John H. York Will Probated January 6th 1902 Minute Book "8" Page 201 & 2 I, JOHN H. YORK, of Crockett County Tenn. being of sound mind, make and publish this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all former Wills made by me. 1st: I direct that my Executor pay all just debts against my estate out of the first mony that may come into his hands as Executor. 2nd: I direct that my home farm, East of Dyersburg, of 250 or 300 acres, be rented out and the proceeds go to the support of my wife SARAH A. YORK during her natural life, then, 3rd: I direct that One hundred acres be laid off to my daughter MRS. E. F. SMITH and the balance to my son JOHN B. YORK. 4th: I give to my Grand Daughters, each, SALLIE HODGE and FANNIE BELL $500.00 Five Hundred Dollars. 5th: Desire that my wife stay wherever she chooses and that she have all the household and kitchen furniture. 6th: After preserving $150.00 or there abouts, One hundred and fifty dollars for a monument to be erected to myself and wife, the balance of money collected, and after all expenses paid I wish divided equally between my wife and my son JOHN B. YORK and my daughter MRS. SMITH. [note: there is no "7th"]
8th: I hereby appoint my son JOHN B. YORK my Executor and not to give Bond. In testimony whereof I subscribe my name. This April 28th 1898
Witnesses: Attest a true copy D. B. DODSEN Clerk |
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