Charles Meyer

From the State Gazette, 21 Feb 1907

DEATH OF CHAS. MEYER -- Chas. MEYER, better known as "Dutch Charley" passed away at 4 a.m. Sunday. Charley was attacked with pneumonia about three weeks ago and was not strong enough to overcome the disease. He had been a sufferer for 15 years and was almost a helpless cripple for the past 5 years, and his death came as a relief from many years of pain. He had, in spite of his condition, earned a good livelihood at his trade and leaves an estate valued at more than a thousand dollard, consisting of money at local banks and real estate mortgage. Charley was born at Breslau, Germany, about 55 years ago. He was a gallant soldier of the Franco-Prussian war and was wounded three times during the war. He afterward served in the German army in West Africa. After enlistment ended, he was a gold prospector in South America, again a soldier for the German Empire in Northern India. He came to this country about 20 years ago, after an unhappy marriage. He leaves a sister, neice and nephew back in Germany. He was buried in the City Cemetery Sunday, Rev. A. J. MEADERS conducting the services at the residence of V. B. EASLEY, a friend.

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