Deed from Elijah Kilzer
to A.M. Jones

Kilzer to A. M. Jones Deed
Submitted by Bobby J. Williams & Janie Williams Morris
Pages 68-69
E. Kilzer )
Registered May 14th 1859
To: Deed )
A. M. Jones ) This indenture made the
26th day of October in the year of Our Lord one Thousand Eight Hundred
and Fifty Eight
between Elijah Kilzer of the county of Gibson and State of Tennessee of the
one part
and A. M. Jones of the County of Haywood and State
aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the said A. M. Jones for and in
consideraton of the sum of seven hundred and
seventy dollars to me in hand paid by the said A. M. Jones the receipt whereof
is hereby acknowledged hath given granted
bargained sold conveyed and confirmed to him the said A. M. Jones his heirs
assigns forever a certain piece or parcel of land
situated and being in the County of Gibson and State of Tennessee in
Range 4th Section 1st in the 3rd Surveyor
District. Civil District No. 5th, it being forty acres off of a 125 acre tract
that the
said A. M. Jones bought of the said Kilzer and
bounded as follows: Beginning at a black gum & mulberry the north east corner
of the above 125 acres conveyed by E. Kilzer to
said A. M. Jones by deed bearing date the 12th day of October 1858 running
thence South 80 poles to a stake a hickory & 4
sweet gum pointers on the east boundary of the said 125 acres thence west
80 poles to a white oak on John Fitzgerals east
boundary line thence North 80 poles to his North East corner. Thence East 80
poles to the beginning. To have and to hold the aforesaid land with all and
singular the rights profits emoluments and appurtenances
to the only proper use and behoof of him the said
A. M. Jones his heirs and assigns forever and the said Elijah Kilzer for
himself his heirs executors & administrators do
covenant and agree with said A. M. Jones that the above received land and
bargained provided he will warrant and forever
defend against the right title interest or claim of all or every person
In witness whereof the said Elijah Kilzer hath
hereinto set his hand and affixed his seal the day and year above witness.
E. Kilzer--Seal
State of Tennessee Gibson County)
Personally appeared before me E. W. Raines--Clerk
of the Counnty Court of said county. E. Kilzer with whom I am
personally acquainted and who acknowledged that he
executed the within deed for the purposes herein contained. Witness
my hand at office the 13th day of May 1859.
Filed May 13th 1859 at 9 3/4 o'clock AM
J. M. McClauvine--Reg.
E. W. Raines--Clk.
By A. W. Raines--DC