Elma Baker


Esteemed Dyersburg Resident Dies At Kenton Ohio

Mrs. (Carrie) Elma GILMAN BAKER, highly esteemed Dyersburg resident, outstanding Church worker and widow of the late Esquire Henderson M. BAKER, died last night in the Harden Memorial hospital at Kenton, Ohio. She was seventy-nine.

Born in the historic Key Corner community, Mrs. BAKER was the daughter of the late Cornelius P. GILMAN and the late Mrs. Sophia HOUSTON GILMAN, members of well known pioneer West Tennessee families. She was married to the late Henderson M. BAKER, member of the Dyer County Court and trial magistrate here for many years, and also at one time United States Commissioner for a lengthy period.

Mrs. BAKER was a devout member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and was active in the missionary auxiliary in which she had been honored with a " life membership ". She also was active in church circles and regulary attended all worship services of the church, Sunday School and prayer meetings.

In Legion Work

Mrs. BAKER was a charter member of the Auxiliary of Jere COOPER Dyersburg Post Number 30 of the American Legion and was active in its affairs. She attended its state conventions and also the Legion conventions with her late husband who served as Lieutenant overseas in World War One and also was a Spanish-American War veteran. Both enjoyed wide popularity in veterans' affairs.

Mrs. BAKER resided at Hotel Cordell Hull here until serveral months ago when she went to Russell's Point, Ohio to reside with her daughter, Mrs. H. M. CAMPETTE. She also leaves a son, Sargeant Leland "Bud" BAKER of the Dyersburg Police Department and three grandchildren.

The remains will be returned from Ohio to the Johnson Funeral Home in Newbern, from which details of funeral arrangements will be announced. Time of arrival had not been definitely established today, it was said at the Johnson Funeral Home which will have charge of the arrangements.

Note* Born Feb.3, 1886-Died March 2, 1965. Buried at Fairview Cemetery, Dyersburg, Tennessee

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