Mary Frances (Fish) Jester

Mrs. Mary Jester Dies at Hospital


Rites For Esteemed Resident At Curry's At 11 O'clock Friday


Mrs. Mary Frances (Fish) Jester, widow of C. B. Jester, Dyersburg contractor, died at Parkview Hospital at 7:15 o'clock last night, January 1. She was 86 and had been in ill health for sometime, and hospitalized for about 12 days.

Funeral services for Mrs. Jester will be held at eleven o'clock tomorrow morning, Friday, at Curry's Chapel. The rites will be said by the Reverend R. H. Dills, Hillcreat Baptist Church minister, of which Mrs. Jester was a member.

Burial will be in Fairview Cemetery with Parker Green, John Patrick, H. T. Dunevant, Grady Gentry, Buck Newbill, Tip Prince, Elmo Gore and Tom Reagan serving as pallbearers. J. W. Curry and Son will have charge of arrangements.

Born in Hardeman County, Tennessee, on July 3, 1871, Mrs. Jester was the daughter of the late Steve and Martha Hooper Fish, natives of Tennessee. She and Mr. Jester were married on February 25, 1894. They moved to Dyersburg several years ago and Mr. Jester died on July 3, 1948. Mr. Jester was a contractor and took an active part in the political affairs of the community. A son, Guy Jester, preceded them in death on June 10, 1942.

Mrs. Jester had lived at her home at 1316 Parr Avenue until about a year ago when she began residency with her daughter, Mrs. Doc Prince, and family at 214 East Parkview. She had a wide circle of friends who held her in the highest esteem.

Besides Mrs. Prince, who is survived by two other daughters, Mrs. Homer Hendrix, Boothspoint, and Mrs. Hewell Watlington, Castro Valley, California; two sons, Elman Jester, Dyersburg, and Ed Jester, Detroit; two sisters, Mrs. Timple Sanders, Hornsby, Tennessee, and Mrs. Ed Fowler, Bethel Springs, Tennessee; 13 grandchildren, and 19 great-grandchildren.

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