E - Goodspeed Bibliographies, 1887, Gibson County TN

Submitted by , October 5, 1997

Robert E. Edwards, merchant of Milan, Tenn., was born in Carroll County, of the same State, January 4, 1848, son of William J. and Margery (Algee) Edwards, who were born in South Carolina and Tennessee, respectively. The father is a highly respected and well-to-do farmer of Carroll County, having located there at an early day. Up to the age of eighteen, our subject resided on a farm. He then attended college at McLemoresville, Tenn., two years, and acquired a good academical education. In 1869 he came to Milan and engaged as clerk in the mercantile business, continuing thus until 1872, when he formed a partnership with William M. Shepherd, his former employer, in the grocery business, continuing until the latter's death in 1876. He then became a partner with B. A. Shepherd, and has contributed largely to the success of this well-known firm. December 23, 1873, he married Bettie Nesbitt, of Gibson, and four children have blessed their union: Erma N., Bertie, Hallie and Murl. Mr. Edwards is a Democrat in politics, and is city treasurer of Milan and has been a member of the board of mayor and aldermen for a number of years. Himself and wife are members of the Baptist Church.

P. B. Edmonds, one of the leading farmers and tanners of Gibson County, Tenn., is a son of James and Isabella (Walker) Edmonds. The father was probably born in South Carolina, and when a young man went to Kentucky, where he married. He lived for some time in Missouri and Illinois, and finally, in 1825, settled in Obion County, Tenn., where he spent the remainder of his days. Their family consisted of eight children, two of whom are now living. The father was a hatter by trade, but the greater part of his life was spent in farming. He died about 1828. His widow married John Morgan, and died in 1874. Our subject is of Scotch descent, and was born on the 11th of January, 1818, in all probability in Kentucky. He had very meager opportunities for acquiring an education, owing to the undeveloped condition of the schools. He began to battle his own way in the world at the age of twenty, and for about two years worked at the painter's trade. He was a Whig previous to the war, and has since been a Republican. He has held the office of magistrate for about fourteen years, and has filled that position very satisfactorily. In 1848 he married Martha H. Hartsfield, who died in 1854, leaving one daughter and one son. The following year Mr. Edmonds married Angeline Crowder, by whom be had five sons and five daughters. His first wife was a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, and his present wife is a Methodist.

John Edmondson is a North Carolinian by birth, born on the 27th of June, 1837,.being one of three children born to the union of John W. and Susan R. (Earlie) Edmondson. The former was born in North Carolina and died there in 1850. He was a merchant at Raleigh a number of years, and was a member of the Old School Presbyterian Church and P. & A. M. Our subject was reared in his native land; was given a fair education. In 1861 he was united in marriage to Miss Julia A. Russell, a native of the same State as himself, and three children have blessed their union. In 1862 Mr. Edmondson came to Tennessee and settled in Gibson County, where he has since resided. He is a farmer and owns 227 acres of fine land in the Tenth District of the county, and is one of its highly respected citizens.

William L. Elder, secretary and treasurer of the Trenton Cotton Seed Oil Mills. is a native of the town, born February 19, 1850, son of Henry L. and Harriet N. (Houston) Elder. William L. was the second of seven children and was educated at Andrew College at Trenton. After quitting school he clerked for his father, who was a dry goods merchant at Trenton at that time, and was afterward made one of the firm, which was known as H. L. Elder & Sons. His father died in 1879, and the firm name was changed to W. L. Elder & Co. He remained in that business until 1883. when he was elected secretary and treasurer of the Cotton Seed Oil Mills, and has since held the position. He has been fairly successful, and is regarded as a prosperous and industrious young man. He is a Democrat, and of Scotch-English descent, and October 18, 1876, was united in marriage to Mary E. Hunt, daughter of Robert H. and Margaret E. Hunt, of Trenton. Mr. and Mrs. Elder are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South.

William P Elrod, merchant of Rutherford, Tenn., was born in Alabama in 1842. He resided with his father until 1861, then enlisted in the Confederate Service, Fourth Tennessee Cavalry, and was wounded in the right foot while retreating from Dalton to Atlanta, which unfitted him for further service. He served under Gen. N. B. Forrest. After his return home he entered school at Bowling Green, Ky., and remained one session. In 1867 he and James Mitchell opened a grocery store at Woodbury, Tenn., but after two years followed the same business four miles from the town. Here he remained two years when he removed to Alabama, but only resided there a few months. He has since followed general merchandising in Rutherford, Tenn., and has been quite successful. He owns 350 acres of land near the town besides an interest in 300 acres in Gibson County and in Arkansas. In 1866 he married Jennie Hamilton, who was born in Gibson County, and lived only about six months after her marriage. In 1870 he married Esther O'Daniel, who was born in Tennessee. She is a daughter of Stephen and Clarkie O'Daniel, and became the mother of seven children, three of whom are dead. Mr. and Mrs. Elrod are members of the Missionary Baptist Church, and he is a Democrat and a member of the I. O. O. F. His parents, George and Thirza (Keys) Elrod, were Tennesseans. The father was a farmer and moved to Alabama after his marriage and there resided until his death, which occurred in 1882. His wife died seventeen years earlier. He took for his second wife a Mrs. Warren, who bore him one child. By his first wife he was the father of ten children.

Philip K. Ewell is of Welsh descent and was born in Bedford County, Tenn., September 6, 1823. He was educated in Center Academy and came to Gibson County in 1859, locating on his valuable farm of 300 acres, a part of the same being in a high state of cultivation. Corn, wheat and cotton are the principal production, but of late years he has given considerable attention to fruit and vegetable growing, and has met with flattering success in all his business ventures. Amanda Williams became his wife in 1847. She is a daughter of Robert and Julia F. Williams, of Belfast, Marshall Co., Tenn., and has borne her husband four daughters and three sons: Robert W. (deceased), Sallie V., John F., Julia E., Charley O., May C. and Roberta. Mr. Ewell has been a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church since 1843. During the late war he enlisted in the Forty-seventh Tennessee Regiment, Col. M. R. Hill commanding, serving until the cessation of hostilities. He was first lieutenant of Company 1, in the same regiment. He is a Democrat.

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