Obituary |
STATE GAZETTE DYERSBURG, TENNESSEE VOLUME 22 NO. 6 SATURDAY FEBRUARY 12, 1877 GONE TO THE LAND O' THE LEAL--Another old citizen has gone to the land of the beyond, and the home of the McGAUGHEYS is now a desolate place. Rev. R H McGAUGHEY died at his home in Dyersburg last Tuesday, and his sermon was preached at the Methodist church Wednesday afternoon, in eloquent and appropriate style by the pastor, Rev. E T HURT. The attendance was large, and the ceremonies were approptiate, at the close of which his remains were viewed by all in attendance, old and young, black and white. The deceased had been a useful, valued and honored citizen of our town and county. A prominent physician, well posted, in former years, he took a leading part in all the questions of local and political interest. His friends and relatives will sadly miss him. His bereaved widow has the sympathy of our entire community, in which she has lived so long and been loved so well.