Obituary |
STATE GAZETTE DYERSBURG, TENNESSEE FORTY-SECOND YEAR NO. 1 JANUARY 3, 1907 GEO. W. KING PASSES AWAY -- Geo. W. KING, age 68, died one day this week down at his home near Lane, in Dyer County. Another one of that gallant band of heroes, that far famed Avalanche Company, that was mustered in here at Troy at the beginning of the Civil War, has heard the "taps" of eternity. There was no braver or more devoted soldier, or a more faithful one in the entire army than G. W. KING. Mr. KING was a consistant member of the Methodist Church and of the Zion lodge F. & A. M. , under whose auspices, rites and management his funeral at Zion cemetery took place. Troy News Banner.