The State of Tennessee

Know Ye that for and in consideration of the sum of the Fee of Office, paid into
the Office of the Entrytaker of Gibson County, and entered on the __day of ___
18__ pursuant to the provisions of an Act of the General Assembly of said
State passed 3rd day of November, 1847 by No. 511

THERE IS GRANTED by the said State of Tennessee unto John Ratledge a certain
tract or parcel of land, containing 150 acres by survey, bearing date the 8 day
of January 1850 lying in said county on Rutherfords Fork of Obion. Range 2,
Section 3 Beginning at the S.W. corner of Charles Gordens 400 acre entry No.
849, runs South with the East line of Shadrach Nobles 170 acre entry 30 poles to
a stake pts then West unt his line 43 poles to a small black walnut then South
105 poles to a stake & pts. Then East 53 poles to a stake & pts. Then South 9
poles to a stake & pts. The NW corner of a 150 acre entry in the name of John S.
Hassel, then East 127 poles to a hickory, then North 242 poles to a stake & pts
on the South boundary of Charles Gordons 400 acre entry, then West 140 poles to
the beginning.

With the hereditaments and appurtenences To have and to hold the said tract or
parcel of Land with its appurtenances to the said John Ratledge and his heirs

In Witness whereof, Andrew Johnson Governor of the State of Tennessee, hath
hereunto set his hand and caused the Great Seal of the State to be affixed at
Nashville, on the 1 day of January in the year of Our Lord, One Thousand Eight
Hundred and 55 and of the Independence of the United States, the 77.

BY THE GOVERNOR: Andrew Johnson
W.B. Ramsey Secretary of State

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Source: West Tennessee District Grants - Vol. 19, pg. 668 (LDS film 1013357)
Note that John had this land surveyed in 1850, but his grant not made until
1855. There is probably a survey record for this parcel also. It would show
same boundaries.

submitted by