County, Tennessee, Linda (Petty) Davis, born, Apr 1949, in Bells, Crockett County, Tennessee. He married (2), Mar 1981, in Memphis, Shelby County, Tennesseee, Patricia Virginia (Weston) Davis, born, 9 Feb 1983, in Milan, Gibson County, Tennessee.

            Children of James Michael Davis and Patricia Virginia Weston were as follows:

                              363 i           Living7 (---) 

                              364 ii           Living7 (---) 





                                                Paragraph #


            Elizabeth (1849-)                                            14

            Ellen A. (1887-1968)                              87

            Ethel (1920-1971)                                     208

            Gloria                                                            225      

            Jettie                                                            181


            Mattie I (Bird) (1912-)                               177

            T. D.                                                             177


            Anita (White)                                         227

            Annie Elizabeth (Worrell) (1891-1987)    102

            Edna (Piercy)                                         225

            Elizabeth Ann                                         315

            Floyd (1919-)                                         226

            Gloria ((---))                                                    225

            Henry Horace (1889-1965)                            102

            James Francis (1923-1997)                            227

            Lloyd (1914-1962)                                     225

            Michael (1951-1984)                                   316


            Pauline (1920-1992)                                   207


            Velma Iola (1905-1992)                            140


            Myrtle (Gunn)                                         82

            Will                                                              82


            Henry (1890-)                                         118

            Johnny May (Norton) (1893-1959)            118


            Gussie (Norton)                                       129

            Lloyd                                                             129


            Tennessee                                           12


            () (Lovitt)                                                       87

            Aaron Avery (1855-1915)                            36

            Addie May (1911-)                                     187

            Agnes D. (1922-)                                      284

            Chesley (1909-)                                       183

            David L. (1943-1995)                                  287

            Demetra A. (Griffin) (1860-1882)            36

            Donnie (1894-)                                        92

            Ellen A. ((---)) (1887-1968)                87

            Emma Bell (1903-)                                     188

            Essie (Blurton) (1891-)                       90

            Freddie (1905-)                                       182

            Gladis Mai (1925-1925)                            175

            Jennie (Hodge)                                        183

            Jettie ((---))                                                    181

            Joe B. (1890-)                                        93

            John (1858-)                                          37

            Lennie B (1908-)                                      176

            Mack T. (1914-)                                       178

            Mary (McLaughlin) (1879-1968)             88

            Mary (Norton) (1818-)                       6

            Mary (Quincy) (1842-1911)                            35

            Mary (Taylor) (1859-1946)                            36

            Mary Florence                                         288

            Mattie I (1912-)                                      177

            Ozzie Freeman (1880-1965)                            88

            Paul R. (1888-1938)                                   90

            Pauline (1906-)                                       189

            Raleigh A. (1903-)                                    181

            Richard V. (1923-1992)                                285

            Ruby S. (1920-)                                       180

            Samuel (1820-)                                        6

            Sue                                                               184

            Tensie (1892-)                                        91

            Tollie (1882-)                                                    89

            Vivian (Boals) (1895-)                                181

            Walter S. (1919-)                                     179

            Wayne R. (1925-1992)                                  286

            Wheeler (1878-)                                       87

            William H. (1851-)                                    35


            Josephine (1869-1949)                                 66


            Ethel (1891-1969)                                     100


            Essie (1891-)                                                 90


            Vivian (1895-)                                        181


            Pennie                                                            93


            Marguerite (1927-)                                    235


            Claire                                                            204

            Clarence                                                          98

            Paul                                                              203

            Wayne                                                             205

            Willie (Jetton) (1895-)                               98


            Amber Marie (1988-)                                   367

            Anna Louise (Cates) (1959-)                         345

            Ricky Van (1959-)                                     345

            Travis Van (1995-)                                    368


            Lillian                                                           213


            Florence Ellen (Norton) (1897-1968)            120

            Walker R. (1973-)                                     120


            Mattie (1859-1932)                                    25


            A. Olworth (1829-)                                    4

            Caroline (1839-)                                      8

            Mary (1858-)                                          33

            Nancy (1850-)                                         31

            Sarah (Norton) (1820-)                       4


            Eagleton (1854-)                                      32


            Margaret Marie                                        271


            Elizabeth (Norton) (1848-)                         29

            John (1835-)                                          29

            Trular (1877-)                                        85


            Donna (1880-)                                         86


            Nancy Ann (1816-1857)                            3


            Anna Louise (1959-)                                   345

            Annie Faye (1928-1973)                            240

            Dorothy Jean (1926-)                                  239

            Fredrick William (1922-1990)                  231

            Mary Helen (Phillips) (1933-)                         241


            Mary Louise (Worrell) (1901-1987)    105

            Shirley (Williams)                                    238

            Tolbert Fanning (1934-1974)               241

            Tolbert William (1898-1964)               105


            J. O.                                                             91

            Tensie (Bird) (1892-)                                 91


            Eula Maude (1889-1973)                            134


            ()                                                                215

            Jennie (Worrell) (1931-1971)                215


            Willie Dee                                                        212


            DeWitt Conrad (Jr.) (1920-1973)            211

            Ruth Evelyn (Worrell) (1921-1987)    211


            Jack (1893-1938)                                      112

            Mary (King) (1894-1948)                            112


            Nancy Emily                                           21


            Edna Maie (1911-)                                     173

            Harlen (1898-)                                        95


            Bettie (Gunn)                                         81

            Henry                                                             81


            ()                                                                154

            Mary Elizabeth (Douglas) (1898-) 154


            George Lee (1907-1979)                            130

            Nellie (Norton) (1912-1991)               130


            Dora Lee (Nolen) (1929-)                         236

            James Michael (1949-)                                 334

            James Wayne (1928-1985)                            236

            Linda (Petty) (1949-)                                 334

            Patricia Virginia (Weston) (1983-) 334


            Charles C. (1849-1959)                                50

            Dixie                                                             148

            Leonora (Norton) (1863-1922)                  50


            E. T. (1879-)                                     107

            Willie Ester (King) (1885-1930)                  107


            Mary Elizabeth (1898-)                       154


            Harry (-1949)                                         57

            Tennessee (Norton) (1880-1963)            57


            Clayton (1902-1998)                                   217

            Gladys (Webb) (1906-1990)                            217


            Maude Lola (1907-)                                    173


            Eugenia                                                           202


            Mary                                                              290


            Robbie                                                            206


            James Luther (1882-1959)                            89

            Sibyl M. (1922-)                                      186

            Tollie (Bird) (1882-)                                 89

            Vollie B. (1918-)                                     185


            Sarah                                                             7


            Flora Ann                                                         207


            Geneva (Norton) (1909-1990)                131

            Norman                                                       131


            Annie Lula (1863-1947)                            49


            Charles (1920-1973)                                   229

            Nancy Jane (Worrell) (1927-)                         229


            Edward D.                                             132

            Elizabeth (Norton) (1910-)                         132

            Frank Edward                                          265

            Judy Edna                                        264

            Sharon Elaine                                         266

            Virginia Elizabeth                                    263


            Bessie (-1943)                                        110


            Isabella W. (Norton)                                  16

            T. E.                                                             16


            Lena Florence (1912-)                       125


            Demetra A. (1860-1882)                            36


            Bettie                                                            81

            Elizabeth Jane (Keller) (1838-)             19

            Frank                                                             80

            Henry                                                             83

            Martha                                                            79

            Myrtle                                                            82

            Richard                                                           19

            Thedosia                                                          78


            Thula                                                             62


            Jack                                                              157

            Mary (Oaks) (1887-)                                   157


            ()                                                                200

            Alfred Thomas (1882-)                                 96

            Claude (Jetton) (1889-1945)               96

            Mary Frances                                          199


            Georgia                                                           68


            Fannie (1870-)                                        53


            Jennie                                                            183


            Lennie B (Bird) (1908-)                               176

            Null                                                              176


            Elizabeth (1830-)                                     5


            Kimberly Raye (1975-)                                 347


            Etta                                                              67

            Opal Louise (1919-)                                   275


            Mable Myrtle Geon (1869-1924)             44


            Claude (1889-1945)                                    96

            Emerson E. (1862-)                                    39

            Emerson Ethridge (1893-1969)                  97

            Emerson Toney                                         196

            Eugenia (Ellis)                           202

            Gladys (Pierce) (1899-)                               97

            Harlen (Couch) (1898-)                                95

            Harry Wilford                                         202

            Janna Eileene                                         291

            Jason Eric                                                        292

















            Jeffrey Lynn                                         290

            John Louis (1888-1965)                            95

            Marion Claire                                         201

            Mary (Emery)                                    290

            Mary Elizabeth (Norton) (1857-1945)    39

            Maude Amm (1882-1947)                            94

            Mildred                                                           195

            Willie (1895-)                                        98


            Lovie (King) (1895-)                                  113

            W. H.                                                             113


            Darryl Edward (1961-)                                 346

            Fay (Webb) (1914-1959)                            220

            James (1911-1972)                                     220

            Johnny Carol (Cates) (1961-)                         346


            Nettie                                                            206


            ()                                                                215

            Jennie (Worrell) (1931-1971)                215


            Mildred T. (1927-)                                    274


            Annie Faye (Cates) (1928-1973)                  240

            Donnie (1951-)                                        344

            Jessie Lynn (1980-)                                   366

            Katie Fannin (1977-)                                  365

            Lloyd Gene                                            240

            Rita Lynn (Cates) (1953-)                         344


            Martha (1911-1992)                                    139


            Aaron Model (1842-)                                   20

            Elizabeth (Norton) (1810-1889)                  2

            Elizabeth Jane (1838-)                                19

            Francis Franklin (Esq.) (1817-1878)            2

            Henry Warren (1844-1897)                            21

            Martha A. (Miller)                                    26

            Martha Elizabeth                                      22

            Mary Ann (1837-1906)                            18

            Mattie (Calvin) (1859-1932)               25

            Nancy Emily (Corgan)                                  21

            Norman Alexander (1851-1918)              25

            Robert Raymond (1849-)                         24

            Sallie (Morris)                                       24

            Sarah Laret (1846-1915)                            23

            Thomas French (1854-1887)                            26

            William (1856-)                                       27


            Myra (1900-)                                          146


            Mary Clarinda Clara (1904-)                         122


            Elsie                                                             106


            Berney (1892-1928)                                    111

            Bessie (Gilmore) (-1943)                            110

            Callie D. (1887-1964)                                 108

            Charles Mike (1889-1963)                            109

            Dora (Norton) (1866-)                       42

            Elsie (Killough)                                      106

            George Edward (1883-1967)                            106

            Lovie (1895-)                                         113

            Mary (1894-1948)                                      112

            Samuel H. (1897-1943)                                 110

            William R. (1861-1918)                                42

            Willie Ester (1885-1930)                            107


            Mary E. (1836-)                                       10


            Gladys                                                            103


            ()                                                                87


            Rita Lynn (Cates) (1953-)                         344

            Timmy Wayne (1956-)                                   344


            Annie Bell (1865-1927)                            45

            Ruby                                                              128


            Caledonia J. (Norton) (1844-)                         15

            Elizabeth (1867-)                                     60

            Nannie (1870-)                                        61

            Phillip (1878-)                                                   62

            Thula (Halford)                                       62

            William (1861-)                                       59

            Willis J (1831-)                                      15


            Clarence (1920-)                                      193

            Fay                                                               190

            Herman E. (1907-)                                     192

            James Glen (1923-)                                    194

            Jarrett Leroy (1879-)                                 94

            Maude Amm (Jetton) (1882-1947)            94

            Willie Maude                                          191


            J. C.                                                             61

            Nannie (Mathis) (1870-)                       61


            Francis M.                                            23

            Sarah Laret (Keller) (1846-1915                    23


            Mary (1879-1968)                                      88


            Martha A.                                            26


            Charlotte (Webb)                                   224

            Howard                                                  224


            Beulah (Norton) (1892-1980)               135

            Harry (1914-1984)                                     270

            Milton (1894-1983)                                    135

            Ralph Martin                                          269


            ()                                                                195

            Mildred (Jetton)                                      195


            Dorothy Jean (Cates) (1926-)                         239

            James (1923-)                                         239


            Sallie                                                            24


            James Cecil (1897-)                                   123

            Mary Ann (1927-)                                      254

            Winnie Nanniebell (Norton) (1903-1982)    123


            George Lenard (1928-)                                 276

            Iola Jean (Norton) (1935-)                         276


            Elizabeth (Mathis) (1867-)                         60

            H. C.                                                             60


            James Buchanan                                        64


            Mary Elizabeth (Oakes) (1855-)                        64

            Sarah Francis (1853-)                                 63


            Harry Hite (1921-1980)                            234

            Margaret Neal (Nolen) (1925-)                         234


            Anna Sue (Prince) (1927-1989)                  235

            Bobby Joe (1931-)                                     237

            Catherine Rose (1922-)                                233

            Dora Lee (1929-)                                      236

            Ernestine Park (O'Neil) (1922-1998)            232

            Jesse Pierce (1895-1960)                            104

            Jesse Pierce (Jr.) (1920-1989)                  232

            Margaret Neal (1925-)                                 234

            Marguerite (Brannon) (1927-)                         235

            Maude Myrtle (Worrell) (1898-1983)    104

            Patricia (Williams) (1939-)                         237

            Tommy Gene (1927-)                                    235


            Aaron (1823-)                                         7

            Alexander (1823-)                                     8

            Alexander (1855-)                                     38

            Annie Bell (Martin) (1865-1927)                  45

            Annie Katherine (1916-1998)                  267

            Annie Lula (Fowlkes) (1863-1947)            49

            Arthur Lee (1886-1887)                            114

            Azariah (1869-)                                       58

            Beauton (1898-1917)                                   142

            Bertha (Perdue)                                       126

            Bessie                                                            136

            Beulah (1892-1980)                                    135

            Bobbie A. (1899-1902)                                 143

            Caledonia J. (1844-)                                  15

            Caroline (Canada) (1839-)                         8

            Catherine (1846-)                                     34

            Charles (1864-)                                       41

            Charley Caswell (1898-1986)               121

            Clara (1901-1988)                                     147

            Cordelea A. E. (1849-)                                48

            Curd Barnet (1930-)                                   275

            DeeWitt                                                           126

            Donnie (1896-1985)                                    127

            Dora (1866-)                                          42

            Elbert (1896-1940)                                    137

            Elizabeth (1810-1889)                                 2

            Elizabeth (1848-)                                     29

            Elizabeth (1910-)                                     132

            Elizabeth (Innis) (1830-)                             5

            Ellie (1896-1969)                                     138

            Elmer (1896-)                                         151

            Elsie (1896-1967)                                     119

            Emmaline (1889-1968)                                  116

            Eula Maude (Clay) (1889-1973)                  134

            Fannie (1883-)                                        56

            Fannie (Henderson) (1870-)                         53

            Fannie Able (1887-1960)                            115

            Florence Ellen (1897-1968)                            120

            Fred (1895-1974)                                          141

            Freda Virginia                                        268

            Geneva (1909-1990)                                    131

            Gladys Otie (Wiley) (1902-1983)            138

            Gussie                                                            129

            Guy Gleeves (1909-1980)                            125

            Henry L. (1889-)                                      145

            Henry Norman (1867-1935)                            44

            Iola Jean (1935-)                                     276

            Iona (1876-)                                                 84

            Isabella W.                                           16

            J. T. (1927-1973)                                     271

            James                                                             279

            James A. (1860-1915)                                  49

            James Herman (1900-1930)                            122

            James M. (1834-1864)                                  10

            John Asa (1861-1940)                            43

            John M. (1898-)                                       152

            John Whitney (1838-1915)                            12

            Johnny May (1893-1959)                            118

            Josephus (1828-1862)                                  9

            Lena Florence (Green) (1912-)                         125

            Leonora (1863-1922)                                   50

            Levy Elizabeth (1859-1943)                            40

            Lexie B. (1891-1892)                                  117

            Lillie Mae                                                        133

            Louisa (1835-)                                        11

            Mable Geon (James) (1869-1924)            44

            Margaret Marie (Cardwell)                    271

            Martha (1850-)                                        30

            Martha (Keathley) (1911-1992)                  139

            Mary ((Whitney)) (1794-)                         1

            Mary (1818-)                                          6

            Mary Clarinda Clara (Kersey) (1904-)           122

            Mary E. (Lesinger) (1836-)                         10

            Mary Elizabeth (1857-1945)                            39

            Mary W. (1887-1887)                                   144

            Mattie (TIpton) (1890-1970)               145

            Maud (1888-)                                          149

            Myra (Kenly) (1900-)                                  146

            Myra Jane (1900-1982)                            280

            Myrtle M. (1869-)                                     54

            Nancy Ann (Cass) (1816-1857)              3

            Nancy Ellen (Wiles) (1865-)                         43

            Nancy J. (Whitley) (1874-1961)                  47

            Naomi (Tilghman) (1899-1987)                  141

            Nellie (1912-1991)                                    130

            Norman (1775-)                                        1

            Norman (1820-)                                        5

            Norman C. (1875-)                                     55

            Nowling                                                           17

            Odell (Tulie)                                      141

            Paris (1897-1970)                                     139

            Praton Lee (1926-1977)                            274

            Puss (1845-)                                          28

            Rebella Freda (1900-)                                 153

            Robert Lee (1874-1925)                            47

            Robert Lee (1897-1969)                            128

            Robert Lee (1900-1973)                            140

            Robert W. (1841-)                                     14

            Ruby (Martin)                                         128

            Sarah (1820-)                                         4

            Tennessee (1880-1963)                                 57

            Tennessee (Berry)                                     12

            Tennessee (Oaks)                                      9

            Thelma (Taylor) (1906-)                               121

            Thomas (1873-)                                        46

            Tobe (1871-1915)                              45

            Toller (1890-)                                        150

            Tollie E. (1850-)                                     12

            Tollie E. (Norton) (1850-)                         12

            Tom D. (1892-1958)                                    146

            Walter L. (1867-)                                     53

            Wesley (1818-1879)                                    3

            Wiles (1906-1915)                                     124

            William (1839-)                                       13

            William Buchanan (1889-1959)                  134

            Winnie Nanniebell Wincet (1903-1982)    123


            Ernestine Park (1922-1998)                            232


            Alonzo D. (1853-1935)                                 63

            Clyde James (1877-1939)                            73

            Delola Kate                                         171

            Edna Maie (Couch) (1911-)                         173

            Etta (Jackson)                                        67

            G. Wesley (1889-)                                     167

            George Bernard (1904-1973)                            174

            Georgia (Hayes)                                       68

            Henry Keller (1867-)                                  70

            Ida May                                                           166

            Jesse Norton (1862-1899)                            67

            John F. (1874-)                                       72

            John Wesley (1831-1875)                            18

            Joseph Henry French (1902-1973)            173

            Josephine (Black) (1869-1949)                  66

            Lexala Maggie Pearl (1895-)                         170

            Lola Mae (Taylor)                                            174

            Mary Ann (Keller) (1837-1906)                  18

            Mary Ann Agnes (1858-)                         65

            Mary Elizabeth (1855-)                       64

            Maude Lola (Edwards) (1907-)             173

            Minnie Jane (1870-1917)                            71

            Molly                                                             165

            Oscar Bernard (1863-)                                 68

            Richard                                                           74

            Robert E. Lee (1899-)                                 172

            Sarah Francis (New) (1853-)                         63

            Sarah V. (1865-)                                      69

            Tennessee                                           75

            Terah (Ward) (1886-1931)                            73

            Thomas Selden (1859-1918)                            66

            Virginia (1867-)                                      76

            William Thomas (1890-)                                168

            Willis J. (1869-)                                     77


            Alonzo M. (1880-)                                     162

            Angeletha (1893-)                                     161

            Cora P. (1883-)                                       163

            Gladys                                                            158

            Gladys (Oaks)                                         158

            Hattie (1885-)                                        159

            Kate Brown (1896-)                                    156

            Leon M. (1881-)                                       158

            Leona May Belle                                       282

            Martha ((---))                                       158

            Mary (1887-)                                          157

            Mary Lou Ellen (1892-1946)                  169

            Mattie (1885-)                                        164

            Pearl (1892-)                                    160

            Richard Roy (1927-)                                   283

            Tennessee                                                       9

            Wright (1890-)                                        155


            Freda Virginia (Norton)                       268

            Hamilton                                                          268


            Lester C. (1883-1957)                                 144

            Mary W. (Norton) (1887-1887)              144


            Bertha                                                            126


            Linda (1949-)                                         334


            Mary Helen (1933-)                                    241


            Gladys (1899-)                                        97


            Edna                                                              225


            ()                                                                280

            Myra Jane (Norton) (1900-1982)            280


            Charles R. (1919-)                                    244

            Fannie Able (Norton) (1887-1960)            115

            Helen Francis                                         242

            Oma (Jr.) (1918-)                                     243

            Oma R. (1879-)                                        115

            William E. (1922-)                                    245


            Anna Sue (1927-1989)                            235


            Louise (-1996)                                        218


            ()                                                                142

            Beauton (Norton) (1898-1917)                  142


            Mary (1842-1911)                                      35


            Nancy Jane (Worrell) (1927-)                         229

            Willard Harris (1925-1980)                            229


            Vivian Louis                                          269


            Emmaline (Norton) (1889-1968)             116

            Henry Hurt (1891-)                                    116

            John Hurt (1914-)                                     248

            Pauline Judson (1911-)                                247


            J. R.                                                             69


            Sarah V. (Oakes) (1865-)                         69


            James L.                                                          22

            Martha Elizabeth (Keller)                         22


            Alvin Arnold (1916-1981)                            267

            Annie Katherine (Norton) (1916-1998)    267

            Betty Alice (Worrell) (1933-)                         216

            Ira                                                               216


            David T. (1920-1982)                                  222

            Doris (Webb) (1922-2002)                            222


            Marion Claire (Jetton)                                201

            Raymond C.                                            201


            Elizabeth Levy (Worrell) (1916-1985)    209

            Ernest (1911-1965)                                    209


            Mattie (1890-1970)                                    145


            Lola Mae                                         174

            Mary (1859-1946)                                      36

            Thelma (1906-)                                        121


            Louisa (Norton) (1835-)                       11

            Mary (1858-)                                          52

            Naomi (1899-1987)                              141

            Norois (1853-)                                        51

            Pinkney S. (1837-)                                    11


            Odell                                                             141


            Minnie Jane (Oakes) (1870-1917)            71

            William Elias (1867-)                                 71


            Terah (1886-1931)                                     73


            Abbie Augusta (Worrell) (1889-1972)    101

            Charlotte                                             224

            Doris (1922-2002)                                     222

            Fay (1914-1959)                                       220

            Floyd Glendon (1908-1993)                            218

            Gladys (1906-1990)                                    217

            Ida Louise (1910-)                                    219

            Ira Alonza (1884-1963)                            101

            Louise (Privett) (-1996)                              218

            Mildred (1921-1922)                                   221

            Virginia Lee (1929-1995)                            223


            Albert                                                            229

            Nancy Jane (Worrell) (1927-)                         229


            Patricia Virginia (1983-)                             334


            Anita                                                             227


            Elsie (Norton) (1896-1967)                            119

            Marion Alexander (1884-)                         119

            Ray Norton (1924-)                                    251


            Nancy J. (1874-1961)                                  47


            ()                                                                17

            Nowling (Norton)                                      17


            Archibald Joseph Elbert (1892-) 169

            Mary Lou Ellen (Oaks) (1892-1946)    169


            Nancy Ellen (1865-)                                   43


            Gladys Otie (1902-1983)                            138


            Billy (1927-1979)                                     223

            Lucille                                                           206

            Patricia (1939-)                                      237

            Shirley                                                           238

            Virginia Lee (Webb) (1929-1995)            223


            George H. (1907-1997)                                 219

            Ida Louise (Webb) (1910-)                         219


            Abbie Augusta (1889-1972)                            101

            Alfred Alexander (1923-1958)                  212

            Amos Vernon (1885-1960)                            99

            Annie Elizabeth (1891-1987)               102

            Arthur Lean (1914-1980)                            208

            Betty Alice (1933-)                                   216

            Carl Wayne (1925-)                                    213

            Elizabeth Levy (1916-1985)                            209

            Ethel ((---)) (1920-1971)                            208

            Ethel (Bland) (1891-1969)                            100

            Flora Ann (Ferguson)                                  207

            Gladys (Lewis)                                        103

            Glendon Herbert (1912-1991)               207

            Herbert Emmett (1887-1938)                            100

            Hiram Parker (1854-1922)                            40

            Jennie (1931-1971)                                    215

            John Malcolm (1911-)                      206

            Kenneth                                                           293

            Levy Elizabeth (Norton) (1859-1943)    40

            Lillian (Burnett)                                     213

            Lucille (Williams)                                    206

            Mary Louise (1901-1987)                            105

            Maude Myrtle (1898-1983)                            104

            Nancy Jane (1927-)                                    229

            Nettie (Jones)                                     206

            Paul Bland (1928-1963)                            214

            Pauline (Barcroft) (1920-1992)                  207

            Rayburn Allen (1895-1969)                            103

            Robbie (Espy)                                     206

            Ruth Evelyn (1921-1987)                            211

            Unmarried ((---))                                     214

            Unmarried ((---))                                     99

            Willie Dee (Colburn)                                  212


            Callie D. (King) (1887-1964)                  108

            Lester Green (1881-)                                  108


            Catherine Rose (Nolen) (1922-)             233

            Jodie Thomas (1918-)                                  233


            Clara (Norton) (1901-1988)                            147

            Larry (1895-1940)                                     147