Obituary |
State Gazette December 29, 1949 Funeral Friday for Mrs. Hager Remains Will Arrive Here This Afternoon With Rites In Church Funeral Services for Mrs. Eva Hager, native of Dyer County and former Dyersburg merchant, will be held here tomorrow afternoon in the First Methodist church. The rites will be held at three o'clock and will be said by Reverend Steadman Bagby, minister of the First Methodist church. Burial will be in Fairview Cemetery. The remains will arrive in Dyersburg at three o'clock this afternoon from Hot Springs, Arkansas, where she had gone for her health following a holiday visit in Dyersburg. The remains will be taken to the Curry Funeral Home to lie in state until the hour of the funeral tomorrow afternoon. Mrs. Hager leaves two sons, her husband; a sister, Mrs. W. M. Fowler, Sr, of Dyersburg; a brother, Albert Williamson of Dyersburg, two half sisters, a step-sister and a step brother.
State Gazette Friday, December 30, 1949 Hold Final rites for Mrs. Hager at Methodist Church Final rites for Mrs. Eva E. Hager, native of Dyer County, who formerly owned and operated Hollywood Frocks here, were held this afternoon in the First Methodist Church. The rites were said by Reverend Steadman Bagby, minister of the church. The following served as pallbearers: Bill Morris, McNeill Morris, George Pigue, Douglas Fowler, Billy Joe Fowler and Homer Preaslar. Burial was in Fairview cemetery. J. W. Curry and son of Dyersburg had charge of the funeral arrangements. Mrs. Hager died Wednesday at Hot Springs, Arkansas, where she had gone for her health following a brief holiday visit in Dyersburg. |