Doney Wheeler

State Gazette
3 Feb 1941

Widow of Esquire Wheeler Dies Sunday

Mrs. Doney Wheeler, 75, well known resident of the Finley community and wido of the late Esquire T. G. Wheeler, who served for a number of years as a membe of the Dyer County Court, died at 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon at her residence there.

Funeral services were held at the residence at Finley at 4 o'clock Monday afternoon with Rev. Mr. Austin, Holiness minister, officiating. Burial was in Pleasant Hill cemetery at Finley.

Mrs. Wheeler is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Maud Gruggett of Finley; two sons, George Wheeler of Finley and Tommie Wheeler of Memphis; a sister, Mrs. Dollie Bush of Dyersburg.

J. W. Curry and Son of Dyersburg had charge of the funeral arrangements.

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