July 18, 1874 |
STATE GAZETTE TEMPERANCE--Revs. GRAY, RANKIN, BUSH and HUNSACKER have been making temperance talks in Dyersburg this week and a large addition was made to the cold water army. CAMP MEETING--The Camp Meeting, at Bateman's Camp Ground, one mile and a half south of Trimble Station, Dyer county, will commence on Friday, the 18th of next September. We earnestly solicit the attendance of Ministrial brethren. We will provide for strangers frm a distance. Jos. M. DRUMMOND, P. C. July 9, 1874. BUSINESS NOTICE--The undersigned having formed a co-partnership, the business of Neal's State Gazette news and job printing establishment, will hereafter be conducted under the firm name of NEAL & SIDWAY. Tom NEAL--Sam N. SIDWAY July 13, 1874. CROCKETT COUNTY--Our popular friend, Mr. J. B. PARKER, is a candidate for Circuit Court Clerk in Crockett County. He is well qualified. Mr. John H. FARMER is a candidate for Sheriff of Crockett County. THAT CISTERN--The large cistern in the Courthouse yard, which has been left in an unfinished condition for years, has just been completed by ex-Sheriff TARKINGTON. THE DYER COUNTY CONVENTION--nominated Capt. Dan'l E. PARKER for Representative from this county. A PLEASANT RUMOR--is in circulation that the P. M. Railroad Company will commence putting down iron to Dyersburg right away. MR. P. S. TAYLOR--this season, raised off six acres , 120 bushels measured wheat, after grazing on it all spring, sheep, cows and yearlings. This is the way they do in Dyer County. AN OLD FIRM IN NEW QUARTERS--The old Dyersburg drug firm of MILLER & OSBORNE, has moved to new quarters, on the west side of the square- the store formerly occupied by BEISSER's confectionery. They give personal attention to compounding prescriptions while Mr. Jas. McCLERKIN is on hand to give prompt attention to customers. NEWBERN DOTS--Col. Nick WYATT has the handsomest store in town. Wm. LOVEN's new flouring mill is now in successful operation. PORTER & Sons have commenced building a large two story brick. It is to have an iron front. George TINSLEY, county judge and magistrate keeps at Newbern, one of the best country hotels. John TOLLIVAR, a clever fellow and good business man, is head clerk for CALDWELL & CONNER's big family grocery establishment. THE NEW DYERSBURG SILVER CORNET BAND--has been organized with the following members: Stump BRACKIN, ed. cornet; A. R. STEVENS, bd. cornet; F. H. SHEPARD, solo alto; John MARTIN, 1st alto; Sam SIDWAY, 2nd alto; Will PIERCE, tenner; Tom HALIBURTON, trombone; J. W. TENNEY, bd. baaao; Wink FIELDS, drum. The Band meets every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. DYER COUNTY QUARTERLY COURT CONVENED MONDAY, JULY the 6th, 1874--PRESENT: Geo. B. TINSLEY; T. C. CHURCHMAN; N. J. SORRELL; Geo. MILLER; E. M. HALL; J. J. FOLLIS; F. G. SAMPSON; B. C. BURGIE; H. F. FERGUSON; E. C. PATE; T. H. JOHNSON; M. H. DAVIS; J. F. WILLIAMSON; W. H. HENDRIX; J. F. DICKEY; J. E. McCORKLE; Smith PARKS; A, H. HART; J. M. THOMPSON; M. J. HART; J. D. B. TIPTON; L. H. STEVENS; Jo. MITCHELL; Tim GRIFFEN; D. H. JONES; O. W. HENDERSON; J. H. WATSON; J. B. FERGUSON; N. C. PRITCHETT; J. R. GAMMONS; and J. G. MEADOWS, Justices, when the following proceedings were had, to-wit: J. M. LANE & A. P. MITCHELL, magistrates elect in 16 civil districh, produced commissions, gave bond, qualified and took their seats as members of the court. J. H. GOBBEL, constable elect of 16 civil district, came into court with J. M. LANE & W. R. BRYANT, his securities, and executed bond in sum of six thousand dollars, condition, &c. as the law directs, and took and subscribed to the oaths of office. A public ferry was established at Mitchell's Point on the Mississippi river, T. J. McALLISTER gave the bond required by law to run the same. GUARDIANS--T. H. AKIN was chosen and appointed guardian of Robert and A. J. AKIN, minor heirs of William REED, dec'd, and gave bond in the sum of $300, with J. F. DICKEY & W. H. HENDRIX securities. W. P. SUGG was chosen and appointed guardian of Charly and Mollie STEVENS, minor heirs of Alfred STEVENS, deceased, and gave bond in the sum of $2000, with E. G. SUGG & E. B. PENDLETON securities, and was qualified. JURIES OF VIEW--W. R. TICKLE et als. , jury of view, reporting in favor of a change in the Friendship church road at H. F. FERGUSON's farm, which report was received and the change ordered as recommended by the jury. T. W. JONES et als. , jury of view, reporting in favor of a change in the Jachson road on line between N. PARRISH and J. D. POWELL et al, report received and change ordered to be made at expense of interested parties. D. S. BURGIE and others, jury of view, reported in favor of a new road beginning at J. B. FERGUSON's ferry and running on the line of CLARK and others to the McKNIGHT farm on Obion river, report received and road ordered to be opened by D. S. BURGIE, overseer and hand assigned him. J. C. CARTER and others, jury of view, reported in favor of a new road, beginning at BUNNELL's lane and running thence to beach glade at Forked Deer river, report received and W. J. BRYANT was appointed overseer to open same & c. A. P. STRONDS and others, jury of view, reported in favor of change in Chestnut Bluff road on the line between Vail & Oerly, report received and change ordered to be made. N. PORTER and others, jury for benefit of L. V. REED, reported unfavorable to change in road-report adopted. P. S. TAYLOR, Jack SHELTON, Thomas MILLER, Wilson FROST and Dr. YORK were appointed a jury of view to view out a road, beginning at a point where the Jackson road strikes the widow CALSWELL's land & c. and ordered to report to the next Quarterly Court. F. G. SAMPSON & E. C. PATE were appointed commissioners to have a cistern built in the courthouse yard and report to the next Quarterly Court. Prof. Hamilton PARKS, Superintendent of Public Instruction, tendered his resignation as such;accepted-his compensation for services in 1874, fixed at the rate of $600 per annum. F. G. SAMPSON and others, House of Correction committee reported in favor of establishing a Correction or Workhouse. Thereupon, it was resolved that the lower room of the east end of the County Jail be made the House of Correction for Dyer county. F. G. SAMPSON, Tim GRIFFIN and S. PARKS were appointed a committee to adopt rules & regulations. THE COUNTY COURT appointed the following Judges for the election in August next, at several voting places in different civil districts in Dyer county;viz: #2At Baker's-D. BROCK sr; P. P. BAKER & N. ECHOLS. #2At Miller's-W S LEGGETT, L W WALKER and J A SHELTON. #3Palestine-A B STALCUP, L A ROBERSON &John CEARLY. #4Dyersburg-D A SHAW, J W LAUDERDALE, R N BUTTERWORTH. #5Hurricane Hill-Joe SMITH, J P HART, P O LEDSINGER. #5Merriwether-Wm. JORDON, A B BLEDSOE, W R BRYANT. #6Newbern-G W FULLER, J G TUCKER, R W TOWNSEND. #7Ro-Ellen-E A HENDERSON, L B SWIFT, E HALL. #8Cypress-Z J MILAN, R F TEMPLETON, Z T AKIN. #9Maxville-A S PARKS, J H TEMPLETON, J T MOORE. #10Spenceville-John MILLS, J G PITTS, Allen RAWLES. #11atJ MITCHELL'S-J R BELL, J H HUMPREY, W T PATE. #11atL M MITCHELL'S-Thomas SLATER, W E ROBERTS, L N STEVENS. #12Holly Springs-J C THORTON, H McCOY, J H MANGRUM. #13Watson's-G A TOWER, W M BUTLER, S SKIPPER. #14Gum Flats-J S WALLACE, F M STROTHER, C DOUGHERTY. #15Trimble Station-T B BATEMAN, W H WATSON, J L DAVIS. The Coroner, J C PINNER, appointed the following special deputies to hold the election at the several voting places: #2Baker's Store-S J JONES; #2Miller's-P S TAYLOR; #3Palestine-J W HASSELL; #4Dyersburg_____: #5Hurricane Hill-W M HURT; #5Merriwether's-J M LANE; #6Newbern-W H LANIER; #7Ro-Ellen-T C BARCLAY; #8Cypress-N COKER; #9Maxville-H P STRAWN; #10Spence's-John GARDNER; #11atL M MITCHELL-Erasmus SLATER; #11atJ MITCHELL-Charles I LOVE; #12Holly Springs-Tim J GRIFFIN; #13Watson-F M CHAMBERS; #14Gum Flats-J B FERGUSON; #15Trimble Station-J G MEADOWS. The Sheriff was ordered to summon the following to serve as Jurors at the next Circuit Court: Venire. Dist#2-W N PARRISH, W FROST, D BROCK, sr; #3-L A ROBERTSON, C L DAVIS; #4-Ben WARD, C ALSTON, E JENKINS, C J COKER; #5-D BURNHAM, S D LIGHT; #6-H DILLON, J W ENOCKS, Wm. JACKSON; #7-Jo. CHITWOOD, H P SCOOT; #8-T W AKIN, A CHITWOOD, R F TEMPLETON; #9-C W HALL, J T MOORE, J S WARD; #10-L W PRICHARD, F M HANCOCK; #11-L N STEVENS, L M MICHELL; #12-S J COOK, Jesse HARRIS; #13-G W COLLY, J E POLSTON; #14-J B FERGUSON, N C PRITCHETT; #15-A L PITTS, Alfred STALCUP; #16-A B BLEDSOE, Wm. JORDON; OFFICER-James H HARDISON. ALLOWANCES:The following allowances were made and warrants ordered issued for same: TO: L D BROWN for building bridge-$140. 00 Mrs. H ROSS, taxes erroneously paid--$26. 65 R STAGGS for building bridge--$43. 00 Z T BLEDSOE for building bridge--$100. 00 J N BUTLER Sup't of poorhouse--$105. 00 James ARNETT for board tree--$3. 00 PARKES & DRAPER supplies for poorhouse--$28. 90 J R GREEN corn for poorhouse--$60. 00 J M McGINNIS repairing bridge &c--$34. 00 L C McCLERKIN summoning jurors &c--$16. 80 D ADAMS repairing fence around CH--$3. 00 H W VAUGHN nuts & bolts for jail--$1. 50 W B TIPTON express charges on books--$2. 25 W M WATKINS Clk's apc past quarter--$55. 40 J W HARTON hauling P to graveyard--$2. 00 TURNER & KELLY repairing courthouse--$10 J G SEAT repairing roof of Courthouse--$10 STEVENS Bros. lumber furnished county--$82. 84 J F WILLIAMSON bill of cost vs county--$13. 30 F G SAMPSON books furnished county--$61. 50 F G SAMPSON stationary furnished county--25. 00 T H KELLY Jailor's account--74. 40 W M WATKINS making out Tax books for 1874--200. 00 B LEGGETT coffin for pauper--5. 00 H COWLES coffin for pauper--10. 00 B T DOYLE messenger for Chancery Court--1. 00 SMITH PARKS WAS APPOINTED and qualified as administrator of J W SMITH and J D SCOBY, deceased. Bonds, $2000 & $1000, respectively. ALFRED ENOCHS, THOMAS PACE, and W L MEADOWS WERE APPOINTED a committe to lay off and set apart a years' allowance to the widow and family of J W SMITH, Dec'd. R W TOWNSEND, J R GREEN & W L MEADOWS to lay off allowance for Mrs. J D SCOBY and family. OVERSEERS: Robert DRANE appointed overseer of the road from Church Grove to Hurricane Hill. W WELLS appointed overseer of the Troy road from 4 mile to 6 mile post. Joe HARRISON appointed overseer of the Sharp's Ferry road from Richland creek to Reed's creek. Clay SCOBY appointed overseer of the Kenton road from Sharp's Ferry road to Reed's creek. J A PRATT appointed overseer of the Lake road from Lane's gin to the Dyer county line. J FULLERTON appointed overseer of road from Finly Bridge to W B REED's east boundary line. G W PIERCE appointed overseer of road commencing between James FERRIL & J M THOMPSON on the Georgetown road to Mahon's Ditch. A S RAY appointed overseer of road leading from Geogetown road to Dr. PALMER's from Mahon's ditch to the Newbern road. R J JAMES appointed overseer of Hale's Point road from the branch west of Wilson WYNNE to the east end of the bridge at J R TODD's lane. Everett BLOOMINGDALE appointed overseer of Martin's Landing road from N P TATUM's southwest corner to Rehobeth Church. Silas FERRIL appointed overseer of road from the 6th district line to the Lake road. Isham JAMES appointed overseer of Michell Point road from Rock slough to Ferguson's ferry. W F LAMAR appointed overseer from FAY & HUNTER's Mill to Sandy Fork. Richard HARRIS appointed overseer of the road from Spencer WILLIAMSON's to the ferry on Obion river at the old Crockett mills. James STAGNER appointed overseer of Hale's Point road from the end of the lane at Tom RICHARDSON's to bridge at J R TODD's. D A SHAW appointed overseer of Trenton road from the corporation line of Dyersburg to the 2 mile post. P E GREGSFON appointed overseer of Michell Point road from 5 mile post to Rock slough. Wesley TARKINGTON appointed overseer of the Michell Point road from W T HARRIS' gate to Dr. HUEY's gate. A P POWELL appointed overseer of Trento road from the 6 mile post to the 7 mile post.
End this issue
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