Obituary |
This was a eulogy printed in either the Dyersburg or Newbern paper, 1909. Have been unable to locate a copy that includes newspaper name and date Sunday night, September 26, Bro. W. N. Walker departed this life, he has gone to the Christian reward. Bro. Walker was born in Decatur county in the year 1858, came to Dyer county 21 years ago and lived all these years around Prospect. He was a devout member of the Methodist church, was indeed a worker in the fold, no one labored harder for the Master than he, and although in feeble health for years he never lost faith in the Saviour's promises, he always attended church and Sunday School and was a helper and teacher. He bore his burdens as becomes a true Christian and he was loved and respected by everybody. He was associated in business with G. M. Tickle for 2 years under the firm name of Tickle and Walker and managed the business in a thorough business like manner and gave satisfactory service to all alike, in fact it is said of him that he carried his Christianity with his business. He never handled anything that savored of immorality, was always polite and obliging as becomes a good business man. He helped to organize and build Bryant's chapel near Ozment. About two years ago he retired from merchandising because of his failing health and farmed till the end came. Bro. Walker was a member of the Odd Fellows of Newbern and was laid to rest by the beautiful service of that noble order. Everybody says his was the largest attendance ever witnessed around Prospect at a funeral. Yes, everybody loved Brother Billie Walker. He has preached some and was admired for his straight forward and honest manner of handling the Lord's work. He leaves a son about twelve years old. His wife died several years ago and he had lived with his brother, George, and family ever since till his death. He was kind and gendle to all, faithful, honest and fair in every way and was a noble Christian--what more can be said of man. No one will be more missed than Bro. W. N. Walker. By A Friend and Brother. |