O - Goodspeed Bibliographies, 1887, Gibson County TN

Submitted by Eddy Clark, coded by Jane Norton Powell

Louis Oppenheimer, merchant of Trenton, is a son of Meyer Oppenheimer, who came from Germany to the United States in 1848, landing at New Orleans. Two years later he removed to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he married Rosa Loeb, also a native of Germany, and followed clerking in mercantile establishments for some time. He engaged in the business in Greenville, Ohio, and later in Hickman, Ky., and between the years 1850 and 1860 came to Trenton, Tenn., and opened a small mercantile store in partnership with his brother, Morris Oppenheimer. He became sole proprietor after two years, and increased the business, from time to time, until he now has one of the largest and best establishments of the kind in Gibson County. Since 1876 he has lived retired from active business life, his son, Louis, being manager. He was reared and educated in the county, and for some years acted as traveling salesman for New York and Cincinnati wholesale houses, and was a book-keeper in Cincinnati for some time. In 1871 he married Emma Smiley, daughter of the late Dr. A. H. Smiley. [See sketch.] They have four children: Nellie S., Henry, Ernest T. and Anna Rosa. Mr. Oppenheimer is a conservative Democrat, and is a member of the Masonic, I. 0. 0. F. and K. of P. fraternities.

James H. Orr is a resident of the Twenty-first District, of Gibson County, Tenn., and was born in Rutherford County, on the 19th of March, 1815, son of Robert and Nancy Orr, natives of North Carolina. Our subject was educated in the common schools, and moved to Gibson County in 1841, settling on his home farm of ninety-six acres of desirable and well improved land. The principal products are corn, wheat, cotton and oats. Mr. Orr started in life with but little capital, but now has a fair competency and a good home. He was married to Frances M. Barker, December 6, 1836, and by her became the father of eleven children, seven sons and four daughters: Alexander G., William E., Martha E., James D., Elizabeth F., Stephen R., Francis M., Daniel F., Mary S., Samuel N. and Sarah M. Mrs. Orr died December 2, 1858, and Mr. Orr was married to Mrs. Amanda C. Grier, September 15, 1858, daughter of Gilford and Margaret Browning, of Gibson County. For his third wife Mr. Orr took Mrs. Nancy C. Matthews, daughter of Crawford and Sarah Edwards. They were married March 19, 1878. This wife died January 14, 1885. He married his fourth wife, Mrs. Harriet Black, June 16, 1886. Her parents, James and Nancy Wilson, were residents of McNairy County, Tenn. The Orr family are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and Mr. Orr is a Democrat and a member of the F. & A. M.

Nathaniel W. Overall is a son of Nase and Amelia H. (Davis) Overall, and was born in 1823. He resided on a farm with his parents until twenty-one years of age, and at the age of twenty-two became a traveling minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church for nine years. In 1856 he located on his farm. In 1847 he was united in marriage to Martha A. Kelley, daughter of C. T. and Nancy (Wilkins) Kelley. She was born in this State in 1828, and became the mother of eleven children, four of whom are dead, Her death occurred September 5, 1871. December 24, 1872, Mr. Overall was united in marriage to Malvina E. McKenzie, daughter of Jeremiah H. and Anna (Gantt) McKenzie. She is a Tennessean, born in 1829. Mr. Overall's farm consists of 155 acres of well improved land on which he raises corn, cotton and small grain. His wife is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and he has taken one degree in Masonry. He has always been a stanch Democrat in politics. His father and mother were born in Tennessee and Kentucky respectively. The father was a farmer and was for many years a local preacher in the Methodist Church. He died in 1862, and his wife in 1876. Their family consisted of eight children.

Franklin A. Overall, M. D., was born in Rutherford County, Tenn., June 13, 1852; son of Rev. Nathaniel W. and Martha A. Overall, natives of Tennessee. Our subject was brought to Gibson County when small, and was here reared on a farm. He attended the common schools and in 1870 began the study of medicine with Dr. E. R. Vaughn, and in 1873 entered the medical department of the University of Nashville, and is a graduate from it, and the Vanderbilt Medical College. Since 1875 he has resided in this vicinity and has been prosperous both professionally and financially. In 1876 he was married to Ada A. McKenzie, who died in 1882, leaving two children: Walter V. and Millie F. Dr. Overall took for his second wife Emmory C. Maxwell, and one child has blessed their union - Mary M. Dr. Overall is a Democrat and has been secretary and treasurer of the Gibson County Medical Society since its organization.

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