Obituary |
DYERSBURG STATE GAZETTE DYERSBURG, TENNESSEE TUESDAY AFTERNOON MAY 9TH, 1916 DR. PATRICK URY WHITE--died at his home in Union City yesterday morning, May 4th, 1916, at 1 o'clock, of general decline, which has made him an invalid for several months. Dr. WHITE was born in Sumner Co., near Gallatin in 1837 and his age therefore on June next would be 79 years. He was a citizen of the county since the age of 5 years. In 1861 he volunteered in the Confederate Army, Company G, Sixth Texas Infantry, and was discharged on account of poor health. His health returning, he joined a Texas Legion of Cavalry. Dr. WHITE was drill master of his regiment. Dr. WHITE has been a druggist in Union City over forty years. He was married about fifty years ago to Mrs. HIBBITTS, widow of Capt. HIBBITT of the Confederate service, the latter having died years ago. The union of Dr. & Mrs. WHITE was blessed with three children, Mrs. C. M. BURCHARD being the only survivor.