Harold Lee Dean

Dyersburg State Gazette
August 22, 1972

Harold Lee Dean, age 8, died Friday at Arlington Hospital and School at Arlington, Tennessee.

Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at two o'clock at the Ridgley Church of God, with the Reverend Golden officiating. Interment was in Crockett's Chapel Cemetery. Dyersburg Funeral Home had charge.

He is survived by his parents, Oma Lee Dean of Ridgely and Patsy Dean of Trimble; two sisters, Lisa Joy Dean of Ridgely and Shirley Dean of Trimble; two brothers, Thomas Lee Dean and Roger Gean Dean, both of Ridgely; his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Crowell of Trimble; and his paternal grandmother, Mrs. May Burlison of Lanes Ferry.

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