Clarence David Gean Obituary

Clarence David Gean
died Nov. 22, 1977

Mr. Clarence D. Gean of Unionville died Tuesday at Parkview Hospital. He was 76 years old.

Arrangements are incomplete. Burial will be in Mt. Vernon Cemetery. Cobb Funeral Home in Blytheville has charge of the arrangements.

He is survivied by his wife, Rachel Gilman Gean; two daughters, Mrs. John(Eunice) Westling of Aurora, Illinois and Mrs. Russell(Rebecca) Recknor

of Maple Park, Illinois; four sisters, Mrs. Alice Lott and Frances Barron of Blytheville, Mrs. Gladys Wright of Arizonia and Lillie Bunn of California; One brother Robert Aulsie Gean of Halls; neices; nephews; six grandchilden; two great grandchildren.

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