Obituary |
Dyersburg State Gazette, Dyersburg, TN, 1955/56 Services Monday For Mrs. Walker. Funeral services for Mrs. Laura Walker, lifelong resident of Dyer county, who died Sunday morning in the Baird-Brewer General Hospital here, were held at ten o'clock yesterday, Monday, morning. She was seventy-nine. The services were in the chapel of the Johnson Funeral Home at Newbern. The rites were said by the Reverend S. B. Morrison, Methodist minister. Burial was in Fairview cemetery at Dyersburg. She was born in the Prospect community near Newbern and had spent most of her life there. She moved to Dyersburg five years ago. She was the widow of Jerry Walker and was a Methodist. She leaves a sister, Mrs. E. A. Fuqua of Dyersburg, a grandson, four granddaughters and eight great-grandchildren. |