Minnie Taylor

State Gazette March 27, 1952
Minnie Taylor Dec 25 1881 - Mar 26 1952

(**The spelling on her obit is wrong, but that is how it is written**)

Mrs. Taylor of South Dyersburg Dies Last Night

Mrs. Manie Taylor of South Dyersburg died last night at the residence of her daughter at 903 West Wheeler Street. She was 70 and the daughter of the late Sam and Cornelia White Ferguson.

Mrs. Taylor leaves four daughter Mrs. John Allen of Hardy, Arkansas, Mrs. Virginia Gruggett of Dyersburg, Mrs. Katherine Brandon of Traver, California and Mrs. Ruth McGraw of MIlan; four sons, Sam Taylor of Memphis, Joe Taylor of Rockville, Indiana, Murrell Taylor of Oglesby, Illinois and Woody Taylor of Dyersburg; four sisters, Mrs. Youree Williams, Mrs. Louise Roberts, Mrs. Katie Butterworth all of Dyersburg and Mrs. Laura Zimmerman of Tiptonville and nineteen grandchildren and six great granchildren.

Services will be held at the Church of Christ on Fuller Street with Ross O. Spears, officiating. Burial will be in City Cemetery with J. W. Curry in charge. Date of the rites has not been set pending the arrival of members of family. The body will lie in state at the home of Mrs. Virginia Gruggett in South Dyersburg.

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