Cox Property Settlement
transcribed by
Trenton (Gibson County) Library Archives
State of Tennessee }
Gibson County }
We the undersigned have this day allotted and set apart to Teresa Cox Widow of
Enos Cox dec'd and to three orphan children of said dec'd to wit: Mary Ann Cox,
James E. Cox and Teresa E. Cox the following property under an act of the
General Assembly passed the 29th February 1856 Chapter 77.
Three beds, bedsteads and necessary bed clothing for each, one cow, one dozen
knives and forks, one dozen cups and saucers, one dining table, two table
cloths, eight chairs, one chest, one trunk, one wash basin, one bowl, one
washing pot, two washing tubs, one chopping axe, one spinning wheel, one pair of
cotton cards, all the cooking utensils (consisting of two small pots, one oven,
one skillet, one frying pan), one ceive, one black mare, two ploughs, two hoes,
one set of plough gear, one man's saddle, one lady's saddle, two riding bridles,
all the corn now standing on the plantation providing it shall not exceed
twenty-five barrels, five hundred bundles of fodder, all the bacon on hand which
we suppose to be about one hundred pounds, fifteen head of hogs, all the poultry
on hand, five head of sheep, one Bible, one hymn book, one loom and gear, ten
bushels of wheat, fifty pounds of coffee and fifty pounds of sugar.
This 16th September 1856
Dennis Tatum
J. W. Lyon
Jeremiah Hays