Obituary |
From the State Gazette, 7 Feb 1907 ED GILMAN DEAD -- Ed GILMAN died of consumption at the home of his sister, Mrs. H. B. RIKE last Saturday. Mr. GILMAN was the son of Mr. & Mrs. C. P. GILMAN, of Cherokee, this county. He spent a few months in Arizonia last year and returned home not improved in health. Mr. GILMAN was a valued employee of the Colgate Soap Co., in the capacity of traveling salesman. He was 27 years old. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Geo. H. CRUTCHER at the residence of Mr. RIKE Sunday afternoon. His remains were interred in the City cemetery. From the State Gazette, 21 Feb 1907 MEMORIUM -- The angel of death has again claimed a victim, this time taking from us Ed G. GILMAN, of Dyersburg, Tenn. He was born August 9, 1880, died February 2, 1907, aged 26 years, 5 months and 24 days. He remembered the Creator in the days of his youth and lived a consistent Christian life and member of Mt. Vernon Baptist church until his death. Ed always wore a sunny smile and though he suffered for many months with that dread disease, consumption, he was always cheerful and bore his suffering bravely. He leaves a devoted father, mother, two brothers, four sisters, and a host of friends to mourn his death. Weep not, father, mother, sisters and brothers, but let us all live so as to meet him in Heaven where pain, suffering and sorrow can never come. Ed is not dead, but sweetly sleeping in Jesus. Written by his cousin, Mrs. J. E. ATKINS. Shawnee, Okla.