N - Goodspeed Bibliographies, 1887, Gibson County TN

Submitted by Eddy Clark, Coded by Jane Norton Powell, 1997

M. M. Neil, attorney at law of Trenton, Tenn., is a native of Lincoln County, Tenn., born January 16, 1849, son of Newton F. and Virginia E. (Marshall) Neil, of South Carolina and Tennessee respectively. The father came to Tennessee when quite young, and was a merchant of Lincoln County until his death, when our subject was but five years of age, consequently but little can be ascertained of his earlier career. At the age of eighteen our subject entered Washington Lee University, and graduated from that institution in 1869. He then taught school in Mississippi until the spring of 1872, then. entered the law department of Cumberland University at Lebanon, Tenn., and graduated in January, 1873, carrying off the first honors of the class, and delivering the valedictory address. Since that time be has practiced in Trenton, and has met with more than ordinary success, and is well known throughout West Tennessee. February 17, 1874, he married Eliza C. Green, of Austin, Tex., and four children have blessed their union, of whom are living Mary W., Virginia M. and Florence. Mr. Neil is a Democrat, and has won considerable reputation as a public speaker. He is a member of the K. of H. and A,. 0. U. W., and is Grand Chancellor for the State of the K. of P. He and his wife belong to the Presbyterian Church.

Warren Neill is the only son of Isaac and Mary A. (Johnston) Neill. The mother was formerly the wife of Sexton McCoy, who is mentioned in another sketch. Isaac Neill was born in South Carolina in 1805, and there grew to manhood, and married Mrs. McCoy. They came to McNairy County, Tenn., about 1845, and in 1856 moved to Southwestern )Missouri, where they lived some four years, and then returned to Tennessee, where they spent the remainder of their days. The father was a Democrat, and for about eight years held the position of constable. Although a cripple the greater part of his life, he managed to make a good living with the help of his son. The father died in 1871, and the mother in 1877. Warren Neill was born and reared on a farm in South Carolina, his birth occurring May 28, 1841. He attended school only about twelve months during his life, and assisted his parents on the farm until 1862, when he volunteered his services in Company F, Fifty-first Tennessee Confederate Infantry. At the battle of Stone River he was detailed to care for the wounded, and while on duty was captured, and, after being retained at the hospital about three months, was taken to Camp Butler, Ill., where he was held a prisoner about four months. After his release he did not re-enter service. Mr. Neill owns 254 acres of land, which lie has earned by his energy and economy. In 1867 he married Martha C. Northcott, who was born in Gibson County April 8, 1851. To them were born five sons and five daughters. Mr. Neill is a Democrat.

John T. Nethery, M. D., is a McNairy County Tennessean, born in 1852, son of Samuel and A. J. (Gittens) Nethery, who were born in Tennessee. The father was a tanner by trade, but followed farming and merchandising. for a living. His wife died in 1883, but he is yet living in McNairy County. Their two daughters died, and of their six sons two are practicing physicians. Dr. Nethery was educated in Purdy College, of, McNairy County, and made his home with his father until thirty-two years of age. He began studying medicine at the age of twenty, and attended the medical department of the Louisville (KY) University during the sessions of 1872-73. Later he attended the sessions of 1875-76, and graduated in the latter year. After practicing two years in Pocahontas, Tenn., he moved to Glendale, Miss., where he farmed in connection with his practice. He lost about $ 2,000 in one year, and after returning to Tennessee and residing a short time in Pocahontas, he located on the old homestead, and practiced his profession two years in partnership with his brother. He has since resided in Yorkville, where he has a large and lucrative practice. He is a Democrat and belongs to the I. 0. 0. F. In 1870 he married Miss Carouth, daughter of Aquilla and Emma (Robertson) Carouth, She was born in Tennessee in 1858, and is the mother of three children. The Doctor and his wife are members of the Missionary Baptist Church. Our subject's great-grandfather, Nethery, was born in Ireland, and came to Virginia, thence to Tennessee, where he died, leaving quite a family of children who are now worthy citizens of the State. His maternal ancestors are also from Ireland.

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