Charles A. Turner

Dyersburg Daily State Gazette
April 24, 1950

Final Rites For Dr. Turner Held

Services For Highly Esteemed Resident Conducted Sunday Afternoon

Services held Sunday afternoon for Dr. Charles A. Turner, who died Saturday morning at the Baird-Brewer Hospital.

Dr. Robert L. Orr, pastor of the First Baptist Church officiated with services in the Chapel of Curry Funeral Home at two o'clock Sunday afternoon. Burial was in Fairview Cemetery.

Dr. Turner was a practicing physician in Dyersburg for nearly half a century as one of the city's most prominent citizens. He came to Dyersburg in 1904 to begin the practice of medicine after receiving his degree from the University of Kentucky in 1894. He maintained offices in the First Citizens National Bank Building where he continued to practice util his recent illness.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Alberta Turner, and a son, Charles Turner of Pacific Palisades, California.

The following served as active pallbearers: Melvin Weakley, Tollie Chalk, Dr. A. C. Hays, King Burks, Claud Stutts, Arthur Hamilton, V. H. Rayburn, Dr. A. R. Cobb.

Honorary pallbearers were Dr. John Moore, Dr. Russell Moore, Dr. W. E. Anderson, Dr. J. Paul Baird, Dr. J. G. Price, Dr. J. D. Brewer, Dr. N. S. Walker, Dr. P. C. Tipton, Dr. T. V. Banks, Dr. David Taylor, Dr. J. E. Taylor, Sr., Ewell T. Weakley, and Dr. P. A. Conyers.

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