Donald Eugene Gamble

Dyersburg State Gazette
Thursday, December 7, 1967

Donald E. Gamble, 29, 602 Kist, Is Accident Victim

Donald E. Gamble, 29, 602 Kist, died this morning about 7:45 in Parkview Hospital of injuried received in a collision involving his auto, another vehicle, and a railway boxcar. The accident occurred about 10:45 last night.

The collision happened on East Court where railroad tracks cross the street just east of a bridge spanning other tracks.

Dyersburg police said that Gamble was driving a 1964 Chevrolet east when the accident happened. They said thath he was passing a 1956 Chevrolet half-ton truck, headed east on East Court, drive by Ewell Garrison of Dyersburg route 4, and hit the left rear of the truck throwing both vehicles into the boxcar.

Garrison, 34, is in Parkview Hospital

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