Mose W. Mays

The Crockett Times
Alamo, Tenn.
Thursday, June 3, 1937

Mose W. Mays Dies Tuesday Morning

Mose W. Mays, Dyersburg barber and highly esteemed resident, died Tuesday morning at his home here on Cherry street. Mr. Mays had been in failing health for some time, but had been confined to his home only for the last few weeks.

Coming here from the Friendship community, Mr. Mays had been a resident of Dyersburg for a number of years. He followed the vocation of a barber here most of the time. Although he had operated his own shops, Mr. Mays had been an employee of the Ott Pierce shop recently.

He was a man of quiet, unassuming personality and had many friends in Dyersburg who regret to learn of his death. He was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, and regularly attended church services.

He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Ida Mays, and two daughters. Services will be held at the residence here, 517 Cherry street, at four o'clock Wednesday afternoon.

The remains were taken to Friendship Tuesday for funeral arrangements and were returned here Tuesday afternoon. Sudbury of Friendship is in charge – Dyersburg State Gazette.

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