Obituary |
STATE GAZETTE DYERSBURG, TENNESSEE FORTY-SECOND YEAR NO. 1 JANUARY 3, 1907 AT REST -- On Thursday, December 20th, at about high noon, the sweet spirit of Mrs. Rosa King HARRELL winged its way to "mansons not built with hands-eternal and in the Heavens. " The announcement of the death of Mrs. HARRELL brought grief to the hearts of this community. (very lenthly praise). She was married in her early teens to Mr. James Elton HARRELL. No clouds or sorrow came to darken their pathway, save the death of her sister, Mrs. Eva King WALLIS, some twelve years ago, and her father, Mr. Tom KING, some years later. Two children came to the happy home, Frances, now Mrs. Allen MEADOWS of Nashville and James Elton, a lad of ten years or more. She is survived by her husband;these two children;her mother, Mrs. Laura KING; and two brothers, Mr. Ed KING of Dyersburg and Mr. Theo. KING of Chattanooga. Funeral services were at the HARRELL residence Saturday, burial in the City Cemetery.