Rebecca Lyon To J. H. A. Lyon Deed Of Gift
Dated February 26, 1880
Submitted by Bobby J. Williams and Janie Williams Morris
Rebecca Lyon was our maternal great-great grandmother
Rebecca Lyon ] This is to witness that Rebecca Lyon has this day leased dismissed and let to J. H. A. Lyon a certain parced of land in
Deed of Gift—To ] Madison County Tennessee including all of
the building
] thereon and the appurtenances bounded as follows: on the J. H. A. Lyon ]
East by William Lyon: on the West by L. M. Barnett: on the
] North by Nelson & Delap: on the South by M. B. Fly; to Regt. Feb. 26,1880 ]
have and to hold as long as the said Rebecca Lyon lives it being a piece of
land that J. H. A. Lyon heirs at Rebecca's death it contains 45 acres; the
said J. H. A. Lyon promising to pay the said Rebecca Lyon 20 dollars per year
for the said tract of land so long as she lives.
This September 25th 1878. I, J. H. A. Lyon agree to pay the taxes in said land yearly.
Witness: William Shane her
Samuel M. Watt Rebecca X Lyon