John Jenkins/William Clement
                                           transcribed by

Gibson County TN, Trenton, Courthouse Square, Register of Deeds, Book A: 177 [Underlined names and locations added]

This indenture made and entered into this the day of 27th May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty six  between John Jenkins of the County of Weakley and State of Tennessee on the one part and William Clement of Carroll County and State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of twelve hundred dollars in land paid by the said Clement the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, therefore hath given granted, bargained sold, aliened conveyed and conferred and by these presents doth give, grant, bargain, sell, alien convey and confirm unto the said William Clement his heirs and assigns forever all the right title, claim, interest and demand that he the said John Jenkins hath now or every had in and to a certain tract or parcel of land containing nine hundred and ten acres situate lying and being in the County of Gibson and State aforesaid in theTenth Surveyors District in the first Range and Eleventh section, it being a part entry No 891 made in the name of said Jenkins for Two thousand fine hundred and sixty acres and is founded on Military Warrant No 923 and said nine hundred and ten acres is bounded as follows to wit: Beginning at a stake standing on the south boundary line of said 2560 acre tract and four hundred and forty four poles west of its south east corner running from thence west two hundred and eighty poles to a poplar a corner of said 2560 acres tract thence north one hundred and thirty six poles to a stake with a hickory and black oak pointers another corner of said tract thence west two hundred forty five and 9/10 poles to a black oak, another corner of said tract, thence north one hundred and eighteen poles to an elm another corner of said tract: Thence west fifty six poles to a stake and south boundary line of said tract, thence north one hundred fifty six and a half pole to a stake on the north boundary line of said tract thence east with said line three hundred ninety eight and 2/10 poles [corner missing]white oak a corner of said Tract and one the west [corner missing] line of 700 acres laid off out of said tract for the [corner missing] thence south with their line one hundred and forty [corner missing]

 Page 178

To a stake their south west corner, thence west with their line one hundred eleven and a half poles to a stake on said line thence south two hundred and sixty eight poles to the beginning. To have and to hold the aforesaid tract or parcel of land with all rights privileges, emoluments hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining to him the said William Clement his heirs and assigns forever, but is particularly understood between and agreed on by the parties that the said John Jenkins doth only bind himself his heirs and assigned to warrant and defend the rights and title of the above land to said Clement his heirs and assigned against the claim or claims of himself (Jenkins) hiss heirs or assigns and not against any other person or persons, claim or claims unless derived from said Jenkins or his heirs or assigns. In testimony of which I the said John Jenkins have hereunto set my hand and affixed my sea the day and year first above written.

Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of us

Jno W. Rogers

Jesse Jenkins

Signed John Jenkins [seal]


State of Tennessee

Weakley County

Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions July Term 1826

Then was the within Deed of bargain and sale produced in open Court and the due execution thereof acknowledged by the within named John Jenkins to be his act and Deed for the purposes therein named

[Signed] Wm. H. Johnson Clerk

State Tax paid on the within deed

Wm H. Johnson Clk

Registered June the 14, 1827.