George W. Walker

Weekly State Gazette, Dyersburg, Tennessee, 1938

Millsfield Man Dies Saturday Afternoon. George W. Walker, 73, retired farmer and prominent resident of the Millsfield community, died at four o'clock Saturday afternoon at his residence. Services were held at one o'clock Sunday afternoon in Bryant's Chapel Church at Millsfield with the rites conducted by the Rev. E. J. Pafford. Burial was in Hurricane Hill cemetery north of Dyersburg. J. W. Curry and Son of Dyersburg had charge of the funeral arrangements. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Cora Walker; two daughters, Mrs. Bertie Harris of Unionville and Mrs. Fossie Lock of Millsfield; two sons, A. B. Walker of Millsfield and E. N. Walker of Millsfield. Mr. Walker had resided in the Millsfield community for a number of years and was active in community affairs. he was highly esteemed by all who knew him.

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